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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

House of the lost ( any can join in)


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((I'm sorry that I haven't been part of the role play at all. I did plan to jump back in that day that I came back but unfortunately I ended up getting a nasty cold /bug and I have been ill every since then, I am still slightly ill now. I do apologize for not being more active, I really did want to get into this rp but now I feel like it has gone kind of too far ahead to bring my character back in. 

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Darla says  happily " My mother( waves to her) the one night shift person i trust with my life  and having a mother bigger then most men was fun growing up though helps alot with her job here "

Tanya says " well  being big means most of  the kids we have are baby size to me so yes it helps alot since most  need that kind of care for many reasons "


((( note Cute diaper boy i side lined jet and technically  only a day has passed since he arrived so he is just in the shelter side of the mannor as they did not comit to long term care yet so i can reintroduce at any time ))))

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Darla leaves to get a few bottle

Tanya picks up Miguel  and speeks soft but clear" there once was a soldier  who was in training  , he was slightly older then most but not the oldest in his training unit every thing they asked he did  one day a locker fell on him  , he got up and brushed it off despite his shoulder suffering , keeping his hope and dreams  up he kept going  a letter came , His grandfather passed , the Army asked if he wanted home but he would have to start over , NO no no he would keep at it never giving up , then one day a soldier trips and knocks him down with 100lbs of gear on  , he blacks out , once awake they foolishly remove his gear and ask him questions " where are you " his reply " i am in the army" whats your name  , reads it off a name plate saying his own name wrong , not the brightest move  the other soldiers take him to the drill Sargent who drops him off at a emergency room with another soldier and did not tell any one they where there , wakeing to the other soldier not breathing  , the soldier trys to leap in to action to find his body racked with pain unable to stand without holding onto a chair , using the chair to make noise , the only thing he could do banged the chair till help came just in time . the soldier once again winning the day by not giving up . once they saw him he told what happened they did not belive him  so he barked " if you do not believe me i do not care that's what i remember write what i said down and send me to my unit so i may do my job" once back he finish's training despite being racked with pain . he tried his best and won at a price he would soon pay,"       Darla returns hands Miguel two bottles one coolaid and the other milk

Tonya contuses " the soldier went to his next station and did alot more training  till a Sargent noticed him backing out worried he had the soldier checked , Blast it was his spine , his neck and back  and knees all damaged , not to give up he trying to do what was needed to heal months go by no improvement despite his best efforts so one day a Dr called him in and said " Son i KNOW you will not Quit so i am Quitting for you  sign this medical discharge , and if you do not heres 4 others that would ruin your life " left no choice  he signed and left the army , but learned one major thing he wishes to pass on  , " you never truely fail if you do not quit , if you do your best , time runs up or you are made to stop  you did all you could and no-mater how bad it feels at the time  no-mater how hard it was the only one who failed was the person who gave up............ that soldier is now a old man  and is called a veteran  who is having fun with his life despite all his hardships and all he has bin though he never gives up .... that is his way " after finishing the tale Tanya smiles and says " i know it may not be  the type of story you may have wanted but what do you think of it "

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Tanya says" well i am not one for fay tails we are looking for some one good at those  all the storys i rember are of real people who did amazing things and never gave up  ,so i am ot so good at fairy tails  i can  look up a   narated story book online for you "

Darla  dashed out to get the paperwork done so she could go home and get sleep

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Reiko looks at the ceiling thinking about the day. Remembering when him and Yuka seen this place. He remembered saying it's wasn't much of a good idea but now he was glad she was so stubborn.

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Tanya grabs a tablet plucks  Miguels passy out and says " speek into the tablet what you want to listen to and it will find it " she hits the  mic search on Boogle and lets Miguel speek to find what he wants"


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trying  not to make noise a worker slips in each child's room long enugh to put the diaper thay chose onto racks then leaves  

in the temporary hall jet was checked in  they are taking is care day by day till they decide  what they want to do

staff  starts to change at this Hr many who where at the end of there sift filled out there papers and are now headed home

notices to job staffing company's where sent letting them know more job openings  at the manor are still open

(( note means open roles as staff or new kids still welcome))

Mitch sleeps thought the night so dose Milly

Tanya sits with Miguel as long as she was needed

a  Nurse checks on the twins  then gos on her round

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After watching the video Miguel kept drinking his bottle. A few minutes go by and he starts to yawn, his eyes get heavy as the warm milk starts to take effect. He slowly drinks the rest of his milk until its all gone. His tummy starts get full of gas which made his tummy hurt and make him fussy. 

