Skara Posted September 21, 2020 Posted September 21, 2020 After weeks sending countless messages on online dating websites only to receive no response, I was beginning to lose hope and become burnt out. Until she messaged me back. Misskiwi was professional and ambitious. A career woman with a long and articulate write up on her profile. I was a guy wondering what she'd want to do with me. My hopes surged as we chatted, she was affable though exacting and stubborn. I could live with that. I find out her name, Nora. She wanted to meet up and go for a walk at a busy park nearby. I agreed, of course. Things seemed to be looking up. A few days later, I found myself sitting down on the park bench she directed me to carefully. I waited. She was nowhere to be seen. I wondered what was up, and glanced over at the empty spot next to me. There was a medium-sized package. I figured someone must have left it there by accident, and they'd be back for it soon. I continued to wait. About fifteen minutes later, a curiosity mixed with boredom and disappointment got the better of me and I leaned over to look down at the package. It was addressed to Nora. Not only that, there was a small, handwritten note taped expertly onto cardboard. It had neat and feminine writing with soft, round lines on it. Could it be Nora's? I scooched over and began to read: "I had to run at the last minute, I'm really sorry. Business calls. We'll meet soon, okay? I meant to give you this in person, but this will have to do for now. Don't open the box until you get home! It's important." I made my way back home, box under my arm pressed against my ribs. It was surprisingly light. All I could do as I walked was wonder what was inside. The same moment I got into my apartment, I was opening the box, deeply curious about its contents. Then I saw it. It was a package of adult diapers. What? I sat there in silence, struck by the strangeness of it all. Slowly a mixture of humiliation and excitement rose inside me, a combination I wasn't used to feeling together. I wondered if the smell coming from inside the box was Nora's perfume scent. It was somewhat intoxicating. Why? Had she just wanted to play a joke on me? I took the package of diapers out of the box, and noticed another note underneath in what I presumed was Nora's handwriting. "No, this isn't a cruel prank. It's a test. A pretty harmless and quick test. You just have to trust me. Meet me for a video chat at 8:30 pm sharp. Be in a diaper. You really must be wearing one. I promise I'll reward you. ❤️ Nora" I felt excitement tinged with humiliation rising in my chest. I had to do it. I had to see what she had in store for me. What did I really have to lose? I'd been trying to get a date for weeks without any luck, and suddenly this mysterious woman enters the scene and has me feeling something. It's worth a try, I thought. So after some dinner I opened up the package of diapers and unfolded one. Laying down on my bed, I did up the side tabs carefully and made sure the fit was snug around my groin. They felt nice, a bit like a pillow around my crotch. I slid my shorts back up and sat down at the computer. They weren't very nice to walk in, the bulk was a little awkward and I was reminded of my strange situation each time the thick fabric grazed my inner thighs. It was 8:17. I waited. At exactly 8:30, she was on. Looking as composed as ever, she began to speak before I could quietly say hello. "Hello! Did you do it? Are you wearing one of your diapers?" She asked. "Yeah--just like you said to do. Why are we--" "Well, it's complicated." She bit her lip. "You want to hear the whole story?" "Sure, take your time," I replied. "First though, I want to really see that you're wearing it. Can you just show me the top of it, peeking out of your--that's it." I lifted my shirt, exposing the top of the diaper hiding beneath my shorts. "Okay, so here it is. I have had a lot of boyfriends in the past who have had bladder control issues. They were really leaky and drippy, some of them said their control got bad only after being with me. I think they were just shielding their bruised egos, but anyway, I don't really trust it." Was this lady crazy? Did she really think that just because she had problems with that in her past relationships, that it would somehow leak over onto me? "I don't have a bladder problem," I cracked a smile. She looked at me doubtfully. "I dunno. We'll see. There's another reason I need you in diapers. I need to make sure you're really committed to me. I've had a lot of bad experiences in the past with trust, and I want to know that you're really willing to go the extra mile for me. I'll go the extra mile for you of course, but first you need to complete this challenge for me. " "I dunno." I gave mock consideration, looking away as if I were deliberating. "Where's your diaper? Can I see it to make sure you're wearing it?" I watched as Nora reached down and began to lift up her shirt. Did she really have a diaper on underneath her jeans? Soon I caught a glimpse of the smooth, soft looking skin of her belly. She looked at me mischievously as she reached under her jeans and pulled up her underwear so I could see. She shook her head. "I don't wear them." "Well, I don't either. I'm not going to do it." I said. Nora seemed hurt by my response. She recoiled. "It's only for a few weeks," She began. "I don't want you to wear them for long if you don't need to. You don't even have to use them, you just have to wear them that's all. It's only a change of underwear you make it out like it's such a big thing..." "The answer's no." I said again. "Please?" "Look, I'm exhausted. I want to get to sleep, it's nearly nine and I have to be up for five thirty. