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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Here to introduce myself


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Bored at work, so decided to browse around for a forum to chat on here and there.

Started wearing just for fun, but recently due to stomach pains went to see a doctor. They diagnosed me with IBS-mixed (ooo fun), and gave me the fun fodmap list of what I can/cannot eat. This honestly finally gave a push to let my family know that hey, I bought stuff due to issues. (Like srsly, not fun rolling over in bed unable to move due to cramps).

My name is Mike, and I live in Cali. Work 12-8AM, which is awesome since 90% of the time im alone, sitting in a chair. Works best I can wear at work to, especially since im doing phones, and unsure when I will get stuck on one for 15-20 minutes. Also have an hour drive home most the time, and most places are still closed, or require you purchase something if you need to use the restroom. Got stocked quite up recently with some rearz, as well as some cotton Abri Form due to 90F days.

So here to say hi, and will pop in once in awhile to chat I guess :)

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