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The plan that backfired (private w/ marxthebaby)


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Jason was always a bit of a mean spirited person, but according to him it was all just pranks done in good fun. He was handsome,cocky arrogant and the envy of everyone he knew. 

One day when Thomas, one of his biggest rivals got the best of him he knew he had to one up him, which guys with such pride are prone to do. So he decided to make a post on a gay meet up site even though Thomas was straight this was a prank after all, when he came across ads for guys into diapers. That's when he smirked as he stared into the computer screen the lightbulb in his head went off and he researched more into what guys into diapers were prone to like. Through his query he found everything he needed for the prank and posted the ad. 

Wanted:a big strong man to turn me into the baby I am. I am a naughty boy in need of a total power exchange with extreme regression discipline and structure. I am shy upon meeting and need a daddy who can handle me as we both know what needs to be done no matter how much I protest I promise this is what I need! Can you meet the challenge?

And with one click he made the post public. Pleased with himself he logged out waiting for the chime that would come from his email alerting him to his new messages. Would anyone take the bait? Only time would tell but he knew this would be the perfect prank. Little did he realize how serious a situation he'd be putting his rival into but he would soon find out himself first hand when his prank backfired. 

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Oliver had always liked being in control, but ever since college he’d enjoyed putting people in their place. Dominating them, sexually and bodily, completely. It was a strange desire, one he still had, and a while ago he wound up embracing it. Now, he was straight-at the very least, he faked it well-and often found himself with women in his bed more often than not. However, nowadays he was leaning more on the bisexual end of the spectrum, unbeknownst to most people he interacted with.

He wound up signing up for a gay dating website on a whim, to see if he really was into guys, and saw an ad that made his heart skip a beat. It was perfect; a man who wanted a big, stronger man to turn him into a baby, wanted a total power exchange, and would be protesting as he did so even though he obviously wanted it? Fuck, that was exactly what he wanted. 

Without any hesitation, Oliver quickly messaged what he didn’t know was a man who’d be faking it, “Hey there. I saw your ad and I’m very much interested. Would you be okay with someone who’s new to this scene? I have always wanted to be the dominate one in a relationship but I’ve never actually made anyone wear/use diapers before. Hope you’re interested too.”

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Jason heard the familiar notification gling from his phone alerting him to the email telling him he had a message. "Oh my God there are people who really are into this shit!" He thought to himself chuckling as he read the message.  The man stated he was new at this,a minor deception as he didn't want to scare the baby off. Oliver had always had  these hidden desires and just waited for the right baby to come along. He has a fully built nursery at his summer home stocked with diapers toys clothes and everything his baby could possibly need.

As Jason read the message he couldn't wait to watch this joke unfold and shot a message back to the man. "Yes I would be fine with that so long as you are ready to give baby what he needs whether he likes it or not. We can make this happen!"  Pleased with himself he took his phone and went to lie in bed a smug sense of satisfaction washed over him as he thought of the humiliation Thomas would endure when a second gling chimed and he opened it. 

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Oliver didn’t want to scare the poor baby off, so he’d told a little white lie, claiming he was “new” at this. In reality, he had a fully-stocked nursery prepped that he’d used before for his previous partners, along with supplies he’d bought recently. Some onesies, overalls, babyish harnesses so his baby wouldn’t toddler anywhere without Daddy, some cute little frilly booties and the most babyish, thick diapers he could buy; that was only a small list of all the baby things he’d bought for a potential baby boy. 

When the baby boy replied, saying he would be fine with him being new at this as long as he would give baby what he needs whether he likes it or not, Oliver Patterson smirked. Oh, he knew all about that. He’d been on the receiving end of such babying before, and nowadays he knew just what buttons to push. If this man wanted to play the brat, he’d be more than happy to throw him over his knee. 

He decided to say as much, “Whatever baby needs whether he likes it or not, huh? You might regret that~. I’ve researched more than a few ways of straightening out naughty little baby boys, because I’m still pretty new at this, and I think I’ll do a good job with you. Be careful or you might get a spanking on your first day.” Oliver told him, chuckling a bit behind the screen. God, if only this baby boy knew what he could do; he had a wooden paddle, he had extra-strength laxatives...even locking mittens, if baby decided not to listen when Daddy told him to remove his diapers. 