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I blew her a kiss and left the chat. If it was unreasonable that her potential boyfriend says no to wearing diapers he doesn't need, then she'd just need to find someone else to be with. I took off the diaper straight away and set the rest of the pack out by the front door to be thrown away. After watching a few short videos on YouTube to unwind, I stripped down to my socks and underwear and went to bed. I noticed I had to pee pretty urgently as I laid down. I got up for the washroom quick and then fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. I was woken up by my alarm, and noticed something alarming upon stirring. I was laying in a puddle of my own pee! This hadn't happened to me in years. After a long moment sitting in disbelief, I got up and went down the stairs to the shower. It was pretty chilly on my boxer short-clad bottom from laying in an accident for who knows how long. I spotted the pack of diapers by the door. They could have helped, I thought. I tried to suppress that thought. I wasn't going to wear a diaper because I peed the bed once. If only Nora could see me now. After a long day I got home and hopped onto my online chat again. Nora was on. I messaged her immediately. "I'm sorry I didn't wear the diapers you got me, maybe I can--for you. It's only for a few days, right?" Sent. It only took a few minutes for her to reply. "I hoped you'd come around. It's okay. Just put on another diaper right now and then we can chat in video." I felt a pretty intense urge to pee just then, and I ran towards the bathroom with my unfolded diaper in hand. After changing in the bathroom, it was time to go chat with Nora. I was halfway down the stairs when I heard her trying to video call me. Only problem was, I forgot to put my shorts back on after changing! I figured it wasn't important, my lower half would be hidden from the camera anyway. I answered her call and was greeted by her smiling face. She was still in her work clothes, and looked intense but warm. "Hey Nora," I waved. She smiled and waved back. "So you got your diaper on?" I nodded. "Good. I only want you to wear them for two weeks starting today. That's all I ask, alright?" Remembering the sudden bedwetting incident the night before, I nodded. "No problem, it's not like I have to use them or anything." We chatted about our days, and made a reservation at a nice restaurant for our Friday first date night. Hopefully I wouldn't end up sitting in the booth, only to find another box of diapers where Nora was supposed to be. We finished our call, and I was surprised how much time had passed. It was already half past seven, and time to eat something. I got up, and felt an intense pang on my bladder. I had to go, right that moment. It was then that I remembered I had a diaper on. I'd almost forgotten it was there, silently hugging my crotch, waiting unobtrusively for accidents. I wasn't about to give my new underwear the release they were designed to capture. I jogged down the hall to the bathroom and struggled with the door, which I usually kept open. A few squirts began to drench the padding, and my sense of consternation and humiliation grew. Why is this happening to me, now? I got to the toilet and began to lose the battle even more with my bladder as I struggled to get my diaper out of the way so I could pee like an adult. I was too late. By the time I got my underwear unfastened, I had already noticeably drenched the inside of the diaper. I peed the rest into the toilet and then sat on the floor for a moment to regain my composure. What the heck was happening to me? At least I was wearing a diaper, I thought while looking at the bathroom's tile floor. Still clean. It was then that I realized I should put my diaper back on. It was bunched up beside the toilet, with the wetness indicator on the crotch faded blue. Better to get a clean one from the pack, I figured. I was a bit conflicted as I unfolded a new one a few minutes later and got ready to put it on. Why not just wear normal underwear for a little while? It's not like Nora would know. That seemed too dishonest. Plus, I'd already had two accidents in the last two days. Nora's prediction about always having boyfriends with bladder problems was beginning to look more and more believable all the time. But how is that possible? I fastened on my clean diaper and got cozy under some blankets in the living room. I turned the fire on, it was starting to get chilly in the evening. I felt an urgent pang on my bladder again after a small glass of wine and a water. Did I really want to get up? I kind of didn't. I used the diaper and continued to watch without having to lose my coziness. I wanted to be sure I wouldn't get too used to them, though. 2
Bonsai Posted September 22, 2020 Posted September 22, 2020 She was kind enough to warn him not to open the package in the park, so It’s likely she will be even more gentle while it becomes harder and harder for him to get a single drop of pee into the toilet. Of course I’m wondering about the triggering method... 2
kirababy Posted September 22, 2020 Posted September 22, 2020 wondering where and how she triggered him so effectively, and where I might send her a note?
