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First Time At the Ball Drop in Times Square ... Chapter 8


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First Time at the Ball Drop in Times Square

Chapter 8


Mommy woke me up she sat on the bed and kissed my forehead.

          “Did you have a nice nap baby” she asked?

“Yes Mommy” I answered as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

“What time is it” I asked?

“It’s a little past noon” she said.

“Let me change you (maybe I should have explained that being premature I have a small bladder) I’m sure you must be wet after your nappy” she said. She went to the draw and took out the supplies and set them on the bed then she pulled the covers down she found my binkie and slipped it back into my mouth.

She pulled the tapes apart then lifted my legs by my ankles and removed the wet diaper. While she was changing me she looked like she wanted to say something so I asked “Mommy what’s wrong” I asked?

“I don’t want you getting upset” she said. “Promise me that you will stay calm when I tell you I don’t want to see that temper”.

I couldn’t think of what she was going to say was this it did she get tired of taking care of me, did she think that what we were doing was wrong to be playing this game. I didn’t know what I was going to do if she wasn’t interested in me anymore. Tears grew in my eyes and I was about to start crying but there was that shadow hiding just outside the door again.

It was nosy Janet Jodie’s cousin watching Mommy change my wet diaper.

“Is … it about … you don’t … I sounded like I was about to cry… your cousin Janet peaking in watching you change my dipee Mommy” I shouted and pointed to her.

“Mommy turned around she saw her shadow on the flood outside her door.

“What’s wrong with you Janet I didn’t tell him you were here yet” Mommy said very angry.

“Oh so all this was to warn me that she was here” I asked?

“Yes baby, but what did you think I was going to say” she asked?

“I thought … you … never mind” I said and gave her a big hug as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Oh baby I’m sorry if I scared you” she said and hugged me back.

“Janet go back down stairs and wait for us” Mommy said to her.

Mommy laid me back down and continued to change me she bent down and kissed me once on the lips then asked me if it would be Ok to dress me in what she bought me at Baby’s R Us” this morning.

“No not if Janet is still here” I answered really upset.

“But she will not tell anyone I promise” Jodie said. “She’s my cousin she knows what would happen if she told anyone please baby”. “I have enough on her that her parents would through her out and disown her” she said and kissed my nose.

“Well … I guess” and before I let all the words out she was half on top of me kissing me all over my face while I was naked underneath her.

“Thank you baby thank you baby that’s so sweet of you” she said and finished putting the diaper on me. Then she started to blow bubbles all over my belly. I giggled so hard I peed in my clean diaper.

“I have the perfect outfit for you” she said and got up and went to her closet.

I heard her inside her closet “this is going to be so much fun now I can dress you we are really going to have a wonderful time together as Mommy and Baby” she said to me or to herself in the closet.

When she came out she was beaming her smile was like the sun in the early morning warm and bright.

“First we have what they call an Omnie they have snaps in between the legs that makes diaper changes Oh so easy” she said.

“Handies up baby” I put my hands over my head she put my arms through the sleeves then she started to pull it down. It was soft and warm she pulled it all the way down then she pushed me back down on my back.

She lifted my legs and pulled the tail under me then pulled the front down too and snapped it in between my legs. My diaper pulled in closer to me it fit perfect but how did she buy something like this for me for my body size I wondered.

“You’re not really a men’s small nor are you a baby’s large it would fit you but they got this new supply for … um … handi cap toddlers boys and girls”. “I’m sorry baby” she said and looked down at me.

I couldn’t say anything I just looked at her tears rolled down my cheeks.

She bent down again and gave me the most passionate kiss of my life.

“Thank you baby you are my very special big baby” she said. “Now you are not only my baby boy but you will look like one too” she said.

I looked down at the front of the Omnie it was yellow and had a big Giraffe on the front it was really cute and very babyish I thought.

Mommy took a pair of yellow shorts she pulled my legs through the legs openings I lifted my bottom so she could pull them up over my Omnie.

“Such a good baby for helping Mommy yes yes you are” she cooed.

Then she pulled a white pair of socks over my feet they were short they had ruffles on the top but looked really cute. “And last but not least” she put a blue pair of sneakers on and pulled the Velcro tabs closed.

“When you walk baby the sneakers light up” she said.

“One more thing baby” she said she picked me up we went into the bathroom she sat me on the counter and wet her brush then she started parting my hair on the right side but I shook my head no.

“What baby” she asked?

“When I was younger I parted it on the left” I said with my yellow binkie still in my mouth.

She kissed my nose then parted my hair on the left.

“Oh yes you look absolutely adorable yes yes you do Baby boy of mine” she cooed.

She picked me up and hugged me so hard I had to tell her “Mommy I a Baby”.

She eased up and kissed me on the lips then she put me in her arms cradling me like a real baby and rocked me and cooed to me “you’re Mommy’s very special baby boy yes yes you are”.

She started to walk to the door I pulled the binkie out of my mouth “please Jodie please don’t embarrass me” I said.

“I would never do that to you Jerry you are my baby boy and I would never do anything to hurt you” she said.

“Then tell me about what Rose put in my OJ or coffee that made me poop in my diaper this morning” I asked?

“How did you know about that” she asked?

“Your face gave you away and I knew something was up between the two of you”. “I never poop late in the morning it is always early it looks like Mommy and Rose are the ones who need the spanking not baby Jerry” I said and put the binkie back in my mouth and smirked at her.

She continued to rock me in her arms as she entered the livingroom Janet was sitting there drinking tea.

