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"ok baby!" Barbara said smiling "since I'm going to adopt you I can call you baby. isn't it?" she asked picking her up and going to the wardrobe a little pastel purple childish dress and she went to make it on Kairi, together a hairband to the same color "do you like it?" Barbara asked showing it her. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

"oh! you are so cute!" she said sweetly picking her up and taking the her diaper bag "Let's go" she said getting out to her house and going to her car "do you prefer tell me when you need a diaper change or you prefer that I check your diddy?" Barbara asked her while she opened the car door and put her in the car seat before fasten the security belt and go to seat down to the driver car seat "do you want some music during the traveling?" the woman asked to the little woman.

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Kairu blushed as she was picked up which caused her diaper to crinkle “Umm could you check me.” As she was set in the car seat and nodded her head shyly at wanting some music 

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"agree little one!" Barbara said turning on the car stereo and inserting the children's songs CD that her nephew liked very much before starting the engine of her car and heading to the city "we need some minutes to arrivein the city then main time I say you something about the city: 
The name of the town where we are going now is Saxar and it's the second city in the population of the country with 20000 inhabitants, the first is the Caralis with 45000 inhabitants both amazons like me both littles like you who lives in perfect harmony. The Shardanian Republic is been one of the first countries of the world to concede the littles right in 1956 than 70 years ago. Since that year a lot of littles immigrated here; especially artists, intellectuals, scientists; creating the conditions for a real economic boom for Shardany" Barbara explained to Kairi "obviously littles adoptions are legal because some amazons want to adopt littles, but it's very strictly regulated and it can be done only in an adoption centre" 

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Kairi nodded her head as she did her best to try to understand the city’s history and listening to children’s songs about halfway through the trip the little started to wet her diaper 

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Barbara arrived to Saxar's central square and parked her car "we are arrived" she said going to park the car before going to take the little girl from the baby booster "the adoption center is here" she said indicating the building in front of them "my sister work here" Barbara said smiling to Kairi getting in the building.

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Barbara brought Kairi to the building stopping in front of the door "are you ready?" she asked smiling to the little before get in the building and go to the first office's door on she knocked waiting some one answer her.

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Kairi nodded her head shyly as someone from the agency opened the door “Well hello there I see you brought a little cutie with you today.” As the little eeped and tried to hide behind Barbara causing her to wet her diaper more 

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"Beh! yes she is Kairi" Barbara said smiling "I'm here to start an adoption practice for adopt her" she explained following the employee in the office "do you know the documents you knee to adopt a little?" the man asked her.

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Barbara completed the form that the worker gave her putting her and Kairi's data and signing and making Kairi sign at the bottom of the document "ok. what do you think about celebrate the adoption with a good ice cream?" Barbara asked smiling to Kairy.

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Barbara smiled picking her new little girl up "now I bring you where there is made the best ice cream in all of Saxar" she said to her smiling "but first we have to change this diaper" she said before to say goodbye to the worker and getting out from the building.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"yes honey!" she said smiling and going to her car, opening the back car door and laying the little down on the rear seat of her car before taking her diaper bag and taking a diaper from it "Could you keep this from mommy please?" she said smiling to the little woman before moving her dress to work on her diaper.

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Barbara cleaned Kairi's princess area with the utmost care and delicacy, talking sweetly with the little girl during the process. When she finished she spread the cream on her little butterfly "ok. could you give me it?" the amazon asked to the little indicating the diaper.

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"thanks little bunny!" Barbara said smiling before taking the diaper from Kairi's little hand before open it and take the little from the ankles and pick her up to put the diaper under her butty "done!" she said picking the little up and kissing her little nose before go to the ice cream shop.

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Barbara smiled seeing her little girl blushing before drive until the ice cream shop named "Neverland". Then she get out the car and she went to help the little to get out "do you want come in my arms or walk giving me your little hand?" Barbara asked asked sweetly to Kairi while she was still sat down in the car seat. 

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