RockyABDL Posted September 25, 2020 Posted September 25, 2020 I love the premise of this story! Please keep going!
Skara Posted September 28, 2020 Author Posted September 28, 2020 After finishing watching, I sat up and stretched, feeling deeply exhausted. Sliding the blanket away, I got sight of my bare legs and squishy looking padding. Even after wetting in it, it still smelled somewhat strongly of Nora's perfume--the same scent that lived in the box the diapers originally came in. I scrunched my nose. There was a little whiff of pee in that smell somewhere now. Despite being in a wet one, I wasn't really feeling wet, nor was I sure how wet I was. The wetness indicator strip on the front was faded blue going all the way down as far as I could see. I guess I did need to change out of this before bed, and put another diaper on of course. I trudged upstairs to my bedroom, diaper in hand, wishing I didn't have to clean myself up after an accident. I was wearing these for Nora's sake. I didn't think using diapers would be so much work. Not that I needed to use them. Though it was a relief to have a diaper beneath me earlier to catch that unexpected accident, it was a fluke. Wasn't it? As I was fastening my clean one on, I began to have doubts. I also woke up in a puddle of pee recently, didn't I? Looking down at my securely fastened underwear, I felt an odd sense of security, but only for a moment before I attempted to push the feeling away. It lingered with me still in the background as I dozed off, overtaking me again as I was nearly unconscious. It was clear then that I was lucky to be in diapers tonight, and I knew Nora wasn't about to break up with me for peeing the bed. If it happened again, I'd tell her. At first, it wasn't clear if I was wet or not in the morning. I rolled over onto my back and closed my eyes, enjoying the sound of the crickets outside my window. Was I wet? Was I dry? I noticed I was a little erect. It felt like it was fighting hard to be released from the new diaper prison it was relegated to. It was losing that fight pretty badly though. It wasn't having any problems with the toilet, my bladder was. I felt something twitch when my mind turned to Nora. I half dreamed about her while I laid in bed silently. I felt like I needed some release, the dreaming wasn't helping much. But first, I'd have to find out the state of my diapered behind. Was it soggy with pee? I sat up and pulled away my comforter, peering down. Yep. I'd helplessly wet myself again in the night. Only this time, it wasn't all over me. Locked away nicely was a night's worth of wetness. I was grateful, though humiliated at the same time. A little less humiliated than I felt running to the bathroom yesterday. I was starting to get used to all of this. In the afternoon, Nora and I again chatted online for a few hours. With her silky straightened hair and a nice dress, she was looking sharp as ever. For my part, I didn't forget my pants this time, and I was even in a mostly clean diaper. I felt like peeing pretty badly from nerves as I was waiting for her and just decided to go quick. The conversation ambled around, touching many topics. Of course, we eventually got around to diapers again somehow. "I have something to confess," I said quietly. "About diapers? You didn't have an accident in one of them did you?" She teased. "I-I did," I stammered. Feeling my anxiety rise, I began to dribble a little before I could stop it. This only intensified my fear, causing me to pee a little more. "Uh--I wet the bed last night. No I didn't. I mean I didn't get up to go. Well I did that too--" I rambled nervously. "I'm sorry--you didn't want me to pee in them I just did it because it was convenient I didn't actually need them--" I felt my face growing hotter with each further gaff, along with my diaper; it was the only thing holding in the last drops of my dignity and manhood. "This never happened to me until I met you I don't know what's going on--" She laughed. She was laughing hard. I sat in silence as she began to laugh uncontrollably, pausing to look at me before laughing more. "You pee-peed your diapy!" She cried. "I'm sorry--you're just hilarious." She began to regain her composure before continuing. "I remember you being like this regular guy when I met you, and now you're all bashful and ashamed, like an older boy trying to ask for the diaper change he shouldn't be getting from his mommy any