thedman Posted October 28, 2018 Posted October 28, 2018 So I'm starting a new story based on Kimmy's Keeperverse. This will be a very different spin on things, hopefully everyone will like where I take it. I wanted to add an additional preface now that I have rekindled my spark to write this story. As I originally envisioned this story it will be written in 3 different but intertwined story arcs, so you can expect it to be a long burn, if not necessarily a slow burn. I hope you will all stick with me for this ride. ................................. Ever since she was a little girl, Monica Greene had known that she wanted to be a keeper. In fact if you were to ask her she would gladly tell you that she was destined to be a keeper. Her first memories were around the age of 13 when the whole notion of keepers and pets had hit the mainstream media. Prior to then there had been little public knowledge of the world of keepers and pets, anyone who lived that lifestyle having been dismissed as part of a fetish or kink scene. But all of a sudden there had been a huge wave where thousands of people around the world were experiencing the bond. When major celebrities started showing up crawling down the street on their hands and knees wearing nothing but posh collars on their necks and thick diapers on their rumps the “Bond" as it would become known was suddenly front page news. Monica remembered looking longingly at those news articles in the early days wishing that she could be the one holding that leash and caring for another human as her own pet. The laws around the Bond had at first been non-existent and then slowly evolved to cover areas such as transfer of property and wealth as well as to protect pets from abuse. Sadly one of the earliest laws had decreed that no minor could become the lawful owner of a pet even if they were to experience the bond. At best the parents of said minor would be given the option to adopt the bound pet until such time that the pet and keeper were both of age of majority. Often times however the parents were unwilling to take on this burden as most of these pets were themselves minors and as such had no financial assets or belongings that could be used to support the costs of upkeep. Many of these pets wound up being surrendered to pet orphanages as once they had experienced the bond they became quite helpless which would of course place the extra burden of caring for them on their biological parents, most of whom could not handle it. To make matters worse, once bound these child pets became extremely unruly and subject to extreme behaviors due to the stress of being separated from their keeper. The pet orphanages were few and far between often leading to children being kept hundreds or even thousands of miles from both their biological and bound family. Due to a lack of government funding, the orphanages were often overcrowded and under maintained. With so few families willing to make the journey to visit these lost pets there was nobody to complain of the conditions and so they persisted. The orphanages of course offered adoption programs but the vetting procedures were extremely strict and the fees associated with adoption were often exorbitant. Sadly there was an extreme level of premature deaths in these facilities, often times it would be the pets themselves that found a way to end their extreme loneliness. There were also legally sanctioned means to have pets in these facilities put down. The laws in this regard were strict but at the same time it was not hard for the facilities to put together a convincing record of violent behaviour or significantly failing health to meet the criteria laid out. Monica had known about the existence of the orphanages for a long time but had never given much thought to them as she was convinced that she would ultimately find her own pet naturally one day. Despite her early longings to be a keeper it had been no big loss to her that by the time she turned 18 she had not made the Bond as there was no way that her family would ever be able to afford taking in said pet in any case. Her interest in being a keeper had dwindled somewhat for a few years after turning 18 as she was finding that the world of being an adult was somewhat harder than it appeared from the outside and she began to realize that having another human to care for wasn’t necessarily what she wanted right now. Around the age of 22 she found her desire to become a keeper and make the Bond had been rekindled. She would go out shopping or to bars and find herself looking at complete strangers, staring deeply into their eyes hoping for the Bond to magically happen. She had even begun making trips to pet stores, hoping that perhaps someone wanting to be a pet would find themselves in the same store at the same time and the bond would happen. She even found herself buying pet products, preparing herself for the day that she would finally make her bond. She became so convinced that being perfectly prepared was the key to making her bond that she bagman sampling the products to determine which ones were best. At first its was just trying on a collar to see how it felt or testing nuzzles and other restraint products to see how good they were. She sampled some of the foods, hoping to find only the most nutritional and flavorful brands to feed her pet. She had even tried on some of the pet diapers, convincing herself that she needed to know which were the most comfortable to wear, after all the were an essential part of the pet wardrobe. Of course she then convinced herself one day that she needed to know which ones fulfilled their purpose the best and so she began to use them just to see. One morning Monica went a little bit overboard in trying to sample multiple products at once. She had picked what she had felt was the most comfortable collar along with the strongest leash and tether point. After diapering herself in what she thought was the best choice she clipped the leash into the locking tether point and proceeded to don a pair of pet paws. Unfortunately for Monica, she had failed to consider any of the repercussions