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Some one by the screen name 'It's A Boy!' posted on the polling page Mar 2 2007: "I guess my question is about what events or combination of circumstances makes people like us into us."

My reply morphed into a very long jumble, and felt it more appropriate to post here instead. The beginning seems like it belongs elsewhere, but keep reading and you will step into the diaper material soon enough.

runaway thoughts:

Hmm, what combination or circumstances? Sounds like you want a recipe, lol.

I became incredibly interested in the physiology of memory and personality when I was in college. With a concentration in biology, my courses did contain bits and pieces that answered some of my personal questions; of course the main goal was to gradate and get accepted into (unnamed) school, but this is beside the point.

Those bits and pieces from different classes, I put together, and then did a (personal) further study specifically about why we like the things we like and do the things we do. I had a year between college graduation and entering unnamed school, and had to fill the time some how.

The first thing I did was read a book titled ‘The Introvert Advantage: how to thrive in an extrovert world” by Marti Olsen Laney, Psy.D.

Fascinating really; I only knew about the Myers & Briggs personality indicator, but I had no idea that it had such a scientific basis. I viewed psychology with a jaded perspective, and felt burned on more than one occasion by that system. I lost respect for the practice. Here is the information I learned that helped kindle a glimmer of liking for the subject (no this is not a copy and paste job; I didn't steal this material. I learned about it and now recounting it in my own words to the best of my ability):

Introversion and Extroversion are measures on the same scale, with each one on opposite ends of a spectrum. Some people slide more to the introversion side, while others (most of America it seems) treasure the extroversion side.

What do they mean?

Extroversion, in broad/general terms, refers to someone who prefers to focus their attention on the outside world. They are more comfortable accessing their short term memory pathway (they have the ability to think off the top of their head quickly), which utilizes the neurotransmitter ‘dopamine’.

Dopamine causes that RUSH feeling; a feeling of being high, excited, on the move, powerful, and outwardly joyful. They are the type of people who enjoy skydiving, bungee jumping, water skiing, and parties/social gatherings; physical and outward things that gets their blood pumping – this causes an increased production dopamine into their nervous system, and the extrovert person feels and interprets that as a good thing.

On the other hand, if they try and sit down and just think about things quietly by themselves or read a text book, well they can only do this for a small period of time (unless said book is full of material they love and enjoy - making their heart pound). Sitting quietly turns off the sympathetic nervous system, which they feel most comfortable utilizing, and the quiet signals turn on the parasympathetic system, which the extrovert's body doesn't always feel as comfortable with.

This PSN system utilizes the neurotransmitter ‘acetylcholine’. Acetylcholine causes a cool down effect. Breathing slows, calmness washes over the person, and the subtleness of life comes more into view. The extreme extrovert’s body interprets this feeling of quiet as something bad, and they have to spark up their sympathetic system once more with something more exciting … even if it is just a pornographic picture within that book they are reading, lol.

Introversion, in broad/general terms, refers to someone who prefers to focus their attention inward; they are the thinking type of people who enjoy pondering, wondering, contemplating, meditating; they are self-talkers. They utilize their long-term memory pathway more often (which is why it is harder for them to think off the top of their head).

Within this long-term memory pathway lies an area of the brain called “broca area”. This is responsible for internal dialogue. They are constantly speaking to themselves in their head -- an automatic consequence to using this brain pathway. It can't be easily shut off. Once that internal voice starts inside their head, it is very hard to keep quiet. That broca area of the brain just keeps on firing those neurons, and keeps the thought processes circling.

This might be why many introverts always look like they are not paying attention when someone is speaking to them. They are paying attention, but there is another voice in their head making unending comments. The introvert usually utilizes their long-term memory path most often, (the acetylcholine path) which allows their body to remain in a normal relaxed state - the parasympathetic nervous system. The extrovert has a normal geared-up state (with dopamine) - the sympathetic nervous system.

The short-term memory pathway by-passes the broca area, which is why many extroverts speak without thinking first! It is mere physiology that causes them to have their foot in their mouth more often than they would like.

The extreme introvert loves to read, write, gather their thoughts together in a pile, and sort them all out; placing them in boxes to save for later so they can come back and view them again. They feel awkward at social gatherings because their witty verbal come-backs don’t usually hit them until 2-3 hours after the event has ended. They really do believe “it’s the thought that counts”, but have a hard time with acting on those thoughts. They like to have most everything worked out in their head before they begin. They like being 5-6 steps ahead; sort of like playing chess with life.

