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The Misadventures of Thunder Bunny (Updated Ch. 2 12/9/2022)

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Hey everybody! So excited to bring this chapter to you all! This story was inspired by an RP that is just so much fun, I just had to share it! Please feel free to leave a comment or review!



The Misadventures of Thunder Bunny (Chapter 1)






Panther Cub




    As Jessica zipped up her suit, she couldn't help but beam with excitement. She looked into her full body mirror to see a grey-furred bunny in a pink and black leather jumpsuit, complete with a pink and black domino mask. "Thunder Bunny is here to save the day!" She said with a giggle, before taking a second to compose herself. Not wanting to waste anymore time, she opened up the window to her apartment, and leapt out. She channeled her ability and fired off a sonic boom that propelled her towards her destination, Zeta City's First National Bank.



    With a soft thud, Jessica looked up, now standing in front of Zeta City's First National Bank. So far, she had arrived before any law enforcement, but she knew that they wouldn't be too far behind, what with the Hero Association having deployed her first to deal with the supervillain inside. Jessica had read the file on the individual known as Mother Goose. The villain was pretty new, with very scarce info on her. Just that she was a female white-feathered avian. So Jessica approached the front doors with caution. She entered, looking around with her guard up. She saw the hostages, what appeared to be all of them. They were all unconscious... and she noticed a few of the sleeping bankgoers sucking their thumbs. Jessica moved in further, smelling the faint scent of baby powder.



    Before she could do anything about them, she heard a voice behind her. 



    "Well now, aren’t you the cutest little thing I’ve seen."



    Whipping around, Jessica saw Mother Goose, dressed in her iconic light green Victorian style dress, complete with a green felt hat and large white ribbon, and parasol, and a black domino mask. Standing next to the large goose was a rather short tan-furred mouse woman. She was dressed as a maid with a pair of glasses over her own domino mask. The mouse was checking her clipboard. "We have some time in the schedule to allow for some witty banter with the superheroine, around two minutes." The mouse then returned to grabbing the duffel bags, resuming stuffing stacks of cash into it.



    "Thank you very much," Mother Goose nodded to her apparent side-kick. She turned to face the rabbit. "Before we begin our 'witty banter', I believe we should introduce ourselves. I am Mother Goose, and this is my faithful associate, Nanny. And who may you be, young lady?"



    "I'm Thunder Bunny. Now, are you gunna give yourselves up, or are we gunna have to do this the hard way?" Jessica smirked as she cracked her knuckles.



    Mother Goose tut-tutted and wagged a feathery finger in Thunder Bunny's direction, before glancing to the mouse maid.



    "Think we can schedule giving her a lesson on proper etiquette?"



    "Absolutely, ma'am, but we'll have to make short work of her."



    "You can stop speaking like I'm not even here," Jessica said, placing a paw on her hip, "For someone speaking about proper etiquette and all that noise, that's pretty damn rude of the both of you."



    "Please don't interrupt, dear. The grown ups are talking."



    Furrowing her brow, always having hated it when people treated her like a child, especially prevalent due to her younger-looking appearance, Jessica huffed and said "The hard way it is then," before raising her left paw and firing off a sonic boom at the two.



    Getting knocked to the ground as it hit the wall, Mother Goose looked at her assistant and nodded, reaching into her outfit and pulling out a gas mask and tossing a canister to Nanny. With a nod, Nanny pressed a button on the side of the canister and lobbed it at Thunder Bunny, donning her own gas mask. Jessica was about to blast it back, when it went off in a massive white puff of smoke. Jessica started to sneeze and cough, squinting her watering eyes in the direction of the two.



    The goose stood back up, walking over to the bunny as the powder cloud did its work on her.



    "Well, this wasn't how I imagined tonight would end, but on the bright side..." She leaned in as Jessica began to get weak in the knees, her head starting to spin. "... I nabbed me a little cutie like you."



    Jessica mentally cursed herself for letting herself be caught off guard, feeling oddly weak in her limbs. She then had a sudden thought, and clapped her paws together, creating another boom, this one clearing the cloud around her. Shakily, she tried to stand up straighter, but her legs buckled and she sank to her knees.



    "That's the last of the money," Nanny said, carrying three duffle bags over her shoulder, stopping down and grabbing another two, not showing the least bit of strain.



    Mother Goose smiled while she removed the mask, as she saw the hero was struggling to stand. She knelt down to her level, looking the hero in her eyes as she put her wings on her shoulders.



    "Aww, is someone getting sleepy? Don't worry, we'll take good care of you from now on, Thunder Bun."



    Out of reflex, she tried to shake off the wing-hands and tried to fire another sonic boom, but was quickly blacking out, still coughing.



    Mother Goose chuckled and rummaged through the big pink purse she was carrying, pulling out a white rectangle, which she quickly unfolded. Thunder Bunny's eyes went wide as she saw that it was a diaper.



    "Just relax, sweetie. You don't have to worry, you're in good hands," She said as she began to unzip the superhero's suit, getting the bunny ready. 



    Jessica tried, desperately, to remain conscious, especially when she felt her suit being removed, exposing her sports bra and white panties. She squeaked after her legs came free from the leather, and then felt her panties being pulled off. She certainly did NOT like where this was going. 



    Mother Goose rubbed the bunny's back as she soothed her, gently making her lie down.



    "There, there, sweetie. Just let me handle this from now on," She said, putting the suit and underwear in a pile next to her, in front of the Nanny, who pulled out a blue vial that she quickly uncorked. She poured the liquid on the pile of clothes, blue smoke coming off it immediately. Soon, it had all melted as a hole started to burn through the floor.



    Jessica whined and tried to kick her legs free from the goose's grasp, but was far too weak. Just as she blacked out, she felt something being shoved into her mouth that she tried to spit out, but found she wasn't able to.



    Mother goose smiled, popping a pacifier in the rabbit's mouth as she finished taping the diaper around her waist. There were little cartoon money bags and dollar signs on the diaper.



    "There you go, honey. Now you're properly dressed," she said, rubbing the padded hero's tummy. She looked up to the mouse. "So, think we can make a schedule for her?"



    "Of course, Ma'am." Jessica heard the words as though they were coming from far away, as everything went dark.



    Please don't let the news get video of me in a diaper... she thought, before the darkness swallowed her.




* * *




    Jessica slowly started to come to. There was something in her mouth, but she wasn't sure what. She opened her eyes and blinked, letting the darkened room she was in slowly come into focus. She looked around herself, seeing what looked like bars. She wondered if she was in some kind of a cage, but wondered what kind of cage doesn't have a top. And there was something dangling above her, slowly rotating. Jessica faintly recognized the object above as a mobile, with plush carrots, slowly rotating. 



    Jessica sat up, it taking all of her effort to do so, still feeling out of it, and felt something squishy between her legs. Before thinking to investigate underneath the soft pink blanket that covered her lower half, she looked around the room. She saw what looked like a set of drawers with a large padded table on top. She spotted some kind of a night light in the corner, where there was a surprisingly large rocking horse. The walls were all a soft pink. 



    This looks like some kind of giant nursery... Jessica thought to herself, unaware that she was absentmindedly sucking on the pacifier still in her mouth. She threw off the blanket to reveal that she was wearing a pink t-shirt with some writing on it, a pair of childish pink booties, some pink mittens that appeared to be locked on her paws, and of course, a large and soaked diaper. Not a medical adult diaper. No, her eyes started to go wide at the sight of the baby diaper with baby-block letters spelling out "Little Stinker" across the waistband.



