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“Merry Christmas!” Jason shouted as he came in the front door. He looked tired after his long drive.

“Merry Christmas, Jason.” Holly greeted him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She was dressed in a festive green Christmas dress with white trim, and a matching green Santa hat.

Jason was surprised to see her. He dropped his bag on the floor, glancing past her quickly before meeting her eyes. He smiled. They hadn’t seen much of each other in the past few months. “It’s good to see you, Holly. Are you and Darcy...” he trailed off, again looking around for signs of his fiancé.

She motioned zipping her lips. “I won’t ruin the surprise.”

His smile widened. “Let me hit the bathroom and freshen up real quick.”

“I’ll be by the tree.” She flounced into the living room, her shirt skirt bouncing with each step. Holly looked over her shoulder, catching him watch her. She winked and disappeared into the other room. The living room was lit only by the Christmas lights on the tree, a multicolored glow illuminating one new, brightly wrapped, large package in the center of the room. A thick green ribbon framed the box, tied off on top in a massive bow. A card hung from the bow, written in large, elegant, cursive script “To: Jason. From: Santa.”

Holly turned the stereo on, softly playing Christmas music in the background. She then plopped down on the couch, stretching out and waiting. She’d been helping Darcy surprise Jason for years, and even though Darcy had been trying to push Holly out of their lives for the past few months, Christmas was a time to put old fights behind them and be together with the ones you loved.

She didn’t have to wait long; Jason came in, having changed into a tight black sweater. He looked around, eyes landing on the present.

“Go ahead and open it,” Holly said.

“Should we wait for Darcy? Or is...” Again he trailed off, looking at the box. It would be cramped, but it could potentially contain his fiancé.

“Don’t ruin the surprise,” Holly said, watching.

He grabbed the ribbon, and with a calculated tug, pulled apart the bow, the ribbon sliding off the package to the floor. He grabbed the lid, pausing as he noticed the air holes on the back side of the package. He glanced at Holly, who was merely watching from where she lounged on the couch, a content smile on her lips. Jason lifted the top of the box off, staring down into his gift.

“Mmmphnnn!” came a muffled cry from the box.

Jason was speechless, staring down into the box. His fiancé was, as he suspected, inside, but this was not what he’d expected.

The box shook as Darcy struggled inside. She was laying on her back on a cushion on the bottom of the package. Her legs were frog tied and her wrists bound to her upper arms with green tape that matched the ribbon wrapping the package. More of the ribbon was tied around her, wrapped tightly over her pert breasts, just covering her nipples, the strands disappearing around her back and crisscrossing across her stomach and a single thread of ribbon going down between her legs, over the thick pink diaper she was wearing. Another bow was tied neatly over the top of her diaper, which was notably the only clothing she was wearing, and certainly not part of her normal attire. Her hands were trapped in thick, padded pink mittens, that matched the pink pacifier strapped in her mouth.

“What do you think?” Holly asked, having sauntered up behind Jason while he was taking in his gift. She looked over his shoulder down at her best friend. Darcy glared back, shaking and struggling, screaming into her gag. Holly was bigger and stronger, and it had been easy to overpower the smaller girl. Darcy fought the entire time, but Holly had managed to strip her naked, tie her up, and put her in a diaper before wrapping her up as an unwilling Christmas present for her own fiancé.

“Mmmmphnnn! Hmmmph mmmph!” she cried around the massive rubber nipple stuffed in her mouth.

“Hang on.” Jason reached in and tried to pull the pacifier out of her mouth for her, but it was strapped in too tightly. “Did you do this?”

“Nnnnph!” She shook her head furiously, the cute pigtails Holly had tied her hair in swishing against the sides of the box.

Jason looked back at Holly. “What’s going on?”

Holly grinned ear to ear. “She told me you wanted this.”

They both glanced back at the helpless girl in the box.

“To try ageplay. To see her in diapers. To be your helpless baby girl.” Holly leaned in closer to Jason.

Jason gulped. He tried to move back, but Holly’s hand found the bulge in the front of his jeans, stroking him.

“I’m guessing she never did do that for you?”

Jason shook his head. Beneath them Darcy continued to struggle uselessly, screaming for attention.

“I get it,” Holly said. “She can be so immature. And now she’s being such a selfish little brat, trying to keep you all to herself. When we were friends before you and her even met! I miss you.” Her face was inches from his, her lips almost meeting his, but she stopped, looking back down at the furious girl in the box. “I’ve missed her too. The three of us could have so, so much fun together.” She reached down, stroking Darcy’s cheek above her gag.


Jason ran his tongue around his suddenly very dry mouth. Darcy looked up at him, staring into his eyes, pleading incoherently into her pacifier. She looked so cute like that, all wrapped up, both in the ribbons and the diaper. She’d been willing to wear a cute schoolgirl uniform, she was happy to let him tie her up from time to time, but she’d balked when he’d asked to put her in a diaper. She didn’t understand the appeal, and he hadn’t pressed it. But to find that she had told Holly about it, and somehow Holly had convinced her to do it...

No, clearly Holly hadn’t convinced her. However she’d managed it, Darcy clearly didn’t want to be tied up in a diaper. Taking one last mental snapshot of his infantilized fiancé, he reached again for the pacifier gag. Darcy moaned gratefully and leaned her head to the side so he could reach around for the clasp behind her head. He froze, feeling the lock. “Holly, where’s the key?”

Holly pouted, pulling a key on a chord around her neck from between her breasts. Jason reached for it, but Holly snatched it back, clutching it in her fist. Her frown turned into a mischievous grin. “Why?”

“Come on Holly. She wants out.”

“I’m sure she does. But what do YOU want?”

Darcy had gone quiet, her eyes darting back and forth between them.

“I want to hear what she has to say?” Jason again held out his hand for the key.

“Do you want to hear her say 'no?' To say that she doesn’t want to indulge in your fantasies? That she doesn’t want to share you with me?”

Jason’s hand slowly lowered.

“Mmmphnnn!” Darcy cried, struggling again, desperate to get his attention.

Holly put the key back between her breasts, thrusting them out provocatively as she did so. “Tomorrow we can all have an adult conversation. Tonight, well tonight you should play with your present.”

Jason’s fingers clenched the edge of the box. Darcy flailed her bound arms and legs, her breasts jiggling under the tight ribbon binding them.

“She just needs to be shown how much fun being your diapered little girl can be. Here, listen close.” Holly pulled out a small remote out of her pocket and clicked a button. Darcy immediately squealed behind her pacifier, squeezing her frog tied legs together as much as the thick padding between her thighs would allow. “Shhhh,” Holly said, leaning in and putting her finger to the pacifier. Jason cocked his head to the side, listening. A faint buzzing could be heard coming from Darcy’s diaper. “I’ve been playing with her all day. You can show her just how good her diapers can feel.”

“Mmmmmph!” Darcy thrashed, the whole box shaking. She was so frustrated. Holly had put the powerful little vibrator in her before sealing her in the diaper, keeping the helpless girl desperate and horny for hours, before shutting it off shortly before Jason arrived. In mere seconds the toy brought her right back up to the brink, her need pushing aside all her thoughts of trying to convince Jason to let her go.

Holly placed the remote in his hand. He didn’t recognize it; it definitely wasn’t one of their toys, but it was intuitive enough. He pressed a button, and the buzzing got louder, as did his fiancé’s desperate moans. “Does that feel good, baby girl?”

Darcy shook her head, screwing her eyes shut, but her moans definitely said yes. Her nipples were plainly visible under the ribbon wrapped over them.

Jason reached in, pressing on the front of her diaper. Darcy spread her legs, thrusting her hips up to meet his touch. “It’s okay, you can admit it.”

Darcy told herself that if she just stopped resisting, he’d make her cum, and then she could think straight, and he’d release her. It wasn’t because the vibrator in her diaper did feel really good, and that in spite of how furious she was that her friend had forced her into this situation, her friend that seemed to want to steal Jason from her, that Jason himself hadn’t immediately released her and was siding with that backstabbing bitch, it was really turning her on how he was treating her. Darcy nodded, rolling her hips, trying to grind her padded pussy against his hand.

Holly stepped back and dropped silently to her knees. Jason at first tried to push her away when she went for his belt, but she persisted. “Keep going,” she told him as she unzipped his fly.

He turned the vibrator up again and traced the ribbon bound around her body. “What if I unwrapped my present?” His fingertips glided across her sensitive skin, following the ribbon across her boobs, down over her stomach, to the top of her diaper. “If I unwrapped you, what would I find?” He gasped, but Darcy was too distracted to notice. Holly ran her tongue along the length of penis. She was very good with her mouth. Darcy was no slouch in that department either, but he had missed Holly’s talents. Just like the ageplay, Darcy had shot down the three-way that Holly had proposed, and Jason had assumed that would be the end of it. And now here he was, celebrating Christmas with his fiancé utterly helpless, tied up and diapered for him to play with, while his ex was giving him a blowjob.

“Would I find my baby girl wet?” he asked. He squeezed the crotch of her diaper, unable to tell if it was wet or dry, but the action made Darcy moan deeply. He stuck a finger in through the leg band, feeling around. The vibrator was nestled in place right over her clit, humming away. He stroked her opening; she was dripping. “It’s a good thing Holly put you in diapers.” Upon hearing her name, Holly wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, slowly taking the whole thing into her mouth, deep throating him. “You’re soaked,” he told Darcy, slipping his finger inside her. The helpless girl threw her head back, her arms and legs straining against the tight tape securing them. Jason grabbed the ring on the front of her pacifier, and with a firm tug, forced her to look up at him.