The feelings the introvert gets while utilizing the parasympathetic system (acetylcholine) is similar to the effect that the sympathetic system (dopamine) has on the extrovert. They feel good - plain and simple. "If it feels good, do it!" We all like feeling good, and if those neurotransmitters that are released make us feel physically uncomfortable, we tend to avoid those things that cause them. It isn't conscious, just good sense.

It is more complicated than that, but on the whole, this is pretty much it.

Most people are not on the extreme end, on either side of this spectrum. Most usually tend to be either typically introverted or typically extroverted, with some qualities of each mingled into their persona.

I highly recommend taking the Myers & Briggs personality indicator at your local psychological testing center and get it evaluated by a licensed professional if you really want to find out why you do those things you do.

You might be thinking… “what does this have to do with having the ab/dl fetish?”

Well, I believe many abdl's are introverted. Yes, the adult baby play is more of an extroverted activity, which leads me to this…

Introverts who grew up with everyone around them (family, friends, media) doting on the extroverted behavior of others, tend to have a hole or partial emptiness inside them. They feel they were not valued because they are not “outgoing” … at least not on the outside so everyone could see it. They kept their exciting world internal. As children, we didn’t have the vocabulary or knowledge of our own psychology to express those things which may be truly special and positively unique. Their feeling of self-doubt causes them to oppress their own worth; thinking that their introversion is a bad thing. It wasn't, but when you are not praised, it is almost as bad as being belittled. And yes, many were belittled and abused which made it all the worse. The great person inside of them didn’t receive the nurturing it deserved. An internal world can’t be discovered unless it can make its way out. I think many introverted abdl's make their way out by using this fetish as an outlet.

Many adult babies project themselves as a rambunctious and lovable baby/toddler/little one because that is the only way they know how to express extroverted behavior (as they are introverted by nature) and find praise for it within the walls of websites, chat, and forums.

Those liberal exhibitionists out there, you know who you are, that are extroverts and into this fetish, well, I can completely see why. What is more of a rush than snubbing vanilla flavored republican ideology than donning a diaper, which (like it or not) symbolizes and plagiarizes juvenile guise; then, taking a pee and/or crap in it and calling it a nice pastime. And, perhaps, enjoying the freedom of speech any diaper-wearer can have with it pressed into your crotch while running around the room with scissors in your hand - or you may prefer your diapered crotch in your hand; whatever fancies your panties.

It could be a big fuck you to the insurance companies that imply that retirement is merely the time spent between planning to die and death itself. I wonder if this is the reason older people over 50 join the abdl community, even if they did not have a liking for diapers when they were younger. Their newly weakened bladder and bowels loosened them up a bit, after a long era of being stuck inside a stuffy codger adult. The feeling of release of doing something you've been told was only for babies and the handicapped ... the feeling of doing something that everyone on the entire planet has to do, but inside a place (inside your pants/panties) that society has told them this is not appropriate for scores and scores of years. Being inappropriate feels pretty god-damn good after ages of following the rules.

For those vanilla republicans out there, I’m sure I can figure something out that may suit your conservative, if not repressed, need to explain the diaper around your waist. The nice warm feeling of peeing (or do you prefer wetting? excreting? Oh wait, tinkling!)… the nice warm feeling of tinkling into a diaper gives you visions of clouds and butterflies hovering over a perfectly kept lawn of bright green grass 2.5 inches high. The big bad nightmare world of science can fade away, and the bloody body of Christ can hang in your living room wall on two pieces of polished foe-wood. As the diaper padding expands, you feel it plugs up any unnatural feelings you are having about one of your family members, or perhaps the little girl or boy across the street. It keeps you ivory-pure of heart. Instead of looking at dirty pictures of naked women or men, you enjoy those adults that dress up like little children. But no, you don’t view those pictures, do you. That would be wrong. That would be covetous. Although, all you really have to do is ask for forgiveness and all is right with your soul; right? What a great concept that is, isn’t it. Now all you have to do is figure out how to forgive yourself. This gets easier with time, I’m sure. At first your heart is all sick with guilt, but with practice you can swallow hard and it only lasts a few minutes.