    Before Jessica could properly react to anything that was going on, be it where she was, what she was wearing or even the fact she had apparently wet herself, her train of thought was cut off by the distinctive sound of a door opening. Jessica, wobbly, stood up in the crib, holding onto the top of the rail, and looked towards the sound of the door. She was still sucking her binky, completely unaware. The door creaked open all the way, and two figures, a familiar goose and a mouse, stepped in.



    "Aww, hello there, sleepy head. Did you have a nice nap?" The goose asked in a condescending voice.



    "Modew Goof!" Jessica lisped due to her binky, pointing an accusatory finger at the goose. Hearing herself, she crossed her eyes, saw what she was sucking on, and spit it out. "You are under arrest!"



    Unable to help giving off a chuckle, Mother Goose simply put her wing on her hip, a smile on her beak. "Oh? Miss puddle pants is taking me to jail?" She asked, pointing her free hand between Jessica’s legs. "Now, it's not playtime yet, sweetheart. We need to get you changed."



    Jessica looked down, and let out a squeak, seeing the yellowed front of the droopy diaper. She pulled up the blankie to try and hide it.



    Nanny entered, smirking, and with a dry tone asked "Would you like a diaper change, Thunder Bunny?"



    "That's it!" Jessica said, taking a fighting stance and summoning her power.



    "Ah, ah, ah," Mother Goose said, wagging a finger. "Aren't you forgetting something, Thunder Bunny?" 



    At that, she glanced to her assistant, who grinned. Before Jessie's eyes, she reached into that bag hanging from her hip, and pulled out something, letting it hang from her index finger. After a few moments, Thunder Bunny realized what she was looking at.



    "M-my mask," Jessica said, falling back on her padded bottom with a light squish, stunned, and feeling her face flush.



    The goose nodded, and approached the crib, stopping at the gate and looking down at the padded hero. "That's right, Thunder Bunny. It's your mask. And you know what that means, right?" She said, giving a smile.



    "W-what?" Jessica asked, sounding small, unaware of the Nanny approaching from behind and quietly lowering the bars.



    Mother Goose just kept smiling. "Yes, sweetie pie..." 



    She paused, just long enough for the Nanny to reach into the crib, grab Jessica under her arms and pick her up. 



    "We need to get you a clean diaper right away!" Mother Goose finished with a cheerful smile, as Nanny turned her in her arms. 



    Jessica let out another surprised squeak, amazed at how easily the Nanny could lift her up, like she was an actual toddler, and then immediately tried to resist and squirm out of her grip.



    The mouse simply shook her head. "Don't squirm." She turned to a large changing table in the corner. "All you'll do is make yourself more uncomfortable." Giving a small grin, she added. "And we don't wanna let Thunder Bunny get a diaper rash."



    "I don't need this diaper, you sicko! Now let me down before YOU make this arrest worse for YOURSELF!!!"



    "Oh my," Mother Goose interjected, following close behind the pair. "Seems like she's getting fussy."



    Smiling, she held up another pacifier similar to the one Jessie spat out earlier. "Don't worry, I have exactly what you need!" And before the bunny could say anything, the goose shoved the rubber into her mouth. 



    Jessica's grunts were quickly silenced as some strange instinct kicked in. She instantly began suckling. Her struggles tapered off, and her body went limp, a sense of calm spreading through her body.



    "Awww." Mother Goose cooed, as Nanny placed the rabbit on the changing table. "There we go, don't you feel better sweetie?"



    Jessica knew that what was happening was wrong, but couldn't bring herself to fight against it. "I'm a big giwl."



    Giggling, the motherly villain booped Jessie's little pink nose. "Of course you are, honey."



    She reached down, and gently gripped her ankles. "But for now, just suck on your paci, Thunder Bunny." She lifted up her legs, and the Nanny reached up and gripped the tape on the front of the plastic. "You'll be clean before you know it."



    Jessica weakly tried to struggle as her diaper was opened and removed. She jumped a little at the feeling of the baby wipes, but could do nothing. She teared up a little as she smelled the baby powder, and felt herself being lowered on the fresh diaper. Mother Goose hummed as the new fresh diaper was brought up, the big baby bunny's fluffy white tail being brought through a tiny tail hole in the back, and finally taping the soft plastic in place, securing it to the hero's waist.



    "There we go, honey." She brought a feathered hand up, cupping it against Jessie's cheek, looking into her eyes. "Now was that so bad?"



    Jessica wanted to jerk her head away, but could only obediently shake her head no, confirming that it was not so bad, instead of what she really wanted to convey.



    Nanny gave a smile, and reached up to rub Jessie's tummy. "See, Thunder Bunny? A diaper change was exactly what you needed."



    "I down need diapews," Jessica insisted, sucking on her binky still.



    "No?" The nanny asked, standing next to Mother Goose while holding up the now balled up used diaper. Mother Goose was reaching down for the big baby. "Then why were you so soggy when we came in, hmm?"



    "You dwugged me!" Jessica said, struggling as she was scooped into the wings of Mother Goose, who carried her out of the nursery, beginning to bounce the distressed bunny.



    Walking down the hall with her charge firmly in her arms, Mother Goose looked down. "Sweetie, you needed to take your medicine, so that you could get all better."



    "Wiar!" Jessica said before spitting her binky back out, unaware that the Nanny deftly caught it, tucking it into her apron pocket. 



    Mother Goose simply shrugged, opening the door into another room. "We can talk about that later. But for now."



    She brought Jessie up, looking her in the eyes. "Are you hungry, sweetie?"



    Jessica's stomach rumbled, just as she started to struggle. "This is humiliating! And you will let me go right now!"



    Ignoring her protests, Mother Goose sat the bunny down in a chair, which the Nanny swiftly brought a little table in, attaching it to the chair and locking Jessie's arms to her sides.



    "I heard your tummy rumbling, cutie pie. Let's get you some num-nums!"



    Jessica tried to summon her powers, but her humiliation kept throwing her off and preventing her from concentrating. She didn't notice the pink bib gently tied around her neck. Nanny smiled as the bib settled nicely against her shirt, and went to the cabinets as Mother Goose pulled up a chair in front of Jessie, sitting down so she was eye level with the bunny. 



    "Now, be honest with me, honey," she said in a serious tone, before just as quickly shifting back to that friendly one. "What's your favorite food? Any flavor you like?"



    "I'll never talk!"



    Mother Goose tilted her head, glancing over at Nanny, who was returning the look, her hands over two green jars as she waited. She returned her gaze to the fussy rabbit. "Sweetie, it's a simple question. What do you like to eat?"



    Jessica bit her lip, loathe to tell her enemy anything. Weighing her options, she rolled her eyes and relented on this insignificant detail at least. "Strawberries."



    Nanny nodded, putting the green jars back and instead grabbing a soft red jar, closing the cabinet. Mother Goose smiled, and softly pat Thunder Bunny on the head. "There we go, was that so hard?"



    "Yes..." Jessica said, petulantly.



    The goose just giggled in response, as Nanny prepared the food, pouring it into a bowl. "Let's just get you a full tummy, okay sweetie?"



    "Let's just have you two surrender peacefully, and I will go easy on you!"



    Mother Goose once again ignored her comment, as a small bowl was placed on the high chair table. Mother Goose gave her assistant a smile as she took a spoon from the mouse. "Thank you, miss Nanny." The evil assistant simply nodded and curtsied as the motherly villain returned her attention to the hero, who was looking at her food.



    "No way am I eating that," Jessica said defiantly.



    "But it's strawberries, honey." She put the spoon into the mush, scooping it up and holding it up. "Nanny got this just for you."