of the gear she was donning. After deciding her product test was successful, Monica went to get the key to release the leash from the tether, as she swiped at it with the clumsy pet paws it slid to the far edge of the table and fell off, well beyond her reach. Her next considered option was to use her phone and call for help, as much as she knew it would be embarrassing to have a friend rescue her in this situation she most definitely needed help. What Monica had forgotten was that phones, like most modern technology had also adapted to the world of pets and keepers. As she was so keen on having a pet, Monica had purchased a phone which had “Paw Link" technology embedded. Essentially the phone would lock itself out into a pet mode when it sensed pet paws trying to activate it and only allow very few basic commands. As she had not set up any of the commands in the phone she was unable to use it for anything. And so she was stuck, tethered to a wall wearing a thick pet diaper with only a bowl of pet food and water to keep her company. Over the next several hours her phone had rang or chimed numerous times with calls and texts but she was unable to respond to any of them. Within a few short hours nature made its call and Monica found herself with no choice but to wet the diaper that so thoroughly encased her loins. What was worse though was that her hunger continued to grow. After a while she was unable to resist the hunger pangs and found herself eating the pet food. The high fiber pet food designed primarily to ease a pets bowel movements. About 9 hours into her ordeal Monica was forced to use the somewhat sudden pet diaper for those purposes too. By this point she had convinced herself that she was bound to die alone in her home tethered to a wall in a more than well used diaper. Somewhere after that point she had fallen asleep after sobbing endlessly. Monica did not know how long it had been but she was woken by the sounds of her front door opening, the security system making its familiar chime. “Monica" yelled an all to familiar voice, “I know you are home, I saw your car out front. Why did you ditch me today?” Sam, it had to be Sam, of all of her friends why did Samantha have to be the one to come and find her? “What is that small, your house smells terrible, where are you?” Those words preceded Samantha by about 3 seconds as she rounded the corner in to the room. What ensued was about 5 minutes of outright laughter interspersed with statements like “oh my" and “are you", “is that a?”, “did you actually?”. To top it off, Sam's camera flashed no less than thirty times throughout. After the laughing fit finally died off Monica was able to point Sam to the key which she used to release her from the tether on the wall. Sam however maintained a firm grip on the leash. “Monica, Monica, Monica” she exclaimed. “How are we ever going to explain this silly little situation? After all, I know that you are not a pet, all you have spoke about for years is being a keeper" “Please, I will do anything, nobody can know about this" Monica was struggling to find the words. “I was just trying things to make sure they would be perfect when I get my pet.” “ So I see" Sam replied, “ I must say that I think you went a little too far though. In any case let’s get you cleaned up". With that Sam led Monica, who had no choice but to crawl with the pet paws and the shameful state of her diaper, to the guest bathroom in the hallway. Sam helped Monica into the tub and ever so carefully removed the befouled diaper from her friends rear end. She then proceeded to help Monica wash up, all the while leaving her trapped in the collar and pet paws. She led Monica into the master bedroom and up onto the bed and helped her towel off. In one swift motion before Monica could respond she had unclipped the leash, wrapped it through its handle around the bed post and clipped it back to Monica’s collar leaving her effectively trapped. “Now I need you to tell me where you keep them..” “Keep what?” Monica stammered. “Your diapers silly" “But I don’t need them, and they aren’t mine, I was just trying them to see how they fit.” “ I know that you don’t “need" them but they are most certainly are yours. I think that maybe you have gone a little crazy with this whole pet thing. You have my word that I will keep my silence about this incident but there will be consequences. First, you will wear your diapers and use them for this entire week. Secondly, next weekend you will be my pet and live the whole experience. I promise not to expose you to people that we know but you will live the life of a pet for the weekend. If you agree I will delete all of the pictures from my phone and never speak of this again.” “I… um…I…I guess so. Yes… whatever you want Sam. Please don’t tell anybody. They are in that closet behind the stack of boxes.” With that, Sam went over to the closet and rummaged until she was satisfied with her find. To Monica’s horror she came out with a bag of the thickest diapers on the market, with a bright pink cover and girlish designs all over. The truth be told, they were extremely comfortable but Monica knew that she would have a very hard time hiding them for the whole work week. “I think these will do nicely don’t you? After all I wouldn’t want you to have an embarrassing leak.” Y-y-y-yes those look fine. Thank you for keeping this a secret.” Sam proceeded to pull out one if the diapers and snugly tape Monica into her new padded prison. With a stern reminder not to violate the rules this week Sam released Monica from the collar and leash and left her to commiserate. 4
ELLIE52 Posted October 29, 2018 Posted October 29, 2018 just some random thoughts At the End of Her Tether From Here to There Pet for a Week My ex-friend, Sam the Keeper Sam Keeps Her
ELLIE52 Posted October 30, 2018 Posted October 30, 2018 It's hard to really say at this point, the title without getting a better feel for the story. Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men go awry would suit it sort of at the moment. Maybe with your second chapter we can tell more. It's started off quite well.