I wonder if there are any monks out there that have an ab/dl secret fetish. They wear several layers of patch-quilted cloth in their crotch underneath the long red or yellow dress. Every night, they pee into the hidden cloth, squeeze it out into a coconut shell, and offer it up as a sacrifice (yeah I obviously know nothing of the monk traditions -- they probably wouldn’t use a coconut shell… perhaps in the hand of a priest?)

Let’s not forget about those agnostics and atheists out there! Why do they were diapers? Poor, poor non-believers; their soul is hollow and empty. They can’t feel the love of a superior being greater than themselves. Releasing their waste into their diapers, pants, on their lover’s chest … well this is their way of getting that warmth into their hearts that is so tragically missing from an abandoned spiritual life. Yes tis true, science isn't exactly right all the time now, is it? I wonder if Darwin ever donned a pair of rubber pants as an adult. He had a hard time smooching his religious beliefs with his own scientific queries and discoveries. Poor, poor man died not knowing whether or not he will find answers or just find darkness/nothingness. Makes you want to find solace within your childhood laughter, and shirk that toilet responsibility for a small while. If life is all there is to look forward to, if there really is nothing beyond the physical touchable world we now know ... well, of course your little hearts just break every time you think too deeply about it.

Or, perhaps the fetish found THEM. Not everyone who enjoys diapers had an internal calling for them their whole life. One day, maybe a completely normal girl was browsing along the tv or internet and up pops an ad for Goodnites, or Depends, or any one of the various absorbent products out there. She thinks to herself … yuck, I’d hate to pee my pants. But, then comes the day she has to pee REALLY badly. Standing outside her apartment door with several bags in her arms, her key just doesn’t want to fit into that lock correctly! Out comes a spurt of pee into her jeans. It starts to darken the material. She fumbles and drops her keys at the shock of the spurt. She holds her muscle tighter and slowly bent down to retrieve her keys, balancing all her bags in the process. Finally she gets the door unlocked, but her stomach starts to feel agony and threatens more pain if it can’t release the pee pressure. She throws down her stuff next to the door and shoves both hands in her crotch and crosses her legs. She can’t move, or else she will completely lose control. That image of those diapers pop into her head and she suddenly doesn’t feel so threatened by them anymore. She longs for the freedom to release her pee! She realizes that this is her apartment, and she can do whatever the hell she wants. She shuts the door, spreads her legs on the linoleum floor and releases her screaming bladder – thus, a beginning of a beautiful fetish.

This is just an aside, but from what I’ve experienced and heard, agnostics and atheists have a reputation for being bad people, boasting terrible manors; their sexuality is promiscuous and even dabbling in dark evil deeds! I find this absurd, in the same way that republican conservatives (or priests) are not all child molesters or repressing homosexual tendencies.

Evil? because an agnostic or atheist doesn't blindly accept the existence of the supernatural world? Pure rubbish! That line of reasoning only exists within the uninformed, uneducated, and completely closed minded individuals who have no tolerance for views and beliefs which conflict their own. Promiscuity is usually avoided by most non-believers I know. They are well-informed people that do not relish in the idea that they might have to live with a terrible debilitating disease if they engage in unprotected sex, or even protected sex with various partners! They know this to be dangerous; the chance of coming in contact with disease is much greater with multiple partners – hence even some protection isn’t 100% secure.

The “righteous” on the other hand (the ones I know) think that if they love god enough, he won’t smite them and they can avoid the whole disease mechanism by praying hard and doing charitable works (insert huge laugh here).

I happen to be an agnostic, so those people that have been offended by my satirical stroll across diaper lane can rejoice in the fact I can make fun of myself just as much as I can with anything else.

None of my musings have anything to do with specific individuals; I'm just making fun of every thing so no one feels left out. I myself suffer from a sort of literary incontinence. My writing tends to be very fluid, long, sometimes embarrassing, and eventually irritating as you may have just witnessed.

Thanks for reading.

