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Attento Diapers?

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I don't read Japanese so this might be waaaaay off but given that they appear to be made by Proctor & Gamble (logo at the bottom of the page) and that the name ain't a million miles away from Attends, I'd think it's quite likely they are Attends by another name (and design, maybe).

P&G sold the Attends brand to another company about 8 or 9 years ago, which raises a few intriguing possibilities:

  • They're made by the new owners (Paperpak, I think) and sold under license in Japan by P&G.
  • P&G retained the right to make & sell them in Japan, in which case they may be like the Attends of old (I know a lot of people would be very happy if that were true!)
  • They're completely different to the old P&G Attends and the name similarity is a coincidence.
  • I'm completely and utterly wrong in every way, which is more than possible :P
Do we happen to have anyone here who can read Kana to shed some light?
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They are made by Proctor and Gamble, and I'm pretty sure it's option #2. They have a clothlike cover and a velcro-y tape zone, no wetness sensor (but they do have a line down the middle so you can get it on straight), odor prevention, and a leak-trapping pocket at the back. I suspect you can get home delivery within Japan (other brands do that), but due to weight and size I doubt you can get them shipped anywhere else for a reasonable price.

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I googled Attento Japanese Diapers and discovered that Autie and Torgen are correct in saying they are/were made by P & G.

However, if you do the same (Google), you'll discover endless business news reports to say that although the Japanese market for adult diapers is growing, P & G have been trying to sell the brand off for quite some time now. I don't know the latest news, whether they've been successful and who now owns the brand.

Sorry if this isn't much help in your quest, but maybe you could try emailing P & G?

D :huh: lly

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I think i'll just stand outside Proctor and Gamble HQ, then i'll piss and shit my pants until they give me a case. I know everything about them, they aren't renamed attends. Why is it asia does diapers better? It's like they don't care if you feel like a baby or not, I think im' turning japanese I really think so.

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I think i'll just stand outside Proctor and Gamble HQ, then i'll piss and shit my pants until they give me a case. I know everything about them, they aren't renamed attends. Why is it asia does diapers better? It's like they don't care if you feel like a baby or not, I think im' turning japanese I really think so.

*Scratches head*

If you "know all about them" why did you ask us? No-one suggested they had been renamed Attends, :glare: we were only trying to help!

And you can stage a 'Dirty-Protest' outside P & G but I don't think they'll succumb to that kind of pressure. They'll probably call the police!

D :whistling: lly

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oh, I was just looking for a place to order them, and thank you all very much for your response. I put my foot in my mouth a lot.

*helps shinjie pull his foot out of mouth* :P

In my search, nowhere on Google did I see any way to order Attento Diapers.

As I suggested before, try emailing P & G, as they are the last known owners of the brand. Whether they've sold or not, they should be able to give you the info you need.

D :) lly

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