thedman Posted October 30, 2018 Author Posted October 30, 2018 I'm going to refrain from commenting right now. I don't want to spoil it. Chapter 2 will be up later. More of a teaser/ background chapter. The real meat will start to come in chapter 3 tomorrow
thedman Posted April 20, 2021 Author Posted April 20, 2021 Sorry for the 3 year delay, I kinda lost the writing spark for a while. I'm still going to stick to most of my original plan for the plot of the story, although it may come out in shorter chapters at a higher frequency Chapter 2 - Changes After about an hour of wallowing in self pity, Monica finally rose from her bed and took her fist tentative, crinkly steps in her ridiculously thick diaper. Given that tomorrow was a workday, she set her first priority to choosing outfits for the week that would help conceal the shame of her underwear. Much to Monica's dismay, most of her regular clothes simply wouldn't fit over the diaper, while others left several inches of pink waistband peeking out, or failed to conceal the bulk or the sound of what they concealed underneath. Monica eventually relegated herself to digging into her stash of pet gear where she had a small stash of high end pet wear. Pets didn't typically wear clothing due to overheating issues caused by changes in their metabolic system that occurred during the bond, but there were select lines of clothing designed for them. These clothes typically contained integrated cooling systems to allow for extended wear in situations where the keeper wanted to take the pet out while clothed. Monica grumbled to herself as none of the pet wear could be considered fashionable or stylish, and in fact they were somewhat cute and juvenile, but at least they did the job of concealing her diaper. Having completed the task, with enough clothing set aside for the work week she proceeded with her routine Sunday chores, cleaning the house and washing and folding laundry which ironically wouldn't be needed that week. Eventually the call of nature made its presence known, and after an extended period of discomfort trying to avoid the inevitable, Monica was once again forced to wet her diaper. Monica found herself both grateful and remorseful for the quality of the diapers that she had purchased. She was grateful for their amazing absorbency, in fact she could hardly even tell that she had wet. She was remorseful because she couldn't convince herself to waste money by changing out of a diaper that was clearly capable of handling more. She resigned herself to remaining in her barely sodden prison and set to preparing her supper. Several hours and a couple of wetting later, after having finished watching her evening TV shows, Monica changed into a fresh diaper and crawled into bed for a night of restless sleep. The next morning, she awoke to a still dry diaper and proceeded through her morning rituals, donning her new wardrobe for the week. Begrudgingly she went to her car and headed to work having ensured of course that she had spare diapers with her in her bag. Despite her fears, the morning passed without comment from any of her coworkers in regards to her attire. With the exception of an almost obligatory wetting of the diaper, the morning could almost have been considered normal. By lunchtime Monica decided that she was going to change her diaper despite its still ample capacity as she did not want to risk either saggyness or smell giving her away. She stealthily made her way to an often unused bathroom in the corner of the building with bag of supplies in hand and locked the door behind herself. At a time like this, Monica found herself extremely grateful that her place of work had individual bathrooms which afforded far more privacy than even the most underused and upend of communal facilities could. After setting out the necessary supplies she started to unbutton her pants ......except the button was stuck. No matter how she prodded and pried, the button refused to come undone. As she continued to struggle her phone began buzzing and making an unfamiliar alert tone. Pausing from her fruitless efforts, she picked up the device to silence the nuisance. She swiped up on the screen and was greeted by an alert. PET HOME HUB ACCESSORY TAMPER ALERT Your Pet Home Hub has detected an unauthorized attempt to tamper with connected accessory device "clothing". If this activity is authorized, please connect to the hub via your Pet Home append acknowledge the activity. Monica clearly remembered purchasing the Pet Home Hub and having it professionally installed, although she did not recall every activating it. She certainly didn't recall connecting any accessories, in this case clothing, to it. In any case, it seemed that her conundrum with the button on her pants would easily be corrected with a few swipes and clicks on her phone. Strangely enough, she found herself having to download the Pet Home Hub app and perform an initial setup. After several infuriating minutes she found herself at the required screen and attempted to enter her most commonly used set of credentials into the device. The screen flashed as if to indicate a successful action, only to pop up with the message "Incorrect user authorization level. Please have user SamanthaM enter credentials 5
thedman Posted April 21, 2021 Author Posted April 21, 2021 Chapter 3 - Technical Difficulties Samantha! Of course it had to be Samantha! She had done something to the system and somehow managed to lock Monica into her pants. Monica let out an exasperated sigh which was followed by a fresh stream of urine, one which she had been hoping sneakily release into the toilet while changing her diaper. She looked at her phone, her frustration building as she realized that over half of her lunch break had passed. She fumed and debated her options for getting the pants to release, perhaps she could contact tech support for the Hub and get them to override it. She dismissed this idea as extensively time consuming and potentially fruitless. She knew that her only reliable out was to contact Samantha for assistance. Without stopping to consider the reprocussions, she hastily typed an angry text message to Samantha, going so far as to accused her of intentionally trapping her in the pants. Realizing that she had nearly exhausted her short lunch break, Monica hastily gathered her supplies and haphazardly shoved them into her bag before storming down the hall. She crashed through the door into her office and practically threw herself I to her office chair. As she hit the seat she nearly doubled over in pain from an intense abdominal cramp. "Oh crap", she