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Surprised by such a quick response Jason was giddy imagining the look on Thomas's face as he tells this story. Cold and Calculating Jason thought to himself and took time before replying "a spanking on the first day? I'll be so naughty I'll act like I don't even know who you are or what you're talking about!"  Following it up a sticking out of the tongue emoji to entice the would be daddy. "How soon were you interested in meeting? I don't send pics though but I will tell you my name as soon as we set something up!"  Jason was filled with exhilaration this prank was on a huge scale, he would become a legendary prankster of epic proportions or so he thought.  He went to sleep and when he woke up there it was another message reading "when's good for you?"  In his haste he sent the message replying.  "My name is Thomas I work at a little cafe on Washer Street. I open the cafe at Six am every Saturday and I always have a smoke outside before opening" Jason and Thomas were both smokers he didn't consider this or what would happen next when he sent the message. 

On that particular Saturday Jason got to the cafe at a quarter to six and parked outside waiting eagerly for the show to begin. However on this fateful Saturday the Cafe wasn't to be open, the owners decided to stay closed due to a death in the family, Thomas wasn't coming. 

As Jason looked around waiting there was no sign of anyone around. Tired and irritated he decided to light his cigarette while sat in the driver's seat. Looking around and then at his clock thinking "Fuck the diaper fag backed out too." Never  knowing how calculated this particular daddy is that he arrived at five am,parked far away from the cafe or that he was on foot and remained out of view, watching everyone coming and going. Jason groaned as he saw and heard a splat on his car due to a bird that flew over head. Irritated by this and the fact that his prank fell through he wasn't thinking clearly as he got out, cigarette in his lips and wiped off the droppings giving Daddy the confirmation he needed.

Distracted by irritation Jason didn't hear the soft echo of footsteps of the determined Daddy to be,in fact he jumped being startled when a man was behind him and a gave loud booming enthusiastic greeting of good morning. The man standing behind him was a behemoth towering over him at nearly seven feet tall rippling with muscles, cropped black hair and a perfectly groomed goatee. 

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Oliver was all too excited to bring his baby boy home; the minute the baby said he’d be so naughty he’d act like he didn’t know who he was or what he was talking about, it lit a fire in him. The tall man chuckled to himself as he put the finishing touches on the baby sissy boy’s nursery, getting some pretty dresses ready and even a few locking plastic panties if baby was naughty. Laxatives(extra-strength, naturally, considering this was one who liked being punished and acting like he was such a big boy), wooden paddles, oversized diapers, a changing table with Velcro restraints, a crib big enough for baby, and a high-chair that would let him lock his poor baby inside; everything was set up. 

He had a baby bouncer, too; just in case the little guy wanted to go bouncy. When he arrived at the meeting spot his new baby boy had requested, he saw the baby smoking a cigarette, like he said he would be. However, he bode his time, waited for him to exit the car like a good baby; babies didn’t drive, after all. He’d have no need for such a thing when Daddy took him home to his nursery. 

The poor thing jumped when he belted out, “Good morning!” Rubbing a hand through his black hair, he smiled, “This’s the spot, so I guess you must be the baby, huh? What a cute little thing you are.” Oliver cooed, patting his head. He grabbed the man by his wrist, and dragged him closer, looking him over. He really did look like a spoiled little brat, trying to be all cool with his cigarette; such a silly baby, playing pretend. Smirking, he lifted an eyebrow, “Not even wearing diapers, are you? Such a naughty boy.” He murmured, picking the boy up and carrying him to his car. The boy was surprisingly light for such a big-looking baby, but he supposed that was natural. 

“Playing adult like that...you think Daddy would ever let that slide? You weren’t kidding when you said you’d be bratty.” The stronger man muttered teasingly, ruffling the other man’s hair. He went to work, buckling him into the car seat in the back of the car securely. 

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"Jesus Christ! You're huge!" Exclaimed Jason startled by the intimidating man before him. "The spot? What are you talking about? Jason looks at him strangely. When he pats his head Jason swats his hand way "Hey keep your hands to yourself gigantor!" When his hand grabs Jason's wrist with his tremendous strength It makes the baby scream out in pain causing him to drop the cigarette from his mouth. "Hey let go of me you fucking mutant! What do you think you're doing?" He screams out in pain as Oliver tightens his grip practically crushing his wrist in the process. When Oliver asks the question Jason look at him oddly. "What the fuck? Why would I wear be wearing diapers?" It suddenly hits him like a ton of bricks,this is the diaper fag. He needs to keep my cool and not let on 