    Jessica clamped her mouth shut, blushing at this infantile treatment.



    The spoonful of strawberry mush slowly began to approach her mouth, as Mother Goose said. "Open up, sweetie. The choo choo train needs to get through the tunnel!"



    Jessica turned her head away, determined not to give in... yet, when the spoon, smearing some of the mush on her cheek, touched her lip, her mouth opened up and accepted it. Her body quickly swallowed, much to her surprise. It was strawberry and tasty, but felt gross. Yet, she couldn't stop herself.



    "That's a good girl," the avian praised, as Nanny started making something behind her. The goose scooped up another spoonful of the mush, and playfully made more train noises as she once more approached the hungry bunny's mouth. Once again Jessica tried to resist, smearing some more on her face... and still accepted and swallowed the baby food. She was blushing as she started to accept spoonful after spoonful. This interaction continued for some time, Nanny watching with a bemused expression as she poured a warm substance into a bottle, and attaching a rubber nipple to the glass. Finally, after what seemed like forever to the bunny, the last scoop was made, and for what was hopefully the last time, it approached her mouth.



    Feeling oddly full, Jessica didn't try to resist, and obediently accepted the spoonful of mush, her body still automatically swallowing it. Mother Goose was practically beaming as Jessie swallowed the last of her baby food. 



    "There's my sweet baby girl!" Setting the spoon and bowl on the actual table, she undid the latches, put the highchair table down and picked her up. "But you did get awfully messy... oh well, we can fix that soon. For now, I think you wanna wash down your yummy food with a nice drink, right?" she asked, taking the bottle from Nanny, who gave the bunny a smile and a wink. Feeling lethargic, Jessica turned her head away as the rubber nipple of the bottle approached. Once again, when it touched her lips, her mouth opened and accepted it. Her body latched down and started nursing it, while also relaxing, despite her trying to fight it. Both of her hands grabbed the bottle, but simply to hold it securely, not throw it away.



    Mother Goose beamed, cradling the bunny as she suckled on the bottle, gently grabbing the back of her head and rocking her back and forth. "That's it, sweetie..." she said in the gentlest voice possible. "Drink your baba. You love your baba."



    Jessica gulped down the liquid inside. It was creamy and sweet and, as much as she hated to admit it, it tasted pretty good. Soon, she suckled down the last drop, and felt herself being shifted in Mother Goose's arms. She was looking over the large goose's shoulder, noticing a folded hand towel over said shoulder. She felt a pressure in her stomach and lower stomach and groaned a little. Then came the gentle back pats. After a few pats, Jessica unleashed a massive burp, spitting up a few drops of the milk. Despite the humiliation of being burped like a baby, she was at least glad that the pressure was gone, completely unaware that she had simultaneously burped and filled her diaper.



    Both of the villains gave a knowing smile. Mother Goose gave the bunny a gentle back rub, from between her shoulders all the way down to just above her tail. "There we go, honey-bunny. Don't you feel better now that you had your num-nums?"



    "When I get free, I'm gunna take you both down," Jessica said, trying to sound as dignified as possible.



    "They're so cute when they commit so dearly to their pretend superhero games," Nanny said with a wink.



    "You may have dressed me like a baby, and be treating me like one, but I am still Thunder Bunny, and I will bring you both to just--OMPH!" Jessica started with her heroic speech, only to be silenced by the rubber nipple of a binky. Just like with the bottle, her body was working against her will, and sucking on it as well as physically relaxing.



    The Nanny made a faux expression of realization. "Oh, that's right! You're Thunder Bunny!" Her face eased into a more smug look as she pointed at their captor's rear. "That would explain why you've made such a big boom boom, after all!"



    "Huh?" Jessica said around her binky, only now becoming aware of the smell. She teared up in frustration, before noticing that she was being carried somewhere. She saw the bathtub... and started to piece together what was about to happen. She couldn't fight back or voice her displeasure, however, due to the relaxing binky in her mouth that she greedily sucked on.



    "There, there, sweetie pie..." Mother Goose's comforting voice returned, continuing to rub her back as the maid went to start the tub. "Mama will get you out of that stinky diapee, then we'll get you nice and squeaky clean," She said, approaching a countertop in the surprisingly large bathroom.



    "Mmmmrrrr, nomama," Jessica managed to mumble out around her binky as she was laid down on the countertop, the mushiness in her diaper making her whine. Soon, her shirt was removed, leaving her in just her full diaper.



    "Hush now, baby, let Mommy and Nanny get you all squeaky clean." Mother Goose then hummed as she undressed Jessie, who only managed to weakly struggle, while Nanny began filling the tub with soapy water. Jessica couldn't believe it, here she was, having her messy diaper opened and her bottom wiped, about to be given a bath like a baby. It went quicker than she was expecting, but it was still humiliating. Being set in the water, scrubbed all over with shampoo for little kits, praised for being such a good girl.



    "Yow can't dow dis! Imma awwest yow!" she said around her binky as she was thoroughly scrubbed.



    Both of the villains giggled as they continued to scrub away at her. "For what? Making you act your age? For doing what a mommy should do?" Asked the goose. Jessica then found herself being rinsed off as the tub was drained.



    "I'm notta baby!"



    "Hush sweetie, just let Mommy and Nanny work."



    Jessica tried to speak, but instead squeaked as she was wrapped up in big fluffy towels, being rubbed down all over. She was then scooped into Mother Goose's arms, cradled in the towel.



    "I think another nap is in order," she said, looking to Nanny who simply nodded.



    "I think you're right, Ma'am. Maybe some more time listening to her special lullabies will do Thunder Butt some good," Nanny giggled, reaching over to pat Jessie on her toweled bottom, making her growl.



    Jessica's fur floofed out and was as soft as a little kit's, probably from the shampoo. She was then laid down on the changing table in the bathroom, despite her struggling. The nanny held down her arms, while Mother Goose took out a diaper looking identical to the messy one Thunder Bunny was taken out of earlier.



    Unfolding it, she lifted up her legs as she said, "Now, let's get you padded up again before you have another accident."



    "I'm gunna make yow pay fow dis!" Jessie insisted, trying to struggle.



    The bird looked her in the eye as she slid the padding under her rear, and lowered her legs down on it. "Sweetie. There’s plenty of time for you to play hero in a bit. Let mommy dress you up."



    "I'm nowt pwawin'!" Jessica tried to struggle and managed to spit out the pacifier.The nanny deftly caught the pacifier, but oddly enough, refrained from giving it back to her. Mother Goose simply gave a sly grin as she pulled the diaper up between Jessica's legs. "Sure you aren't, honey."



    Jessica struggled some more, sneezing from the scent of the baby powder. She then found herself being lifted up, her arms and legs pinned, in a cradled position in the Nanny's arms, as she was carried back into the nursery.



    Giving the bunny a smile, the mouse lightly tickled her tummy as she said, "Let's get you dressed, and then you can go right back to dreamland."



    "You monsters better enjoy this minor victory while it lasts, because too soon, you'll be sitting behind bars!"



    They both ignored her words, as the Nanny gave her back to Mother Goose. The bird sat down on a chair, placing the hero on her lap, wings on her hips keeping her in place, as Nanny held up the shirt she was wearing before her bath. "Okay, Thunder Bunny. Arms up, please."



    "I can dress myself!" Jessica insisted, before suddenly giggling and lifting her arms in response to having her sides tickled.