Darcy opened her eyes, staring up at her fiancé. She could hear the slurping noise on the other side of the thin cardboard walls of her prison. She knew what they meant. She couldn’t see it, but she could imagine Holly there, on her knees, sucking her man’s dick while Darcy was reduced to a helpless baby, sucking on a pacifier. She’d been so threatened by Holly and Jason’s history, so furious at the idea that Holly might try to steal him from her. It wasn’t just the vibrator buzzing away at her pussy. She found her situation strangely arousing.

“Do you want to cum?” he asked her.

She needed it so badly. Darcy nodded, moaning into her pacifier.

“Do you want me to make you cum in your diaper?”

Her diaper. It was hers. Darcy nodded again, biting hard into the rubber nipple stuffed in her mouth.

“Are you going to be a good girl for me?”

What if after he was done with her tonight, he didn’t let her go? She nodded, her pigtails flapping beside her head. “Are you going to be a good girl for us?” His breathing was getting faster.

What if he decided to make Holly his wife instead of her, and they kept her as their baby, their toy to humiliate and play with? “Mmmhmm,” she moaned, nodding rapidly.

He grabbed the crotch of her diaper, pressing the vibrator harder against her even as he turned it up. He dropped the remote and grabbed Holly by the hair with his other hand, partly to guide her, partly just to steady himself. “Cum for me, baby girl.”

“MMMMGGGGGG!” Darcy threw her head back and screamed in her pacifier gag. Jason’s grip tightened as he came, shooting his load into Holly’s mouth. Orgasms quaked through Darcy’s helpless body. It was too much; she thrashed and flailed, but she couldn’t escape. Jason kept his grip on her crotch while he shot his seed down Holly’s throat.

Finally he emptied his balls, leaning on the edge of the box, panting. Holly looked up at him, thick white strands of his jizz dripping down her chin, and she handed him the remote for the vibrator. “Thank you,” he said, taking the remote and turning the toy off. In the box, Darcy was limp in her bonds, panting around her pacifier gag. Jason reached in and scooped her into his arms. She’d always liked how much bigger and stronger than her he was, how he could pick her up with ease, but now she felt especially small, held securely in his strong arms. He held her close, one arm around her back, sticky with sweat from her intense orgasms, and the other hand cupped under diapered butt, the padding now noticeably wetter. She could see Holly over his shoulder, still on her knees, smiling up at her, her fiancé’s cum still dripping from her lips.

“Did you enjoy that, baby girl?” Jason asked, bouncing her a little, patting her diapered butt.

Darcy was still in the afterglow, but the reality of what had just happened was setting in.

Holly stood up, wiping her mouth. “Did you enjoy your diapers?”

Her already flushed cheeks turned redder, and she tried in vain to wrap her arms around Jason.

“You made me very happy, baby girl.” He turned to face Holly. “You both did.”

“It was my pleasure. I’ve missed you both.”

“Do you want to apologize to Holly and thank her?” Jason asked.

Darcy went stiff in his arms. Holly pulled the key out from around her neck and dangled it in front of Darcy’s face. “Do you want your paci out?”

Darcy had hated the thing from the second Holly had forced it into her mouth and locked it around her head, how it robbed her of the ability to reason with the two of them, how it was a pacifier of all things, such a babyish gag. But now, if they took it out, what would she say? What could she say, after Holly had already sucked Jason’s dick while he made her cum in a diaper. What could she say, to try and roll that back?

Jason pulled her back so he could look at her. All the tentativeness that had been in his face when he’d first found her like this was gone, and with it she suspected the window of opportunity for her to try to assert any control. She’d said no to the diapers, she’d said no to letting Holly into their relationship. But Holly had said yes, and now Darcy was in diapers, and Holly was very much in their relationship.

Darcy felt Holly’s fingers on the back of her neck, and with a click, the lock was open, and the pacifier gag was pulled from her mouth.

“Did you have something you wanted to say?” Jason asked, holding her to face Holly.

“I’m sorry...” she mumbled quietly.

“What was that?” Holly asked.

“I’m sorry,” she repeated, slightly louder, her eyes downcast.

“Sorry for what, baby?” Holly asked, lifting her chin so their eyes met.

“I’m sorry I tried to push you out of our lives.”

Holly beamed. It had been coerced, but that’s what she really wanted. “It’s okay, little girl. You’re my best friend, and always will be, even if you can be a little immature and need to be taught how to share every now and again. That’s what I’m here for.” She patted Darcy on the head, making the infantilized girl blush harder. And then she surprised her by grabbing her and kissing her.

Darcy spluttered in shock as she found Holly’s tongue in her mouth. She could taste Jason’s cum in Holly’s mouth.

Holly pulled back, staring deeply into Darcy’s eyes. “Did you have something else you wanted to say to Holly?” Jason asked. He squeezed Darcy’s butt through her diaper, and he could feel himself getting hard again already.

Darcy just stared at Holly, still too stunned to remember what they had wanted her to say.

“Do you need a reminder?” Holly asked, gently stroking the side of her face.

Darcy nodded, squirming slightly as Jason played with her butt.

Holly leaned in close, their noses touching. “You wanted to thank me,” she whispered.

“Thank you,” Darcy repeated.

“For tying you up,” she continued.

“For tying me up.” Darcy wiggled her bound arms and legs, reminded of her helpless state.

“And putting you in a diaper,” Holly said, her lips just brushing Darcy’s as she spoke.

“For putting me in a- in a diaper.”

“And making you try new things. Fun things.”

“And making me try new and fun things.”

Holly put her lips to Darcy’s ear. “Show me how appreciative you are.” She gave Darcy a quick peck on the lips and then flopped back on the couch. She leaned against the arm and threw one leg up over the back, her fingers slowly peeling back the hem of her dress.

Darcy quickly glanced at Jason. He too kissed her. “Thank her,” he told her, and then set the diapered girl on the couch on her knees and elbows in front of Holly. Darcy could see from this angle that Holly wasn’t wearing any panties under her short skirt. Her naked pussy was glistening wet, sparkling almost magically in the multicolored blinking Christmas lights from the tree.

“Come here, baby.”

Darcy crawled tentatively forward, her diaper crinkling with each movement. Holly grabbed her pigtails and guided her in between her legs. Darcy froze, poised with her face above Holly’s pussy.

“Come on, you know what to do.”

Holly pulled her forward until her lips met Holly’s. Darcy stuck her tongue out, tasting her best friend.

“Good girl,” Holly praised, petting her hair.

Slowly, Darcy started to lick.

Jason watched, gently stroking his now fully erect penis. He stepped up behind Darcy and tugged her diaper to the side, exposing her pussy. Darcy tried to look up, but Holly held her in place. “Just keep going, baby. You’re doing great.”

Darcy kept licking, wiggling her hips and raising her ass up into the air. Jason didn’t make her wait long, thrusting into her wet pussy. She moaned loudly into Holly’s crotch, licking deeper.

Holly gasped. She met Jason’s eyes, smiling at him while he fucked the bound and diapered girl eating her out. In the cold light of day tomorrow things might be different. She’d had a moment of doubt when Darcy had fought to keep her from stripping and restraining her. She might have gone too far, and the possibility that Darcy would never forgive her crossed her mind more than once. She’d powered through though; it wasn’t like Darcy was exactly forgiving her for suggesting joining their relationship. But now that she had Darcy in between her legs, even if tomorrow Darcy decided that, with the benefit of experience, she truly wasn’t interested in an open relationship, then she’d have to accept that. For now, her best friend was sucking her clit with genuine enthusiasm while she was getting railed in a diaper by her fiancé, and that was a Christmas miracle. Darcy might find she quite liked this new dynamic. Or she might want revenge. She could decide to punish Holly. Jason certainly would be on board, and Holly definitely wouldn’t mind some punishment and discipline doled out to her. For the moment though, she was on top, and she was going to make the most of it. She tightened her grip on Darcy’s pigtails, guiding her plaything to the perfect spot. “Good baby,” she said, her voice breathy and husky. She was getting close.

Darcy kept licking. She’d never done this before, but Holly wasn’t shy about guiding her, using her hair like reigns. She found she was fixated on making Holly cum. She wanted to do a good job, to please her. They’d forced her to apologize and then thank them for doing this to her, and to her surprise, when the words had come out of her mouth, she hadn’t been lying. She was sorry she had been threatened by Holly. She was grateful that Holly had ignored her attempts to push her away, had forced her into this position. She was happy to be between Holly’s legs, servicing her, showing her gratitude. Jason wasn’t going to choose Holly over her. His dick inside her had never felt as good as it did right then. She wanted to make him happy too. She wanted both of them. She needed both of them. Darcy carried the momentum of his powerful thrusts into her through her gift-wrapped body and plunged her tongue deep into Holly’s snatch.

“Oh yes!” Holly cried, pulling Darcy hair.

Darcy wrapped her lips around Holly’s clit, sucking the sensitive cluster of nerve endings into her mouth and flicked her tongue over her button.

Holly’s legs wrapped around the back of Darcy’s head, locking her in place. “Yes! Yes!” she cried.

Jason pumped faster, and turned the vibrator back on against Darcy’s pussy. She squealed, but Holly held her in place, and she kept licking and sucking.

“There’s a my good baby girl!” Jason said. He threw his head back, his whole body tensing and releasing as he came hard inside Darcy. Her vaginal walls clenched tightly around his pulsing member as she came with him.

“Oh fuck!” Holly cried out, her fingers clenched deep into the couch cushions to hold on as she rode the wave of the most powerful orgasm of her life, her juices gushing into Darcy’s mouth.