Jason grunted as he hoisted into the air with ease  "What? Playing adult? Daddy? Bratty? The fuck are you talking about? Put me down God damnit!" As the larger man ruffles the angry baby's hair he squirmed and struggled & screamed our for help unfortunately at this ungodly hour of the weekend this street is desserted. Jason did do his best to squirm,struggle, bite, kick and punch as Oliver effortlessly secures him into the over sized car seat,  even insisting that he has the wrong man. After he was secured in he hurriedly clasped at straws trying to unbuckle himself from the childproof buckles. "YOU CAN'T ABDUCT SOMEONE LIKE THIS THAT'S AGAINST THE LAW!" His words were ignored as the large brute entered the front seat driving to whatever ungodly destination he has in store for them, as the baby hurled obscene names at Oliver calling him everything under the sun and threatened him with lawful actions. While appearing to be shrugged off the threats are being well documented for punishments. 

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Oliver chuckled when the baby told him to keep his hands to himself, saying all kinds of naughty big-boy words as he was dragged to the car. “Is baby being fussy-wussy?” He cooed, ignoring his desperate pleas and insistence that he wasn’t the baby; the ad had specified that the baby would try this type of thing, try acting like he was such a big boy. When the man-turned-baby started to curse and asked why he’d be wearing diapers, he simply chuckled; baby really did have the brat act down pat. “You’re just a wittle baby, of course you should be wearing diapers.” Oliver told him condescendingly as he buckled him into the car seat and went to his own seat in the front of the car. He started to drive, ignoring the baby’s cries; he was only an infant, after all.

As the bad baby squirmed, whining and screaming about how this was against the law and he couldn’t do this to him, the man rolled his eyes. “You’re really playing up the brat thing, aren’t you, lil’ man? You think you can threaten me?” When he stopped the car at a deserted road, pulling over, he got out and walked to the back. Oliver reaches in after opening the back door and unbuckled the baby, hefting him up. He draped him over his knee, rolling his pants down to his ankles, and gave his bare bottom a hard smack. 

“I own you now, brat. Threaten me all you like, wittle guy; just know that I don’t tolerate naughty language coming from such a wittle baby.” 

Oliver got out the laxatives he’d brought along, and popped one out of the case, not before coating baby’s hole with baby oil so the laxative would go in nice and easy. He slid it inside and pulled the boy’s big-boy pants back up, strapping him into the car seat. 

“Now make nice, big poopsie-oopsies in your big-boy pants for Daddy. You say you aren’t a baby? Then keep yourself from making poopsie-oopsies in your pants, and Daddy won’t make you wear diapeys. Think you can do that, little man?” 

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When Oliver cooed at him mockingly and referring to him as a baby his tantrum got worse and he lashed out "DO I LOOK LIKE A BABY YOU MORON?"
When Oliver made the statement about playing up the Brat act Jason played dumb not helping his chances "Brat act? What the hell are you talking about you twisted freak? Let me out of here now!" Those words would come to haunt Jason when Daddy pulled over he thought he had finally convinced the man he had the wrong person so he didn't struggle as he was unbuckled from his carseat. However when he  tried to stand up and was forcibly rushed over Oliver's knee he squirmed once again as his pants were rolled down to his ankles afraid he would be sexually assaulted the straight boy that he is. "Oh God no don't rape me! I like girls goddamn it! Please?"  Jason's fears were alleviated to a small degree when the heavy handed man brought it down colliding with Jason's ass. 

Jason's eyes went wide when he heard the man saying “I own you now, brat. Threaten me all you like, wittle guy; just know that I don’t tolerate naughty language coming from such a wittle baby.” his only recourse was to once again convince the man he wasn't the man who messaged him. "YOU DONT FUCKING OWN ME YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO I AM! "I'm a straight man my name is Jason I don't know who the hell you are now let me go!"   

Jason screamed out and clenched his ass the humongous man started rubbing his ass with some kind of liquid  paying particular attention to his hole. "Arghhh what are you doing? Don't you listen idiot? Stop touching my.....ARGHHH" jason groaned and the man's rough finger's filled his tight virgin bottom, he had never so much as put his own finger up there not realizing that Oliver had stuck suppositories up with his finger. 

As his pants were pulled up and he was resecured to his carseat he once again with strong defiance tried to appeal to this man "listen you crazy motherfucker I'm not whoever you think I am. I'm straight meaning I'm not into men I'm not into diapers or being a baby or whatever the hell it is you are looking for!" He heard Olivier speak not oblivious to the fact that he had suppositories in him. "And if I don't shit myself like you think I'm going to you'll stop this madness,let me go and realize I'm not whoever it is you think I am?" He asked the man in the front seat glaring back at him with a smirk through the rearview mirror. 