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Jet stood by front of the desk "so when do I have to be asked these questions?, also do I have to wear  diapers or pull ups, I mean they are a little bit childish" he asks the person that is getting him checked in. 

((please note that it might take me a little bit of time to fully get back into the swing of role playing, since I haven't been doing any at all lately. 

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the man at the  shelter side looks at jet and  says " ill give you a tablet  if you want to transition to long term care  make sure  you  answer the questions right it will ask a ton more  and you will need to go though a healthcare assessment since you came here first , and please be aware most kids in the long term care wear diapers  this side is for placement of kids who need less care  , with you former fame and the way you look now i suggest  long term , not fan of the show my mom was, anyway you might be taken to the urgent care wing  witch only has a few rooms they do not like keeping kids there for long but if you need iv treatment they will keep you there  at lest a few days just saying you look  like a skeleton" a lady walks up and yells "Tod your being rude again  " then in a calm voice  says " back out to main menue and hit  i want to be in long term if thats what you want since he had it set to shelter mode  then answer everything  you will see a star by a question  any special care needs  HIT that   then hit all that aply  but there is a option of  " i am  or am the family of a famous person "  it will not get you favor with the staff but when you go out  they will know  you may need  extra people along or a costume  however  Balverk mannor kids  have  plenty of staff most people  leave them be " whe waves jet to sit and do the tablet

(note give all information relvent look to past posts to see how this has bin answwerd befor )


Tanya pats Miguel back gently and keeps a warm smile on her face

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The lady smiles at jet  and gos on to what she needs to do , this side is full of kids and adults  the shelter are  has small rooms  that have 2 lockers and a bunk-bed the bathrooms are public so is the bathing area   Male on one floor noncon on the 2nd floor  3 floor Female  every one seems happy and room for more then whats here  theres  a area for  people to find work shuttles to work  and much more  but it is easy from jets  trip though the main mannor the kids in  there have it better  , one kid can be herd complaining " i asked about long term  and they asked if i wore pull ups or diapers and what i thought of them  i said they where for sissy and babys  and the lady said  and that makes it where i can not  go there "

and  it was in the first questions jet as asked 

do you need diapers or pullups

if so are you ok wearing 24/7

what kind do you like

it gos on about beds cabnets  and once the bacic questions it brings up choices for temp  stuff then choices for perment things  it asks many things  and it seems  its not a static set of questions

Unknown to anyone the person who monitors the questions is whoever is at the cameras the man with the mohalk is doing them right now  and pops a question for him locked snackbox that only he knows  would he want one

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Tanya trys to gently and slowly set Miguel down with out disturbing him , knowing  if she stayed here all night  there was alot of work she would not get done on the special cloths the kids wanted

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Jet finds somewhere to sit down on the floor and he sits up against a wall with the tablet in his lap, looks down at and sees the first question, he starts to think about it carefully especially  after hearing what that other kid was complaining about. A couple of minutes ago by and he is still sitting there trying to decide how to answer the first question, ends up closing his eyes and randomly clicking one of the options unfortunately ends up choosing diapers.

Opens his eyes and looks at the next question and he clicks on yes without really reading the question fully, then he chooses the thickest option, again without fully reading the question because he is feeling a little bit lazy at the moment.

The next question comes up and Jet doesn't really like any of the options available so he just picks random stuff that will look all right, since he plans to ask about changing it  later on anyway.

After that he thinks that the next question about some locked box is a little bit silly so doesn't answer it and ends up clicking on the help/feedback button. 

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Jet looks at the man "well can we please just get a move on with these questions please, I don't want to be here all day answering questions about locked boxes and things, that are not important. Also I didn't really pay attention to the first three questions by the way". He says before stopping to take a breath.

He then continues after a few minutes "I don't think there was many good options for stuff to pick for my bedroom or whatever" He says. 

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