    Holding out the shirt, she lowered it over the giggling bunny's head, her ears poking out of the small top hole before her head finally fit through. Keeping her still, the mouse guided her arms through their respective holes, before the tickling finally stopped. Now taking out the bonnet, the maid asked as she began to tie it around Jessica's head. 



    "There we go. That wasn't so hard, was it?"



    "Knock it off!" Jessica said as Mother Goose ceased the tickling, immediately trying to take the bonnet off. 



    The mouse reached forward, picking her back up off the motherly bird's lap as she asked. "Do we need to give you mittens, hmm?"



    Jessica growled and continued to struggle.



    Giving her a look, the mouse said. "Right, missy. You asked for these." 



    Passing her back to Mother Goose again, the mouse reached into her bag, and pulled out two bright pink, fuzzy mitten-like gloves, each with a little strap at the wrists. Just as Jessica realized what was about to happen, the goose gently, but firmly, grabbed her wrists, and held them out for the Nanny. Jessica whined and tried to break free, but the goose was too strong, and soon, the mittens were slipped over her paws, and locked into place.



    "There. Now, Ma'am, I say that we put the fussy little princess down for another nap, at least until she calms down."



    Mother Goose nodded, looking a little sad. "You're right." Mother Goose, cradling the fussing Jessie, hugged her close as she stood and walked over to the crib. She planted a gentle kiss on Jessica's forehead, which like her binky, had an immediate calming effect. Jessie, now limp, was laid down and tucked in, the mobile above starting to slowly spin.



    "See you in an hour, princess," Mother Goose said, looking down over the rails with Nanny. The mouse reached in and popped Jessie's binky back into her mouth. Jessie didn't resist, instead just suckling.



    Jessica sniffled and wiped her teary eyes, hating the idea of being put down in her crib for a nap, she listened intently to them exiting the room and shutting the door behind them. Once she got herself back under control, she checked to make sure that she was truly alone. Now that she wasn't thrown off her guard, she could focus. Internally, she felt her powers, and smirked, still sucking her binky. She let her power build in between her padded paws. Pointing up at the ceiling, she let loose a massive sonic boom ball that ripped her mittens to shreds, and smashed the entire ceiling and roof outwards, revealing the afternoon sky. Without waiting, and hearing an alarm bell start blaring, Jessica focused, and leapt, each leap a sonic boom, until she was outside, in the air, and booming away. Mother Goose entered the now roofless nursery of the old abandoned warehouse and smiled while looking up.



    "Phase one complete. And now on to phase two." She chuckled as she exited out of the nursery, pressing a button by the door. A side of the pink wall opened revealing a giant digital clock, counting down. Mother Goose calmly walked out of the building and climbed into a black limo that had been idling out on the street. Once the door was shut, the limo started driving off, just before the building exploded in a fiery ball. Inside the limo, Mother Goose removed her domino mask and smiled into her hand mirror, beginning to apply some blue eyeshadow.



    "I just cannot wait to have my cute little bundle of booming fluff come home with me. She's going to have so much fun in her real nursery," she said with a chuckle that slowly morphed into a classic villainous laugh.




WOOO! And that was chapter 1! I really hope that you folks enjoyed it, and tune in next time to see what next shall befall our courageous and adorable heroine!

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Sky Hooves said:

Looking forward how this continues^^

I think you are very much gunna like it!

  • Panther Cub changed the title to The Misadventures of Thunder Bunny (Updated Ch. 2 12/9/2022)

YAY! I am SUPER (get it?) excited to bring you the next Thunder Bunny chapter! This one was just so HARD to crank out, but I finally was able to get it done! YAY! Please enjoy!



The Misadventures of Thunder Bunny (Chapter 2)






Panther Cub



Jessica was so excited to be free... that she hadn't bothered to take stock of the surrounding area of her release. Spotting her apartment complex, she landed on the railing of the fire escape, and hastily opened her window. She made short work of stripping off the diaper and shirt and bonnet, stuffing them in the trash. She then hopped in the shower, wanting to scrub away the scent of baby powder.



As Jessica entered the shower, the same van turned down her street, and eventually pulled into the complex's driveway. The driver took off the domino mask she was wearing, and put it in the compartment. Looking at the note she had for confirmation, the figure turned off the car and put her keys in her bag, before stepping out of the van and locking it behind her, then began to make her way up the complex.



Jessica finished up and toweled off, tossing the towel on the floor. Finding her phone, she was surprised to find that two days had passed since the bank robbery. She briefly checked in with the Hero Guild, blushing as she figured she'll have to explain what happened in a few days when she has to go back to the base.



Just as she hung up, her ears perked up as someone knocked on her door. "Hello?" A muffled voice came through the door. "Is anyone home?"



Jessica scrambled to her room and donned some underwear, a miniskirt, and a green tank top, before heading back to the door, looking through the peephole.



Through it, she could see a mouse in a maid outfit. The woman shuffled in place, and brushed her dress a bit before resuming her posture, her hands held in front of herself.



Curious, Jessica unlocked her door and opened it, greeting the strange mouse woman before her. "May I help you?"



Perking up, the mouse bowed her head, even doing a curtsy, and said. "Oh, hello miss. My name is Nina Mousekowitz." She looked up and into her eyes, waiting a few moments before putting on a confused look. "I'm your new maid?"



"Uh, maid? I think that there's been a mixup..."



She tilted her head, before asking. "What's your name, miss?"






Pulling out a note and looking at it, Nina looked back and forth a bit, before asking with a lifted brow. "Jessica....?" The maid brightened up, nodding as she put the note away. "Then you're definitely the right one, ma'am," she said in a cheerful voice.



"But I never ordered a maid?" Jessica said, even more confused.



Blinking, Nina reached into her bag and rummaged through it again. She pulled out a pamphlet and held it out in front of her. "It's....the new maid program. I'm sorry, you didn't get this?"



Jessica took the pamphlet and read it, now even more bewildered. Apparently, her apartment complex, which was owned by the Guild to mainly house its employees, had hired a new maid service. And according to the pamphlet, each tenet was getting their own personal maid, with no extra cost or increased rent.



"I... never heard anything about this... I'm not... sure..."



Nina stood there silently for a moment, before she spoke up. "Well... I'm here... and I've been waiting for you to return since yesterday..." After another silent pause, she simply asked, "May I... come in?"



"Uh... s-sure... sorry, I've had a... hectic weekend..." Jessica said, smiling awkwardly while rubbing the back of her head.



"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." Nina said, crossing the threshold into Jessica's home, as the bunny closed the door. "Would you... like to talk about it?" The maid asked, her eyes widening as she beheld the metaphorical pigsty that was Jessica's apartment.



"Nah... it's nothing to worry about. Oh, uh, sorry about the mess..."



Nina stood there in genuine shock, before she shook her head as she replied. "O-oh. That's... that's quite alright, it's part of my job, after all." Nina glanced over the apartment again, before looking back at Jessica. "Miss... would you like to go to bed? I can clean up while you sleep."



"Huh? But it's only six in the afternoon."



"I know, but..." Nina looked up into Jessica's eyes. "...isn't it your bedtime, Jessica?"



"Wha? Bed... time?" Jessica felt... confused, before letting out a yawn.



Nina smiled, before putting her hand on the bunny's shoulder. "See? You're tired, aren't you?" After Jessica gave a slow nod, the maid motioned to her bag, and said. "Miss Jessica, I have a few CD's that can help you sleep, if you want them?"



"But it's sooooo early..." Jessica mumbled, still nodding.



Nina took the bunny's hand, and began to guide her over to the bed. "I know, Jessica. But you want to be a good girl, right?"



Jessica nodded, her eyes half-lidded.