Breathless, Jason pulled out of Darcy and pulled the diaper back over her dripping pussy. Slowly Holly’s legs unfurled and she let Darcy up for air. Darcy gasped, her body limp on the couch in between them as she tried to catch her breath.

“You still haven’t unwrapped your present,” Holly said. Jason wasn’t sure if she was referring to the diaper or the ribbon and tape still wrapped around Darcy. She managed to lift her head to look up at Holly.

Jason lifted her up and sat down on the couch, laying Darcy back down on her back, her head in his lap. The ribbons were all eschew, and he tugged them back up into place, covering her nipples. She wiggled and moaned when he touched the still hypersensitive nubs. “It can wait until morning,” he said. He looked down at Darcy, stroking her hair. She nodded, still too spent to speak.

Holly smiled, running her fingers along Darcy’s thigh, making her best friend squirm. “Merry Christmas.”

  • Like 9
  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

A Puppy For Christmas

It had been a very short adjustment to her new role in the relationship. Darcy received a LOT of positive reinforcement that helped her settle in to her place, and she quickly discovered that when she was punished for resisting, well, she’d never admit it but she enjoyed that even more than all the treats and orgasms she got for being a good little baby girl for her partners.

But still, there were things she missed, and definitely things she still resented in the new dynamic.

“Where’s your mommy?” Jason asked her.

Darcy glowered at him. It had taken her all of two weeks to get over the initial awkwardness of referring to him as her Daddy, but Holly was a different story. Holly referred to herself as her Mommy at times when things were getting hot and heavy, and Darcy herself had been coerced into calling the third in their throuple Mommy in the heat of the moment on more than one occasion. But having Jason call her her Mommy, that solidified both Holly’s and Darcy’s place in a paradigm that she wasn’t totally comfortable with. It had been Holly who had first put her in this position, quite forcefully, and she was the more dominant of the two women, but she didn’t want to always be the bottom rung on the ladder of her own relationship.

“Don’t be like that,” Jason said, patting her padded bum with a crinkle, and then, without asking, he checked her diaper. No matter how many times he did that, it still always made her blush, doubly so when he found her wet.

“I don’t know…” she said coyly, fluttering her eyelashes. He could always tell when she was lying, but he could be distracted if he thought she was playing a game. Technically, she was.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Mmhmm. I haven’t seen her, but she did tell me to stay out of the garage, something about Santa bringing our gift early this year.”

Jason smiled. It would be hard to top last year’s gift, but he was excited to see. “Let’s just take a quick peak, shall we, just to see if she’s home.”

Darcy bobbed her head happily, practically skipping behind him down to the other end of the house.

Jason opened the door to the garage, peering inside. Darcy lingered behind him in the hall, her heart racing. 

The sound of metal rattling echoed from the garage, followed by muffled yelling. 

Jason turned on the light, illuminating the new addition to the garage. A large metal dog crate was sitting in the center of the floor with a large red bow on top, and a very unhappy looking Holly sitting inside on the beige pillow. She banged her tape wrapped hands against the door of the cage again, glaring daggers at Darcy, who was peering out from behind Jason while he took the scene in.

“What do we have here?” he asked, stepping towards the cage.

“Aeshhnnn!” Holly yelled around the pink silicone bone gag that she was helplessly drooling around.

“Can we keep her, Daddy?” Darcy asked, stepping in front of the cage and staring up at her fiancé, batting her eyelashes. “Please!” she begged, using her baby voice.

She jumped as Holly slammed into the door of the cage so hard it slid on the floor.

“Alright, calm down Holly,” Jason said.

Darcy’s heart raced faster. Holly would ruin her for this if Jason didn’t get on board with it. And she doubted she’d get another opportunity to try again. It had been almost one year since Holly had first stripped her naked, forced her into a diaper and left her bound and gagged under the tree for Jason. There was no doubt in her mind that Holly would try to outdo her gift to Jason this year, and Darcy intended to preempt her by acting first. Unlike Holly, who had easily physically overpowered the smaller girl when she forced her way into her and Jason’s relationship, Darcy had resorted to drugging her friend. A couple of crushed up Ambien in her tea in the morning had worked like magic, and after an hour when Holly had passed out on the couch, Darcy had been able to strip her naked, without Holly even coming close to waking up. Even while Darcy had dragged her out to the garage and forced her into the cage she’d bought at a yard sale and kept hidden for weeks, waiting for the moment, and the courage, to try her coup. By the time she was taping up Holly’s fists into useless mitts, she was confidently taunting the sleeping girl. “You’re going to make such a cute, helpless little puppy!” she bragged as she strapped the bone gag in Holly’s drooling mouth and put the furry brown ears in her hair, relishing as she forced a lubed up plug into the unconscious girl’s tight little butt hole and attached a matching tail.

That bold confidence was gone now that Holly was awake and angry, but she steeled herself, looking up at Jason. “I’ve always wanted a puppy. I’ll be a very good girl,” she promised, clasping her hands together in front of her diaper and squeezing her breasts between her arms, accentuating her cleavage. “I can help take care of her!”

“Where’s the key, baby girl?” he asked.

Jason wasn’t immediately falling for her ploy, but she still had tricks to employ. “I dunno. I don’t have any pockets,” she said, gesturing at her lack of pants, and thrusting her hips forward suggestively.

“Were you a bad baby and put it down here?” Jason wasted no time in reaching down the front of her diaper, finding her very, very wet. Beneath them, Holly fumed into her gag again and shook her cage, but Jason’s focus was on Darcy, and hers was on him as his fingers played with her slick folds. “Do you have the key?” he asked, his fingers penetrating her.

“I—” she gasped sharply, grabbing onto him for support as her legs got weak. He always knew exactly how to touch her. 

“Where is it?” he asked, leaning in and whispering in her ear.

“It’s— I’ve—“ she stammered, getting more breathless as he toyed with her needy princess parts.

He stopped suddenly. He’d found the key, tucked into the leak guard against her thigh.

“Wait!” she pleaded desperately, only for him to pop her pacifier into her mouth, shushing her.

“Time out,” he said, pointing to the corner.

Darcy stamped her foot, almost forgetting all about Holly as she slipped easily into brat mode.

“Do you need a spanking?”

She huffed, but she marched over to the corner, crossing her arms across her chest. She stared into the corner he had sent her to until she heard the click of the lock, before she snuck a glance over her shoulder. 

Holly was braced to burst out of the cage, poised on her hands and knees, practically shaking with anticipation while Jason slowly undid the latch.

“Wait,” he told her, grabbing the leach clipped to the side of cage. A smile spread behind Darcy’s pacifier. She’d put the leash on Holly while she slept, savoring the feel of holding the dominant woman on a lead, even if she wasn’t conscious to feel what it was like to be on the other end for once. She’d taken it back off, leaving it for Jason, baiting the trap as it were, and just as she’d hoped, he was taking it. Once he clipped that leash on Holly, it would be set. She’d be the dog, the naughty puppy that needed to be trained and broken in. 

“Come here,” Jason said, patting his thigh coaxingly as he held out the leash. Darcy could see it in Holly’s eyes, the internal struggle as she weighed her options. She could fight, just like Darcy herself had done a year ago, struggle against her restraints and demand to be released through her gag. She could try to safeword, and hope that Jason honored it immediately, knowing that she hadn’t offered the same luxury to Darcy that first time. Or she could submit. Crawl on her hands and knees out of her new cage, head bowed, and allow her master to clip the leash on her collar. Holly knew as well as Darcy did that obedience was rewarded in this house. 

“Come here, girl,” Jason said. It wasn’t the same tone he used with Darcy, the voice that made it clear he was talking to a child, a baby. It was close, but subtly different enough. It was his voice he used when talking to animals. When talking to a dog.

Holly’s eyes flicked to where Darcy was stealing a glance over her shoulder from where she stood in timeout. The glare made it clear that Holly would make her pay for this when she got the chance. Darcy let her pacifier fall from between her lips and stuck her tongue out at her before swiftly putting her paci back in. She’d spent nearly a full year as the baby in their relationship. Once Holly cemented herself as the dog, it wouldn’t matter.

Ducking through the door, Holly crawled out of the cage. There was no way to gracefully exit a cage, especially with one’s ankles taped to their thighs, but Holly tried. The brown furry tail dangling from the butt plug Darcy had forced into her while she was unconscious swished back and forth behind her while she crawled out. She sat back on her haunches, her breasts jutting out between her forearms as she looked up at Jason.

“Good girl,” he praised her. Behind him, Darcy had given up any pretense of staying in timeout. She’d turned around and was watching the scene unfold with unbridled glee, the faint crinkle of her diaper as she rubbed herself audible above the sound of Holly’s heavy breathing around the bone gag.

Holly had plenty of time to consider her predicament, waking up feeling like she had the worst hangover, naked, plugged, collared, gagged, bound and locked in a cage. She’d grown complacent. For the first month or so after Holly had joined their relationship, Darcy had occasionally tried to reassert her dominance. Each time Holly swiftly put the girl back in her place, spanking her until she cried and then tying her up and forcing her to cum over and over until she thanked Holly for putting her in diapers. It worked like a charm on the natural submissive, and overtime the attempts to adjust the imbalance of power had waned to the point where Holly assumed Darcy had fully accepted her place, and was grateful to Holly for introducing her to her new lifestyle.

She may have accepted her place, as she stood behind her fiancé who she now exclusively called her daddy, perfectly comfortable wearing just a diaper and tight fitting Care Bears T-shirt, sucking on a pacifier. But she hadn’t forgiven Holly, apparently. 

