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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Greetings from a DL in coastal New England.

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Hi all,

I have a more detailed profile description on fetlife (same username if anyone wants to know more about me), so I'll keep this brief just to say hello.

I'm a relatively recent convert to full DL status; though, looking back on my life, the seeds were always there - just suppressed. I started in the fetish world on the omorashi/wetting side pretty much straight out of the cradle and started really exploring that at age 14. I even briefly tried diapers when I was 19 but never allowed myself to consider it beyond a first trial.

I'm married for 9 years and love my wife deeply enough to explain my entire fetish journey. She doesn't share any of my particular interests, but is supportive as much as she can be. I'm on the autistic spectrum - high-functioning, but definitely have most of the same experiences others on the spectrum do, especially with sensory stimuli, pattern obsession, hyperfocus, and social fatigue. I'm an atmospheric scientist and definitely somewhat geeky, but too mundane to quite fit in fully with the convention-going diehards (e.g. I'm into Star Trek, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Marvel, board games, sports statistics, geek romance, and philosophy...but not really RPGs like D&D, cosplay, LARP'ing, fandom communities for even the things I love, conventions, fanfiction, gaming beyond the casual stuff, etc.).

I find I do better making friends and connecting with like-minded people through forums and chats, rather than sites like fetlife or social media and was glad to see that a forum like this one still existed and had decent activity as, it seems like most of the internet chatter for people like me has shifted more to soundbite social media (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, etc). I used to be very active in watersports/omorashi forums and chat pages and really got to know a bunch of folks more personally as friends and I miss that. I'm hoping to get to know more folks from the ABDL space now that I've realized that's more important to me that I ever imagined.

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Hi and welcome to DD. Nice to meet you, and it’s always good to see new people joining us here. There’s plenty of good likeminded people here, I think you’ll like it, and fit right in. If any questions, don’t be shy. Relax, have fun, and enjoy!

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Welcome, Awake_Maybe! I'm also a DL in New England, though not on the coast. I've been on and off this site with different accounts for a long time and can honestly say it's one of the best communities out there. Friendly folks, lots of good discussions, etc. I share many of those same interests - LoTR, board games, philosophy, etc. Hope you find what you're seeking here :) 

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