Pulling back the covers, Nina gestured to the bed. "Then lay down, Jessie. I'll get those CDs ready for you."



"Just a little sleepy..."



"There's nothing wrong with a little nap, is there, Jessie?"



"No..." Jessica climbed in and found herself being tucked in, feeling relaxed.



Nina tucked in the grown bunny, then pulled the CD player out, putting a disc in. "Then just lie down, and listen to these while you wander off to dreamland, Jessie." Plugging in a pair of headphones, Nina slipped them over the bottom part of Jessica's ears, and with a pat to her head, pressed play.



Jessica slept, oblivious to the goings-on around her apartment as it was cleaned. She was also oblivious as she started to wet in her sleep.



Nina, while cleaning the apartment, spotted the wet spot on the bed. Shaking her head with a chuckle, she began to take out the trash, after fishing out her shirt and bonnet, which joined a pile of dirty clothes.



"Good night... Thunder Bunny." The maid let out a sinister chuckle as the oblivious hero slept, her head being filled up with different subliminal messages.



One Refreshing Nap Later



Jessica slowly yawned and opened her eyes, a content smile on her face. She heard a faint humming from the kitchen. It was the maid, who was passing the time dusting away at the counter. Stretched some more... and then is shocked awake when she feels moisture. Sitting bolt upright, she sees the large wet spot on the bed, and smelled a very familiar and unpleasant scent, causing her to let out a yelp. As if on cue, in came her new maid.



"Miss Jessica? Are you alright?"



Jessica looked like a deer in the headlights. "I-it's n-nothing!"



She stepped closer. "Are you sure? I heard you--" She stopped, and began to smell the air, taking a few whiffs before looking down at the bed, and then back up to the bunny.



Jessica let out an EEP and tried to cover her shame with her paws. "J-just uh... a g-glass of water!"



The maid wasn't fooled, however, and simply gave a look as she said. "Miss Jessica, did you wet yourself? I know that smell."



"Uhm... m-maybe..."



Letting out a sigh, and shaking her head, the maid asked. "Jessica, did you read the fine print? This will cost so much to replace..." She shook her head in a disappointed manner.



"B-but... I couldn't help it! I mean! I've never done anything like this before!"



"I apologize, Miss Jessica. But if you read this through this time, you'll know what needs to happen now." The maid said, retrieving the pamphlet from her bag, and handing it over to the bashful bunny.



Jessica, humiliated that she's still sitting in her own puddle, looked at the pamphlet, and read a line about mattress protection. How tenets who could not keep theirs clean were subject to... immediate eviction! Unless they agreed to take certain precautions... Jessica felt like something about this was wrong... but... she also felt like she was in trouble, and instead her eyes started to tear up as she looked at her maid. "Wh-what are the p-precautions?"



Nina gave her best apologetic look, and turned back to the bag resting on the table. After a few awfully long moments of silence, the maid finally fished out something that filled the heroine with dread. An all too familiar white plastic.



"WHAT?! They can't make me wear a... d-d... one of those!"



Raising the diaper up to cover her mouth as if she was hiding behind it, though really to mask an evil grin, Nina replied in her best sorrowful tone. "W-Well... I'm afraid it's either these or being evicted, Miss Jessica...I'm sorry..."



"B-but... is there really no other alternative?" Jessica gulped, feeling like she was treading on thin ice as it is, as though she were about to be punished.



Nina shook her head, still hiding her smile. "Well... l-look on the bright side, Jessica. You won't be seen by anyone except for me..."



"B-but... does it have to be one of those... things? Also, this really is a rarity! Surely if I can prove that by staying dry some more nights in a row, I won't... n-need those..."



Nina looked between the diaper and Jessica, before an idea popped into mind. Lowering the diaper back into the bag, she said. "One more chance, Miss Jessica. But if you do this again, I'm afraid I'll have to insist. I won't be able to hide it forever."



Jessie visibly relaxed, letting out a pent-up sigh. "Th-thank you... uhm... what do we do now?"



Nina gestured with her head to the bathroom, while she began to fiddle with her bag again. "You go take a shower, miss. I'll clean up after you. I'll also take care of the laundry as well."



"'Kay," Jessica said, chewing her lip, resisting an urge to pop her thumb in her mouth. She got up and went into the bathroom, stripping off her clothes once the door was shut.



The maid took out her cleaning supplies, and after looking over her shoulder to make sure the door was closed, she smiled, and thought to herself. "Heh, don't worry, Thunder Bunny. You'll be out of your big girl pants soon enough."



"I'm sorry? Did you say something?" Jessica asked, opening the door and poking her head in, looking confused.



"U-uh... no, not really. Just... humming to myself, that's all," Nina said with a forced chuckle.



"Oh... alright then," Jessie then exited and headed back towards the bathroom while Nina smiled to herself.



Jessica washed herself, being very thorough. As she did so, she realized she was humming some of the nursery rhymes from back in the nursery she had escaped from, and when she did, she also realized she had been sucking her thumb. Ripping it out, she turned off the water, and dried herself, frowning at how floofy her fur still was, and wrapped the towel around, leaving her wet clothes still on the floor, exiting the bathrooms.



Entering back into her apartment, the bunny saw that Nina was still cleaning her bed. The maid gestured with her head to the foot of the bed, where some clothes were laid out. "Don't worry, Miss. I won't look, I promise."



Blushing, Jessica drops the towel and quickly starts to get dressed. Weird, she wondered, did my panties always have cartoon characters on them? And weren't they thinner? Jessica then shrugged and pulled them on, not at all noticing the easy tear-away sides of what were in fact a pair of training pants She then pulled on a plain bra, before slipping on a pink shirt... and then she put on a pair of denim short-overalls she didn't remember seeing before. But, she was too distracted by how much trouble she was having with the buttons for the straps.



Unable to stop a little chuckle from the sight of the grown bunny fumbling with the buttons, Nina stepped forward and said, while reaching forward. "Here. Let me get that for you, miss."



"Th-thanks. I honestly don't normally wear something like this... I think I got it at a thrift store or someplace on sale by accident or something."



"Heh. That does happen sometimes. I would know." The maid replied, easily snapping the buttons of the overalls into place. "There you go, miss."



"Th-thanks... uhm, have you seen my phone?"



The maid gestured to the coffee table in the living room. "It's on the table, right there."



"Oh, thanks!" Jessica walked over and picked up her phone. Turning it on, she noticed a few games she didn't recall before, but then opened the APP for the hero guild. Tapping around, she smiled. She had no notifications for being in trouble for not checking in. Sighing with relief, she sent a message to schedule a meeting and got a confirmation, and then started to consider what she was going to say to explain her abduction without including... the being diapered and babied part. Hopefully those two crooks will keep their mouths shut when she eventually arrests them.



Smiling as she felt her own phone vibrate in a hidden pocket in her dress, the message Jessica just sent to the Guild also appeared on her phone's screen. "So, who'd you just text, hmm?" Nina asked, giving her a sly look, deciding to tease the bunny a bit. "Someone you like?"



Jessica chuckled, blushing a little. "No, I just had to check in to work is all."



"I'm sure you did," she said, giving a wink. Letting up a bit, Nina turned back to the wet spot on the bed. "You can go on and head there, if you need to. Is there anything you'd like me to do or get while you're out?"



"Uh... w-well, my fridge might need a little restocking? If that's covered by your job that is."



Nina nodded. "I can do that, no problem. And it is..." She turned her head to face the bunny. "...but even if it wasn't, I wouldn't mind."



