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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Lyn says " Darla has bin my freind for years  her mom is like a mom to me  to me they are  famly "

Darla says thats well and good but  come over to the nurses station exacam room where i have a bright light to get a good look at things  and we will use some numbing cream on where it hurts to help you sleep   so i can check it out and make it feel better ok "


Mitch says " your welcome i think the other boy will be ok for a week  his toys are  big robots and figures but not alot of parts and pices  if you want a self like  is in mills room  ask a nanny  they have bunch and they are easy to put togeather so  less five min  they have a shelf"

In millys room she has put some of her gundams on a small black shelf unit that has plastic pools and  5 shelfs

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Mitch nods and heads back to his room

Darla after getting Miguel to the station lifts him onto a exam table  then carefully removes his cloths and looks for bruses

and says " i have to take pictures for record  once i take pictures i will rub cream in to lessen the pain and feel how bad it is  and as its night time we have thicker diapers and boosters depending how think you like them  yo get nerviness say so i am here to help no hurt witch is why i go slow now you want me to go faster ask i am not about to  do anything to hurt or scare you  "

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Miguel nodded and let Darla take pictures of him. He was just in his diaper, holding his stuffed lemur. Darla could see a big bruise on his back and a few on both of his arms. She could see a few old scars on his back from where his parents beat him. He sat there sucking on his paci watching Darla take pictures of him.

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Darla once done with the camra  grabs lidiocain and  puts on gloves and slowly rubs in the cream feeling how deep and bad  they are and if theres damage below  going slow to make sure the cream numbs are area as much a posable  so the more she rubs the less it hurts but gives her a good idea the damage  Darla says " sweetie your doing good " finishes the exam  and gets  a  teady from  the closet one of the starwars build a bears  "here you go being brave and doing what you need to do is rewarded here "

((Note your ctr the results are yous to hint at and tell me  just information  to move plot "P ))

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"Hey Yuka I think it's getting late want to get some rest." Reiko always had difficultly getting Yuka to lay down and sleep. He was hopping she laid down with ease. Unfortunately like most nights that was not the case. Yuka looks up at her brother and shakes her head. He sighs "fine but don't get mad at me when you're tired in the morning"

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Lyn hapened to walk by as Reiko was trying to get his sister to sleep and says "Reiko come here a sec " once he had came over she whispers is this common , do you think she would bennifit from any meds your with her so if you think so i can talk to the nurses who will talk to the dr  it would be a few days befor  anything start  just like it will be a while befor  we know anything on the tests we did "

((Note your ctr the results are yous to hint at and tell me  just information  in pm or when time comes i let you read results so  only things you want  are there ))

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"That would help. It's almost as if she can't fall asleep and when she does she never stays sleep for long" He looks at his sister and frowns. "She doesn't see what's happening sometimes as if she is always in a different place." Yuka runs to her bed pulling the blanket off and running over to Reiko. "Rei Rei let's play" Reiko shakes his head and frowns. "it's bed time"

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Miguel winced when she rubbed the bruise on his back. The rest of the bruises weren't as bad. When Darla handed him the new bear, his eyes lit up. "Fank yew" He said behind his paci. He quickly hugged his new bear.

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Darla  says befor we get  you dressed  theres a Xray room here  i can do a chest Xray while you stand   and make sure  no damage was done to your back if you like or we can stop here  get you changed  and see if you like any of the diapers i got in the closet  that are trial ones i do not have many  so i  have you try it next day you tell me if you like it  and we keep trying till we find the best one  then i order more  so what do you want to do , i will only do what you trust me to "

Lyn notices the Dr happen to just come in and he waves him over . A old man  with silver hair and beard  and large thick glasses walks up   looks at Reiko  and says in a wispy old man voice " Hello there  whats the consern "

Lyn whispers quickly in his ear and  with a little whisle to his speach says " ohhh i understand we can do one of two things till the  tests come back   we have a mild  sedtive on hand  oral and inject  or we wait till i can order a night time sleep mead for children as  you are probly not use to being apart a sedtive the first few nights might not be a bad idea  now this is your sister you know her we are going to get to know her so at the moment you are best equept to deside "

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Reiko looks at Yuka then back at the Doctor and Lyn. "Oral" He says he had never heard the word before but was a quick learner and know about needles. Yuka pouts and pulls at her brothers arm gently.

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Dr Jones says : :Lyn find  one of the nurses and have then get  2 low doses  one for now  and one more later if shes still restless along with a a nice soda and pudding"

Lyn says " This is DR Jones By the way and yes sir i will be right back" Lyn dashes off leaving Reiko with the Dr who is only 4ft 5 Dr Jones  smiles and says " if you think you or your sister need something ask if i agree i will order it if i do not i will say why i disagree so do not be shy"

Lyn notices Darla is taking her time with Miguel gets another nurce thats night shift who gets what was asked and gives it to Lyn who heads back to the Dr


((note any one want to add a nurse feel free ))

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Darla "as long as you can hold it while keeping your arms at your side " she leads him into the next room and points out where he has to stand and shows him the three poses she needs front back side  and says " those are the poses i need   i get those  we should be good unless i find somthing witch i hope i do not you bin though enugh now that your here we are here to give you a good life from now on"

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Darla  after the Xrays done Gently picks up Miguel and takes him to a  Closet filled with diapers from around the world  all of high quality cloth and disposable of all types  and says " this is my sample closet the basket on the floor is for you to put  Two of any you want to try in  , i have  a small tag on each  that can be scanned if you like them and i will get more  for now  pick what you want i will hold you and help you reach anthing you want as you can tell it is supper full i have 8 closets like this of every size so every one gets a chance "


Lyn comes back to Reiko and whispers i have a bowl of pudding with M&ms and cookies  in it and what you requested is in it , if Yuka  wont eat that i have pills as back up " Lyn hands Reiko  2 bottles of milk and is holdeing a two bowls of pudding  pulls a folding kids table out sets them on it and puts two chairs motions for Reiko to sit once he dose sets a bowl in front of  him and one in front of the other chair  then calls" Yuka sweetie snacks "

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Lyn hands  them spoons  and  sets a few bottles of coolaid froot punch at the table  and says " please drink the milk first the frootpunch youi can  have in the cribs with you and  if you notice theres  a speaker and a pull string so you need a change just  speek up if they are not at station  and do not hear pull the string and your light will go on and some one will come right away  also you notic your cribs have a close button you can hope in and hit it it will close  opeing it you need help witch is why theres a string "

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Darla says " toss them in the basket  and you can chose more i just ment two of the same diaper dear "

one things she points to is  a rack of tape on the door  some of starwars  and the rest of other childish prints


Lyn makes sure  Yuka eats all the pudding

Tanya  makes her round checking  to see if any one needs a change  and had found Milly and Mitch in need  changed them and retured them and came by where Lyn was and says " well i see some one will need a bath befor bed and to think i just got done  one of the sets of Pjs you two requested " Tanya holds up  the twos pjs she had just finished the fabric and style  are just what they had asked for 

Lyn commonts " that was fast  you always seem to make sure to get at lest one pair each on there first night "

Tanya nods

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