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The Dress Code (Private)

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Poppy had always wanted children, more specifically babies. When she married Michael, however, those dreams seemed to go away. He claimed he had done his fair share of child rearing. He had his daughter and she was enough for him. Poppy was only 25 but found herself the step-mom to this high school senior, a rebellious one at that. It didn't help that she was the new dean at Rachel's school and therefor, had to watch her run amuck. Michael let that girl get away with murder. If Poppy had behaved in such a fashion as a child, she'd be over her father's knee, 18 or not. But now, Michael was gone on business for 6 months. It meant that Poppy was alone with her step-daughter and she knew exactly what she wanted to do.


She was tall, at six feet, she towered above anyone easily and her heels didn't help matters. Her pin straight hair fell down her back and she adjusted her glasses over her nose. Just as she was about to order lunch for herself, she got a message.


"Mrs. Montgomery, I have your step-daughter here. She violated dress code. Again."


The school had strict underwear rules: no thongs. And it'd be noticeable if broken, given the short skirts. Poppy grinned. It was time to get started.

"Send her in," she told her secretary.

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Kayla was 5'5 120 with long blond hair and green eyes. She was worried as she sat there getting in trouble yet again, she was real pretty and she enjoyed teasing the boys and she wasn't afraid to show her thongs to them just to get a reaction and attention. Now she sat in the principles office waiting for her step mom she figured she would just tell her off and that would be that. Kayla had her plan already laid out, she would say you're not my mom you can't do anything! The young girl was ready as she waited impatiently for her step mom so the principal will let her go.

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Poppy watched as Kayla walked int the office and walked over to Kayla, lifting up her uniformed skirt. She made a face. "Oh, you naughty girl, you're supposed to know better." She shook her head and went to the cupboard. She grabbed hold of a paddle to spank her with, followed by a big fluffy diaper. "You've been acting up long enough, Kayla. You're going to be spanked and then put in this big fluffy diaper. You'll attend the rest of your classes in this and I'll make sure that all your teachers know to make sure that you're supposed to be wearing it." She dropped down in a chair and pointed to her lap. "Lay across it, young lady." 

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Kayla watched as her step mom walked over to the cabinet. What she saw amazed her.

"I--I'm too old f--for a spanking and I'm damn sure not wearing a diaper!" she yelled. She looked at the diaper it was white crinkly with baby written on it.

Once her step mom was settled she couldn't believe she really wanted her to bend over.

"You're not my mom and wait till I tell my daddy he'll straighten you out I have him wrapped around my finger!" she cried not budging just glaring at Poppy.


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“Your Daddy is gone for 6 months and he left me in charge.” Poppy tore down her skirt followed by the thong and then pulled Kayla over her lap. Despite her wiggling, she laid down 5 firm smacks with her hand and then began to spank her with the paddle.


”naughty, naughty girl,” Poppy lecturer. “You think you’re high and mighty but look at you now, being spanked like a baby girl.”


Poppy watched as Kayla’s bottom turned bright red and continued to rain down. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

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"Well h--hey!" she cried as that's all she could get out as she had her clothes yanked down! "No no please!" she cried as she knew what was next. Kayla wasn't used to being spanked and the first couple swaths felt like she was sitting on a cactus! "Owe owe!" she cried kicking her feet trying to break free. Once the paddle connected with her little ass she tried jumping to get away from that as it set her ass on fire. Kayla couldn't take much more as she began crying and she was just looking for the magic words to he her to stop!

"I'll be good I'll be good pl--please please!" she cried in between sobs.

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"You bet your ass, you'll be good," Poppy yelled into her ear. She dropped the paddle and grabbed onto Kayla's ear. She flipped her down onto the floor, like a sumo wrestler doing their expert move. She took off Kayla's thong and skirt completely, before grabbing more diaper changing things to do the change with. Poppy wiped her bottom before putting the big fluffy white diaper beneath her legs. She powdered her next before putting on some diaper rash cream. Next, she taped on the diaper. It was large and forced Kayla's legs apart, it would definitely make her waddle. Next, Poppy pulled the skirt back on, but it in no way covered the diaper. "There, now everyone can see what happens when a naughty girl gets punished."


Poppy helped Kayla up and laid a final pop to her diapered bottom. "Now, for the final touch." She reached into her desk and produced a rather large pacifier. She clicked the leash to Kayla's private school shirt before popping the pacifier in her mouth. "You are to keep this in here at all times. Your teachers are instructed if they catch you without either of these, that you are to be sent back here for another spanking. After school is over, we will go home and phase two of your punishment will begin."

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"Owe owe!" she yelped as her ear hurt from having it pulled on. She laid there crying to herself as her boron was sizzling like a plate on fajitas off he grill that the waitress will say be careful it's hot! She cringed when she saw the baby powder and the diaper. Kayla didn't move or help as she was stripped down to nothing. She covered her eyes as she was wiped down her body flinched and tightened up as she could believe her step mom even wiped her butt and touched her most sensitive spots.