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Interesting reading there runaway! Leaning heavily towards the introvert side of the spectrum myself, I can certainly relate to the endless dialogues with myself, preferring my own company, and generally philosophizing myself to death, he, he!! I believe that the introvert type certainly has the greater advantage when it comes to probe ones physic tunnels, so to speak, and that in our day and age the virtue of self-knowledge is sadly forgotten amidst the sickening display of trends and fashion, of the "warmth" and comfort of group behaviour. Most people tend to create their sense of self worth through the impersonation of others, and I believe this has also to do with fear of oneself, "without others there are no identity", many seem to say. In addition, many people want easy "truths" with the least amount of pain and hardship involved, and one could ask oneself, what is the general worth in such a position? Certainly, if you believe truth to consist of already manifested dogmas for you to eagerly swallow, then go right ahead. It will make life easier, certainly. But if you believe truth lies within yourself, that you are an individual in the right sense of the word, that truth comes through an difficult inner searching and probing, and that below every surface there is depths to swim, then that is entirely a different matter. Funny, science is the new religion they say, but could one not also say that the automatonic reliance on trends for happiness, also constitute a certain religious mindset? I believe so. Regarding infantilism and the link to introvert personality, I see your point. While ABs are extrovert in that they relate to the world in form of toys, mommies, etc, there is also of course the introvert part, where fantasy and imaginings reside. So all in all, what you said about the utilizing of the two different nervous systems relating to the introvert and the extrovert makes perfect sense to this gentleman!! By the way, you write wonderfully, so any "worries" you have regarding literary incontinence, should at once be abated. Cheers! :thumbsup:

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omg, Necare, you made me moist; no man has ever done that to me. If you were a woman attracted to ab-girls, or a character in one of my stories (habitually one in the same), I’d insist you read me that response as I lick your princess lovingly in appreciation! There is nothing like intelligence, coupled with diaper admiration, to get my heart pounding …

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Well, runaway, considering that I really do not see myself having that much of a self esteem concerning the ladies, and considering that you are a lesbian( if I`m not mistaken, beat me senseless if I am!), you could not have given me a greater compliment! Thanks. I just felt a urgent need to answer because I feel that the topic you adressed is of vital importance. And yes, I wish I was the AB-loving girl getting licked by you! You look and sound fine, fine, milady!! :thumbsup:

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Runaway, your...dang...still at a loss for words. :thumbsup: Kudos, nail on the head.

Introverted would also loosly explain the DnD subculture: People who gather and play out a game, all in their head, thinking five to six steps ahead of eachother, finding loopholes, and in the end, arguing with themselves wether so-and-so shouldn't have done such-and-such. (yeah, DnD geek here)

I'd say, I'm a Introvert to the true deffinition. Often overthinking subjects, trying to read too hard into what others are saying/doing, mumbling to myself, and finding the PERFECT whitty retort...five hours after it should have been said.. :rolleyes: All in all...I'll probably edit this post with a few of my thoughts....later....when I have mulled them over.

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Really great post, runaway ^_^. Interesting, informative, and quite funny.

I've wondered before if there is some connection between personality type and being AB. It might be something interesting to study. I would also think that more ABs are introverted types.

I can really relate to what you said about growing up an introvert. Kids tend to be praised by adults for extroverted behaviour and judged by their peers the same way. I was raised with a very extroverted sister about my age and she was always busy doing things while was always busy thinking things. She got most of the praise while i was mostly seen as a slacker. Her world was just on the outside and mine on the inside. It's not hard to see how my being AB could stem partly from the difference in treatment we received. Also, introverted people are not generally as social as extroverts and I think that AB play or RPing could be a way for us to express things that don't come as easily to us as to extroverted people.

I'm married to a strongly extroverted person (she's ENFP) and it's really interesting to see how our personalities are different in that area. She loves to be around people and socialize but I can only take so much of it before i have to be alone with my thoughts for a bit. I'm very shy but she has no problem talking to random strangers.

The Myers Briggs personality type indicator is something that i thought was pretty much a joke until i took it myself. The description of my personality type is so right it's almost creepy (I'm INTP, btw). I'm curious if anyone else here has had the opportunity to take it.

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*sniffs* Doesn't smell offensive to me to all.

Heavy substance on introvertion, Runaway! I strongly relate to the traits like self-talking, bibliophilia, awkardness in social situations, especially verbal conversations; relishing solitude, slow reaction time, pedantic, strong in long term memory, meticulous planning, and being punished for preferring solitude (e.g. demonized as being schitzophrenic, psychopathic, egotistical, "sneak-theft," ect.).

I also identify with feeling exhausted, jittery, irritable, empty, but mostly unhappy during social encounters. When I have been forced into socializing, I felt so constrained inside that I felt like a panicked, caged animal, wishing to lash out if not released. I've also compared human contact with the comsumption of refined sugar: it may start out nice, but in the end, I plummet even harder than from where I've started. Two years ago, I've accepted that it's okay to prefer animals as true friends, and not to be "socially attracted" to humans (similar to how a gay man isn't sexually attracted to women). Now I tend to experience more freedom, creativity, philosophy, relaxation, and laugh more when I'm alone.