nearly said the words that quite literally described her new and impending fate if she were to believe the signals from her stomach. The afternoon seemed to wither away at a snails pace as Monica became more and more desperate. She had left several pleading voicemails for Samantha, begging her to release the pants. As she was nearing the point of utter despair, she was relieved to hear her phone beep with a notification. She scrambled to retrieve it from her purse, expecting a response from Samantha. Instead she was met by an email from her boss to all employees. "Good Afternoon, As you are all aware, this company has strict policies regarding employees having their pets in the workplace. We have graciously provided a more than ample subsidy at the local pet care facility for employees who require care for their cherished pets during the work day. I understand that emergencies may arise, and of course we would never turn down a keeper or their pet in a time of desperation. That being said, if you must make use of our facilities, I would ask that you treat them with respect and clean up after yourself. To the person who used the 3rd floor west wing women's washroom this afternoon, I would ask that you please come see me by the end of day to retrieve your property. I would hate to have to access the card reader logs to determine who you are myself. Regards, Mrs. Simmons" The email was finished with a picture a large, unused pink diaper, laying partially askew on the washroom floor. At that moment two things occurred simultaneously. The first was Monica's jaw practically hitting the floor as she came to the inevitable conclusion that the diaper in question was most certainly hers. The second was Monica's already overstressed gut dropping almost as far as her jaw which resulted in a very unintended release of the evil within. It was all Monica could do to stiffle her moans as the call of nature took its toll, pushing a wave of mush past her butt cheeks and into the waiting seat of her diaper. Monica wanted nothing more than to shut her office light, curl up into a ball under her desk and sob like a toddler, but she was interrupted by the ringing of her phone. Seeing Samantha's face and name appear on the caller ID left Monica with a wave of relief, knowing that she would soo be free of this mess. What she wasn't prepared for however, was the tirade that erupted before she could even speak 2 words. "How dare you accuse me of such things! I turned that on for your safety! I didn't want you getting 'accidentally' stuck without anyone knowing if you decided to fulfill your stupid pet fetish again! Do you even understand that you could have died if I didn't find you last time? I will not be releasing the system, I will be waiting at your house when you are done work and we can discuss the reprocussions of your actions then! If it had been possible to slam a cellphone down into a cradle like the phones of old, Samantha would most certainly have done so, or at least that was how Monica envisioned the end of the call. It seemed that her day had just continued to get even worse, and now she was faced with two terrifying prospects. The first was going home to face Samantha's fury, but even worse was the ever looming task of going up to face Mrs. Simmons to claim the diaper while trying to disguise that she was in fact wearing a diaper filled with her own filth. ---------- Well that wraps up chapter 3, there is lots more to go and I have many ideas for the story. Please be open and honest with your feedback and suggestions 3
Bel George Posted April 21, 2021 Posted April 21, 2021 I am really curious how this continues. The chapters are a bit short, I think, but if they are posted quickly enough after each other, that's fine. Looking forward to the next chapter(s).
Bodger990 Posted April 29, 2021 Posted April 29, 2021 Really good so far, please continue ? looking forward to seeing where this goes.
thedman Posted May 4, 2021 Author Posted May 4, 2021 Sorry for the delay, I should have an update coming later tonight. I forgot my laptop when I went for my last shift of work but I have it now
thedman Posted May 5, 2021 Author Posted May 5, 2021 Chapter 4 – Owning Up Monica’s work day came to all too quick of an end, if that was even possible when sitting in an hours old muck filled diaper. By this point in the day one would have a hard time telling which had stewed worse, Monica or her crinkly prison. Fortunately, the high quality diapers that Monica had chosen for her future pet had amazing odor control capabilities and the average human nose would have a hard time detecting much more than the slight baby powder-like scent of the chemical agent that was used to help the diaper conceal odors. Although there had been leaps and bounds in diaper technology since the bond had arrived, there was still apparently no manufacturer out there that had yet figured out how to make a fully loaded diaper feel like much less than that, perhaps because this seemed to be one of the sensations that became less troublesome once people had been bound and made the transition to pethood. Of course, as an unbound adult human, Monica still held all of her regular senses were serving to leave her in a great deal of discomfort from the muck in her pants. Deciding that there was no more putting off the inevitable, Monica slowly arose from her desk and began to gather her things. The mess in her diaper of course adapted to no longer being squished in place by her sitting position and proceeded to slump down between her legs, causing her to walk with a slightly pronounced waddle familiar to parents the world over. Monica slowly made her way to the elevator, hoping that it wasn’t too late to prevent Mrs. Simmons from taking matters into her own hands and digging into the security video archives from the day. Every moment seemed like an eternity, pushing the call button, counting the endless seconds as the floor indicator ticked closer and closer to her number, waiting as the doors opened with agonizingly slow speed, finally pushing the button for the top floor of the building and waiting for the machine to transcend the countless floors in its relentless climb towards her impending fate in Mrs. Simmons’ office. At long last the elevator doors opened, leaving Monica to step out into the lavishly decorated office. Despite the elegance of her office, Mrs. Simmons was not the type to bother herself with a secretary or personal assistant, and as such had no anteroom, leaving Monica to immediately face her boss. With a slight look of irritation at being interrupted from her work