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To much Fun (private)


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He smiled cause she was right the fruits were the best! James was still a boy so he really did like crawling behind his mommy he would check out her ass cause it was perfect he would undress her with his eyes wondering what color her panties were is she was wearing a thong or whatever.  He was glad she couldn’t read his mind but that was like the last gasp of him being an adult. Then of course when she would play with his diaper that was a special treat. He’s been caught a few times playing with himself and he was warned about a cock cage and he hated that idea.  

Once they got to the bathroom he waited until she began undressing him he wasn’t allowed to do anything they made sure he knew he was a baby and after so much time he began to accept it. 

“wool!” He said pointing at it excitedly. 

He got in and began playing with his toys splashing about. 

“wiper wsh?” He asked not believing he could get diaper rash but that would be just one more thing to confirm he was a baby! 

He knew adults don’t get diaper rash!! 


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Hailey sat on the toilet watching as Jane splayed in the bath. “ Yes but don’t worry mommy will make it feel better “ She told his as she let him play with his bath toys. 

once James was tired of playing hair it came over and started to wash him with some baby soap.  “ someone was a messy baby huh. that’s okay that’s why mommy is here to keep you clean “ she coped taking the wash cloth and scrubbing James from head to toe. “ Are you ready to get out baby “ she asked 

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James continued to play with his ducky, shark and little boat that Aunt Chloe got for him.. 

He smiled as his mommy began washing him.. 

“Wgn wsy!” He said saying Magan was messy.. 

“Yeth wdy out.” 

“mommy pwy width diape!” He begged as seeing his babysitter and now his mommy they both got him excited! 

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Hailey got James baby towel from his closet and got him out.  “ No I think your a messy baby “ she said tickling his belly.  She friend him. Off and Carrie shin to his nursery. she laid him in the changing table and got his baby lotion out and giving him a massage. 

“ Not tonight baby You were naughty woo Megan early and forgot you baby talk “ she told him as she started to diaper his bottom she made sure to apply extra rash cream so James rash wouldn’t spread. 

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He couldn’t help but laugh as his mommy tickled him. 

Once in his nursery he was thinking he might get lucky as his lucky was just his mommy playing around with his diaper making him feel good. 

He laid there feeling good really excited as even his little pee pee gave that away. 

Then his hopes for fun was dashed..

”Pwese mommy eyes wembr wabby walk!” He begged hoping to change her mind but he knew he was playing with fire cause she could spank him or swat him or she might give him a warning.


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Hailey went over to the dresser and pulled out one of James pacifier and placed it in his mouth. She then continued to diaper him ignoring his whining about special time. “Baby can get special time tomorrow if he a really good boy for Megan. “ She told him as she got him into a new long sleeve yellow onesie.  She sat James up when he was dressed and took out back down to the living room. she whenever and got his swing and paced him down gently. “ i think baby can use some quite time right now then “ she said starting the swinging motion. 

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Once his pacifier was placed in his mouth that meant his mommy heard enough. 

He laid there as his mommy finished diapering him and dressing him.. He just sucked on his pacifier.. 

James nodded with the hope of play time tomorrow.. 

Once they got downstairs he thought he might be placed in his playpen but instead he noticed he was going to go in the swing.. 

He hated the swing but he wasn’t going to complain. 


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Hailey left James in his swing for awhile before she came over to him with a bottle. 
“ I bet your thirsty baby “ she cooed giving James his bottle he could drink in the swing. she then started playing some soft nursery music in the background. 

Hailey was planning on having James fall asleep in his wing for the night she had a surprise for him the next day and didn’t want him to find about it. she was going to get rid of his crib and replace it with a bassinet it was nice for hailey  because she slowly turning James into a infant.

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James nodded cause it was boring rocking back and forth so at least his bottle would give him something to do.. After all he was thirsty. 

He took his bottle and began drinking and he heard the soft nursery music playing he was very much a baby and the music just like any baby soon put him to sleep with the bottle dangling from his mouth. 

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Hailey came back to check James and saw he was sleeping. She took the bottle and swapped it for  his pacifier then went about cleaning the house. 
Dylan came in the house with huge box and brought up to the nursery and loved the crib out and replaced it with the bassinet. That had a mobile with dinosaur swinging above it and even swayed back n forth like his swing. Once dylan was done haIley moved James up to his new bassinet. Watching him stir a little In his new bed once he was settle hailey went to bed for the night waiting to hear James cry in the morning for her. 

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James slept through the night as he was used to his schedule he would’t even wake up to poop his diaper.. 

Once he woke up he noticed he was swaddled and could’t move and he couldn’t figure out what he was laying in where was his crib! 

“Mommy wabby wup “ he said knowing the Baby monitor was always on..

He talked it a few times and nothing and he knew the one thing that got her attention was him crying not like a baby but like a newborn like he knew nothing unlike a real baby who does know and just kinda whines. 