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Oliver has grown tired of the baby’s constant whining and insistence that he wasn’t being a brat. The ad had stated he’d be bratty, but this was taking it a bit too far in his mind. The baby’s swearing and screaming, the way he so defiantly wailed that he wasn’t a baby and demanded to know if he looked like one; it was so damn frustrating. The baby even called him a freak and started whining about rape when he prepped him for the suppository, something Oliver really didn’t appreciate. 

“You know what, baby? I was going to let you go. I was almost convinced you were the wrong person for a moment, but now that you’re being such a little brat that I might just be convinced you aren’t.” Oliver glared at him through the rear view mirror, annoyed with Jason’s pathetic whining and accusations. They were tiresome, far too loud, and his little tantrum was not appreciated at all. 

The man scowled. The baby was getting on his very last nerve, calling him a “crazy motherfucker” and complaining that he wasn’t into this type of thing. When the baby asked if he didn’t shit himself he’d stop this “madness”, demanding he be let go as though he were the one in charge. His smirk had twisted into something angrier, and his knuckles went white as he clenched the steering wheel. 

Oliver didn’t speak the rest of the way home. The minute the car stopped, he got out and unbuckled the baby, hefting him up and carrying him under his arm like a sack of potatoes, “You’ve made me angry, boy. Very, very angry.” He snarled, tightening his grip on him and carrying him into the house. As he entered the fully-stocked nursery with the baby, he almost set him down inside an oversized baby walker with a lock attached to the part looping around his waist. He’d save that for later. 

Instead, he set him down onto the changing table and strapped him into it, making sure the leather straps were nice and tight around his chest, wrists, ankles, and waist. 

He grabbed the key, locking the restraints so baby was now secured to the table, continuing on with his eyes narrowed into dark slits, voice booming and foreboding, 

 “You know what I do to little brats like you when I’m pissed? I let them poop themselves in their grown-up pants and beg for a diaper, that’s what. I might even invite a guest over and show him what a cute little brat I have while you lay there in your own shit. I am the one in charge here, and you have no right to call me anything unless it’s Daddy.”

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"I'm telling you;you have the wrong man!" Maybe if I stayed quiet  for a while he'll realize I'm not Thomas  Jason thought to himself and noticed the anger that exuded from the man in the front seat. 

It's was a good long time as Oliver drove silently but obviously raging . When the car finally stopped Jason was roughly unbuckled from the carseat. As he was crunched under Oliver's arm so tightly he could barely breathe as the man berated him like a small child, Jason tried his hardest to get loose squirming and flailing to no effect.

When he was taken into the house he still couldn't breathe Oliver's strength of the squeeze took all the oxygen out if his lungs. As Oliver entered the nursery Jason looked around in awe. all he could do was scream holy fuck in his mind until Oliver released his grip. 

When he did however Jason was slammed hard on to a changing table out of energy and breath from the tight squeeze he pathetically tried to resist as Oliver secured him into place. "Stop please? what is all this? Where did you get it? Why do you have it?" He asked hurriedly ,disturbed by what he saw.

The look of Oliver had changed so drastically as he spoke with a surprisingly frightening tone.
He'd try to appeal to his sense of reason. "please I'm sorry okay but when someone snaps your off the street while you're cleaning your windshield what would you have done? I don't want to lie in my own shit!"  


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Oliver simply ignored the baby when he said he had the wrong man, and disregarded his weak flailing as he carried him out of the car. He tightened his grip, aware that he was most likely crushing the little one but not caring in the slightest. 

The baby’s desperate squirming under his powerful arm did nothing to dissuade him from what he had to do; as a matter of fact, it only strengthened his resolve. If the baby boy wanted to be bratty and disrespectful to him, then he needed to learn who exactly was making the demands here, and that certainly wasn’t the baby. Not on his watch. 

Oliver slammed him roughly on the changing table and checked the restraints again, making sure they were nice and tight so baby wouldn’t be going away anytime soon. If he did try anything, he couldn’t get off the changing table anyways, so it would be pointless. The straps over his hands and wrists and everywhere else were secured as tightly as possible, and now all Oliver had to do was wait for the inevitable messing of baby’s pants. 

The stunned baby started to question him in fear, asking what all this was and begging to be let go, he just folded his arms and refused to respond properly, only saying, “This is your nursery; everything here is just for you, little brat. You’ll be using everything, from the high-chair to the little walker I have over in the corner, whether you like it or not.” 