The leash got closer, the shiny chrome clip between her boyfriend’s fingers glinting in the dull light of the single bulb illuminating the garage. If this was just Jason, if he was the one who’d decided that she was going to play puppy, she’d have eagerly leaned forward, lifting her chin for him to attach the leash to her collar. She’d played his kinky mistress, the lazy maid, the careless babysitter, the slutty cheerleader. She probably would have submitted to being his little puppy girl, to be dehumanized, had it been just for him. But she couldn’t ignore Darcy’s smug smile behind her pacifier, and she jerked back at the last moment, away from the leash, and swatted his hand away with her tape covered fist, growling garbled nonsense behind her gag. When she got free, she’d give Darcy the spanking of her life and then leave her tied up in the very cage she’d put Holly into, with the same tail hooked to her buttplug poking through a hole in her diaper. 

“Bad dog!” Jason said, his voice suddenly stern. In a flash he had grabbed her collar, the black leather digging into her neck as his fingers wrapped around it. Holly recognized it immediately, that dominant appetite she’d helped foster in him. A shiver of excitement ran down her spine as he dragged her across the cold, smooth cement. The smooth tape encasing her hands provided no traction, and she quickly learned trying to dig her knees in was a mistake as he pulled her to the side of the room and grabbed a magazine off the supply shelf. “You don’t try and hit your master,” he said, rolling the magazine into a tube.

Holly shivered as he called himself her “Master.” Her eyes were glued to the magazine held coiled in his strong hands. It was a thick one, an old issue of National Geographic. It would hurt.

He shoved her face down until her nose pressed against the cold concrete. Holly’s ass was thrust out into the air, a vulnerable, perfect target. The fur of her tail tickled her back as he flipped it up, getting it out of the way.

“Bad dog.”


Even bracing for it, Holly was unprepared for just how much the rolled up magazine stung when it connected with her ass, planted evenly across each cheek. She yelped into her gag, instinctually trying to reach back to her stinging buttocks, but Jason’s grip on her collar tightened and he held her down. 


Her teeth dug into the bone wedged between her teeth, spittle flying out and landing on the floor in front of her face as she cried out. She was intimately familiar with his hand on her backside, but the rolled up magazine was something else. Maybe it was the collar and gag, maybe it was the way he was calling her a bad dog while he smacked her, but she arched her back, thrusting her butt up higher, savoring that sting of the strikes, the way the heat emanated from the point of impact, to between her legs, radiating to her core.


“You’re going to be a good dog.”

It wasn’t a request, or even a demand. It was an expectation. She was going to be a good dog for him. For both of them. 


Holly looked up at him. “Ephh aaafffpprrrr!” she tried to agree through her gag.


“Dogs don’t speak.”


She knew what she had to do, what was expected of her. She barked. “Arrfff!” she yipped, the bone wedged between her teeth facilitating the animalistic noise where it had inhibited her human words. “Arrrrrrfffff!!!”

“Good dog.” He didn’t swing the rolled up magazine again, instead gently caressing her tender backside. “There’s a good dog.”

She barked for him again. His touch felt so good against her inflamed skin.

“It’s okay,” he said, his voice reassuring. “You didn’t know any better. You just need to be trained.” 

She’d used those lines on Darcy so many times, teasing the submissive girl whenever she used her diapers. Turns out, it had quite the effect on her too. She was sopping wet for him when his fingers finally found their way between her spread legs.

“Oh, you’re in heat.” He pushed two fingers inside her. “Is that why you’re acting up? Are you a needy little bitch in heat?”

“AAAARRRRFFFFF!!!” she barked, rolling her hips as she desperately pushed back on his fingers, needing him deeper inside her.

“Baby girl, if you can’t stop playing with your diaper, I’m going to put you in your mittens.”

Darcy froze, both hands pressed deep into the padding over her princess parts. She’d been so enraptured in watching Holly’s transformation, she hadn’t been able to help herself. She’d never in her wildest dreams imagined that it would not only go so well, but that she’d find it so hot. Watching the girl who had put her diapers reduced to a barking, horny dog was hitting all kinds of buttons for the little girl.

“Come here baby girl.” He beckoned her closer. Holly watched her apprehensively, breathing heavily around her gag, her chest heaving, her whole body almost quivering with carnal lust.

Darcy waddled closer, using every ounce of self control she had to not touch her diaper, as each step made the wet padding rub against her. “Yeth, daddy?”

He took the pacifier from between her lips and kissed her. “A puppy is a lot of responsibility.”

She nodded vigorously. “I know, daddy.”

“You’re going to have to help take care of her.” 

Holly understood. All the times she or Jason had pacified Darcy, telling her “the grown ups are talking,” while they talked about her as if she had no say in the matters, she got it now. It was deeply humiliating, demeaning and dehumanizing her. It was also a huge turn on. Having the girl whose diaper she had changed this morning assure her master that she would take Holly for walks and feed her and make sure her water bowl was full had Holly’s heart racing with desire. 

“I can help, Daddy! I’m old enough!”

“I know you are, baby girl.” He kissed her again and patted her diaper, making her moan. Jason turned back to Holly, who looked ready to jump up and start humping his leg like an actual dog. He grabbed the leash again, opening and closing the clasp as he brought it closer to her. “Are you going to be a good dog for Darcy?”

Not baby girl, not little one, not princess piddles, not Dar Dar, not any of the dozens of nicknames they used to help keep her in her place. She may have still been wearing a diaper, but the use of her adult name cemented the shift in power dynamic. 


“Good dog.” He clipped the leash to her collar, and then handed the leash to Darcy. “I’ll be right back. You girls play nice.”

“We will, daddy.” She looked down at Holly, slowly wrapping the leash around her fist while Jason left them alone in the garage. When he door shut behind him, Darcy squatted down so her face was closer to Holly’s. “I did this to you.” The childish affectation in her voice was gone. Holly tried to scuttle back in surprise, but Darcy tightened her grip on the leash, controlling her. “I love you Holly, I really do. I’m glad you’re with us. I don’t mind that you’re fucking my fiancé. I like when you’re fucking me. I don’t even mind the diapers. I’ve grown quite fond of them, actually.” She started to rub her diaper, crinkling the plastic as she played with her aching princess parts. “But Jason is still my fiancé. I know you think it’s a fun joke to tell me that he’d much rather get married to you and not a diaper dependent little baby like me. You might enjoy the idea of putting me in a cute little dress that shows off my diapers and making me be the flower girl at my own wedding.”

Holly was trembling. There were many reasons Darcy and Jason’s wedding plans had been put on hiatus, navigating the logistics of their relationship now that it included a third being a big one. But Darcy was still wearing that engagement ring. The diamond sparkled as her fingers worked, kneading the soggy padding of her diaper.

“Not that it’s a competition between us, but if it were, do you think he’d rather marry me, or the dog?” She wrapped her fist around the leash again and again until her hand was against Holly’s collared throat. “Maybe you can be the ring bearer. Have the rings dangle from your collar, right here, and you can crawl down the aisle on all fours to bring them to us on our special day.”

Holly had underestimated Darcy. The fact that Darcy was wearing his ring and she wasn’t did bother her. That jealousy would only get worse after the wedding, and she had taken a certain delight in tormenting Darcy about her indefinitely delayed marriage. It seemed she’d struck a nerve, and was about to pay for it. 

“You’ll need lots of training,” Darcy continued. “You’ll come to enjoy it. You can be trained to like just about anything.” She rubbed her diaper for emphasis. “Especially an impressionable little pup like you.” Darcy leaned in closer, putting her lips to Holly’s ear and reaching down between her legs, feeling her wet snatch. “Positive reinforcement works wonders. There’s a reason Pavlov worked with dogs.”

Jesus fuck. Holly jerked her hips, thrusting into Darcy’s hand. How was this working on her so fucking well? She was just so desperate.

“I’ve been a good baby for you all year,” Holly whispered. “Now you’re going to be a good little bitch for me.”

“Urrfff!” A high pitch bark escaped Holly’s lips. She was humping Darcy’s hand, trying to get just a little more out of her friend’s teasing fingers.

“That’s right. You’re—” she stopped suddenly, pulling her hand away. Holly spread her legs wider, desperately trying to hump the cold concrete floor. “Daddy!” Darcy cried, her childish voice back. Jason had just opened the garage door. “I was just telling her how much fun we’re gonna have togever!”

“I’ll bet you were, baby girl.” He walked over, taking a gift bag out from behind his back.

“Oh! What’s this?” Darcy danced excitedly, reaching for it. Holly coughed as Darcy let go of her leash, and she shrunk back, wondering where Jason stood on her level of torment.

“Open it. It’ll help you establish a bond with your new puppy.”

Darcy snatched from him, turning back to her puppy, a devilish smile across her face. Her grin only widened as she reached her hand inside. “What’s this?” she asked rhetorically. Holly could only watch, frozen in place. Slowly Darcy pulled out the long, rubbery black phallus, pulling the mass of black straps out with it. Darcy recognized it. A strap on. Her strap on, specifically. She had used it many a time to fuck her helpless little diaper slave. Now Darcy was trying to fit the thing on over her diaper.

“Daddy! Help!”

“Of course, sweet heart.” He was quick to step in and help adjust and fasten the harness over her bulky diaper. He looked down at Holly while he worked, smiling at her. He absolutely knew what he was doing. He’d sat back and watched her while she bullied his fiancé into diapers. He taken her into his bed, had his way with her, enjoyed watching while she’d had her way with Darcy. But now it was time to put Holly in her place.”