"Please I'll be good." she cried hoping to get her to change her mind. When she found her legs being lifted and the diaper slid under her she knew her step mom was serious!

Once she was diapered she looked at the skit that did nothing to hide her diaper everyone would see it as she waddled down the hall.

She didn't think it could get worse until she saw the pacifier.

Kayla stood there sucking her pacifier as she was scolded.

"Phase two isn't this enough!" she cried spitting out her pacifier s it dangled from her shirt with the teddy bear clip.



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Poppy smacked her thighs and shoved the pacifier back in her mouth. "I'll say what's enough. And just so you don't think your daddy doesn't know." She pulled out her phone and started a FaceTime conversation. "Michael, darling. I wanted to show you that unlike you, I can follow through on punishment." She flipped the camera so it would be on Kayla. "Your daughter broke dress code. Again. So, these are her new underwear for the next 6 months, at minimum."


"She looks just how she did until she was potty trained at age 8," Michael cooed. "Oh, Poppy, I should've let you do this ages ago. Give me a good close up of that diapered butt."


Poppy did as her husband asked and then let Kayla see her father. "See, KayKay, even your daddy agrees with me, you're adorable." She pinched her left cheek.

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"Owe!" she yelped rubbing her thigh as the smack stung like hell. "No no please don't let him see!" she cried behind her pacifier as her speech sounded mumbled and babyish with her pacifier now in. Kayla was all kinds of red with anger and embarrassment! It wasn't her fault her mom left and for whatever reason she started bed wetting and her stupid aunt put her back in diapers and made her drink bottles and stay in the playpen. Damn it why did he always have to leave the country! She thought to herself but the worst thing is her dad just gave her stupid step mom the green light to do whatever she wanted. Kayla wanted to smack her hand away as she pinched her but she knew better and stood there as she was forced to show her daddy her diaper.

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"I have to go to a meeting, but you do whatever you have to, in order to keep Baby KayKay a baby," Michael said.

Poppy grinned and hung up the phone. "You heard Daddy. Now come on, Princess Diapey, it's time to go to your next class." She took hold of her hand and marched her down the hall. Everyone started pointing and laughing at the diapered girl, with the pacifier in her mouth. "Everyone, this is what Kayla is going to be wearing, if you see her without either, let her Mommy know." Eventually, they made it to the class and Poppy flipped up her step-daughter's skirt. "This is what happens when you break the school's rules. If you act like a child, you're treated as such. Now, Baby Kayla, take your seat and do not take that pacifier out." She smacked her bottom and put the skirt back down.

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Kayla hated all the nicknames everyone was calming her, she wanted to yell my name is Kayla! She knew better the last thing she wanted was a spanking. On her way to class she felt just like a baby as her diaper crinkled with each step and the pacifier sucked too. She looked ahead as her step mom had a vice grip on her hand she felt just like a little girl. Once they got to class she had to stand there as her step mom and the teacher both told the class about her baby state and just to emphasize everything she stood there as her skirt was flipped up so everyone could see her baby diaper. She was actually relieved when she was allowed to go to her seat. Kayla looked over at her friends and wondered what they were thinking.

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"Awww, wook at Baby Kayla with her diapey," Renee, one of her friends cooed. "And she's got a pacifier too."

"She's sucking on it like a real baby would!" Another girl exclaimed.

"Aw man, remember how big and bad she thought she was the other day?"

"Maybe we'll have to give her a diapey wipey change."

"If she does need one, your teacher has the tools to do so," Poppy said. She kissed the top of her daughter's head. "You are to report to my office after the final bell. Failure to do so will get you another spanking, in front of everyone. And you better keep that diaper on. If I found out you used the actual bathroom, there will be hell to pay." She kissed her step-daughter on the lip,s like someone would do to a baby before walking out of the room.

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She glared at her friend as she made fun of her. Then when Mary made fun of her that was it!

"Shut up you nerd!" she couldn't believe Mary of all people would say anything to her she was the girl that Kayla had always picked on.

Kayla was livid as the girls picked on her.

"You're not going to change me!" she said hissing at them then she regretted those words as she sounded Ike a baby talking about being changed.

She watched as her step mom left hating how she really was treating her like a baby cooing and kissing her like one. She did all she could to focus on class but she was worried what the girls might do if they got her alone would they change me or spank me! She thought to herself as she was quickly realizing her new status at the school. Kayla also realized she no longer had any friends who would wanna be friends with a baby!  If things couldn't get any worse she remembered the threat of phase two and wondered what that was all about!


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"I may be a nerd, but at least I'm not in diapers."

The rest of the day droned on with everyone making fun of Kayla as she walked the halls and crinkled in her little diapers. Everyone kept "checking" to see if she needed a change, some pinched her cheek, others made sure her pacifier stayed in. The teachers cooed over her and pinched her cheeks, making comments that they loved seeing the rebellious bully get what she deserved.

