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Detective in training (open)


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Alyssa's head and heart were a a whirlwind of emotions humiliation, sadness, anger all swirling around and it only got worse when she saw her mom and babysitter and know they saw what she did. Alyssa wanted to scream as tears ran down her face as she hugged her stuffed toy and closed her eyes, she would she would definitely somehow get doctor Z back for this humiliation.

When Fran come over to her and talked to her, Alyssa did not want to talk, she did not even want to say a word too her if she was not going to believe her about doctor Z. Alyssa started to walk away hoping to get the bathroom and hide away till his whole stupid day was over. 

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Fran sighed and stopped the little girl with a kiss on the forehead before leading her to the bathroom with the bag in tow. Fran tried talking to the teen but she just looked sad and dejected to her mother. Fran stripped Alyssa and ran her a bath.

Amber giggled a the way to the store. "I always knew she was a baby detective. I do feel bad for her though, I'll be nice as long as she doesn't go digging through my draws again!" Amber said to her self as she arrived at the small corner store finding small goodnites with Cinderella on them. And soon the 16 year old was on her way back.

Unbeknownst to any of them Dr. Z was laughing his rear off at the chain of events. "Baby detective indeed! Hahaha! Just wait!"

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Alyssa walked got into miserably to the bathroom her mom right behind her, this had been one of the worse days in her life not only had that old bastard got the best of her but whatever he injected her with had now messed up her bladder there was no doubting it. "Just you want you asshole." She thought as she watched her mother get the tub ready.

Alyssa wanted to protest about her mother undressing her like she was a child but all she was just to tired and just wanted to do her homework and take a nap even though she hated nap thinking they were for babies.

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Once the temperature was set Frsn got her daughter into the tub. "Ok baby just sit in the tub and relax but make sure to wash good especially your legs and bottom. I gotta get back to work please don't fight Amber on the pull-ups. We can talk about everything later. Mommy loves you Alyssa." Fran says motherly and carring as she kisses her daughter on her forehead. Fran is concerned about her daughter but has to get back to work. As she heads toward to the door Amber comes in. "Amber I  gotta head back to work. Alyssa is in the tub I told her not to fight you on putting on those pull-ups. Oh they look cute too! I'm glad to see you got powder in the bathroom too. If you need me just text me I'll be back in 5 hours! Thanks again!" Fran says seeing the goodnites in Amber's hands. 

Amber nods her head knowing she wouldn't be able to fit a word in edge wise. 

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Alyssa grumbles and pouts as she helped into the tub. "Mom I am not a baby I don't need pull u." but her mother was already out the door leaving Alyssa alone in the tub. Alyssa  sigh before picking a bar soap up and clean yourself off.

"There is way I am wearing diapers of any kind detective Kitty I'm a 13 year old girl not 3 years old pulls are for big babies." Alyssa said to her stuffed toy as she started to feel better with the warm water on her little body. "I swear you're the only one who gets me detective Kitty I'm sick of mom babying me all the time, treating me like a delicate flower."

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Dr. Z watches the house from his spy flies around the house he sees Amber waiting out side of the bathroom with one of the goodnites in hand. He chuckles maliciously. "They won't last her all night..." 

He then listens to Alyssa further. "Hmmm I have options, I could put more syrup in her bath water and she'll never know that her bowels would be the next effected, I could even inject her goodnite and let her wear her demise, or 'Detective kitty' could work for me... Yes I could use it as a hypnotic device. Or maybe I'll keep my options open." He furiously types into his keyboard then smiles, as the computer shows him many ways to further along Alyssa back to babyhood!

Amber knocks on the door. "Ally (her nickname for Alyssa) are you ready for me to get you ready for a nap? I think your mommy is right it'll do you some good."

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Alyssa groaned with the annoyance in her voice. "First off naps are for babies and I am not a baby second off I'm only take a nap because I don't feel so well, third its Alyssa you know that and you know I hate being called that." Alyssa said with more annoyance and a little bit of anger, but that was replaced with embarrassment when she said. "J-Just put the p-pull ups by the door next to my nightgown all right?" Alyssa hoped her mom packed her nightgown and not one of those babyish pj's she got off amazon.

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Amber was a little annoyed at how Alice talked to her, but it did sound like she had a hard day. So rather than scolding the young teen she let it go for now. "Sorry, sounded like you had a long day, I didn't mean to upset you more Alice. Your like a sister to me if you need anything I'll be here. I'm going to put your nightgown, goodnite, and the powder out here. I know its embarrassing but please just do as your mom asks she's not asking this of you to upset or hurt you. We care about you." Amber says in a caring almost emotional voice as she sets the frozen themed nightgown on the floor by the door with the Cinderella goodnite and bottle of baby powder. 

