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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Tanya says " no biggie sweets   it may take me a lot longer on the rest  long list with so many  but   every ones first  will allways jump the line  as you all need somthing nice "

Lyn asks " need  the 2nd one deer ask Tayna she will be here all night i am heading out  soon after my paperwork is done "


Darla leans forward and grabs one of the same one Miguel picked  and a booster then says " ok time to change you and  i will take you back then come and get  thses diapers and take them to  the Nannys area " she takes him back to the changing table  and  carefuly changes him makeing sure to be as gental as she can ad rubs in more  numbing cream  befor puting his cloths back on and seting him down  then gives a kiss on Miguel forehead and says " you where good thankyou do you want to walk ot me to carry you "

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Tanya looks at Reiko and Yuka and says " i know a closet  you two need to see be for bed  Darla has a closet full  of  diapers that are samples for you guys to try and find the best fit and feel  , want to walk or want me to carry  you Two"


Darla gently lifts up Miguel  and carrys him and his bear and bag of toys to his room witch has many things he asked for  but has many temporary items as well  the wall paper he chose is up    the closets open with many  cloths he picked that was on had  are in it   Darla says " well how is your room so far sweetie"

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"I wove it!" He said as he hugged Darla. He looked all around the room and saw the star wars themed wall paper, his crib, a changing table full of different kinds of diapers, and some of the toys he had picked out. He giggled at how much stuff he had, he never had this much stuff before.

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Tanya being such a big lady easily lifts Yuka up with one arm  and has her  cradled in her arm  then says " ok bath time  " the  twos  pajamas on the opposite shoulder  then she has Yuka  and leads Reiko to the  Nannys stations bathroom  where while holding Yuka starts the tub with one hand  grabs a small open tub and  holds it under the running water makeing bubbles  then sets Yuka down then asks " ok want me to strip and wash you or you want to just help each other"


Darla says " good and are we good now  sweet Miguel "

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Darla says " if you notic  the common room just out side every ones room has beanbags   and a tv ther are headphones   on a shelp programed to that tv  so if people are allread asleep  you do not bother them  , you can play in your room   if you take your toys in the common area please take them back to your room as those toys are YOURS not the toys  here that is for everyone   once you are tired there is a red butten on the crib press it and  after it detects your weight it will close  with a  20 count  once it is closes that string on the wall will call a nanny or nurse   there is a speaker system  we can hear you when your in your room just call out   , but if no ones at there desk  the string turns on a light  that we will see  witch gos red after 5 mins of no responce to let us know we need to check on you right away  if you pull it 2 time it gos yellow means  you need a nurse  witch  sets off  a nurses pager after  5 mins now you need  help emergencey pull three or more times and it sets off the nurses pagers right away "

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Tanya  first helps Yuka undress and get into the tub then  undresses  Reiko and puts him in the tub  puts there cloths in a hamper  and washes them bolth  makeing sure to keep a eye on Yuka  once she was clean  she worked on Reiko once bolth clean  she says " all done " then helps them out of the tub drying them off  and  one in each arm takes them to  the changing table where she puts on a diaper   but sets there cloths on the bench and says " ok you two time to get you  better diapers that one was so we do not spring a leak while we chose  new ones " Tanya picks up Yuka  and sets Reiko on the floor from the changing table  and motions him to folow and leads them to a closet  that is filled with diapers   there are two baskets one with each name on it  and she says  "get only 2 of each diaper you want to try if you like them   when your changed tell who dose it  you want more of it they will scan a tag  added to it and will be able to get more "

Darla hugs Miguel back and says " i hope you feel better about the fact we are here FOR you  do not hold what others did aganced us  as we are not them any one wrongs you tell  some one on staff you trust and it will be handled , but keep in mind if you lie and say somthing bad that staff may be fired , we trust you kids alot  but trust is easy to lose hard to get back , we only want the truth and we want you happy you tell us anything you want  we will right it down  as part of your file but if you say you want somthing privet  any note maked privet can only be veiwed  if the  one who made the note gives  up the  lock code for the file and we are not alowed to unless you say we can and only staff can see  whats on your files  some information is flaged where only nurses drs and mr B can read them  so talk to the staff you trust the most about privet things and say if its privet but please trust the staff , but between you and me right now i am the best nurse on staff "

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Yuka slowly closes her eyes before opening then again with a whine. She looks down at Reiko as he looks up. "It's okay Yuka night night time" he says reaching up and holding on of her hands. With the other he points to a diaper that was thick not to thick then points a thick one for Yuka.

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Tanya tosses the diapers he picks into the bin  along with boosters and tucks a set under her arm  and says  "can come back later to pick more  ill take  those to your room later lets get you to dressed now " she takes them back to the changing room and  first changes Yuka into a thicker diaper with a booster and dresses her  and sets her  in a chair while she  changes  her brother to a thicker set and  helps put his Pjs on then carrys Yuka to her crib while Reiko walks  and once she has Yuka in her room says " ok you to i hope those diapers are nice and comfy  when ready for bed hit the red butten on the crib and get in and it will shut  the pull sting if you need anything ok"


Darla says " relax sweetie call me what you feel is ok for you  you will not upset me  i do not think many of the  Lady staff here would be upset  OK dont cry sweetie"


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Reiko nods and waves at Yuka who was basically sleeping aside from the small wave. She puts her thumb in her mouth. Reiko looks around grabbing her pacifier off the table showing Tanya. Reiko had gone quite mostly ready for bed.

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Tanya makes sure Yukas in her crib and whispers to Reiko " ok   i think i will close her in unless you want in with otherwize you can go to bed on your own we  are here if you need us"

Darla looks at Miguel and says " sweetie  you are fine   my  mother Tanya will be by to check on you though the night i do not know the nurse thats on shift  but i am sure they are good , so i will see you tomorrow and so will Lyn  you will find  every one here is nice there not they will have to answer to MR B who can be Scarry "

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Tonya  closes the crib whispers" need changed or want out pull the string"     then she heads to check on the other kids

Darla says " Migeul sweetie are you tired yet or not there is two hrs befor lights out call means you can play for a bit or go to bed  most  have gone to bad as they are not that big  or old  the boy in the public space is  older and is able to be up longer but he is hurt so his lights out will be the same "

Kurt now set in the game room has anime on the tv streaming  and with the medication wakes watches a bit sleeps and is checked up on time to time .

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Darla says " the bottle yes  what would you like in it  the only rule is no caffeine at night so soda is allowed as long as no caffeine "


Tanya checks on every one and comes in on Miguel and herd his request  and says " she can get you a bottle i might be able to do a story"

at a desk with many cameras sits a man in  a long black trench coat  black shirt and pants  black tie  mohalk that's  5 different shades of blue striped  a wireless  horse shoe earbud set watching sound bars on all the rooms  for noise if the noise gets loud he will  listen in and see what it is  and is watching for  string pulls   and has a  phone  that has the desk phone forwarded to his so that he can answer off his headset if any one calls or comes to the gates and buzzes in. 

he also has on  heavy makeup  and looks like rock met goth in a good way and his boots are leather  

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