I don't understand why many extroverts take offense to introverts enjoying time to themselves. Yes, yes; "It goes against normality" they chant. But then comes the universal debate on what defines normality. Besides, "deviance" can be good for goose, and sometimes for the gander.

Amen to Necare about individuality and overdependence on society's trends to compensate for lack of self awareness. Not only are they pointless, but they tend create an even deeper hole of emptiness.

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Seeps myself into the pool posted by Tux, and swims around in it; letting my thoughts cradle hers…

“I also identify with feeling exhausted, jittery, irritable, empty, but mostly unhappy...a panicked, caged animal” … glides around her cage floor and peeks my eyes up out of the water; steadying myself with my finger tips on the lip of the metal. My legs kick gently underneath. I see her and mentally run my fingers through her chocolate brown strands of hair that have fallen down over her eyes …

“Now I tend to experience more freedom, creativity, philosophy, relaxation, and laugh more when I'm alone.” … thinks to myself !yay! but not too loudly. I float around the side and reach the cage door. I project a mental image of myself smelling the side of her neck …

“I don't understand why many extroverts take offense to introverts enjoying time to themselves.” … I speak for the first time from my suspended perch at the floor of the cage door (little sprays of water disperse from my lips as I speak softly) --many people, if they don’t understand, or ‘get’, another person’s ways then they think it must be wrong or unnatural-- …mentally slides a hand around her neck, resting it on the flat part where her hair hangs like a waterfall shielding my skin. I inhale, smelling the scent of honey. I grin, thinking that I’d like to take a taste of the honey, wherever it was hiding…

“…individuality and overdependence on society's trends to compensate for lack of self awareness; not only are they pointless, but they tend create an even deeper hole of emptiness.” … mentally fills in that hole with two dryad seeds and dirt. I cream hard! as I visualize two trees growing from the hole, twisted upon themselves as if making photosynthetic love…

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Interesting post. Made me think, and probably will for a while. You really took a hard left turn at politics and religion there. Made me chuckle and raise an eyebrow a few times.

I've never taken one of those tests, but I believe I am proably close to the center on it. I guess in some ways, I'm extrovert-introvert bi-polar. It all depends on my mood. I've spent months with almost no human contact, holed up and reading books, writing, watching movies, so on and so forth. When I write, I may generate content quickly, but I can spend hours getting a single line right, trying different sentence structures, adjectives, etc. I need my alone time, and I need a lot of it. I will go for long walks alone, and have in the past spent several weeks backpacking in the mountains pretty much by myself. Frankly, one of my favorite activities (that unfortunately my job makes something I cannot do) is to smoke some weed and think about -- well, think about whatever it is that I need or want to work through at the time.

Then, on the other hand, I will start up conversations with complete strangers. I occasionally can even be obnoxious and will butt into conversations that are none of my business if I feel that I have something valuable to contribute. I have a bizarre sense of humor, so many people may not find me funny, but the ones that do usually find me fairly quick. When I make a decision, it is often a snap decision and I stick with it -- not to say I refuse to change my opinions as new information enters my world. Often I don't logically work out all the details of a decision, but trust my gut feeling. I have a much confidence in my subconcious's ability to process information that I learn. I'm not a big party person, but social gatherings, though I may not want to go initially, usually end up being a good time for me, once I start to mingle with people.

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Seeps myself into the pool posted by Tux, and swims around in it; letting my thoughts cradle hers…

“I also identify with feeling exhausted, jittery, irritable, empty, but mostly unhappy...a panicked, caged animal” … glides around her cage floor and peeks my eyes up out of the water; steadying myself with my finger tips on the lip of the metal. My legs kick gently underneath. I see her and mentally run my fingers through her chocolate brown strands of hair that have fallen down over her eyes …

“Now I tend to experience more freedom, creativity, philosophy, relaxation, and laugh more when I'm alone.” … thinks to myself !yay! but not too loudly. I float around the side and reach the cage door. I project a mental image of myself smelling the side of her neck …