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Hailey groaned hearing James on the baby monitor she got up once she heard him start to fuss like a newborn baby.  She walked in the nursed in her pajamas rubbing her yes she could smell James mess diaper.  Once she got over to the bassinet she. Smiled at James and started to coo at him. “ What’s wrong with my baby I think he needs a diaper change “  hailey lifted James out the bassinet and cuddled him to her chest before laying him in the changing table. “ Do you like your new bed baby mommy thought you be safer in that and not your crib “ she said as started to unreal James diaper. “ pew ew your stinky today “ she said as she started to wipe away the mess.once James bottom was clean she applie some rash cream and a new diaper. 

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“Mommy wir why crb!” He asked as that was the first thing on his mind. 

Sure he needed to be changed it seemed he always did.. 

“Pwese mommy crb!” He whined as the tapes of his diaper was ripped open.. 

The smell was bad he still hated messing his diaper! 

He did feel better once he was changed into a fresh diaper. 


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“ Mommy thinks your much to little for a crib this will be better “ she told him as she finished getting him dressed. She got him of the changing table and brought him down to the kitchen. she sat him in his big hair and tied a bud around his neck. “ I bet baby is hungry this morning “ she cooed going to get James baby cereal together. 
“ Meggy said that she going to take you to the aquarium today baby doesn’t that sound fun “hailey said as she came back over to him with the baby cereal. she stirred it then brought the spoon to his mouth. “ Open wide for the airplanes” she cooed. 

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“Wo wo mommy wig war crb!” He said saying how he was big enough for the crib.. He didn’t understand why it seemed he was going backwards.. 

“Wommy wood why’s woinb weted wike wittle baby wnd wot wodlr!” He cried he was hungry though.

He asked why was he being treated liked little baby and not a toddler and he asked if he’d been good.. 

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“ Baby you have been a good boy but mommy wants a little baby not a toddler anymore “ Hailey told him as she spooned the baby oatmeal into his mouth. She continues feed not getting him ti messy because she didn’t want ti give him a bath. 
“ remember baby if your a good boy with Megan today mommy you will let you have some special time “ she finished feeding James his breakfast then wiped his face and took him out the high chair. “ let’s get baby some milky”she said pulling her shirt so James could drink. 

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James tried talking but every time he opened more oatmeal was in his face.. He had no choice but to eat it.. 

He smiled with the promise of some fun he was determined to be good.. 

“mIlky mommy!” He clapped excitedly knowing that would make her happy..

He noticed she was wearing a nice sexy pink bra he would have to remember that for latter.. Once he saw her nipple he began sucking.. 

As he was sucking he thought about Magan and going to the aquarium.. He wondered if she was going to continue to treat him like a little baby and if her and his mommy had this planned! 



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Hailey enjoyed this bonding time with James she always felt the closest to him when he nursed. Once he was done she sat him up and started up burp him. “ good job baby “ she booed once he burped. Sue stood up and brought him out to the living she laid him on his tummy on a soft  blanket surrounding by toys. “ time for baby to do tummy time until meggy gets here “ haikus cooed. She patted James diapered bottom a few times before she left him on the floor to play with his toys. 

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James almost feel asleep until she began burping him.. 

He burped only a few minutes later and he spit up he hated when that happened he felt like such a infant.. 

The baby smiled he was always happy when his mommy praised him..

Once they got in the front room he saw the pillow he knew what that meant.

”Wo wo mommy won’t wike wummh wime!” He cried as he was laid down..

He hated tummy time it felt like he was swimming it was hard to play he hoped Magan would come soon! 

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“ don’t worry baby you will get use to tummy time “ hailey told him as she went out the living room.

It was about twenty minutes until James would hear the door bell and the sound of Megan coming in. She talked to Hailey before coming to see James. “ hello baby are ready to have fun today “ she cooed sitting in front of James. 

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Megan frowned when she heard James forget his baby talk. She put his pacifier in his mouth. “ keep your Paci in baby” she told him she picked him up and bounced him in her lap. 
“ well we should get going so we can see all the cool fishy “ she cooeed she grabbed James diaper bag and carried him out to the car. She buckled him in his car seat. She pulled out a bottle and swapped it for his pacifier. “ baby should have a wet diapey before we get go the aquarium “ she told him getting in the car. 

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He nodded happy she didn’t spank him cause he knew he forgot his baby talk it was almost like he said a cuss word as he covered his mouth.. 

The baby liked bouncing up and down Magan was beautiful and he got to smell her sexy perfume. 

Once they got out to the car he sat there looking down her shirt enjoying the view..

”wo k.” He said behind the nipple 

He began drinking not happy that she wanted him to have a wet diaper that fast cause he knew he would get changed out in public probably twice! 


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Megan drove to the aquarium putting on nursery rhymes for James as they drive it tone about 45 minute to get there. Once they got there before she parked the car Megan turned around and looked at James.

” Did baby wet his diaper if not Meghan night have to give baby a spanking “ Megan told James as she parked the car. She got out the car and went to unbuckle James. She unbuckled him in stuck her hand in his diaper, 

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James sucked on his bottle drinking most of it as they got there.

He nodded that he did wet his diaper.

He waited for her to get him out..

James blushed as she put her hand in his diaper to check brushing up against his baby pee pee 

“Wot we wooing?” He asked what they were doing:: 

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