When baby started trying to plead, trying to appeal to his sense of reason, the much larger man shushed him. “You were the one who requested Daddy do what needs to be done, regardless of whether you act like you want it. You were the one who admitted you were-and I’m quoting this-a naughty boy in need of a total power exchange with extreme regression, discipline, and structure. I’m just giving you what you asked for.” 

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Jason helpessly tried freeing himself but to no avail the straps were so tight they pinched his skin and rubbed them raw if he moved. He stayed quiet stewing in rage as the man told him he'd be using everything like it or not. Who fuck did this guy think he was talking to? He thought to himself biting his tongue. All through Oliver's lecture  his body was fidgeting; his face red with rage. "I keep telling you I didn't ask you for anything! If someone contacted you
did this person send a picture or something? Why do you think I'm the sicko that wants this?" 

Tears fill Jason's eyes frustrated beyond belief from the situation he's found himself in. Oliver senses the fear in his new baby. He's never felt this kind of exhilaration with anyone else before. This guy was committed to being as realistic as possible even going above and beyond that. 

Before too long Jason's stomach starts to churn the pressure increases as his stool works it's way down through his digestive system. He continuously groans out in pain  and clenches his ass tight desperately wanting to hold his stomach during this test of wills straining to keep it from coming out, however little pockets of gas began building up inside Jason's stomach.

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Oliver just smiled when his new baby helplessly wriggled around on the changing table, and tsked at him, “No moving, I don’t want your pretty little wrists and ankles all chafied, no I don’t.” He cooed, patting his head with a condescending lilt to his deep voice. The baby’s face was all red with anger, flushed so deep it exhilarated him with a rush of power.

Was this what it felt like to be truly in control? To dominate someone so thoroughly they were reduced to begging and pleading, denying they were who they were? The poor baby’s pathetic efforts to dissuade him only proved that he was, in fact, the brat he was to be looking after. The tears in baby’s eyes made Oliver coo, a cruel smirk stretching over his face. Man, this guy was selling the defiant baby role very well; he was so believable.

“D’awww, is my baby boy upset? Poor sweetie.” Daddy Oliver pinched his baby’s cheek again and then reached down, pressing gently on his abdomen as he passed gas to help him go poopy, “Don’t worry, after you make poopies, I’ll be letting you lie there all by yourself like the big boy you clearly think you are!” 

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Jason was so frustrated by the large man cooing at him like a baby telling him he didn't want baby to get chaffed by the buckles, so frustrated he continued to thrust as violently as he could given what little leeway he had as the man once again patted his head and stroking his hair. 

As the man continued asking him if he was upset he barked "of course I'm upset YOU SNATCHED ME OFF THE STREET TO BE A WEIRD TOY! He was swiftly silenced by a heavy yet gentle pressure on his abdomen as the man designed to be a prank cooed alerting him that once he was done being helped to shit himself he'd be left alone. "DAMN I'm not a big boy I am a .Ma......." before he could finish his sentence Oliver pressed heavier on his abdomen and as hard as he tried to stay clenched it all came out. 

Jason laid in horror,not that he had much choice, watching the aggressive and strong man start heading to the door following up on his promise. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING? GET BACK HERE AND LET OFF THIS DAMN TABLE!  THIS IS DISGUSTING!' Jason couldn't help but bawl having been forced to shit himself was enough to set him off but now he was being forced lie in it feeling the squishing smelly mess under him was more than he could stand.

He screamed and screamed until his voice was hoarse not a soul would hear him in his soundproof nursery until Daddy Oliver decided to return.

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Daddy Oliver kept his promise and walked away after making his poor baby make poopsie-oopsies in his underwear and pants. Poor thing was screaming that of course he was upset, whining about how he was a big, strong man. Of course, the reek of shit that was now emanating from the so-called “man’s”soiled pants begged to differ. 

“D’awww, you’re so cute. You think you can say you aren’t a baby after making such a big, stinky poopy mess in your pants? Isn’t that just what any baby would do?” 

Oliver pinched his baby’s cheek as he cooed at him in a tone reserved for infants, giving his pants a pat. He was tempted to smush it around, so he did, pressing the baby’s body with his large hand until he was smashed against the mess he made. He smirked, and then carefully stepped away and left him there, messy and wailing. 

He simply waited outside the door while Jason screamed until his voice was all hoarse, which made him grin coldly. After thirty long minutes passed-enough time to practically guarantee his poor baby would have a big rash on his bottom-Daddy walked back into the room. 

