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House of the lost ( any can join in)


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Lyn lifts Miguel and takes him in for breakfast and sets him in his chair and   holds the tablet that has his name on back  and says"pick using this   and they will bring it out fast "


Darla looks at Reiko and says"  why do we not just try them there are tons of toppings if you touch more  whip cream fruit chocolate and even things in the pancakes "

Tori is brought what she asked for 

at night it is hard to get a idea how big the manor really is  and since it is hidden in trees you can not tell  unless from the sky but  the more you walk the more you get that this place is massive so massive it has a whole block of houses thats just full time staff  where most of the main staff stay that or the employee  apartment tower 


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Reiko looks at the table. He was nervous to try the pancakes but when he seen that he could toppings he smiles. Reiko add chocolate chips, blueberries, and strawberries.


Yuka wakes up rubbing her eyes. She looked around for her brother and pouts. Pulling the sting. She grabs her stitch blanket and sucks her pacifier.

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Darla  helps him put in his order then says "  i will be right back i am going to check on your sister some one will be out with your food  the tablet gos in that poutch on the side   you can order more food till your full " after she was done talking 

she walks to Yuka and  looks down at her and says " hello sweetie  good morning  lets get you changed and off to breakfast with your brother ok "

A man in a trench coat and  a mohalk  walks up to Tori  and says " remember to to go to the jobs desk  5this morning i reviewed your file and sent it off  , i am  night shift monitor i keep a eye on  alot of stuff at night  see you later "

he walks off as fast as he poped up

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Lyn  stays with MIguel

Darla walks Yuka to the changing area , when lifts her on the table and changes her   once clean  carrys her to her brother

whos pancakes just arrived Darla lifts  Yuka into her chair beside her brother and hold up the tablet and  says while showing " Yuka dear see how if i slide the  pictures to the right they change   you tuch one and it will show pictures of things you can put on it  , would you like to try or have me or your brother help"

Miguel pancakes come quickly with every topping he ordered  

Mick shows up  along with milly  lead by  a nanny  who puts them in there chairs and they order there food


when Tori  gets to the jobs area a man at the door  looks at a tablet  finds  a picture taken by the tablet last night and says  "desk 11  " then gos to standing there

Waiting at desk 11 is Mr Balverk  in a Blue suit  silver hair  his dark green eyes and warm smile , his desk has  tons of candy in jars   boxes of toys behind him


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Yuka points to Darla wanting her to do it. Yuka was upset and mad at her brother. They was almost never alone and he was always there when she woke up. Reiko looks over and waves at his sister. "Morning Yuky" He says mouth full of food. 

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MR B looks at Tori and says warmly  "I am Mr Balverk , this is MY manner and as a nanny you would be looking after kids who have had it Bad ,...... rough would be down playing it , most  have  major trauma and need to be handled carefully with that why would you like this job , there are many other jobs why a nanny"


Darla says ok what do you like sweetie looks like your brother is having some type of pancake "


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Mr B says " you got a week trial there is  apartments here for staff after a week you will be asigned one , oh and you have no problem changing diapers "

Lyn says make to big a mess and it will be tub time"

Daral makes sure Yuka  gets the food she wants 

Mitch land up getting  banana pancakes with whip cream  and a banana custard  on them 


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Mr B  stands  and says  do you like nights or days  we are short on bloth  "

Darla makes sure the twins have plenty of food and helps them eat if and when neeeded

Lyn once Miguel was done picks  him up and takes him for a bath


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Lyn looks at Miguel while walking " your a mess dear  and you need to get clean and  despite  changing you earlier i left you in your night cloths so time to pick out  what you want to wear for today" Lyn stoped in Miguels room  and opened the closet  and says  "what do we want to wear "

Mr B looks at Tori and says " vary well  night shift sees less of the kids  most nights  though with all the new ones  that may change  and  our night nanny would love extra staff as she  makes alot of  things for us when shes not needed   NIght shift starts at 6pm    while we are  short staffed it runs   late  though  i am sure Tanya  will cover the last few hrs   she never leaves till  her  the morning nurse shows  , but i digress , 6pm  north wing   the  purple desk with the sign over it   that says staffing ids  go see them   type in the code on this card  and  they will  square you away " Mr B hands Tori a card  with a long code on it   shakes her and then says " have a good day and hope to see you at work " then  heads off  just befor  a man walks up  looks bolth ways and asks Tori " I just saw Mr Balverk  where did he go ?"

Darla laffs and says "sweetie looks like your  going to be in line for a bath "

Mitch finishes his food then gets sent off

Milly  decides once no one was watching her   to  dump a bowl of yogurt on her head and put  bananas on top  then eats  the rest of her food waiting  the reaction of the other kids who could see her  while the staffs backs  where to her

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Yuka smiles as she finishes up her food. It had been a long time since she eat all her food usually she wouldn't eat much.

Reiko looks over at Milly and smiles before giggling. He had just finished his food so he was now waiting.

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