Jessica felt oddly reassured by her new maid, like she was someone she could trust implicitly. Seeing her smile made Jessica feel good. It also brought her thumb up to her mouth. Just as she was opening it to start sucking, Jessica's eyes went wide as she realized what she was about to do, and quickly whipped her thumb down to her side.



Nina smiled, turning back to the spot. "Nervous habit, Miss Jessica? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone what you were about to do."



"H-huh? I don't... know what you are talking about! I gotta go, bye!" And with that, her face blushing bright beneath her fur, and ran to her door.



Jessica could already hear the maid laughing a bit even before she actually began to do so. And right as she opened the door, she heard the maid calling after her. "Have fun, and don't stay out too late, Jessica!"



"I won't, bye!" Jessica said, closing her door behind herself.



Nina waited a few moments, as Jessica's footsteps quickly faded down the hall. Smiling, she took out the phone, reading the message Jessica sent before opening it. Humming a tune as she walked to the dresser, she dialed in a number, and held it to her ear, two rings going off before the other end picked up. "Nanny to Mama Goose. The baby bird has left the nest."



A few hours later, Jessica was walking home, her face still burning. There had been some questions about Jessica's abduction and treatment, and apparently the Guild was already familiar with Mother Goose's MO. There was also an observation made about her current attire, and it was compared to another hero's usual off duty clothing, which some call childish. I can't believe that they compared me to Fire Tail! That goofy skunk has always dressed like a little girl! Jessie thought. Just when Jessica was about to, like a cliche, kick an old can on the sidewalk, a car sped by, splashing a muddy puddle, coating Jessica's fur and overalls. "Oh come on!" she shouted, shaking her fist at the truck that rounded the corner. It wasn't much longer before she unlocked her apartment door and entered.



The bunny leaned back against the door, threw her head back and let out a groan of frustration as the events of the day finally caught up to her. "Rough day, miss Jessica?" The maid's voice piped up. Looking to the right, the casually dressed heroine saw the back of her new maid as she was in the fridge, a few empty bags strewn about on the floor, and one half full one in her hands, as she was restocking it.



"You could say that," Jessica said, "apparently I work with some jerks!"



"Oh?" The maid turned her head after putting some food on the top shelf "Would you like to talk about--" She stopped what she was saying, and stared for about five seconds when she saw the bunny drenched head to toe in mud. Then, she giggled, and said in a playful tone. "Awww, did someone play in the mud while they were out?"



Jessica frowned, her cheeks puffing out in what she wanted to be a scowl... but was really just a pout. "No! Some jerk-head in a truck driving by splashed me with mud!"



"Aww. Well, that wasn't very nice of them, was it?" she rhetorically asked while putting away a few cans of... something Jessica couldn't identify. Closing the fridge door, and turning to the bunny, the maid asked as she approached. "You want me to go get your clothes cleaned like I did this morning?"



Jessica blushed and nodded. "Yeah, thanks. Now I need to shower again." Jessica walked to the bathroom, stripping down and hopping in the shower once more. Stripping out of her training pants, Jessica failed to notice that it was a little damp, with some of the designs having faded a little. Nor did she notice that her shampoo had been switched with a brand just for bunny kits.



Humming to herself, the mouse took a brush and wiped off as much mud as she could from the overalls, leaving only a few streaks behind. Nodding to herself, she put the clothes in one of the empty food bags, and quickly went down to the laundry room.



When Jessica finished, toweling off and hanging the towel up, she steps out to her bedroom, about to go and put on something to wear. Right as she reached for a lower drawer, bending over in the process, she froze in place as she heard the doorknob turning, and the maid letting herself in, her eyes closed. "I'm back, Miss Jessica. Are you done with your--" She opened her eyes, and stopped, staring at the bare furred bunny.



Jessica jumped up, smacking her head on the ceiling, before she covered herself. Even though this was now the third time she had seen the bunny naked, Nina had a role to play. Letting out her best shriek, she turned in place and ran out the room. "I-I'm so sorry!" And nearly slammed the door in the process, but just barely leaving it open a crack. And taking a moment to catch her breath, the maid let a giant smile adjourn her face.



"Please, knock first!"



"I'm sorry, I didn't think you were done already!" Nina called through the crack, not bothering to hide her smile since the door was doing it for her.



Jessica rubbed her head and quickly opened her underwear drawer, putting on the first pair of panties she grabbed, which unfortunately, were another pair of training pants. This one being pink with multi-colored stars decorating it. After putting them on and throwing on a plain bra, she ran over to the closet and threw on a yellow dress. Jessica thought that the dress was a little too short as it stopped just below her undies, but ignored it for now.



"Okay, you can come in!"



Putting on her best embarrassed expression, Nina opened the door, rubbing the back of her head and giving a shy smile. "S-sorry, miss..."



"I-it's alright..."



A few awkward moments later, the maid spoke up. "Um... you wanna talk about your day?"



"Nah... and I can't really. Super secret stuff. Just some weird stuff happening lately."



Nina tilted her head, before shrugging her shoulders. "That's okay, dear." The maid gestured to the fridge. "I got some food if you want me to start dinner?"



"Oh, you're here to cook too? O-okay."



Giggling, Nina shut the door behind her, and moved over to the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a few items. "I do more than simply clean, Jessica."



"Oh? Like what? I don't think I know the full scope of your... uhm... duties, actually."



"Well, I can drive you places if you need me to. I can also run errands for you, like I did restocking the fridge, taking care of your pets if you have any, among other things," she said, laying food, and those strange cans, out on the counter.



"I don't have any pets. Also, I don't actually have a car..."



Nina seemed to perk up at that, and gave Jessica a friendly smile. "Then you don't need to worry about having to simply walk anywhere while I'm here, Jessie."



"Uh... okay... what are you making?"



"Oh, just something tasty I think you'll like." She went to open the jar, but paused right before she did so. She turned her head back to the bunny. "You... do like strawberries, right? I got these in that flavor only."



"Huh? Oh, yeah, strawberries are my favorite."



Nina gave a nod, then turned back to the can. "Oh, that's wonderful to hear, sweetie. I'll remember that."



Jessica felt strange, something about strawberries sounding familiar to her. As she stood there thinking, she noticed that her tv was on. She didn't remember turning it on, nor why it would be on that show about the learning puppets, Poppy Avenue. But something about the opening theme song sounded... catchy... very catchy to the bunny. She broke out into a smile as she moved closer to her tv, humming along with the song. She sank down on the carpet in front of her couch and, unaware, slipped her thumb into her mouth.



Nina poked her head in, grinning as she saw that Jessie was so enraptured in the show. She snapped a quick picture with her phone, sending it off to Mother Goose. "That'll look great in Jessie's Baby Book," she murmured quietly to herself. She smiled even wider when she saw Jessie squirming a little, doing the tell-tale potty shuffle, while sitting down. Jessie was crossing and uncrossing her legs, but seemed far too focused on the tv to care.



Jessie was annoyed. She was enjoying her show, watching the Muffin Beast count all the muffins he was gobbling up, making her laugh, but she felt an urge... to do something. She wasn't sure what, but it was making her feel so antsy. Then, after another minute of shifting about, the building pressure went away, followed instead by a sense of relief. If she had been able to tear her eyes away from the TV and its hypnotic subliminal messaging, she would have seen that the hemline of her dress had hiked up, revealing her training pants, all the stars on the front rapidly fading away.



"Jessie! Dinnertime!" Nina called out, poking her head into the living room. The mouse's heart soared upon seeing the bunny sitting there in front of the TV, sucking her thumb, humming along. "Jessie," she called again, "time to get some num-nums in your little tum-tum!" Jessica turned to face her.



