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"do you prefer a sippy cup? OK!" Barbara said going to take a purple sippy cup with a unicorn printed on it and filling it with water before offering it to her guest. The amazon woman wanted very much that her guest feels comfortable, Shardany had a long tradition of hospitality and she firmly behave in this value.

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Kairu shook her head “Never got into relationships due to my size.” She said as she thought of a second and nodded her head “I guess can use a cup of a tea.” She said forgetting about her bladder for a moment 

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"I understand," she said going to take a pot, fill it with water and put it on the cooker to make it boil, when the water was ready Barbara poured it into the teapot and put the dry leaves of tea, after some minutes Barbara poured a cup of tea in a porcelain cup that she offered to her new friend before fill another one for her self. 


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"thanks!" Barbara said with a big smile "I learned to prepare it from my mother" she explained her drinking a sip of tea and seating down "there is nothing better than a cup of good hot tea to relax. Isn't it?" She asked to Kairi before drink another sip.

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Barbara cooed when she saw the little who sucked her thumb and she felt the desire to adopt her, but she couldn't do it without her explicit agree. She knew the low and she had vowed to protect the low in witch she believed firmly. "ehi? this is better" she said replacing Kairu's thumb it with a pink pacifier "you are too cute!" she said with a very sweet smile.

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Kairi blushed as she didn’t realize she was sucking  her thumb before finding a pacifier stuck in her mouth and nodded her head slowly the woman would notice she had some pubic hair near her diaper area

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"these are a problem but don't worry I will solve it" Barbara said taking a black tube of cream "this could give you a very cold sensation" she said s squeezing a drop of cream on her finger and starting to spread it on the little young girl privates.

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Kairi blushed heavily  “What do you mean?” She asked before squealing we shivering as the cream was applied on her “Ahh!!! That’s cold! She said having no idea her pubic hair was a problem or how the woman was going to solve it.

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"now we go to the bathroom" Barbara said to Kairu picking her up from the changing table, carrying her to the bathroom before put the girl in the bathtub and turned the siphon on before use it ti rinse the groin of the little young girl. "ok we're almost done" she said while the little girl while her pubic hair fell down in the tub.

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Kairi blushed heavily as she set in the tub before feeling her Princess parts being rinsed off and seeing all her pubic hair fall off leaving small little smooth as a newborn “My hair.., it’s… gone.” She said blushing 

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"yes sweetty in this way keep clean will be easier" Barbara explained picking the little woman up and getting her to the changing table before take a diaper with the face of a bunny on her front "a cute diaper for a cute girl" she said showing the diaper to Kairu.

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Kairi blushed as she sucked her pacifier before gazing her eyes at the bunny themed diaper before she instinctively lifted her legs and noticed the bottle of baby powder next to her as she waited to be padded up 

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