“Is my baby boy ready to get into his nice, fresh diapers for Daddy? Can he ask Daddy a diaper like a good boy?” He cooed, reaching over and tickling his chin.

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Jason writhes in anger using what little strength he has left as the talked down to him. He exploded. "You try holding your shit in when someone straps you down and presses on your stomach!" 

When Oliver pinched his cheek turns his head in an attemp to bite the man's hand or at least his fingers. Which was a mistake because it only made the big man retaliate by squishing his mess around making him cringe and gag. 

Being left in shit filled pants with it smeared all over him, Jason was physically weak and tired but not broken. His ass was starting to feel a bit raw and the feces was fermenting long enough to cause painful 

After what seemed like eons The large man finally returned.he cooed as he always did. Asking about diapers and tickles his chin. Jason opened his mouth wide to answer and when he had the opportunity to he chomped down as hard as he could on the large man's hand. "I AM NOT WEARING DIAPERS NOT NOW NOT EVER!"

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Oliver just rolled his eyes when the baby boy wasted the last dregs of his strength by squirming around in anger. As the little man exploded, screaming and cursing like a very naughty baby boy, he contemplated a suitable punishment for tomorrow. After all, this little boy would have to be changed and cleaned, after which Oliver would cart him off to his crib. Baby had a big day today, and needed a little nappy-poo so he wouldn’t be so mad tomorrow. 

He just held him down as he squirmed and gagged on the changing table. Poor thing wouldn’t stop playing the part of the brat no matter what, would he? Oliver tsked and shook his head; why was this baby so stubborn? A challenge was proving to be interesting thus far, but really, this was getting a touch ridiculous. 

Once Oliver returned to the nursery to check on his naughty little man, he found that the poor thing looked tired. He’d cooed at him, only for the baby to yell that he would never wear diapers and chomp down hard on his hand.

In a single moment, Oliver saw red. He ripped his bleeding hand away and took baby’s restraints off, before tearing off his soiled clothes as well. Ignoring whatever protests he had, he wiped him clean thoroughly and very roughly with several wet wipes, digging them into the hemorrhoids and throwing the dirty clothes in the trash...not before opening up two, huge diapers and letting the shit fall into them. 

Oliver didn’t just diaper his baby, he forced the now soiled diapers onto his body and then yanked locking panties over them, securing the panties with a key. 

“I was just going to put you in diapies and a comfy onesie, then put you down for a nice nap with some warm, yummy milk, but you don’t even deserve that much.” 

He told the baby, picking him up after giving his poopy-diapered ass a smack, pressing in the shit more. Oliver didn’t put him in his crib; instead, he dropped him rather unceremoniously into the oversized baby walker and used the key to lock him inside. 

“You’ll be sitting there in your poopy diapers until Daddy hears you begging for a diaper change and apologizing for hurting Daddy.” 

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Jason was too worn out to fight as he was stripped of his soiled clothing.When Oliver started to clean him with punishment wet wipes made with rubbing alcohol (which were much harsher and stung more than gentle baby wipes), on his genitals that now had a rash from sitting in his own mess, he whinced and moaned. Oliver's strong rough hands clearly showing no concern for the severely naughty boy's pain after being bitten.  It was when Oliver dug into his hemorrhoids deliberately opening them up that Jason lost all control,he howled In agony as streams of hot tears strewn down his face from the alcohol searing his open hemorrhoids. After Oliver was content that his baby wouldn't dare move in such pain,was when he dumped his mess into the diapers he had opened.

When he was plopped on to the squishing mess of the diaper his response was ohh God no! With a grimaced look of disgust, he laid there helpless and weak as the man secured the diapers and pulled plastic panties up over them worst of all they locked, not that he couldn't rip them off when he had his energy back. When Oliver slapped his ass again he let out a terror and agony filled moan. Jason was too distracted by his agony to say anything back to the demented man  He could only let out wails as he felt the hand smearing his mess all over his open hemorrhoids.

As he was carried to the baby walker and dropped in helpless once again howling from the collision with the material catching his diapered ass as Oliver locked him in. he groaned even in the largely built contraption he would barely be able to get his feet to touch the floor it was too high up for anything but his tip toes to reach. Where and how this man got one of any of this baby stuff upscaled and made for an adult his fragile mind didn't want to ask.

When Oliver said his final words and left Jason couldn't hold it in anymore. This had been the worst day of his life, he started breathing heavily and sobbing harder than he ever had before at the thought of what this man was doing to him. Wondering how what was supposed to be a such a great pranked resulted in this..