"B-but, da Duke is gunna come on next!" Jessica whined. Nina smiled even more, seeing that the messaging has taken root in the bunny's mind.



"We can pause your show and you can watch it after dinner." She said, a note of authority creeping into her voice. "Now be a good girl, Jessie."



Jessie, sucking her thumb faster, nodded and grabbed the remote from the coffee table, pausing the fun show. Even though the music had stopped, she could still hear it in her head, and was humming it as she walked to the kitchen. She had a slight waddle to her gait, and Nina had to hold back a squeal of delight. Jessie stopped and shook her head. "Wait... is dat a high chaiw?" she asked around her thumb, confused.



"That's a safety chair," Nina said, gently guiding Jessica towards it. The gray bunny's ears drooped.



"Dat wasn't hewe befowe!" Jessie insisted.



"Well of course it was, silly girl," Nina said, easily picking Jessie, who was almost as tall as her, up and setting her in the bright pink high chair, quickly buckling her in and locking the tray into place. "It... it was?" Jessica asked, pulling her thumb from her mouth and absentmindedly wiping it on the front of her dress.



"Uh-huh!" Nina said, leaning forward and gently tying a bib around the confused bunny's neck, giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead. The moment she felt the kiss, Jessie's mind became a little foggy, but she just knew that Nina was right. Of course the safety chair had already been here. It had come with the apartment... hadn't it? Still, she blushed as she sat in it, feeling embarrassed at how much safety chairs were like high chairs.



"Time for your num-nums!" Nina said in a sing-song voice, returning with a big bowl of a pink mush. Jessie made a face as it was set on the tray in front of her.



"Wait... what is that?"



Nina sighed and smiled, shaking her head in amusement. "Oh, Jessie, don't you remember? How we agreed that you needed to start eating healthier?"



"Uh..." Jessie didn't think that sounded familiar... but maybe it was?



"I mean, all that junk food that you ate and so frequently," Nina tut-tutted, wagging a finger in Jessica's face. "So you decided to go on a fruit and veggie cleanse for a while, like people who juice theirs."



It started to sound familiar to the bunny, who, feeling anxious, slipped her thumb back into her mouth. "B-but dat's nowt juice!"



"It's the same principle. Instead of juice, it's a delicious pudding, made up of all sorts of healthy fruits and veggies, all pureed so as to be easier on your sensitive tummy." Nina sat down on a chair in front of Jessie, holding a spoon that she started to stir the mush with. Jessie continued to suck her thumb, vaguely recalling talking about this with Nina.



 "D-do I hafta eat it?" she asked, pulling her thumb back out.



"Aww, don't worry, sweetie. Auntie Nina made this special," she said with a wink, scooping out a spoonful and holding it up. "Now, open up, like a good girl."



 Jessie wanted to insist that she could feed herself... but she knew she didn't want to be a bad girl. Plus, the choo-choo noises Nina was making were so silly, she just felt a strong compulsion to play along, so she did. The first bite, and she was happy to find it only tasted like yummy strawberries. After that, she readily accepted spoonful after spoonful, not caring when in her excitement, she got some smeared around her mouth and on her cheek. The praise she got from accepting each spoonful certainly helped as well. The entire time, she could still hear the happy songs from Poppy Avenue.



 All too soon, she swallowed the last spoonful, giggling and bouncing in her safety seat. "What a good and energetic girl I've got!" Nina praised, getting up and taking the empty bowl to the sink. She rinsed it out before grabbing a washcloth and damping it. She returned to Jessie and started to clean her face. "And also what a messy eater I've got!"



"Can I go back to watching Poppy Seed?" Jessie asked, Nina already unlocking the tray and unbuckling the excited bunny.



"Sure thing, but first I need to check something," Nina said, picking Jessie up and setting her down next to the safety chair.






"Sweetie. Do you need to use the potty?"



Jessie blushed at being talked to like she was a little kid. "No," she stated simply.



"Oh? Are you sure, sweetie?" Nina asked.



"Uh-huh!" Jessie insisted, putting her hands on her hips.



"Well then, let me just check you real quick."



"Check me?" Jessica asked, confused, letting out a surprised squeak when Nina lifted up her dress a little.



"Uh-oh. Looks like you had a bit of an accident, honey-bunny," Nina said, to Jessie's shock. Looking down, Jessie saw that her undies were... very soggy. Almost completely soaked.



Wait... why didn't my panties leak? Are these... Paw-Ups? ... Am I supposed to be wearing Paw-Ups? Jessie wondered, her head feeling foggy.



"Awww, well, that's okay. Accidents happen," Nina said, scooping Jessica up into her arms and booping her nose. Jessica giggled and rested her head on Nina's shoulder. Nina carried her back into the living room and grabbed a pink bag that was set by the couch. She unzipped it and pulled out a bright pink mat that she unrolled and laid down in front of the TV, laying Jessie down on it.



"Wait, what're you do--" Jessie's train of thought derailed completely when she heard the music of Poppy Seed continue where it had been paused. Instead, her eyes instantly went to the screen and she smiled and hummed. In the back of her head, she knew that something was off, but she knew that Nina would take care of it and she could watch her show.



Nina smiled as she pulled out a diaper and some changing supplies from the diaper bag, and got to work. First, after pushing up the dress, she casually ripped open the sides of the Paw-Up, pulling it away. She then started to clean Jessie with a baby wipe. That done, she balled the wipe up in the Paw-Up, and lifted up Jessie's legs to slid the unfolded diaper beneath her bottom. She threaded the cotton tail through the hole in the back, taking care of the back tape. Nina then generously dusted Jessie's bottom and front with baby powder, smiling as that caused the bunny to sneeze cutely. Nina set Jessie's legs down and then pulled the front of the diaper up and taping it securely on, checking to make sure there'd be no leaks from the leg gathers, which were a bright pink just like the waistband. On the front of the otherwise white garment was Jessie's name spelled out in multi-colored baby blocks. Admiring her handiwork, the mouse maid gave the diaper a loving pat, enjoying the slight crinkle coming from it. She finished up by scooping Jessie up and laying her down on the couch, so as to grab the changing mat to roll it up and stick it back into the diaper bag, before grabbing the used Paw-Up and taking it to the special trash bin she had put in Jessie's room earlier that day.



Jessie was blissfully sucking her thumb as she watched Large Avian, a needling feeling at the back of her mind getting stronger, despite the subliminal messages in the hypnotic music. Every time she shifted where she was laying on the couch, she heard a faint crinkle and felt a pillowy thickness between her legs. Looking down, she pulled her thumb back out of her mouth and grabbed her dress, pulling it up a bit.



 "A diaper? But... I'm too big for diapers..." she said it, but without conviction. "I'm a big girl... I mean a grown-up!"



Jessie sat up, looking up into the smiling face of Nina.



"Sweetie, don't you remember? The accident you had during your nap?"



 Jessica blushed and her perked up ears fell to her back. She nodded silently.



"And remember, when a tenant has such accidents, then they need to wear some protection?"



Jessica blushed and nodded.



"And I agreed to not put you back in your diapers if you didn't have another accident, right?"



 Jessica sniffed and nodded, feeling a sense of dread.



 "And... did you have another accident, sweetie?"



 Blushing deeply, tears welling up in her eyes, Poppy Avenue completely forgotten, Jessica hung her head and nodded.



 "Oh, sweetie," Nina came around and sat down next to Jessie, pulling her into a hug, "it's okay. Sometimes, we just need to take a step or two back before we can move forward."