so late in the day, Mrs. Simmons looked up to address Monica. “Is there something that I can help you with young lady?” Monica hadn’t exactly thought about what she was going to say once she was actually facing her boss, but managed to stammer out some words. “I’m here about the email that you sent out earlier today.” “Email? Which one was that? You do realize that I send dozens, if not hundreds of them in a given day? I’m afraid that I don’t even know your name, so I’m not sure why you would come in here and assume that I would know what email you were referring to.” Monica was taken aback by the curt reply. Staring at her feet she managed to mumble out “Monica Greene, ma’am.” “Well Miss Greene, I’m still entirely unsure what email you are referring to, perhaps you could spare me from this tiring charade and enlighten me before you waste any more of my time’” “The one about the d-d-d-diaper ma’am. The ummm pink diaper in your email;” “Oh yes, the diaper! You needn’t have clarified the color, clearly I don’t send that many emails to my staff regarding diapers that I would need you to specify which one. In fact I would have to say that this is the first time that I have ever had to send an email about a diaper to my staff. So tell me then, the diaper is yours?” To emphasize her words, the woman opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out the offending garment, placing openly on top for both to see. “No, no the diaper isn’t mine, I don’t need them. “Well clearly it is not yours in the sense that it would be a part of your wardrobe. Even if you were incontinent, which I would hope is not an issue at your young age, I would hope that you would have the sense to purchase more sensible undergarments, not something clearly designed for pets, which we can most definitely ascertain that you are not. But to the point, this diaper, it belongs to you for use on your pet?” “No, I don’t have a pet ma’am.” “Well that explains why I didn’t see your name on our list of employee pet owners, we don’t have all that many you know. I was thinking perhaps that you were a very newly bound owner. What it doesn’t explain is what you are doing here in my office. Do you know who was so careless as to leave it laying on the floor? Or do you have some strange curiosity about diapers? Would you like to have it so that you can explore and decide if you want to be a pet? I’ve heard that there are services out there that can help people indulge in their fantasies, although I can’t help you with locating those.” “No, no, no! I’m sorry to yell, I’m not here to turn in another employee, and I certainly don’t have any desires to live the life of a pet.” “Well for heavens sakes! Why are you here? The diaper doesn’t belong to you for either personal or pet use, you don’t know what employee left it, and you don’t want it to fulfill your own perversions! I honestly am at my wits end trying to figure out your purpose in my office!” “I’m sorry, it was me that left the diaper behind. I can explain. I had a friend call me with a bit of an emergency, she needed me to watch her pet for a short time at lunch.” The best lies always had some truth, in a technical sense Monica was partially Samantha’s pet this week after all. “While I was watching her, she had a large accident in her diaper and I had to bring her into the building to change her, I didn’t want the poor thing to suffer any longer than she had to. I must have dropped one of the spare diapers while I was changing her and missed it in my rush to clean her up and get her back to her mom and still make it back from my lunch in time. Again, I’m truly sorry for the confusion that I might have caused.” “Well that certainly clears that little mystery up. You could have saved both of us a lot of confusion and time if you had just been forthright upfront. But in any case thank you for having the courage to come face me and own up to your transgressions.” The woman finished with a warm motherly smile, perhaps she wasn’t completely the strict businesswoman that Monica had come to believe her to be. “That being said, I believe that now would be an appropriate time to discuss your punishment.” “Punishment? I don’t understand what you are talking about. I already apologized for my minor mistake.” “Oh, but it wasn’t just a minor mistake as you so bluntly put it. Aside from leaving a mess for others to clean up in one of our pristine washrooms, you brought an unauthorized pet into our building. We have rules for a reason, what if the creature had a disease and infected another in our building. Or what if it were unregistered with the government and caused harm to another pet, we would be held liable. You need to understand that this wasn’t just some minor mistake.” The strict businesswoman was back, and the anger in her face was quite evident. “Now, as for your punishment, I think a day in our pet care facility would do good to humble you somewhat and remind you of the importance of being a responsible employee.” “Yes ma’am, that sounds more than fair, I promise, I will take extra good care of the pets and show that I am a good employee.” “I can see you are still confused, allow me to clarify. You wont be working in the facility, you will be a guest in the facility.” Monica was dumbfounded, she couldn’t believe the words that she had just heard. All she could do was to nod as she bowed her head in shame. “I will be sure to let you know when I make your booking. It’s only one day, it shouldn’t be too bad dear. Now be on your way before you waste any more of my time.” Monica turned to leave the office, hoping to escape any more embarrassment “Miss Greene? Don’t forget your diaper! You will be needing sometime in the next few days after all!” The jovial grin on Mrs. Simmons’ face was too much to bear as Monica turned to retrieve the article of her demise “One last thing Miss Greene. The janitorial staff mentioned that they didn’t find any soiled diapers in the trash when I sent them in to clean up after I found your unused diaper earlier. Would you care to explain?” “I didn’t want to leave it in the trash, so I stuffed it into my bag, I was going to get rid of it at home.” “Well I’m glad that you at least know how to clean up your messy diapers, and that would certainly explain the stench that I have notice since you entered my office. Please let me be now.” Well, that wraps up another chapter, hopefully that should hold you guys over for a little bit until I can type up some more. Thanks for reading. 6
BaronBrook Posted May 5, 2021 Posted May 5, 2021 Yep, love it! Great job setting things up for future chapters!