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Oliver didn’t even smile as he cleaned the boy up with alcohol-soaked wipes, roughly rubbing the boy’s rash-covered pee-pee as he howled like the baby he was. He kept his mouth shut, though he was tempted to speak again, and dug his hands into the hemorrhoids, making the baby scream and wail at the top of his lungs. A suitable punishment, he thought, for such a bad little baby boy. 

He sealed the naughty baby into the messy diapers after he was confident the boy wouldn’t move in the state he was in, taping them up around his waist. James’ disgusted, pained grimace at the contact of the poopy mess against his bottom was a sight to behold, a sign that the baby’s resolve was getting weaker. His babyish wailing as the plastic panties were locked was proof positive of that fact.

“For someone who claimed not to be a baby, you sure look like one right now. Your diapers all poopy and your cute little bottom covered in hemorrhoids that only your Daddy can take care of, lying here helpless. How does that feel, big boy?” 

Oliver wondered, smirking to himself triumphantly after he reached over and put the fussy baby inside the oversized baby walker. The helpless baby’s increasingly high-pitches wails were music to his ears as he locked him into the contraption. His pained, weak groan just made Oliver smile deviously. 

He had a baby monitor in the room, so after he departed for his own bedroom he could hear everything the little baby had to say. Oliver slid into his bed and held the other monitor close so he could listen for the apology he’d asked for.

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As the larger man berated him in a mocking coo utterly demeaning him,Jason's mind wanted to scream and attack the man despite his much larger size.  He would have if he was on the street and these were normal circumstances, however his ass felt like he had a blowtorch taken to it from the combination of the alcohol that was in those wipes colliding with his open raw hemorrhoids.  What was he going to say? His ass was burning alive and he hated what Oliver was doing to him but this man was obviously a sadist of biblical proportions so he layed helpless and quiet not wanting to endure that agony again especially while he was still suffering from the last round. 

Jason squirmed in his walker seat the material rubbing against his diaper fidgeting like a baby as Oliver set up a baby monitor to listen for him to beg for a diaper change. 

As he sat quietly sobbing remembering how bad the hemorrhoids got after a half hour he didn't want to sit that long again. He was willing to apologize even if he didn't mean it,but he was determined not to beg for a diaper change,he wasn't a baby after all.

After what seemed like an eternity  of sitting there helpless his body trembling from the repulsive feeling and agony while he sobbed  which was really not even 15 minutes, he was ready to give in and play along. 

As his pulse heightened and breath got heavier he was fighting his pride only he was desperate. "I... I'm .s...s.. ..sorry, p......p.... please....l ..le,..let...m..me o .out?" 
He chirped between heaving sobs. He said this repeatedly not wanting to scream and upset the man who called himself daddy. He slumped in his walker looking like a pouty baby his face covered in tears and snot. 

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Oliver sneered at the baby as he walked back into the nursery, mocking him in a high-pitched falsetto tone, “I-I-I’m sorry, please let me out!” He rolled his dark eyes and pat the boy on the head, chuckling at the sight of the tears staining his cheeks. Poor little thing was already breaking down, but he knew he wasn’t quite there yet; he just wanted to save his own skin. 

“Do you need your poopsie-oopsie didi  changed, baby boy? Does your wittle bot-bot huwty-wuwty, baby? Does my wittle baby need hims Dada to give hims a big huggie-wuggie and kiss it bettews?” He mocked, pinching his cheek hard enough to bruise and wiggling it around a little. Suddenly, Oliver grabbed the boy by the hair, yanking his head up so his chin was raised, exposing his neck. 

“That’s just too bad for you, isn’t it, baby?” He snarled, his lips pulled back to show his teeth. Oliver would’ve spanked his probably stinging ass again through the diaper if he weren’t locked inside the baby walker, but instead he smacked him across the face so hard his palm ached afterwords.

“You’re not good enough for a fresh diaper, are you, you little shit? You’ve been denying your nature since I got you, like a bad boy. You know what Daddy does to baby boys that are bad?” 

He cupped a hand under his chin, holding his head up. Making the baby look him in the eye as a sadistic grin spread over his face. “Daddy changes them when the wounds are infected, dripping with pus. Takes them out back and touches their shit-covered dick until they scream Daddy’s name. Fucks them so hard they  beg for Daddy to start babying them again. Wouldn’t you just love that?” 

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Jason was disgusted he did as he wanted,he apologized what more did he want? 

