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To much Fun (private)


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Megan smiled as James diaper wet she decided to change him in the back seat of the car. She did it quickly so not to many people saw James get his diaper changed.

She took out the baby stroller and placed James in it. " We're going to see all the cool fishy baby " she cooed placing a pacifier in his mouth.  They made there way into the aquarium. " do you want to get out and walk baby or stay in the stroller" Megan asked after she checked in with there tickets. 

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Megan smoked James choose the baby option she pushed him over to one of the fish tanks that had rainbow fish in it. " aren't those pretty baby " she coped showing James the different colors. 
Next they went to a tank that had turtles and one of the workers was feeding them.

the worker came over to James " Do you know what kind of animal this is" the worker asked holding out a baby turtle t0 James to see. Megan watched to make sure James was going to remember his baby talk. 

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James didn’t want to walk around dressed like a baby so if he chose the stroller at least he wouldn’t be embarrassed too bad most people would think he was a real baby. 

He nodded as the fish were cool looking..

He looked at the woman then at Magan and he knew what she wanted him to do..


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Megan smiles at James when he used his baby talk. 
the worker held out the turle to James so he could let it. " That's right this is a turtle and he's baby just like you " she said with a smile once James pet the turtle she set it back down and went to feed the rest of them.

megan looked down at James in the stroller "that was cool baby. how about we go see the other fishy " She coped puahin him to another tank that had o fish in it:


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James Blushed as the woman called him a baby too! 

He smiled at Magan at least he was being good.. 

“Wo k.” He said as they went to look at more fishes..

He looked around glad they weren’t real busy as he still wasn’t used to being a baby out in public.. 


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Megan pushed James around the aquarium showing him all the different fishy. She found A bench and sat down and took out the diaper bag. " is baby thirsty how about some juice " Megan said taking out a bottle of grape juice. She gave it to James and let him drink. she sat on her phone and started scrolling through social media. " Look baby your mommy posted a new picture of you" 0 Megan said showing james a picture of him doing tummy time this morning.

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James looked at all the fishes some were really colorful and pretty cool..

Once they got to the bench he nodded as he was thirsty..

”Wank woo.” He said taking his bottle he began drinking..

He looked at the Facebook 

“Wo won’t wike wummy wime!” He cried 

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Megan laughed as James complained about tummy time. " don't worry you will get use to it" she said tickling his belly. She looked at the time. " I think someone ready for a nap " she said. She took the bottle of juice and replaced it with his pacifier then hit a blanket out and Draped it over him. She laid the stroller back and started to rock it with her food. " when baby wakes up will continue to explore " she said softly getting James to sleep.

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James started to laugh as he was tickled. “Wo why wait wummy wime.” He whined saying he hated tummy time. 

“Wo Wo wnt wired.” He said yawning that he wasn’t tired.

He got comfortable in his stroller as he accepted the pacifier the rocking and cooing had him asleep in no time.

As he slept like the baby he is he wet his diaper. 

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Megan knew James was tired just like every baby he complained about nap time.while James was sleeping Megan decided they should go back home for The day. Once they were home Megan changed James diaper then laid him down in his bassinet she waited until he was crying to go get him up. Megan had set up James baby gym while he was sleeping to use after his nap. 

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(Congrats we made a 1,000 replies!) 

James was a deep sleeper in his new baby life often he would wake up in his crib not remembering how he got there.. Now he woke up in his new baby bed or not even a baby bed now it was a infant bed..

He woke up with the pacifier in his mouth he don’t know how he did it but it was becoming a routine thing.. 

Now he knew he had to let Magan now he was up or maybe his mommy as he didn’t know what time it was or who was there.. 

“Wime wup  wime wup!” He said in the baby monitor he looked at the nursery door and nothing.. 

Then he knew what he had to do.. He thought about the adult life he lost the freedom and he thought about his dog dying when he was a kid.. 

All those things made him Sad he laid back down and berm crying like a baby trying to get someone’s attention.. 

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While James was sleeping Megan did some homework when she heard James call over the baby monitor he was up she went and made him a bottle before she went up to the nursery. she heard him crying when opened the door " Aww what's wrong with the baby someone fussy " she cooed going over to the bassinet. She lifted James out the bassinet and brought him over to the rocking chair. " let's have some cuddle time until mommy comes " she said teasing the bottle against his lip.  She took her hand. And wiped away James tears. " did you have fun today " she asked as she fed him knowing he wouldn't answer her back. 