“I don't understand why many extroverts take offense to introverts enjoying time to themselves.” … I speak for the first time from my suspended perch at the floor of the cage door (little sprays of water disperse from my lips as I speak softly) --many people, if they don’t understand, or ‘get’, another person’s ways then they think it must be wrong or unnatural-- …mentally slides a hand around her neck, resting it on the flat part where her hair hangs like a waterfall shielding my skin. I inhale, smelling the scent of honey. I grin, thinking that I’d like to take a taste of the honey, wherever it was hiding…

“…individuality and overdependence on society's trends to compensate for lack of self awareness; not only are they pointless, but they tend create an even deeper hole of emptiness.” … mentally fills in that hole with two dryad seeds and dirt. I cream hard! as I visualize two trees growing from the hole, twisted upon themselves as if making photosynthetic love…

Wow...very poetic, Runaway. :thumbsup:

By the way, sensory transfer would also be one of my supernatural abilites (along with shapeshifting).

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Interesting post. Made me think, and probably will for a while. You really took a hard left turn at politics and religion there. Made me chuckle and raise an eyebrow a few times.

I've never taken one of those tests, but I believe I am proably close to the center on it. I guess in some ways, I'm extrovert-introvert bi-polar. It all depends on my mood. I've spent months with almost no human contact, holed up and reading books, writing, watching movies, so on and so forth. When I write, I may generate content quickly, but I can spend hours getting a single line right, trying different sentence structures, adjectives, etc. I need my alone time, and I need a lot of it. I will go for long walks alone, and have in the past spent several weeks backpacking in the mountains pretty much by myself. Frankly, one of my favorite activities (that unfortunately my job makes something I cannot do) is to smoke some weed and think about -- well, think about whatever it is that I need or want to work through at the time.

Then, on the other hand, I will start up conversations with complete strangers. I occasionally can even be obnoxious and will butt into conversations that are none of my business if I feel that I have something valuable to contribute. I have a bizarre sense of humor, so many people may not find me funny, but the ones that do usually find me fairly quick. When I make a decision, it is often a snap decision and I stick with it -- not to say I refuse to change my opinions as new information enters my world. Often I don't logically work out all the details of a decision, but trust my gut feeling. I have a much confidence in my subconcious's ability to process information that I learn. I'm not a big party person, but social gatherings, though I may not want to go initially, usually end up being a good time for me, once I start to mingle with people.

Bah Morv, you slag!! I was contemplating posting pretty much what you just said :P.

I don't write but 3d model, and do the same, make stuff quickly then suddenly get bogged down (in a good way) on one silly little part. I love my own company, I love just being able to sit down, not have to talk to anyone and do my own thing. And my internal voice can be pretty annoying, chattering away too me constantly :X (I thought everyone had a voice in thier head).

Bizarre sence of humour.... Unsure on that one, maybe its cause i live in england and everyone seems to have a messed up sense of humour. Sometimes I can make people laugh till they pee, or just look uncomfortable (love doing that to the "squares")

The social thing, I just think thats bog standered anxiety, once you're at what ever gathering you realise that you where worrying about nothing :P (I sometimes end up being the life of a party, after one too many and I start acting silly :P). I butt into convos a bit too often for my own liking, and always have an oppinion on anything and everything (that i know about :X)

I think it comes from being an introvert child (some of my favorate days where rainy afternoons playing by me self with lego), then learning to do the whole extrovert stuff when you've grown up, and need to socialise at parties and stuff. Before I was 16-17 I was a bit of a loner, had friends but no real good ones. Then I met a friend who liked going out on the town, and spent two years of clubbing every single damn weekend (too the point of selling pc games for beer money and clothes :P). But at the end of the day I will always want time too myself, to be myself, with no need to live up to anyones standards... Just my own. And of course to wear me nappies and act like a kid :whistling:

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I had a British roommate for a year in college. We got along quite well -- especially the whole humor thing.

Legos were awesome toys. I still have several boxes of them.

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Guest John_Q_Sample

Seems we have quite a few wordsmiths here... a nice departure from the usual "Do you like to bounce up and down in your poopy diaper?" posts... :thumbsup:

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No, he's right. It isn't complete and shouldn't just be accepted as honest to runaway fact. I didn't sign in with a PhD next to my name now did I? Do your own research, and find out for yourself. I did encourage you to go to a licensed counselor, which I thought rather responsible of me. YAY me!

(Gets hot knowing how good I've been; steps back into the pool of intelligent thoughts for a nice swim.)

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Ok, here's a cheese from me, so there.