Jason's eyes faded In and out as the man spoke. He could do nothing but sit there as the man talked down to him, showing his razor sharp teeth  to Jason, talking to him as if he wasn't even five years old and Jason rolled his eyes trying not to let Oliver see him.doing so. Jason screech as Oliver pulled him up by the hair practically pulling it out by the root. . 

Jason grunted as moans as his cheek was pulled and twisted. "Ughh owwhhh that hurts!" Exclaimed Jason. It was then Oliver's hand cracked against his face so hard. Jason held his face crying. He has never felt such a heavy slap across his face. It brought tears to his eyes as he held his beautiful face now swollen with a handprint causing his legs to dangle in the walker

Not wanting to get him any angrier he sat quietly holding his face as the berated him, until his chin was grabbed forcing him to look into his eyes,.

Jason's whole body was trembling. As he listened to what Oliver was saying his eyes were bugging out in shock.
When daddy left  the question to him; he begged Oliver with everything in himself  promising he'd do anything to stop the agony he had and was going to endure at the hands of this angry man. 
"Please I'll do anything you want please just don't hurt me anymore!" He begs With genuine tears he's had enough abuse for one day. 

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Daddy Oliver changed on a dime; the minute his precious little bundle of joy broke down and apologized, he smiled. He grabbed him out of the baby walker and sat him down on the changing table gently, stroking his hair. His demeanor from before had almost completely shifted, and it might be a bit jarring to the poor little baby boy. 

“Just don’t test me next time and I won’t have to hurt you.” 

The man told his baby in a cold, no-nonsense tone while untaping his messy diapers and lifting up his legs with a single hand. He wiped him off with a normal wet wipe this time, and put disinfecting cream on his painful-looking hemorrhoids after powdering his privates.

Oliver liked punishing the brat, but he couldn’t just torture him after he apologized like that. It would make the poor baby not trust his Daddy, and Daddy Oliver wanted his baby to trust him and rely on him for every little thing. He didn’t regret what he’d done in the least, but he could always play pretend. 

When the baby wailed that he’d do “anything you want”, Daddy Oliver almost cracked another devious smile. He decided to pick out a cute outfit for baby to go beddy-byes in, a little bright blue sleeper with teddy bears all over it. 

“There you go, sweetie. You’re Daddy’s little teddy bear, aren’t you? I want you to be very, very good for Daddy and sleep in your crib. I’ll even give you a nice, warm baba tomorrow morning if you don’t try anything, okay? No naughty big-boy words or saying you’re too big, no struggling, and no biting Daddy. I might even give my sweet little boy an early nap tomorrow and let hims go beddy-byes all comfy and cozy in his crib with his nighttime bottle.” 

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Jason let out the a sorrowful moan as he was hoisted out of the oversized baby walker and prepared himself for a painful landing on the changing table. It wasn't as distressing as he thought it would be. He still had to put up with the mountain of a man tossling his hair like a small child but he could put up with that if it means not sitting in his own mess. 

The way Oliver's demeanor had changed significantly gave Jason cause for concern. Clearly this man was mentally unstable and for the time being he would pick his battles. He lied there whimpering as the large man admonished him with a cold serious tone. 

He wasn't happy as the man untaped his diaper lifting his legs high in the air signifying his current status of a total baby. Jason began whimpering in trepidation as the man grabbed wipes wincing in expectation of more torture from the dreaded wipes.  When they hit his skin however they were cool and somewhat soothing. When Oliver rubbed disinfectant cream on his asshole and hemorrhoids he couldn't help but let out repeated forlorn whimpering cries. The smell and feel of being powdered and taped back up into diapers nauseated him. 

Jason closed his eyes as Oliver went over to the closet and tried to collect his thoughts. When he opened them he was greeted to the sight of a repulsive onesie covered in sickeningly cute teddy bears, clearly not suitable for a man of his status. "I... Don't wanna wear it" he murmured quietly as Daddy Oliver ignored him and dressed him.

As Oliver was done and asked can If he was his little teddy bear he couldn't help grunting and squirming. Go to sleep? It was the middle of the afternoon. Jason just laid where he was until his stomach had started growling,in all the commotion he forgot that he hadn't eaten at all today this man wasn't going to starve him was he? His mind panicked. He certainly didn't want you go to sleep In the late afternoon, he was a man damn it. He fidgeted uncomfortably as he was carried over to the crib his eyes bulging and mouth gaping as the big man pulling the locking top over it. He had to stop himself from trying to get out as much as he didn't want to be locked in a wooden cage like an animal or in this case a baby.  His opportunity would come again,he made a career out of psychological warefare outsmarting his enemies and he would this time too.

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