 "B-but, it's so humiliating!" Jessica sobbed, barely noticing as she was being pulled into Nina's lap and cradled. The mouse maid started to gently rock Jessica while humming a lullaby. Hearing it, Jessie started to calm back down.



 "It's all going to be okay, Jessie. You're such a good girl, it doesn't matter that you need diapers, at least here at home. For a little while at least."



 Hearing the phrase good girl helped calm her down even more, as they sat there, Jessica sucking on something. She looked confused at both her hands, neither thumb in her mouth. Crossing her eyes, she saw the white shield of something bobbing in and out of her mouth. Sucking on it, Jessica found herself being soothed, and didn't say anything about it. Slowly, with a wide smile on her face, Jessie closed her eyes and relaxed.



Jessie sat bolt upright in bed, her thumb in her mouth as she looked around wildly. She was in her room, her blanket strewn over her. Leaping out, she took a fighting stance, summoning the energy within her paws, ready to strike at any intruder. Looking around, she expected to find a crib or rails on her bed, or even lots of cute fuzzy plushes. But no, her bed was it's normal self, including the broken leg she had duct-taped back together (after having a mishap with a bad dream and waking up firing off a sonic boom. That had been real fun trying to explain to the downstairs neighbors.) She looked to her dresser, expecting to find some kind of soft padded surface on top, the drawers filled with embarrassing padding. But no, the old white painted dresser was still the same, the left knob of the top drawer even popped out like it always did when trying to pull it open. Inside were just some of her bras and panties, none of which were folded, as usual. Her closet held no onesies or childish dresses, there was no pacifier in her bedside table, no monsters under her bed.



She blushed when she switched off her heart-shaped night light, but she remembered bringing that from her final foster home right after she had aged out. It made it easier to sleep. She looked down at herself and saw she was wearing the long green and white basketball jersey she had gotten from a church donation box before she joined the Guild, which hung on her like a dress going all the way down to her knees. No footie pajamas or legless onesie. Jessie sighed in relief.



What a crazy dream, she thought to herself, smiling and letting out a chuckle. No baby stuff to be found here. She took a seat on her bed, and froze. Her underwear squished and felt very cold and clammy. A frightened whimper escaping her lips, Jessie pulled up her jersey and saw, taped snugly around her waist, was a drenched bright pink Sleep Tight, with a sleepy crescent moon on the front and a teddy bear in a nightcap laying on it. It was at that moment that the door to her bedroom opened and in came Nina.



"Alrighty, Miss Jessica, I just got done unpacking the last of my things and am now ready for my first official day of… duty…" the mouse maid's voice trailed off as Jessie stared at her in silent, open-mouthed horror, her wet Sleep Tights on full display.



"O-oh, my, Miss Jessie," Nina said with a blush on her face. "When you let slip last night that you had developed a bedwetting problem, I must admit that I had been a bit surprised." Jessie sat there, dumbfounded, her head feeling a little foggy. She vaguely remembered the arrival of her new live-in maid and how she had gotten to work cleaning up and organizing the apartment. A few images surfaced of Nina changing her into a diaper and feeding her in a high chair, but Jessie just shook her head and dismissed those thoughts as part of a bad dream. Without saying anything she hopped up and waddle-ran past a surprised and worried-looking Nina out into the hall. She looked in the bathroom and saw that it was still all the same, no baby shampoos or bath toys. Out in the living room, there was no trace of any kind of playpen or toys or coloring books. Turning on the TV, it was just a news report about a flying lynx with yellow and light purple hair wearing a green camo leather super-suit and domino mask, conjuring a blue energy field encasing an erupting volcano, stopping the destruction of a nearby city. Flipping through the channels revealed no blocked ones. She checked the DVD in the player and saw that it was the latest Hecklifter movie, just as she had left it.



"M-Miss Jessie?" Nina asked, following the frantic rabbit. Jessie ran into the kitchen, with not a high chair in sight, and started opening cupboards and the pantry. No baby bottles or sippi-cups, or jars of baby food, or canisters of powdered formula. Her silverware was still all the same, and the fridge even had the leftover chinese food Jessie vaguely remembered Nina ordering them both last night. Jessie even poked around in Nina's room, not finding a diaper bag or any of the things she felt she was looking for. Jessie jumped when a gentle paw was placed on her shoulder. She turned to see the worried face of the kind mouse lady.



"Miss Jessie, is something the matter?" Nina asked, so sincere, so concerned.



"Uhm… n-no… I guess not, Nina," Jessie said, not blushing and reflexively tugging down on her jersey. "I g-guess I just had a bad dream is all."



"Would you like to talk about it?"



"N-no. I think… uhm… I think that I'm gunna go ahead and go clean myself up and start getting ready to head on to The Guild HQ."



"Alright. Shall I make you a quick breakfast?"



"Uhm… o-okay. Maybe something… without strawberries?" Jessie asked with a wince.



Nina smiled warmly at that. "Alright. Oh… did you need any h-help with your… uhm… undergarment? I know how last night you felt reluctant when you asked for my assistance in putting them on…"



Jessie froze and blushed. She didn't remember that happening last night… at first. But the more she thought about it, the clearer the memory came to her. She was laying on her bead, trying to get the Sleep Tight unjust right, where it wasn't too snug or too loose or lopsided. But nothing she did worked. She didn't remember why she got the kind that you tape on like a d… well, the kind you tape on, instead of the kind that you just step into like underwear, maybe she didn't read the package when she bought them at the store? She couldn't remember, most likely from the embarrassment of it. Shaking her head again, she blushed.



"Uhm… n-no, I've got this, thank you, Nina!" Jessie said with a slight stutter, and quickly hastened to the bathroom. Nina stood there, her mouse ears twitching when she heard the shower start running, a sly smile creeping onto her face, heading towards the kitchen.



"That hypno music sure is some strong stuff," Nina said to herself while opening the fridge and grabbing the eggs and bacon. "Thunder-Butt didn't stir once while the drones came and put everything back the way it was, nor when she went poopy and needed me to change her." Nina hummed a sinister tune as she set to work making scrambled eggs and toast, her job only just beginning.




And there you have it, folks! The long-awaited chapter two! I truly hope that you enjoyed it, and I'll try not to take so long with chapter three! Please consider leaving a comment or review, and have a Thunder-Tastic Day![/b]


Wow that was beyond amazing it took awhile. Hope part 3 will come out soon i love that you put Nina from An American tail in it i hope Mother Goose has other cartoon girls as henchwomen. The way she's been messing with Bunny is mean i als9 hope in part 3 Bunny starts to fight back against the brainwashing that Mother Goose come in has to fight her again.

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1 hour ago, Marcie said:

Wow that was beyond amazing it took awhile. Hope part 3 will come out soon i love that you put Nina from An American tail in it i hope Mother Goose has other cartoon girls as henchwomen. The way she's been messing with Bunny is mean i als9 hope in part 3 Bunny starts to fight back against the brainwashing that Mother Goose come in has to fight her again.

OMG thank you so much! Sorry for the long wait!

Nina? It's been so long since I saw An American Tail, I completely forgot that there was a mouse named Nina in it! Seriously, any similarities are completely on accident!

You'll just have to find out!

1 hour ago, Marcie said:

Sorry it was Tanya not Nina anyway great story

Hehehe, still not an intentional reference but a happy coincidence nonetheless! And thank you!

36 minutes ago, Marcie said:

Do you have any idea when the next part will come are you writing it now?

I do not at this time, and not yet.

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