Janet looked at me then Jodie then back at me then back at Jodie “OMG cuz he is as adorable as you said he would be I really didn’t believe you but seeing is believing” she said.

I froze as Jodie held me tight I buried my face into Mommy breast as Janet tickled me and made me giggle.

“Sit down” Mommy told Janet. Mommy sat down and held me in her arms. Janet ran her hands all over me touching my face my nose my binkie and the bottom of my diaper.

“Want to hold him” Mommy asked Janet then looked at me. Janet put her arms out she got ready because she is not as strong as Jodie. Jodie handed me over to Janet and she held me in her lap.

“So cute” she said touching my binkie while I sucked on it. I saw a little twinkle in her eyes like Jodie has from time to time. I wonder what she was thinking at that point.

“I have to feed the baby can you keep an eye on him for a few minutes” she asked Janet?

Janet was in another world as she watched me sucking on my binkie.

“Jannnn… et” Mommy sang Janet broke her thoughts from me and said “what”?

“Can you keep an eye on him for a few minutes until I get him his lunch” she asked again.

“Oh sure sure anytime I can babysit anytime you need me” she said.

Mommy giggled and left the room.

Janet rocked me in her lap smiling at me. “Auntie Janet is right here Mommy and I will take good care of you” she said.

I didn’t like the sound of that so I started to fuss in her lap she got nerves and sat me on the floor in front of the TV she took the remote and put on the cartoon channel. I turned around and looked at her she might have thought I was mad but I smiled at her and looked back to the TV. Tom and Jerry were on my favorite cartoons.

“Ok baby lunch is ready” she said and picked me up. “Janet I have a sandwich for you too if you would like to eat with me and Baby Jerry” she said.

Mommy walked into her kitchen Janet followed and sat down Mommy sat me on the chair with the phone books on it.

“That’s a good idea but he needs a highchair” Janet said “that’s a good idea maybe I should look into that at the place I bought his car seat” Mommy said.

Mommy sat down next to me and started to feed me. It was good rice and a little broccoli. Janet ate her sandwich and starred at me.

I opened my mouth as Mommy feed me when I swallowed what was in my mouth I said “you’re starring at me again”.

“Oh sorry” Janet said but you look and act just like a baby” she said.

“Well that’s because he is a baby my baby” Mommy said. “What we are doing is what we both want there is nothing wrong with it if we like it and are not hurting anyone he is so small that I can treat him as my baby it’s out business noone else’s that’s why I’m trusting you to keep this a secret” Jodie said.

“If it’s not hurting anyone then why are you keeping it a secret” Janet asked?

“Because people will think it strange or gross taking care of an older man I don’t think it is and it sounds like you may have a problem with this do you Janet” Jodie asked?

“No … no not at all Jodie not at all I’m so happy I am included in your secret thank you” she said.

Mommy continued to feed me until the bowl was empty. She wiped my mouth and hands with a wet dish towel and got me a drink. She handed me a sippy cup it reminded me of this morning when Rose gave me my OJ in a soda cup a lid and a straw. I still had to find out why they did that to me. I took a sip and it was filled with grape juice.

Mommy smile at me “OK” she asked?

I drank and shook my head yes.

A few minutes later “can you please bring him back into the livingroom while I clean up and let him watch TV or let him play with some of the toys I bought for him this morning the toy box is behind the sofa” Mommy said.

When Janet put me down I crawled into the livingroom and looked behind the sofa to see what was in the box. There were all kinds of baby toys, big baby Lego’s, fisher price trucks and cars, baby keys, stuffed animals. One looked like Miss Piggy then I saw Herman the Frog.

I giggled and pick them both up. I noticed that Janet was watching me on the other side of the sofa bending over the top watching me play.

“You like Miss Peggy and Herman” she asked?

“Their cute I wonder how she found them in diapers” I said with my binkie in my mouth.

I started to dance them around lying on my belly. Then I spotted the Lego’s they were the big ones ones for toddlers. I pulled them out and started to put them together. From the corner of my eye I saw Janet still watching me she looked like she wanted to join me so I took a few blocks and put them so she could see them.

“Me” she asked “you want Auntie Janet to play with you” she asked and got off the sofa and joined me on the floor and we started to put them together.

“OMG what do I have here two toddlers do you need a diaper too” she said as she walked in.

“No but I know someone who does” she said. I looked up at Janet and blushed.

Stay right there I’ll be right back” Mommy said. When she returned she gave Janet all the supplies for a diaper change. I turned beet red. Janet turned me around on my back she pulled my body to her and started to take my shorts off I looked at Jodie and wondered when she was going to stop her but she didn’t.

Janet took my shorts off then unsnapped the Omnie and rolled it up over my belly. She took a clean diaper and shook it open and laid it next to me she pulled the tapes lifted my legs by my ankles and pulled the wet diaper out and slid the clean one under me and let my legs down while Mommy watched her.

Baby wipes in hand she started to wipe my diaper area clean not saying a word about my little peepee. A sprinkle here and there and she pulled the diaper up between my legs and taped it nice and tight around my waist.

“Oh these diapers are so cute this is what they look like before they get wet” Janet asked?

“Yes I bought them the other day for him to make him look more like my baby” Jodie said.

Janet pulled the Omnie down and snapped them closed then put my shorts back on and had me stand up.

“Give Aunt Janet a hug baby for changing your dipee so fast” Mommy said.

I was standing Janet was kneeling I stepped close and put my arms around her and hugged her. I don’t know what it was but it felt nice to give her a hug for helping me.



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