longer," she mused. "This is the quickest I've had this happen with any of my relationships with diaper-wearing guys." She added. "I don't understand what's going on." Was all I could manage through waves of humiliation and defeat. "This is pretty normal," she comforted me. "When guys get put into diapers as adults, they kind of regress sometimes. Don't worry about it if you had a few accidents, it happens a lot." "Really?" "Yeah really. If you've felt humiliated at all over the last few days, it's a good sign. You don't have to worry about it, if you need to go or are having some urgency issues, just use your diapy." "Well I'm not having any issues." I began, before immediately regretting it. She looked at me doubtfully. In light of all I'd just said and how I'd reacted, it made sense. "I guess I did go once or twice," I began reluctantly. "Can you tell me how many accidents you had? Or do you not know?" she cooed. "I think three. One night I peed in bed without my diaper on. I also didn't make it to the toilet all the way after the video call with you yesterday. Last night I peed again, but I was in diapers this time." "There we go. You don't have to hide it if you're having problems. Like I said, sometimes guys need diapers." "Didn't you say they regress?" "Yeah, and sometimes they need diapers. It's fine, really." "Wait but you also told me you wanted me to be in them to test me. Is this willingness to be regressed part of your test?" She shook her head. "No," she looked away mysteriously for a moment. "I just wanted to see if you'd do this for me--the incontinence wasn't a part of the test, but you've included it anyway which is kind of like extra credit I guess," She winked at me. "But I didn't need them--" She yawned, interrupting me. "One more question and then we can talk about something else." She smiled. "You're wearing a diaper now, right?" "Yep," I said. "Good, I still need you in them for a while, accidents aside," She brushed away her hair behind her shoulders before continuing. "Can I see?" Wordlessly, I pulled down the waistband of my shorts an inch or so, so she could see. Hopefully she wouldn't be able to tell how wet I was. I didn't know how wet I was myself, come to think of it. "Good. Put on another one before bed time tonight," She smiled. "I would put your diaper on for you if I were there, if you wanted--you aren't wet, are you?" I cleared my throat. "I-yes. I peed just a couple minutes ago." "Awwh!" She cooed loudly. "You're so cute. It's good you're protected. I'll stop by for a sec at some point before Friday to drop off another package of your underwear. Make sure you change soon--if you want to now, you're free to." I looked down at my shorts, trying to imagine if the diaper beneath needed to be replaced with a fresh one yet or not. I didn't want to squish it with my hand with Nora watching. "I'll change... later," I replied. "Okay then, that's fine." We chatted easily with each other into the night, pausing to grab drinks or food. Despite being in diapers I didn't know I needed even a week before, it seems like things were looking up. Though I still wasn't sure what to make of it all. Nothing was really going wrong as far as I could tell, so I put it out of my mind and fastened on a clean diaper before going to sleep. 1
kirababy Posted September 28, 2020 Posted September 28, 2020 love this. He is so confused, and she is so mysterious, but clearly has done this previously
Bonsai Posted September 28, 2020 Posted September 28, 2020 If I were him, I would wonder about what did happen to Nora’s other partners and try to reach them...
Babypants Posted September 28, 2020 Posted September 28, 2020 If the answer to this mystery lies in the perfume, then Nora could become a very, very wealthy woman if she owns the patent.
Eagle0769 Posted September 28, 2020 Posted September 28, 2020 Great start. Your writing is very good. It has to be the perfume nothing else makes sense. I would find out also what happened to her other boyfriends. We're they regressed and sold? Great start. Your writing is very good. It has to be the perfume nothing else makes sense. I would find out also what happened to her other boyfriends. We're they regressed and sold?
keith60 Posted September 29, 2020 Posted September 29, 2020 On 9/24/2020 at 12:58 PM, millman said: Seems like an interesting start she might be useing mind control
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