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After hearing what Amber said and the emotion in her voice Alyssa started to feel a little guilty but quickly dashed those feelings away as she got out of the tub and dry yourself off. after opening the door and quickly getting her nightgown and the pull ups Alyssa's angsty teenage attitude showed up again as she groaned seeing that her mom packed her frozen themed nightgown and not and not one of her more mature looking nightgowns.

Alyssa then looked at the pull ups and baby powder and new waves of humiliation and anger flowing through her veins, she then stormed off naked into the guest room where she took her naps and closed the door, she then put detective Kitty on the bed before tossing both the Pull-Ups and the babyish nightgown on the floor deciding to just sleep naked surely whatever doctor Z injected her with had run its course.

Unknown to her doctor Z had watched it all and at first he started to feel bad clearly the girl was loved and people did care about her but with clear her attitude seriously need to be adjusted.

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Amber heard the commotion but decided to wait a little bit before heading up to see what happened. After about 15 minutes of not hearing anything Amber headed up towards the bedroom to see the bottle of baby powder sitting on its side in the middle of the hall. 

"(Sighs) She's really making me wonder whats going on..." Amber says peering into the guest bedroom with the powder now in hand. Looking in the room she saw the 13 year old naked on the bed cuddled up with her stuffed kitty and pullup and nightgown on the floor in a hasty pile. Amber is angry thinking to her self how she tries to treat Alyssa with respect and allow her to be more grown up. But now she was rethinking that, plus the fact that at 13 Alyssa looked more like a 10 or 11 year old, she was over acting like this little girl who now needed pull-ups was an adult. Amber gently set to work slipping the pull up on to Alyssa and spraying a little powder in the pull up before taking the nightgown and leaving the room while Alyssa napped.

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But unfortunately Alyssa woke up a little from her nap due to the movement and saw to her shock she was in a pull up, sleepy she pulled off the pull up and tossed aside before muttering . "Stupid blond bimbo, boy crazy idiot treating me like a baby when I'm the one who does some of her homework." With that Alyssa went back to sleep and as she slept she dreamed of herself at school talking about the history of detective work only to wet her pants during the middle of it. Watch made her wet herself in real life.

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An hour and a half goes by before Amber heads up stairs checking on Alyssa again only this time to see her powdered bottom not just bare but also the bed soaked. Amber was now pissed! "Wake up now Alyssa Jane! Your in big trouble!" Amber says loudly firmly, and powerfully as she pulled Alyssa off the bed to her feet!

Dr. Z shook his head watching the scene. "That girl is more of a baby than any of us ever knew. I hope the lack of bladder control is her first step of baby Alyssa learning her place!"

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When Alyssa woke up she felt groggy as she slowly mumbled in her half sleepy state, "What ugggg don't yell I am getting up you dumb ahhhhhhhhhhhhh." Alyssa yelled out as she was forcefully jerked out of bed and unto her feet. "Owwww what the hell are you trying to rip my arm off Amber?" But then Alyssa saw what Amber's anger was about as she saw the pee stain guest bed. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" She said an absolute shock not believing that she actually had wet the bed.

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Amber takes Alyssa into the bathroom and gives her 4 swats on the rear before grabbing the bar of soap putting it in Alyssa's mouth. "Im tired of your attitude! I know this has been rough for you but damn it Alyssa I've been here for you since you were little! You don't wanna treat me with respect then I'll treat you like the child your acting like." Amber says with emotion in her voice wiping Alyssa down with a wet wipe.


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Alyssa did not have time to react as she was taken to the bathroom her little bottom being slapped making her jump and epp. "A-Amber stop you ca." But she could not finish her sentence when a bear the soap was shoved in her mouth as she was yelled at and she was being wiped. Alyssa forced the soap out of her mouth as she tried to get out from Amber's hold.

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"STOP! You had your chance now I'm going to get this new pull up up your legs then we will rinse out your mouth.  After that we will talk about whats your problem today, and not a minute before! Do you under stand or do you want the soap and another spanking?" Amber says with authority. Holding the  open for Alyssa to step into.

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Alyssa felt a mixture of anger frustration and humiliation all swirling around her head and stomach, making her even more upset and sick. But she was not going to be treated like a child anymore, especially not from Amber. Alyssa then slapped Amber as hard as she could making the girl fall on her bottom shocking not just Amber, but doctor Z. 