I'm pretty sure intelligent thought is more a river than a pool. It continues to move, progress, and flow. Sometimes the direction changes, and occasionally the thought is split by islands and two paths diverge for some time, even so that it may appear they are seperate, but eventually they do rejoin. More common, however, is that currents are split by what came before and by the underlying features of the landscape, and channels appear in different parts of the river of thought, all connected superficially at the surface, but running at different speeds, depths, and directions once you plunge deeper. Yes, there is an ocean or a lake somewhere down the line, but we are hardly there yet.

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Yes, yes, nice, nice. I'm suggesting that there is no such thing as a pool of thoughts. 'Tis a grand misnomer, much the same as military intelligence.

That is, unless you wish to suggest that thought is stagnant and unchanging, lacking an evolutionary and adopting nature. Pool of thoughts is a nice phrase, but as many things that make nice phrases, it also makes no sense... but then again, maybe thought does run downhill and collect only when it has nowhere else to go.

For me, I'll stick to oaring about in the currents and the rapids, and mayhap the occasional eddy, but I shall avoid pools that flow not. :P

(I remember once arguing about pre-constitutional American politics for about a half hour completely on the basis of an analogy dealing with a pizza.)

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I'm suggesting that there is no such thing as a pool of thoughts.

While I enjoyed your post very much, you missed my point. Active thoughts inside a person's head is not stagnant, but this particular cyber bowl is a collecting pool of thoughts. Although yes, they can be edited, but in the end it is still a pool, collection, compilation, assemblage of common bonds.

River of thoughts run into a lake of beliefs. Find me swimming lovingly among the deepest parts of your gifts, and smile knowing that I tend to pee while swimming.

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As I write this, I am constantly hitting the backspace button, rewording, and rewriting my thoughts to best describe this enigma filling the space between the keyboard and seat. So I shall put myself on this thread for all to see, and ask: Is this the work of an Introvert?

I tend to find myself drawn to social occasions, clubs and the etc, but when the atmosphere becomes "too crowded" I move on, finding solice in my mental ramblings in an allyway. Cigarette in hand, I sip my mental coffee and mull over the cannon fodder that has been bequethed to me by random conversations, all the while stewing over how whitty I would have been if I had said such-and-such at that comment so-and-so said. Not being one for risk taking, I scrutinize every puzzle piece before I place it, yet wildly anticipate the outcome of my work, often brazenly showing it, mabey almost boastfully...Waiting for acknowledgement..Usually in vain too. My mental kitchen has a full larder, but the chef seems to have taken a haiatis from his duties, seeing as most dishes are served cold. But when left alone, Emeril produces a jaw-dropping fare. A sumtuous feast for friends willing to enjoy my world of fanasy. I sometimes yearn critisism, yet can't often take the application. While in hell, I over read other co-workers comments, often leading to me lashing out with my vocal sword, and creating enemies that I didn't want. So, learning from the past, I reashure myself that its all in my head, and that I'm overreacting....again. I tend to want to strike up odd conversations, and usually have no problem doing so, with random people. Is it that I mabey yearn social contact? More and more I see myself using the internet to voice my oppinion about touchy subjects, leaning heavily somtimes upon the crutch that is anonymity, and relishing the sight of some peoples' anger to the nerve I have hit upon. But mostly, I find myself drawn to like-minded individuals who share my same loves, and in turn, try to act as a source of insight for those who are going down a similar path to the one that I took to reach the final thing that is me.

As in regards to my last post. Given time, I tend to make more sence. Thanks for your patience in the reading...sometimes tend to droan..and confuzzle myself....easily too... :lol:

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No, he's right. It isn't complete and shouldn't just be accepted as honest to runaway fact. I didn't sign in with a PhD next to my name now did I? Do your own research, and find out for yourself. I did encourage you to go to a licensed counselor, which I thought rather responsible of me. YAY me!

(Gets hot knowing how good I've been; steps back into the pool of intelligent thoughts for a nice swim.)

Hey now, I'm no he! I've been full time for nearly a year now....

But, thanks for accepting my comment in the proper context at any rate. It wasn't intended to be reprimanding you. I only said something because I'm a bit of a neuropharmacology buff, and neurortransmitters are kind of developing into a collection of marketing buzzwords these days to overly simplify REALLY COMPLEX ACTIONS that go on in the brain by fobbing it off as 'more seretonin makes you more happies, it is good, you need more'.

Like I say, not aimed at anybody here personally, I'm just a bit anal retentive about it.

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