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Family relegations private for jamespeterson89 and me

baby frost

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Aurora clapped happily before taking her paci and sitting back in her carseat

cassie let her daddy lift her and place her down in the trunk. She watched him take the diaper out and fluff it and giggled as he talked about her soggy butt


ana made her way to the snacks” which chips would you like buddy” she asked

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“ sure buddy what flavor” she said as she got 2 bags of chips and waited for him to pick a flavor


cassie looked up at her daddy lovingly as he changed her and relaxed completely in a baby like bliss 

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Ana grabbed the pringles and got some juicinesses and Sodas for her and James and headed to checkout 

cassie smiled and snuggled into her daddy as she was lifted.” Me stay wif you” she asked seeinf they weren’t leaving yet 

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Matt's stomach churned not quite empty after breakfast and with a contented sigh he filled up his huggies again.

James nodded. "Okay sweetie". He went and grabbed Aurora knowing she was very energetic and seeing there was a play area a short walk away. "Why don't we go take little sister to play on the swings" he smiled.

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Ana was putting the items on the conveyor when she saw Matt and then caught a whiff of something stinky. She gave him a sniff and laughed.” Whew buddy you all done or you still got some left in there” she said as she went back to putting the items on the conveyor 

Cassie’s nodded and once aurora saw the play area she was ready to play

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“ ok buddy we’ll get you changed when we’re done here ok” she said as she waited for her turn to pay

aurora was happy to swing her little legs swinging in the air as she went back and forth

cassie was enjoying snuggling with her daddy but knew she was going to be in the car.” Pway” she said 

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Ana waited for her turn and eventually paid and then got the fresh huggie and wipes out and headed for the family restroom

Both girls swung. Happily before pointing to the slide and wanting to go down a few times

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Ana lifted him up and heard the whining.” Aww does somebody have more poopies to get out” she got his pants off and laid him on the changing table. She took his legs and started to do a bicycle motions with his legs to help him get it all out


borh girls headed over to the slide and took turns going down

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“ ok stinky let’s get you all cleaned up she said. She ripped the tapes and lifted his legs and started to wipe him clean

The girls seeing their daddy chasing them started to run away still having an extremely good time

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