Alyssa then run out of the room to get dressed in her spare clothes, she soon as she got them she went to the guest room and locked the door before getting dressed. As Alyssa was getting dressed and Amber was banging on the door doctor Z was taking notes such as if the formula cause mood swings and violent outbursts.

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Amber was done with Alyssa at this point. She loved the little teen like a sister but she's out of control! "THATS IT! I'M SO DONE WITH YOU ALYSSA! YOU THINK I WANT TO CLEAN UP YOUR ACCIDENTS ALL OVER THIS HOUSE THEN GET BERATED AND SLAPPED IN THE FACE?! (Takes a deep breath after yelling out her frustrations and wipes a tear away after feeling like the little teen hated her.) I'm calling your mother. I don't think you can be here anymore, you obviously hate me and I'm done dealing with a little girl who I think of as a little sister treat me like you have done today. We are done here." Amber says with emotion but a heartbroken emotion as she picks up the phone to call Fran. 

Dr. Z takes out a couple more formulas to get an idea how to change the defiance mood of the 13 year old.

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But just as he was looking through his drugs to see what would be the best mood stabilizer or something to calm the girl down Alyssa went to the window with detective Kitty in hand and jumped out almost giving the old man a heart attack, when the robot fly flew out the window the picture that greeted him was Alyssa in a bush. 

Alyssa got out and brushed herself off tears streaming down her face as she walked out the backyard and walked back home. When she got home she made herself a sandwich and thought about what and how to confront dr. Z, she could just admit defeat and promise not to bother him if he gave her the antidote but that would be just too embarrassing for words she would have to save that as a last resort.

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Amber was called Fran and explained to her everything. Amber felt horrible but Fran comforted the teen babysitter. "Just let her mellow out I'll grab her in a couple hours when I can. I'm sorry all this has happened Amber." Fran says sighing.

Dr.Z preps multiple things for the upcoming meeting with the baby detective....

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After eating a sandwich and having a little apple pie Alyssa felt a lot better as she sat down and tried to came up with a plan about how to deal with Dr.Z going through different scenarios. "I could try to brake in when he is gone again this time wearing some kind of body armor maybe that old beekeeper costume." Alyssa said as she looked at detective kitty. 

Soon her thoughts turned to Amber making the little girl sigh. "She probably has already figured out I'm not at her house and she is all ready panicking and calling mom." Alyssa said as she rubbed her head as she remembered the fight their had.

"D-Don't look at me 
detective kitty its her fault." There was a long pause then another sigh. "Okay maybe I was being a little stubborn." after a short pause. "Fine I was being very stubborn, but I have my pride and I-I am so sick of people treating me like a baby even though I'm 13 years old just because I haven't started to develop like the other girls my age doesn't make me any less of a teenager, a-and besides Amber thanking of me as a little sister would be believable if I didn't do some of her homework for her whenever she watched me." 

Alyssa soon picked up a picture on her desk it was a picture of her and Amber when they were little and Alyssa was learning how to raid her big girl bike, tears came to her eyes but then a sharp anger Rose and she tossed the picture to the wall smashing it as she let out a slew of curses.

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Amber still not aware that the small teen had flown the coup, sat on the living room couch still composing her self knowing in about an hour she'll have to face the teen again after giving her some space.

Meanwhile Dr. Z was done plotting he had a special mix for Alyssa and about 6 different ways she could be injected with it! He waited watching the small girl plot her "attack" on him. He chuckled not wanting to wait to show her how little she really is.

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Alyssa was all so done with her plans as she worked on how to get into doctor Z's house and when to do it and taking into account about how else he could inject her with something, after she put her plans away she got under her bed and pulled out a box of movies she was way to young to watch before picking one and heading down to the living room and deciding to watch Silence of the Lambs. 

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Dr. Z keeps an eye on the teen but goes about his business, knowing that she'll be wet again soon...

An hour later Amber goes into the room where Alyssa should be only to discover the pullup to be the only trace of Alyssa! The dreaded frantic phone call was made to Fran and Fran was furious with her daughter, telling Amber not to worry knowing Alyssa more than likely went home. 

Fran takes a few minutes to calm down. "I'm not leaving work early but she's in deep shit when I get home!" Then she picks her cell back up to call her house to see if Alyssa will pick up.

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Alyssa was starting to relax enjoying the movie when the phone started to ring she knew who it was before even picking up to look at the caller ID, she let out a sigh anyway when she saw it was her mom's cell number, Alyssa debated with herself she could pick up the phone now and be yelled at which may let her mom cool off  a bit or she could ignore it and just relax until her mom got home witch would make her even more mad, with a sigh and a head rub she answer the phone. "Hello Mom."

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