“There you go, baby girl.” He smacked her padded butt playfully. On the front, the dildo jiggled ominously. Darcy grabbed it, rubbing copious amounts of lube onto the shaft until it was dripping with viscous, white fluid.

“Are you ready, puppy?” Darcy asked.

Holly gulped. “Arrrffff,” she barked, leaning forward, her butt up in the air. She felt Darcy grab her hips and the tip of the dildo entered her slick folds. Holly arched her back and pushed back, forcing Darcy deeper.

“Bark for me, puppy,” Darcy commanded.

“Ruurrfff!  Arrrrfff!” Holly cried.

“Good dog,” her new mistress praised her, grabbing her tail, wiggling the plug inside her as she rhythmically thrusting her hips forward. She drove deeper until her diaper pressed against Holly’s ass.

“Aaarrrffff! Uuurrfff!” Holly barked. She deserved this. She needed this. 

“You’re going to be my perfect little puppy, aren’t you?”

“RUUURRRRFFFF!” Holly howled. She could be Darcy and Jason’s good little puppy. She could handle that. She hadn’t enacted her own plan for Christmas yet, but maybe it could wait. Darcy could enjoy her time on top. There was always next year.

  • Like 7
  • 4 months later...

Great stories please right more. I love this dynamic. Now if you could get the puppy in to pampers. 

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

It had all happened so suddenly. Darcy had been just relaxing on the couch, eating chips and watching TV when she felt the familiar warmth between her legs. And then, something far less familiar, when that warmth continued to spread, soaking her butt and thighs as the couch cushion was quickly saturated in pee.

“Oh fuck!” Darcy sprang to her feet, trying to clench, but it was too late, hot piss running down her legs, soaking the fancy new stockings she was wearing, spattering on the floor. By the time she clasped her hands between her legs, it was already finished, and she was left uselessly clutching the drenched white satin and lace panties she was wearing under the inappropriately short skirt of her brand new French Maid costume. “Damn it!” she screamed, unable to move yet, still trying to process how she’d let this happen.

The answer, was sadly all too obvious. She’d thought she was in a diaper. The twenty seven year old had grown so accustomed to being diapered that she’d just pissed herself without even thinking about it. Darcy wanted to cry. But she couldn’t, not if she was going to get this cleaned up before Jason got home.

She was supposed to be cleaning anyways. That was the whole reason Jason had bought her the nice maid costume in the first place, an incentive for his messy fiancé to clean up the house before Holly got back from her trip to France. She’d been cleaning, at least a little, but the heels that went with the ensemble, as sexy as she felt wearing them, had been uncomfortable. Since Jason wasn’t home to enjoy the view, she’d taken them off, and figured she might as well take a break and have a little snack. An hour later, she was on the couch, covered in Doritos cheese dust and pissing her panties.

Darcy surveyed the damage to the couch. A large wet patch was centered on the middle cushion, an unmistakable marker of what had transpired. Darcy did the first thing she could think of, and flipped the cushion, revealing another stain on the other side, albeit one much smaller, where her diaper had leaked. She’d tried that trick before.

“Fuck!” she cursed, flipping it back over. The smell hit her then, the heavy whiff of ammonia. Both of her partners had changed her diapers enough to know the second they walked in the door what had happened. The panicked girl started running around, opening windows, letting the warm spring breeze air into the house, not realizing until she almost slipped on the hardwood that she was leaving little wet footprints from her soaked stockings everywhere she went.

Darcy froze, looking back over the house. It was sinking in just how little she’d done to clean. Jason had been so patient with her, letting her get away with being a brat who didn’t want to pick up her toys. He just wanted the house to be clean when Holly got home from her business trip. And instead of just telling her to act like an adult and clean up what was largely her own mess, he’d surprised her with the French Maid outfit. Holly was off gallivanting around Paris, admittedly she was there for work, but she was still in France, sending them pictures of her with her coworkers at the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, and Jason thoughtfully offered Darcy the chance to at least roleplay that she was his sexy little French Maid, who had to work very hard to please her new employer if she didn’t want to lose her visa.

And Darcy had fucked it up.

She was still standing in the kitchen, paralyzed with indecision, when she heard the garage door opening. She should have moved, jumped into action and at least been making an effort to clean up her mess when he walked in the door, but she just stood there, staring at her feet.

“Mademoiselle…” Jason stopped in the door, dropping the groceries he was carrying on the floor as he surveyed the scene. “Did you clean at all?”

The roleplay was over, his tone filled with genuine disappointment.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, not looking up.

Jason sighed, stooping and picking back up the dropped grocery bags and setting them on the counter.

“I can help,” she offered, taking a few faltering steps forward.

“I think you’ve done more than enough,” he said, his dominant tone back. That was the nice thing about Jason; he could slip back into character just like that. Even still, Darcy was feeling guilty and not in the mood to play, even if the prospect of a punishment seemed like a convenient way to let her off the hook for her misdeeds. 

“Please, just let me help, I’ll clean up too.”

“I had the expectation that the house would be clean by the time that I got home. Only I arrive to find that you’ve not been cleaning, you’ve been into the pantry, mademoiselle.” He grabbed her wrists, zeroing in on her orange cheese dust covered fingers.

“I’m sorry, sir,” she offered, half in character, half genuine apology.

“Not as sorry—” he paused, pulling her closer. He sniffed. Darcy’s eyes widened, and she tried to push him away when he let go of her wrists and reached down, but there was no stopping him. Jason reached under her short skirt, his fingers grabbing the incriminating wet panties. “Did you wet yourself?”

“No!” she lied, knowing she was only digging herself deeper.

“You are hands down the laziest maid I’ve ever hired.” Darcy blushed under his wet fingers as he grabbed her chin, his thumb stroking her cheek. “You can’t clean, you sit around eating junk food, you can’t even be bothered to go to the bathroom and you just pissed your panties.”

“That’s not true!”

“Are you calling me a liar?”

“No, sir!”

“So my assessment was correct?”

She blushed harder. He was going to make her say it.

“Yes sir.”

He nodded expectantly. He expected her to admit it.

“I was lazy. I didn’t clean. I ate junk food and watched TV. I peed my panties.” She was blushing furiously. They’d played this game before. Jason or Holly not letting her go to the bathroom or tickling her until she wet herself. But that had always been the game. She knew what the parameters were going in. This was different. This was the first time she’d lost control and it hadn’t been her fiancé or girlfriend’s doing.

“Watched TV?” he asked, looking over her shoulder into the living room.

Darcy froze, realizing what else she’d admitted to. 

“Come with me, lazy maid.” He grabbed her by the back of the neck, turning her and guiding her into the living room, pushing her in front of the couch, and the urine soaked cushion. “On my couch! You incompetent wench! You’ve soiled my fine furniture!”

“I’m sorry!” she wailed. “It was an accident!”

“I’ve had it with your excuses.” He pushed her down onto her knees, pressing her face closer to the seat. “Do you have any idea how much that sofa costs?”

It was a hand-me-down, Jason’s mother’s old couch she gave to them when she moved house. It wasn’t a particularly great couch, but they hadn’t complained, because it had been free. “No, sir.”

“More than your yearly salary, you useless girl.”

“Please, I can work to pay it off! I’ll do whatever you need. Whatever you want of me, sir!” She tried to turn around, prepared to give him a blowjob, but he sat down next to the ruined couch cushion and pulled her over his lap in one fluid movement. She loved how easily he could manhandle her.

“And what would your shoddy level of work be worth to me? What use could I possibly have for a maid as incompetent as you?”

Darcy struggled, trying to roll off his lap, but his grip on her back was firm, her man easily holding her in place. She could struggle as hard as she wanted, knowing he could keep her right where he wanted her. “I’ll do better, sir, please! Just give me a chance!” She shivered, not just from the cold air on her wet panties as he yanked her skirt up. 

“I’ve given you plenty of chances. The time for chances is over.”

Even knowing it was coming, Darcy wasn’t prepared for his hand on her ass. When she got spankings when she was diapered, her spankers tended to alternate between hitting her padded bottom, which didn’t really hurt but was incredibly humiliating, or slapped the backs of her unprotected thighs, which stung like hell, but was just different than a spank to her butt. Her bare bottom spankings hurt, but felt good in a perverse way. This spanking hit different. The wet fabric between his palm and her big bubble butt made the impact burn like fire, and she shrieked, flailing over his lap.

“It’s time for discipline.” He spanked her again, his hand striking the other cheek. Darcy yowled, clawing at the couch for purchase, not caring she was grabbing the soaked cushion.

“Maybe your previous employers tolerated such behavior from their servants, but I will not!” He accentuated each word with another stinging slap.

Her ass was on fire. Darcy was a wreck, jamming her face into the cushion and braying like a donkey. Even if she wanted to use her safe word, she’d have had trouble getting it out in between her pained screams.

As suddenly as it began, the spanking stopped. A few last yelps emanated from Darcy in anticipatory pain for spanks that never landed before she fell quiet, softly sniffling. Jason stood up, pushing her off his lap and onto the floor where she curled into a ball, her fingers touching the exposed flesh on the backs of her thighs between her panties and stockings. Her skin was hot, even though she was sure he hadn’t even spanked her there, and she couldn’t bring herself to move her fingers further up to her aching backside.

“Stay,” Jason said, the curt, one word command. It was the same tone he used with Holly when she was their puppy. Darcy wouldn’t have moved regardless of the order. She closed her eyes, focusing on the pain, feeling it dull into a throbbing ache that matched the growing need in her loins. She hadn’t had a spanking like that in, well, ever. Her panties were just as soaked with her slick as they were with pee.