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James nodded with real tears as he was being conditioned to crying to get his babysitters or mommy’s attention. He was started to feel more and more like he was a real baby! 

The baby nodded as he accepted the nipple and began sucking. 

He still wasn’t liking at being reduced to even more of a baby with tummy time bassinet and the baby crying but he was getting used to it! 


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Megan cooed to James as he drank his bottle. When he was done with it she say him up and started to burp him. She too a a small rag and wipes James mouth when he spit up some of the milk. " uh oh looks like baby had little to much milky " she cooed bouncing him gently.  She then  decided to play some baby games with James. She covered his face with her hands. " where did baby go...oh there he is " she said playing peek a boo with James this went on awhile until hailey walked into the nursery. 
" Where's my baby " hailey cooed playing around with Megan " there he is mommy missed her baby " 

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He was always embarrassed when he was burped and it was gross and humiliating at the same time when he spit up. 

James didn’t like the games but when she would’t stop he had no choice to play. 

The baby laughed and played with his babysitter. 

His ears perked up and his eyes got big it was mommy!  

“Mommy!” He said 



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Hailey smiled at James and walked over to the rocking chair. " hello baby! We're you a good boy today " she said ticking his belly leaving him on Megan lap. 
megan bounced  James on her lap while they talked to hailey. " he was a good Boy today we went to see fishy at the aquarium" Megan told hailey looking down at James 

" that sounds fun I think baby might get to have some special time tonight " hailey said thinking about it " only if he's good baby during tummy time later " 

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James nodded and giggled but Magan was the one to tell his mommy what was going on.. 

“Wummy wime wo Pwese wo wummy wime!” He cried 

He was also too happy with the thought of his special time.. 

Please there has to be a compromise! He thinks to himself as he know tummy time sucks but his special time is his special time! 

James realizes she has him where she wants him!  



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Hailey bounced James on her hip. " don't baby you will get use to tummy time " she said. 
megan agreed with hailey" once you learn how to roll over it will be more fun " she added on. Haileu carried James downstairs to the living room and placed him in his play pen. " you can play with your toys while mommy talks to Megan "  she said giving James a rattle to play with. 

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James realized his road to infancy was going so fast he couldn’t slow it down.. He was still thrill to come to terms why they were treating him like a infant he would give anything to be a baby or toddler again! 

“Woll wover?” He didn’t understand that at one time they would let him roll over! 

Before he could say much more he was placed in his playpen and handed a rattle he looked at it like he was expected to shake it..

He looked at his toys all his baby toys were gone he looked at his new toys and they were all soft and their was a teething ring.

For real! He thought to himself.

He wondered what his mommy and his babysitter were talking about.. 


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Hailey and Megan were having a conversation about maybe turning  James into a newborn full time.  They talked for Twenty minutes before hailey went to  check on James in the play pen. " baby are you having fun.  Let's gets some milky in that tummy " she said picking up James and bringing him over to the couch to nurse.

She got James to start suckling before she started to say " Baby from now on your going to be a newborn baby mommy thinks your to little to be a toddler " she said patting his bottom as he nursed.

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James was bored with the toys he really didn’t know how to play with them. He didn’t know how to be a 6 months old how they would lay there and suck on their toys and shake them once in a while.. 

His eyes got big as he saw his mommy..

James waited for his mommy to present him with her breast and once his head was pressed against her nipple he latched on and began drinking..

Once he starts drinking he couldn’t believe what he heard..

He tried to say something but his mommy kept his face buried and sucking her tit. 

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hailey nursed James slowly enjoying the bonding time she had with him. She would coo to him and tell him how much she loved him. Once he was done she sad him up to be burped. " good burp baby I thinks it time for a nap" she said rocking him slowly. she placed his pacifier in his mouth and started to pat his bottom. " I know your not sleep but it's nap time when you wake up you will have special time " she told him as he was falling alsleep. 

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James was almost asleep as she began talking to him he noticed right away she was more soft and gentle. He wondered is she really treating me like a newborn.

Once he burped  he figured he better hurry and let his mommy know how he felt. 

“Wommy Wo wuborn pwese!” He whined no newborn.

He didn’t wanna press it right now as she said he would get special time.  

The last thing he remembered was being laid in his bassinet with the mobile being wond up. 


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Hailey placed James in hid bassinet and went around the house to do some work. Hailey decided she would make James a newborn for a little b it then age him back to a toddler with pull his knowing he wouldn't be able handle he would be a baby again. Hailwu continue to clean while she waited for James to wake up from his nap. She knew with a fully belly of breast milk he would be out for awhile. 

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