By the time the day was over, Poppy was waiting in her office for her step-daughter to return. She grinned as Kayla walked into her office, cheeks red. "Now, let's check and see if Babykins needs her diddums changed. Come lay down on the floor."

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Kayla was mad how the nerd seemed to have found some courage and for once Kayla couldn't think of a good come back cause Mary was right she was in diapers! Once the bell rang Kayla grabbed her books and walked to her locker, she was getting mad how everyone cooed at her or laughed with their friends some even checked to see if she was wet and others patted her diapered bottom. Mary of all people even whacked her bottom then she walked off acting like she was sucking her thumb. During her last class she couldn't hold it any longer and she wet her diaper. Now she was really embarrassed knowing her step mom would delight in changing her and calling her a baby.

Kayla dutifully did as she was told. She closed her eyes hoping this would go by quickly and she could pretend she was somewhere else.

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"What a good girl, someone's learning." Poppy untaped the diapers and grinned when she saw they were wet. "Awww, Babykins went pee pee in her diddums. And to think, if you stayed dry, I would've gone easy on you. Oh well, seems like someone wants to be a baby then. Oh, and even your skirt is wet, guess you won't be wearing that out." She took off the diapers and skirt, before wiping Kayla dry. She poured on an abundance of baby powder before taping on two large diapers to her bottom. "There we go, now you're nice and dry." She helped her stand up and patted her bottom. "Now for Baby's new rules. You are no longer allowed to go out by yourself. You will be diapered 24/7 and wear what I say, when I say it. You will drink from bottles and be spoon fed. You will do your homework and attend school, but you will do all of it as a big baby. If you misbehave, you will be spanked. Does my baby understand her punishment?"

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She laid there waiting to be changed and when she herd the tapes being ripped apart it was almost too much for her! "Wait what you said I couldn't go to the bathroom!" she desperately wanted to spit her pacifier out as everything was coming out babyish. "No I don't wanna be a baby!" she couldn't believe her step mom thought she really wanted to be a baby! Kayla was embarrassed beyond belief as she was wiped down and powdered. She didn't resist at all as her clean diaper was placed on her. She stood up as her step mom helped her up. She stood there as she was told her new rules not be any of this.

"Please Poppy I'll be good I'll do anything just don't make me a baby!" she cried

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"Buh buh buh, I'm not Poppy anymore. I'm Mommy." Poppy squeezed her cheeks. "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. And if you call me Poppy, you'll get a spanking. Yes you will, yes you will. Let's go home, sweetiekins." She grabbed hold of Kayla's hand and lead her out of the office, walking her past the laughing crowds, stopping to let people check her diaper. She made it to the house on the top of the hill where she lived as dean of the school. "You won't be going home to that big mansion. That's for good girls that deserve their daddy's money. No, you can come stay with Mommy." Poppy lead her inside and upstairs to a babyish room. There was a crib, a changing table and loads of baby toys. She lifted Kayla's shirt off. "Now, it's time for homework." She placed it down on the pink desk in the corner. "You go sit and do it, while Mommy makes dinner."

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Kayla sucked her pacifier not believing her step mom now expected to be called mommy. She had a feeling whenever she got in trouble anymore she'd get  spanking, she would prefer the grounding or taking her phone but not a spanking and to be treated like a baby! Once they left her moms office she was forced to stand there and let people check her diaper some of the girls even volunteered to babysit! Once they reached the car she tried to sit I the front like normal but she ended up in the back seat like a baby girl. Kayla looks out the window still sucking her pacifier hating her new punishment this is the worst one yet. Then she notices they're not going home. "Um where are we going?"

"What are you serious?" she was shocked at the new news.

She walked inside of course her new mommy made sure to hold her hand she was being treated just like a toddler.

They went up to a room and when the door opened her jaw dropped.

There was a white crib with pink trim and a diaper stacker stacked with disposable diapers.

"Please Pop--I mean mommy this is too much!" she cried

She stood there as she was undressed then she went and sat down at her Childs desk to do her homework.

Kayla watched as her mommy left she looked around her new nursery amazed at how far her mommy went to make her a baby again.



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Poppy cooked dinner for the two of them. While the chicken baked, she set up Kayla's new high chair. She went into the living room and also put together her new play pen, bouncer and excersaucer. Everything in the house was baby proof, even the TV had parental controls. What was even better was that the house had a code on it, that had to be punched in before anyone left it. If they tried to leave otherwise, they'd be shocked and sent flying backwards.


Eventually, Poppy went back upstairs. "Okay, baby girl, is your homework all done? Are you ready for num nums?"

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Kayla sat there doing her homework after an hour or so she got thirsty. She wondered where her phone was but after today it really wouldn't matter her friends would only laugh or make fun of her. She finished her math and turned around when she herd her mommy's voice.

"Yeah I'm done, I'm also thirsty do you have any pop?"


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