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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

April Showers

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A piece of flash fiction.  C & C (comments & critiques) welcome.


APRIL SHOWERS (or will it be showers for April?)

It was not a date, just two people meeting for coffee.  So, why was I so nervous?  Because meeting new people was hard for me or because we shared an interest in what some might consider a perversion? 

April and I met through an online dating service.  My profile was a skimpy listing with just some basic vanilla information like first name, age, essential physical description, and some of my different interests. I was amazed that more than a dozen women had contacted me through that profile, but less surprised that most decided to avoid me after the first message exchange.  I had to face the fact that very few women really wanted to meet a guy who wore diapers for any reason, much less a guy who wore them for fun. April, though, seemed eager to meet face to face, so we agreed on a coffee shop about halfway between our homes.

We agreed on a day and time.  Well, I agreed to the day and time April suggested.  And here I was, wearing what she told me she would like me to wear for our first meeting, and looking for the woman in the photograph in her online profile.  A purple, short sleeve, knit top would be easy to spot, and long auburn hair wasn’t all that common, either.  And there she was.

Looking through the shop’s window I stared at April while she read a book.  She looked exactly like the photo in her profile but seeing her live she appeared even lovelier.  And her breasts even larger.  I took a deep breath.  Then another.

The shop door hit the bell stationed above it and April looked up from her book.  As cliché as it is, her smile lit up the room.  At least for me.  Two paper cups of coffee were on the small round table in front of her, so I bypassed the counter and walked straight towards her. April watched every step and even giggled when I bumped into an empty chair at the table next to hers.

Before I could introduce myself, April pointed to the second chair at her table and said, “Sit down, baby.”

“Hi,” I said sitting down, “I’m James and you must be April.” Mentally I slapped the side of my head.

“No need to be so nervous, sweetie,” April said with a warm smile that put me at complete ease.  “Let’s drink our coffee and see if we have anything more than a couple kinks in common.”

My face felt as though it was on fire, but I managed to nod then take a sip of the coffee she had bought for me.  We drank our coffee and talked.  Well, April asked questions and I answered them.  She was the most interesting woman I had ever met, and I knew nothing about her.  As I drained my cup, she floored me again.

“Are you dry, Jaimie?”

There was a good chance my face would be sunburned after this.  Stunned, I just nodded.

“Are you sure, sweetie?  Littles seldom own up to their accidents, you know.  You’d better stand up and let me check just to be sure.”  April’s voice was still smooth and comforting, but she had stopped smiling.  It was not a mean look, just a serious one that said, I’m serious, and you’d better be a good boy or else.

Silently I stood and moved next to April.  The barista had her back to us, but there were other customers in the shop I prayed would not notice us.

April tugged at the waist of my jeans and slid her left hand inside.  She patted me beneath my boxers and frowned as she withdrew her hand.

“Sit down, baby, and tell me why you are not wearing a diaper.”

“Well,” I started obediently.

“Did you think ‘normal and casual’ meant to forego protection?” 

As a matter of fact, I had.  Still smarting from her rebuke, I just nodded, then whispered, “I really did.  I’m sorry.”

“You are probably going to be even sorrier, Jamie.”

April explained that she had spiked my coffee with a diuretic and that I had five, perhaps ten, more minutes before I lost control of my bladder.  The mild humiliation of being publicly treated as a child had stirred up an erection, but this news deflated it faster than a pin in a balloon.

April stood up and motioned me do the same.  Only now, both of us standing, did I realize just how tall she was.  Her chin could have rested easily on my head. After dropping her book into her large shoulder bag she took my hand and forced me towards the door.

“We’d better get you home before you embarrass yourself, baby.” 







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On 6/27/2021 at 12:33 PM, Pierry Louys said:

Great start curious to see how this relationship is gonna work for them

Sorry, no plans to take it further.  

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