The well-spanked maid could hear her master go back outside, closing the door behind him. A moment later, she heard a spraying sound. Cocking her head to the side, she listened; glad she’d opened the windows. It was the hose, she realized. And it was reminding her that she kind of needed to pee again. But Darcy wasn’t about to have an accident again, and she certainly wasn’t going to disobey her master and move from her position on the floor. Was that his plan, she wondered? Was wetting herself once not enough for him, was he going to make her pee again? She doubted she could take another spanking like that if he decided to punish her again. She’d have trouble sitting down for days as it was.

The water continued to flow, right out back. She could get up, make it to the window, peek outside, and be back on the floor in front of the couch before Jason made it back inside. But her master had told her to stay, so she stayed, waiting with mounting anticipation for what he had in store for his lazy maid next, until at last the hose shut off. Her breathing had quickened when he finally came back inside. Darcy dared not ask if she could get up. 

Jason stood over her once more. She could feel his gaze on her without looking up. “I was wrong about you.”

Her heart thumped in her chest, and she turned her head a fraction of an inch, peering up at him out of the corner of her eye. He had something in his hands.

“That was my mistake.” He knelt behind her, grabbing her and roughly pulling her into a sitting position. She squeaked, trying to get off her butt, but he wasn’t having it. “One I won’t make again.” He was stripping her, his strong hands grabbing at her clothes and ripping them off, one piece at a time. Her apron, her dress, her matching lacy white bra, her stockings, even her wet panties.

“Please, sir, I won’t disappoint you again!”

“I know you won’t.” He grabbed her by her hair, ruining the tight bun she’d put it in to compliment her outfit, and yanked her head back. “I just have to set realistic expectations for you.” He jammed a ballgag into her mouth, the biggest one they owned, the bright red one Holly affectionately referred to as the “jawbreaker.” 

“Mmmmphhh!” Darcy grunted as her mouth was stretched to accommodate the invading orb. Once it popped behind her teeth, there was no pushing it back out, at least not before he wrapped the spiderweb of straps around her head, tightening each piece of the harness with brutal efficiency. “You’ve demonstrated to me that you’re nothing more than a lazy, slovenly pig,” he said, dangling something else in front of her wide eyes.

Even without having ever used one, Darcy immediately recognized the nose hook. The fiendish, two-pronged hook was not a device she thought they owned. Evidently, she was wrong.

“Nnnphhhh!” she cried, resisting the urge to shake her head as her master placed the two rubber coated hooks in her nostrils and pulled them back, attaching the strap to the top of her harness gag. She didn’t need to see her reflection to know the instrument’s effect on her. Her cute little button nose had been swiftly transformed into a snout. Darcy reached for her face, if only to just feel, but her hands never got that far. Jason grabbed her arms, and with practiced ease, he bound her wrists to her upper arms.

“Can’t have you trying to walk around on your hinders like people, you’ll likely just make more of a mess,” he said, using more rope to tie her ankles to her thighs. Within minutes she was completely helpless.

Gasping for breath, she looked from Jason, to the other two items, also new to their collection of toys. How long had he had them? Were they just waiting for Holly or herself to give him a reason to use them, or had he bought them when he bought her the French Maid costume, knowing she would very likely prove to be a terrible maid?

“That’s much better,” he said as he affixed the floppy, pink pig ears to her head. She shook her head, hoping to dislodge them but knowing all too well that the action just made them waggle around.

“And what’s a pig without her cute little curly cue tail?” Jason held up the plug, a thick, black silicone cone with a pink, rubber corkscrew tail wobbling at the end of the flared base. Darcy was no stranger to butt plugs. The plug itself wasn’t even as big as some of the tails Holly wore, but the idea of that thing inside her, shifting about as the springy tail bounced about humiliatingly behind her, both terrified and excited her.

“Nnmmmph! Hnnnfff!” she pleaded, shaking her head as he situated her on her back, her legs up and spread wide, a position she was intimately familiar with. Normally this was her diapering position. But not today. Today her master had other plans for her. 

“You’re going to make a good little piglet for me,” Jason said, smiling down at her as he lined up the plug.

Darcy could only nod, mentally preparing herself for the inevitable. She closed her eyes as she felt the tip at the entrance of her rosebud, willing herself to relax. Slowly, inexorably, he forced the plug deep into her rectum until finally her sphincter tightened around the flared base.

“Good piggy,” he said, wiggling her tail.

Darcy blushed, her cheeks almost matching her still very red bottom.

“Let’s get you in your pen.” Jason scooped her up. Normally when he carried her he cradled her in his strong arms like a baby, making her feel small and safe and secure, but this time her hoisted her up under her waist. Instead of looking up into his face, she was left staring at the ground and his legs as he walked with her out of the house, carrying her into the backyard. She realized what he’d been doing with the hose finally, seeing the wet, muddy pit that was supposed to be her garden, another thing she’d been too lazy to do this year.

“In you go,” he said as he unceremoniously dumped her in, her knees and elbows immediately sinking into the cold, slimy muck.

“Mmmph?” she moaned, looking up at him, standing there proudly, hands on his hips, satisfied with his achievement in humiliation.

“And to make sure you don’t run amuck,” he said, heading back inside.

Darcy was left to wait for whatever else he had planned for her. She was used to crawling around; a spreader bar, having her legs frog-tied, diapers so thick she couldn’t close her legs, sometimes a combination of all three, but she’d always had her hands, even if sometimes they were locked in thick mittens. Now, trapped on her elbows, her boobs and belly and chin dragging through the mud as she attempted to maneuver herself, she felt a whole new level of helplessness. Every step she tried to take only seemed to make her sink further.

Jason reappeared, carrying her folded up playpen. The colorful plastic fence pieces were usually more for aesthetic than actually keeping her trapped, and she always knew that she could get out, even at her most baby. Now, watching him set it up around the mud pit, she wasn’t so sure. 

“You’ll stay right out here in the filth where you belong,” Jason said, clicking the last piece into place. He pushed down hard on it, pushing the pen several inches into the mud. It wasn’t going anywhere, and neither was she. “This looks more fitting.” He leaned over the fence, reaching in and rubbing her behind the fake ears. “This is where my little piglet belongs.”

“Eeeeephh!” Darcy did the best imitation of a pig squeal she could muster around the mouth stopping ballgag. 

“Now I’ve got work to do. Be a good little piggy and play in the mud.”

She squealed after him as he left her, unsure how long she was going to be stuck outside. Darcy crawled towards the driest corner of her little pen, pulling herself out of the sludge, resting uncomfortably on her belly as she stared at the window. She could hear him inside, presumably cleaning up her mess for her. At one point she could hear him talking, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying. He was probably talking to Holly; her plane would have landed by then. What would Holly do when she found her like this? The two women had found a relative balance in power as one played the baby and the other the dog, but if Darcy was reduced to a pig, not even a pet but livestock, any ounce of leverage she had was gone. 

The mud was cold, but the sun on her naked back was hot. Jason hadn’t put sunscreen on her before leaving her trapped out there, but she quickly realized that he had left her with the means to protect herself. Darcy rolled onto her back, wallowing in the mud. She tried not to think about the other places the mud was getting, as her tail wiggled about while she rolled. A year and a half ago she never would have imagined being turned on by something so depraved. Hell, an hour ago she wouldn’t have even considered something like this. 


Darcy froze, still on her back in the muck. That voice, even through the exaggerated French accent, was unmistakable.

“Hello there. You must be the new maid.”

“Oui, Monsieur! I am Lissette, and I will serve you in any way I can.” She was in the door for ten seconds and she was already doing better job than Darcy had, with the accent and the fake name. 

“I’m looking forward to it. My last maid was… disappointing.”

“Oh no! I am so very sorry to hear that, Monsieur! That must be very stressful for you. Surely there is something I can do to make it better?”

“I don’t know…”

“Please, monsieur. I have many skills. Let me serve you.”

Darcy could imagine them in there, her replacement and her master, the sexy Lissette on her knees, Monsieur’s big, hard cock in her mouth. Her talented tongue and lips working their magic.

“Your résumé undersold your abilities,” Jason said. Holly gave a muffled giggle, her mouth obviously full.

That woman with her man. Every time Darcy found herself getting cucked by her fiancés ex girlfriend, it got hotter and hotter. She couldn’t even see them this time, forced to fantasize about what they were doing together while she was out in the mud like a pig. Listening to the wet slurping sounds, she rubbed her muddy thighs together, rolling her hips, making the plug in her ass wiggle around inside her. 

“You’re so much better than my previous maid.”

A gulp, a gasp of air, and then, “What happened to her?”

“I’ll show you.”

Holly seeing her like this was inevitable, but she still wasn’t ready for it. Darcy tried to flip over, but she was stuck, flailing her bound limbs in an attempt to right herself. She was like a turtle, stuck on her back.

The back door opened. If her mouth hadn’t already been wedged open as much as it could be, Darcy’s jaw would have dropped. Holly was wearing a French Maid uniform that made Darcy’s look like a cheap Halloween costume. It must have been custom tailored to her figure, the tight black fabric and white lace accentuating Holly’s already stunning hourglass figure. Her skyscraper heels that she flounced across the deck on did wonders for her calves and ass. Not a blonde hair of hers was out of place, done up in an elegant French braid. 

There was a flash of a smile across Holly’s face, her red painted lips curling upwards in a grin as she saw her other lover. It was just a moment, and then she was back in character, throwing her hand over her mouth in mock surprise. “Oh my! What an adorable pig you have, Monsieur!”