thedman Posted September 24, 2023 Author Posted September 24, 2023 This is a ridiculously overdue update, I hope to actually keep up with this story on a regular basis moving forward. Chapter 5 – Actions and Consequences Monica once more turned to leave and started to stuff the diaper into her bag only to be interrupted by Mrs. Simmons clearing her throat. “I think that it is best that you just carry that diaper on your way out of the building, as a bit of a reminder of your, err, transgressions. Plus, for as foul as your dirty diaper smells from inside of your bag, I would hate to think what horrors would be unleashed should you choose to open it. On another note, I found it rather odd that you not have chosen to place your – your friend’s pet’s diaper that is - into the diaper bag that was given to you with that creature. Clearly such an accessory was provided, otherwise where would you have procured even a single diaper and the assorted items needed to change that creature, much less the spare diaper that you so carelessly chose to leave on the bathroom floor. In any case, please be on your way, I have far more important things to spend my time on.” It was all Monica could do to exit the office and anteroom as quickly as she could, diaper in hand, doing her utmost to keep her face from turning a deep shade of red. She hurriedly made her way to the elevator banks, practically stabbing at the down button and mentally willing the car to come as fast as possible. Much to her chagrin, the elevator took far longer than anticipated due to the evening exodus of hundreds of employees from the large office tower. She was soon joined in her waiting by another employee. There was no way to conceal the diaper in her hand, and it took but a moment for it to become a conversation item. “You must have one lucky pet to be kept in high quality diapers like that. I know a few people who keep their pets in the bargain basement brands, the padding on the inside is barely thicker than the plastic shell. Personally, I don’t see the point, they must spend nearly as much on the additional diapers needed as if they were to just buy the quality ones in the first place. Plus, who would want to endure all those additional diaper changes? Just the time requirement alone seems like a huge hassle, don’t you think?” Monica did her best to fumble for an answer, trying to placate her overly friendly co-worker. “Yeah, I um agree, a pet should be kept in high quality diapers, for their own comfort as well as for the owner’s sake. Diaper changes are certainly my least favorite part of pet life, that is life with a pet in the house.” The response seemed to satisfy the woman and the two engaged in small talk as the elevator finally arrived and they made their way down to the bottom floor. As Monica exited the building to make her trip home, her phone binged with an all employee email sent from none other than Mrs. Simmons. “Good Evening Friends and Co-workers, I am pleased to advise you that the mystery of the diaper left in the third-floor washroom has been solved. Miss Monica Greene has come forth to claim the diaper as her own, thus resolving the matter. That being said, I would like to address the nature of the incident as a reminder to all employees. This company has very strict and rigid protocols regarding pets in the workplace, they exist for very good reasons including the safety of our employees, other pets, and any pet that is brought into this workplace, even on an emergency basis. We fully expect that these protocols are followed at all times and transgressions will be addressed as they are a serious concern. Miss Greene, perhaps unknowingly, violated nearly every rule in this regard and furthermore left a mess to be discovered while doing so. As a consequence of these actions, Miss Greene has willingly accepted some much befitting consequences that will serve as a long-lasting reminder of the importance of our rules. Miss Greene will be attending our pet-care facility this Wednesday as a resident, hopefully her tenure there will leave an impression that will not soon be forgotten. I would implore as many of you as possible to make your way down to witness her stay so that perhaps you too will be reminded of the importance of following the rules at all times. I am more than willing to open as many spots as needed o correct neglectful behaviour, and there is no reason that the stay needs to be just for one day. Have a Wonderful Evening. Regards, Mrs. Simmons” Monica was practically in tears upon reading the email, not only did the whole company now know that the diaper belonged to her, they also knew the details of her punishment. In fact, they had practically been ordered to come and witness it in person. She knew that this was a shame that she would never live down. Alone in her misery, she made her trip home, barely noticing the world around her. Upon her arrival home, she immediately noticed Samantha’s vehicle waiting in the driveway and a newfound wave of impending doom swept through her body, followed by an unexpected burst of warm urine into her already well-laden diaper. Knowing that the ensuing confrontation was inevitable, Monica begrudgingly made her way to the front door and proceeded to unlock it. As she made her way in, she began to call out the beginnings of an apology “Samantha, I’m so sorry, I was up--- mmmnnph”. Monica was abruptly cut off by and object being forcibly shoved into her mouth from behind, quickly followed by straps encompassing her head and a small but resounding clicking sound from the back of her head. Any efforts at further speech merely resulted in somewhat guttural sounds caused purely by the movement of air through the hollow cavity that made up the center of the device, her tongue being completely immobilized and thus