Darcy pulled her arms and legs in, trying in vain to cover herself. She normally liked her more curvy figure, her ample boobs and butt, her soft tummy, even when Holly lovingly teased her about her “baby fat,” she was for the first time self conscious, seeing how sexy Holly looked in her uniform, especially compared to how Darcy had filled out her own. Holly wouldn’t be snacking on junk food in that uniform. Darcy really was a pig.

“She’s a very good piggy,” Jason said. He yanked the pen up out of the dirt and opened the side. “Come here, pig.”

She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to respond to that name, and worse, she wasn’t even sure she could. 

“Come here, little piglet,” Holly said. “Come to Lisette.”

Darcy went back to the laborious task of rolling over, aware of how she jiggled and spread herself to get back on her shortened limbs, and began plodding back through the mud to her mistress.

“Such a good piglet!” Holly said, crouching in front of Darcy, cupping her muddy cheeks in her perfectly manicured hands. “Does she know any tricks?” she asked Jason.

“I don’t know,” Jason said. He smiled. “We could see if she knows how to hunt for truffles, put that cute little snout to good use.”

Holly beamed, spreading her legs, flashing her black lace thong. “Do you know how to hunt for truffles, piglet?”

Darcy’s eyes flicked back and forth from between Holly’s legs to her beautiful blue eyes. She nodded hard, squealing affirmatively.

Holly reached for the straps of her gag. “Good piglet.”

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  • 4 months later...

Locktober Thirty First


“Oh my god, Darcy, you look amazing!”

“Thanks. I like your costume too,” Darcy said to the woman dressed as a Flapper. For the life of her, Darcy couldn’t remember the woman’s name, but in her defense, Darcy was more than a bit distracted.

The Flapper girl circled Darcy, admiring the multilayered, ruffled hoop dress Darcy was wearing to the party. “How do you go to the bathroom in that thing?”

Darcy fanned herself faster with the matching feathered fan she was holding. “With a lot of help,” she said, hoping her blush didn’t betray her. She was surely already red in the face, the insanely tight corset, not to mention the many layers she was wearing, was making her unreasonably hot despite the chilly autumn evening. It wasn’t even really a lie; it’s not like she’d been the one to put herself in two ridiculously thick diapers before getting the elaborate costume on. That had been all Jason.

The Flapper giggled. “Good luck with that. Let me know when you need to use the bathroom so I can get in before you,” she said, taking a deep swig of her drink.

“Will do,” Darcy said, looking around the party for Jason or Holly. Jason had mercifully let her out of the car at the door while he went to park, as walking on the absurdly high heels with the thick padding between her thighs was quite the chore, and Holly was supposed to meet them there. She was torn between waiting by the door for Jason to catch up, or venturing further in and looking for Holly.

“What a fantastic dress,” someone else said from behind her.

“I know, I was just telling her how great she looked,” the Flapper said.

“Oh, thank you,” Darcy said, turning back to see a woman dressed as a witch. Someone else she recognized vaguely but couldn’t fathom what her name was, or where she even knew her from. She was really starting to regret letting them dress her up and make her come to this stupid Halloween party. She didn’t see any sign of Jason coming in behind the witch, so she turned and started making her way deeper into the house, trusting the dress would disguise her waddle. 

That was the one benefit of Halloween. “I can diaper you as thickly as I want,” Jason had whispered in her ear while she lay on the changing table, securely tied down, squirming as he touched her princess parts, whimpering into her pacifier gag. “No one will know that you’re my helpless little diaper girl,” he teased, rubbing her dripping slit. Her desire to be a cowgirl to match them had been rejected, and they had decided she would be a saloon girl.

October, or Locktober as Jason and Holly had dubbed it, had been hard, but it was almost over. Darcy had been diapered even more than usual for the whole month, but her padding in public was still often limited to pull-ups that fit discretely over her chastity belt. Not tonight though. There was no need for the sturdy contraption of steel and leather, not when she was sealed in inches of humiliating plastic and padding securely kept safe from tampering hands by locking plastic rumba panties. 

As impressive as her costume was, Darcy knew immediately that the chorus of gasps was not for her, and the whistles and catcalls secured it. She spun around, and her jaw dropped.

She’d of course seen Jason’s costume, and her husband certainly pulled off the handsome cowboy he was dressed as. All eyes were on Holly though, and her costume was certainly not the cowgirl she expected her girlfriend to be. Rather than the sexy boots, corset and other period appropriate accessories Holly had been browsing online when they all purchased their costumes, Holly had gone for the other definition of cow girl. A simple black and white cow print bikini that was struggling to contain the busty girl’s heaving boobs, and a thick black collar with a big brass cowbell hung from her neck. She had on a headband with little cow ears and horns on her head, her blond hair braided into two neat pigtails, and she had a big leather tag dangling from one ear lobe. She was strolling into the party, one arm around Jason, the other holding a milk pail.

“Wow, I hope you trust your husband,” the Flapper said.

Darcy couldn’t even be mad at the woman. It was easier than trying to explain their relationship to just refer to Holly as their roommate. They certainly wouldn’t have told someone whose name Darcy couldn’t even remember that Holly was a lot more than a roommate. And they hadn’t told a soul that for the past month, Jason had been taking Holly to bed with him in the master bedroom, while Darcy was locked in her crib in the spare room, diapered and desperate, left to hump her teddy bear without any hope for release while she listened to them have sex on a repurposed baby monitor.

She was so horny, and seeing Holly like that was not helping at all.

And then her butt plug started to vibrate.

Darcy had to grab onto a table for support, gritting her teeth through an involuntary moan as she fanned herself harder. She didn’t know which of them had the controls to the remote control toy Jason has teasingly worked up inside her before taping her up in her diapers, not that it mattered. They both knew exactly what they were doing to her, casually chatting with other party guests together, subtly teasing and manipulating her from across the room. She gripped the table harder, squeezing her legs together, her thick diapers preventing her from closing them.

Holly had made her way to her; the pail slung over one arm as she was now carrying two drinks. She handed a red plastic cup to the flustered girl. “Well aren’t you cute?”

“Th— thanks.” Darcy took the drink in trembling hands, managing to tear her eyes away from Holly’s breasts long enough to glance inside. “Milk?”

Holly chuckled. “No, silly. It’s eggnog.”

Darcy nodded, taking a sip.

“I’ll give you milk later,” Holly whispered.

Darcy choked, spitting up eggnog.

“You messy little thing. Let me clean that up for you.” In a flash, Holly had grabbed a towel and turned around, bending over at the waist to wipe up the floor. She had a little cow tail, one that nearly covered the thin fabric of her bikini bottoms, a thong really. Holly swung her hips back and forth as she cleaned, her tail swishing back and forth mesmerizingly between her perfectly sculpted cheeks. Darcy wanted so badly to reach out and touch…

Too soon, Holly stood back up and turned back to face her. “What a sloppy baby you are,” she chided, wiping Darcy’s mouth. Darcy was beet red. People were staring. Holly stepped closer, the taller girl leaning in, her bared cleavage right in Holly’s face. “What am I going to do with you?”

Darcy was no stranger to Holly’s boobs. She saw them naked just yesterday, and apart from this month when she was kept frustratingly chaste, she got to play with them often. Maybe it was the month of being denied participation in the adult games, maybe it was the taut triangles of cow printed fabric doing almost nothing to hide Holly’s nipples, but her girlfriend’s tits had never been more tantalizing.

The vibrating plug increased in intensity. Darcy got weak in the knees, and she stumbled forwards into Holly’s arms, her face pressing into the cow girl’s pillowy bosom.

“Is she okay?” someone was asking.

“Her corset is tied a little tight,” Holly brushed them off. “She’ll be alright.”

She would be, but not here. Darcy needed them to take her home, get her out of this dress, take her out of her diapers and fuck her brains out while she suckled on Darcy’s magnificent mammaries.

“Take me home,” she whispered.

“It’s still early.” Jason was behind her, helping steady her.

“Midnight is still three hours away,” Holly added. “Unless…”

Unless she safeworded. One short phrase and she could be done with it all, the chastity, the diapers, the vibrating plug, the teasing, the humiliation, it would be over. For thirty long days and twenty one excruciating hours she hadn’t cried uncle, and her partners had made it very, very hard. All she had to do was last three more hours.

“I’m fine,” she forced herself to say. Mercifully, the plug slowed down, rumbling just enough to not let her forget it was there. “But we’re leaving at 11:30. I wanna be home AT midnight.”

“It’s cute when you think you’re in charge,” Holly said, pinching her cheek.

“I know it’s past your bedtime, but I think we can make an exception,” Jason said.

Darcy took the fresh drink offered to her with a scowl. It took every ounce of self-control she had to not pout like a toddler. 

As usual, Holly was the life of the party, flitting about and socializing with everyone, but she kept finding her way back to Darcy, making sure the frustrated cuckquean always had a drink in her hand, whispering naughty promises in her ear with each one. The drinks were going right through Darcy, the corset constricting her already tiny bladder to the point where she was wetting her diapers almost constantly. The alcohol only made her hornier, but it did give her the courage to dance, not caring about her awkward moves. For his part, Jason was in equal parts trying to distract her and frustrate her, bouncing between engaging in casual conversation with her and other guests, and adjusting the speed of her butt plug.

“Are you wet?” Holly practically screamed the question over the music as she dragged Darcy onto the dance floor. They didn’t let her have her phone, and it was as if Holly had sensed that Darcy was asking someone for the time. 

It was a rhetorical question, but Darcy answered anyways, screaming the answer back just as loud, not caring who heard. “I’m so wet!”

“Good!” Holly shook her boobs in Darcy’s face. 