unable to contribute to her speech. “You are done talking! I cannot believe the way you spoke to me today, even if it was through a voice message! I have been a most gracious friend to you and you repay with such impetuous and disrespectful behaviour. You are more like a child than and adult who was also pretending to play as a pet.” In another swift and fluid motion, Samantha reached out and fastened a collar tightly around Monica’s neck, unlike the one she had been wearing during her trial session, this one seemed to have a more significant girth and weight to it. “I thought that your impending punishment would be more than enough to help clear your mind and re-prioritize things in your life, but clearly I was wrong. No for starters, you can sit down right now and I will explain how the rest of this week is going to go.” Monica just stood there staring blankly, dumbfounded by the rage that she had brought out in her friend. In her daze she failed to notice Samantha removing a small device from her pocket and depressing a button on it. Flashes of blinding white light shot through Monica’s eyeballs as a jolt of searing pain shot through her body, rendering her muscles completely useless and dropping her to the floor in a useless heap and concurrently releasing the full contents of her bladder in an unending torrent of warmth. This proved to be far too much for her already overburdened diaper, causing streams of foul fluid to escape from not only the waistband, but also the gathers of both leg bands, leaving large, vile stains on her clothing. Monica simply lay on the floor, making weak whimpering sounds that were accompanied by copious amounts of drool from the opening of her gag. “That was just an example of how things are going to go for the rest of this week. Based on your behaviour today it is clear that you need a very large dose of an alternate reality to help you get your head screwed on straight. As you can most likely tell, I have placed you in a training collar, the level of shock provided can be adjusted based on your behaviour, rest assured that what you just experienced was far from the highest level. As what seems to exit your mouth is nearly as vile as what exits your lower regions, you will wear the gag the entire time you are in my presence, I do not desire to hear words from you. I will explain more in a bit, but for now, you absolutely reek and need to be cleaned, get moving.” Monica started to crawl to the rear of the house and to the stairs only to be blocked by Samantha. “Pet’s don’t get cleaned inside, they go to the washing station”. Dejectedly, Monica made her way to the back door and waited as Samantha opened it. She crawled over to the washing station and quickly obeyed a command to lay down, lest she receive another shock. She complied as Samantha, after donning a pair of gloves, stripped her of her befouled clothing, and in short order – the beyond overburdened diaper. Samantha quickly started to hose her down with the spray head from the washing station as Monica shirked back and shivered from the tepid water. Although most pet washing stations did have a connection to the household hot water system, the temperature was rarely set very high due to the higher body temperatures pets experienced due to the changes in their metabolic system. When Monica had paid for her system to be installed it had been pre-set in anticipation of her future pet, which clearly was not a comfortable temperature for an owner or any other human for that matter. With surprising efficiency Samantha quickly finished cleaning Monica’s every nook and cranny and shut the water off. What followed next was a literal whirlwind as the air-drying nozzle was brought out, the device was something like a vacuum cleaner hose differing only in the fact that cool air was blasted out of the end rather than being sucked in. A shivering Monica was then led to the side and strapped onto the obligatory changing table, completely immobile as Samantha continued with the final steps of the cleanup. “Now that you don’t stink nearly as much, I will explain how this week is going to go. You are going to get an immersive pet experience, you will not have any responsibilities, I will be your de-facto keeper. I have taken compassionate leave from work in order to accommodate this experience. You will still be expected to go to work and perform your duties as normal, I will be available at lunch time to take care of you as I see fit. I took some liberties and gained access to your personal and work communications, it would seem that you have already had yourself quite the day today, I’m sure that Wednesday will be quite the experience “. Samantha then proceeded to lead Monica into the house and into the kitchen and clipped a leash that was attached to the wall to her collar. Bowls of both food and water were set in front of her in rapid succession. “I expect that you will comply with eating your dinner, I am going to remove your gag, I expect complete verbal silence from you. I have added some medications to your food that should help your experience for the remainder of the week flow more smoothly”. All Monica could do was comply as the gag was removed, she begrudgingly pushed her face into the bowl of food and did her best lo lap as much of the vile mixture as she could into her mouth using her tongue. She was grateful at least that she had purchased wet foods and not dry kibble, although the end result was somewhat messier. She did her best to intersperse the food with water, although her efforts were somewhat of a mixture between sucking the water from the bowl and trying to lap it with her tongue. As she finished eating her face was abruptly wiped clean with a cloth. The leash was then unclipped from the tether on the wall and she was quickly pulled along