Darcy knew that if she didn’t have the wall of her dress in the way she’d be furiously trying to rub her diapers for any sort of relief. The hoop skirts did provide that barrier to keep Holly from dancing up on her too much, but her girlfriend made up for that by getting her boobs in her face as much as humanly possible. Darcy didn’t care whether or not people saw, or that her feet hurt and she was still so desperately horny. She was more than a little tipsy and having so much fun that she was surprised when she felt Jason’s hand on her shoulder.

“Are you two ready to go home?”

Darcy looked back and forth between her two lovers. She nodded, hard. “Yes, please!”

Jason gave Holly his vest to somewhat protect the half naked girl from the cold night air, and she took his hat. “Let’s go.”

With each of them holding her by the arm, half guiding, half marching her out of the house and into the night, Darcy really did feel like she was being abducted by cowboys. “Where are you taking me?” she asked playfully.

“Quiet, harlot.” Jason ripped off his bandana and swiftly pulled it between Darcy’s lips. 

“Mmmmph,” she moaned as she was forcefully ushered towards the car.

“You’re gonna serve in our bordello,” Holly said, copping a feel as she pushed Darcy forward.

There was rope in the car already, and the two of them worked in tandem, binding Darcy’s wrists together in front of her while bundling her and her mass of dress into the back seat. “You’re coming with us, darlin’,” Holly whispered, kissing her on the cheek before tying another bandana over her eyes, blindfolding her.

“We’re gonna have a lot of fun with you,” Jason said, knotting the rope around her wrists.

“Gmmmnnphh!” Darcy moaned, squirming in her seat. She felt her gag being pulled from between her teeth, only to have something else stuffed in her mouth. She recognized the flavor immediately. Holly’s panties.

“Get used to the taste, Jezebel,” Holly whispered in her ear as she retied Darcy’s cleave gag.

“Mmmmmmm,” Darcy cooed, sucking on her new gag, wishing she wasn’t blindfolded so she could see Holly in her bottomless state. But the blindfold made it easy to imagine that the two brigands who had grabbed her were whisking her way in a stagecoach. The butt plug humming away inside her simulated the bumpy travel of a horse drawn carriage, the male kidnapper telling her how they were going to put her to use as their sex slave as he drove while the female kidnapper played with her tits and kept her in line in the back.

“We’ve been hunting for a chaste little thing like you.”

“You won’t be chaste for much longer.”

“Oh no, you’re gonna be servicing us in every way imaginable.”

“MMMMPHH!” Fuck she was needy. Her struggles got more desperate, but Holly was there, holding her down, clamping a hand over her gagged mouth, whispering in her ear how she gonna fuck her brains out.

“I’m gonna ruin that pristine pussy of yours.” Holly’s tongue flicked into her ear. “You’re going to be begging me to put you back in diapers just so you can have a break.”

“OUUGMMMGOOMMFFF!!!!” Darcy thrust her hips, grinding her desperate pussy against her soaked diapers.

“Welcome to your new home, slave,” Jason said. The car was stopped. Still blindfolded, Jason and Holly pulled her out of the car. Darcy could barely stand on her own, drunk on lust as much as alcohol with her diapers so swollen between her thighs, she squealed when she felt herself being hoisted off the ground and thrown over Jason’s shoulder. Two pats on her back in quick succession, his signal that he had her and it was okay for her to struggle. Darcy did just that, kicking her feet and pounding her bound hands against his back as he carried her inside. “Fight all you want, it’s too late.”


He set her down on her feet and hooked her bound wrists above her head, leaving her suspended, her high heels keeping her just on her toes enough to keep her from dangling. “Let’s see what we have here,” he said. He started ripping her dress off, breaking the hoop frame of her skirt.

“Ymmphh” she cried, not caring how expensive the costume had been as he destroyed it. He grabbed her boobs, and then ripped down the front of her dress. Soon she was in just her heels, diapers, corset, and of course, the locking plastic panties.

“Such a sexy, helpless, powerless, vulnerable, little girl.” He grabbed her crotch, squeezing the soaked padding.

“Mmmmhmmmph!” she moaned, thrusting her hips desperately towards his hand.

“So wet… So desperate… Is my little harlot horny?”

“MMMHHMMM!!!” she nodded hard, stamping her feet in frustration. She was so needy.

“Do you want me to take your diapers off?”

“PPPMMEEPHHH!” she pleaded, her whole body quaking in desperation.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” He grabbed her, holding her close, his body against hers.

“YEEPHHHHHH!!!” she wailed, furiously humping him.

He let her go. She could sense him, moving around behind her. Darcy waited for the familiar sound of the key in the lock that kept her diapered and chaste. Instead she felt his hands, untying the knot of her blindfold. Darcy blinked as she was allowed to see, her eyes immediately going wide as she was treated to a big pair of boobs in her face. Holly was still wearing the cow print top, the two small triangles of fabric still straining to cover her breasts, but instead of the cowbell, a small silver key hung from her collar, nestled in her cleavage.

“Do you want the key?” Holly cooed.

“MMMMHMMM,” Darcy moaned, chewing on Holly’s panties.

She stared, entranced as Holly hooked her thumb under one of the flimsy strings strung over her shoulder, and slowly pulled. Her left boob popped free, her nipple engorged and demanding attention. “You’re going to have to earn it,” she whispered.

“Our cow needs to be milked.” Still behind her, Jason untied her cleave gag. Darcy spit out Holly’s panties, the soaked underwear landing between them on the floor with a wet splat. Holly’s top joined the bottoms seconds later, and she rubbed her newly freed boobs with both hands, teasing her nipples.

“Moooooo,” she lowed softly, leaning forwards, presenting her glorious mommy milkers.

Darcy didn’t need to be told twice. She latched on, flicking her tongue over the nipple in her mouth. 

Holly moaned, grabbing Darcy by the hair and pulling her in, squishing her face into her tits.

The vibrating butt plug intensified, and Darcy could feel Jason’s hands, reaching around from behind her and grabbing her own boobs, thrust up and presented for groping by the corset. She was in ecstasy, licking, suckling, slurping on the nipples presented before her, intermittently having her face sandwiched between Holly’s great big udders, the cowgirl holding her their until she couldn’t breath, only to release her and shove another nipple into the desperate girl’s gasping mouth.

Holly finally let Darcy up for air, smiling down at the panting puddle of a girl before her as she grabbed the key and yanked it from her collar.

“Please,” Darcy begged.

“It’s midnight,” Jason said, taking the key from Holly.

“Locktober is officially over,” Holly purred, helping Darcy lift her arms over the hook she was suspended from. Darcy practically melted into her arms, falling forward, her big diapered butt thrust out behind her, the small heart shape padlock just waiting to be unlocked.

“Please, make me cum. I need it so badly!” she pleaded.

With a click, Jason unlocked her panties, pulling the frilly, plastic prison down his desperate wife’s thighs. Darcy tried to lift her legs to help kick off the garment that enforced her torment for so long, tripping and stumbling, only to have Holly catch her and pull her down with her onto the bed. Darcy fell face first back into Holly boobs, once again smothered in her lover’s bosom. The sound of her diaper tapes ripping filled the air over the sound of her muffled moans. The wet padding hit the floor with a plop, one at a time, and cold air hit her enflamed nethers.

Darcy’s mouth found one of Holly’s nipples again, while Holly guided her bound hands to that special spot between her legs. Her bonds weren’t much of an inhibitor; Darcy had pleasured her mistress in more inconvenient situations. 

Jason spread her legs wider, grabbing her hips. Darcy raised her ass into the air, wiggling as she suckled desperately at Holly’s teat, frantically fingering her lover. It had been so long, thirty-one days since she’d been allowed to touch a pussy, either hers or Holly’s. She hadn’t forgotten what to do. 

“Ggmmmphhh!” Darcy gasped into the boob filling her mouth as she felt the head of Jason’s penis penetrate her. She was so wet; he slid right in, filling her like she needed to be filled. She suckled hungrily, lustfully, her fingers buried in Holly’s slick folds, moaning as Jason slowly pumped in and out of her aching pussy, building speed as he took her from behind. All thirty-one days of torment and denial had been worth it, every moment she had been edged and sent to bed in her crib frustrated, 744 long hours she’d been kept in forced chastity by her partners, every second had lead up to this, and it had all been worth it.

Darcy shuddered as the first of many orgasms rocked her, gasping for air as she was held smothered in Holly’s boobs. They took turns with her, and she lost track of where her body ended and theirs began. It was a blur of boobs and penises, both flesh and silicone, lips and tongues, hands and butts. And it was heaven.

Hours later, Darcy lay panting, sprawled across the tangled mess of sheets, her head resting on Holly’s pillowy boobs, her legs draped over Jason’s well muscled torso. She couldn’t move; her limbs were jelly. She had to pee though, all the alcohol from earlier sitting uncomfortably in her weak bladder.

“What’s the matter, baby girl?” Jason asked, noticing her fidgeting.

“Ummmm, I can’t move…”

“Can’t, or don’t want to?” Holly asked, brushing Darcy’s hair out of her face.

“Both,” she admitted.

“What’s the problem?” Jason asked.

“I have to pee…” she blushed.

“We have a solution to that.” Holly leaned off the mattress, scrabbling around under the bed until she produced a diaper.

Darcy nodded wordlessly. They could diaper her again. They could lock her up for however long they felt like. She was theirs. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.

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  • 2 months later...

Amazing stories! Glad I found them through a random search.

  • Thanks 1
  • 1 month later...
On 1/7/2023 at 8:51 PM, D503 said:

Amazing stories! Glad I found them through a random search.

Thank you! This trio is a favorite of mine.

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