by a sharp tug. “It’s time that we get you ready for bed, you will probably start to feel the effects of the medications fairly quickly. They are a sedative that is usually used for unruly pets, but the light dosage I gave you should make you more docile and adapt some of your bodily reactions to be more in tune with those of a pet. There was also a muscle relaxer in there as well as a fairly potent diuretic and laxative, I suspect that you will have no issues using your diapers this week”. Samantha led Monica up the stairs but rather than to her bedroom, to the spare room that had been prepared in anticipation of a future pet. With little delay, Monica found herself strapped into a pair of pet paws, and then her ankles attached to her thighs via straps intended to enforce four-legged movement. The finishing touch was yet another gag, this one however had a pacifier bulb rather than a hollow tube in the middle, once again forcing Monica into an involuntary silence. “Now I shouldn’t need to point this out, but you will be sleeping in the kennel this week, please hurry and get in so that I can relax for the night”. Knowing that there was no other choice – barring another shock – Monica dejectedly crawled into the rather tiny kennel on her hand – paws – and knees, hearing the door latch and lock before she even had a chance to try and turn around. As she struggled to get turned around in the tight confines of the cage, the lights in the room dimmed, not going completely off as it was well known that pets tended to sleep better with small amounts of light in the room. “Goodnight my pet, I know it may not seem it now but I hope that you will realize that this experience is for your own betterment.” With that, the door softly clicked closed leaving Monica alone in the dim light, accompanied only by the ever-present blink of the pet monitor, the crinkles of her diaper, and the gentle suckling of the pacifier bulb that came almost naturally. She curled her body into something akin to the fetal position, accompanied by a cacophony of rustling from the plastic shell of her diaper and then closed her eyes as the medicines from her supper started to take their tolls on her body. 5 1
thedman Posted September 25, 2023 Author Posted September 25, 2023 Because my inner muse was firing today, here is a bonus chapter to help jumpstart this story again Chapter 6 – Adaptations While Monica was drifting into her peaceful slumber, Samantha was hard at work making preparations for the coming week. She had already arranged the time off from work that afternoon, telling her boss that she needed the time as compassionate leave to care for an ill relative. While technically not the whole truth, she figured it was close enough to not bother her conscience. A quick survey of the house determined that there were neither enough diapers nor pet food and other supplies to last the full week. While Monica had definitely done her research and found top of the line products, she had only purchased enough of most to last a day or two at best. Perhaps she was secretly anticipating the first big shopping trip that most keepers reveled in taking with their new pets and as such had only purchased enough to get her through the first little bit until she could make that trip. In any case this was an easy fix, given that the bond could happen any time, day or night, any day of the week, a plethora of online retailers had emerged with most offering rush delivery services for a nominal premium. Samantha set about ordering diapers, changing supplies, food, a few other items needed for the care of a new pet as well as a couple of surprises that would be revealed to Monica in the coming days. For the diapers, food and supplies, she had chosen to order larger quantities than needed, reasoning to herself that she might actually need more than just the bare minimums and that the economy of ordering in bulk practically made the cost a wash in any case. Satisfied with her order which was scheduled for delivery promptly at 7 am the following morning, she proceeded to make arrangements for access to a private care room located on the first floor of Monica’s office building. Her work done, she settled in front of the TV with a glass of wine, the pet monitor at the tableside. Morning came quickly for both women, although in drastically different ways. Monica awoke with a jolt, her brain not comprehending why she was seeing wire mesh or why her hands felt so heavy or why she was so cold, barring her nether regions. As she began to move the loud crinkling of the diaper and the presence of the pacifier gag bringing her current reality to front of mind. As she did her best to stretch within the tight confines of the kennel, she reluctantly admitted to herself that she had actually had one of the best sleeps that she could ever remember, rising up onto her hands and knees she became acutely aware of a new sensation. Her nether regions weren’t just warm, they were wet, and her diaper was most definitely wet. A quick glance to her crotch revealed that the majority of the paw shaped wetness indicators had disappeared and that her diaper most definitely had a very obvious bulge and sag to it. Monica found this extremely disturbing as she had never had a wet bed at any point in her collective memory, not even after crazy evenings of drinking, and yet here on her first ever night sleeping in a diaper she had managed not only to wet it, but to thoroughly soak it. As her brain continued to work its way through the morning fog, she vaguely managed to remember the mention of a dose of diuretics being a part of the medications in her supper. At this juncture in time, her body took it upon itself to remind her of the other ingredients in her meal as a massive wave of cramps rolled through her belly, she cautiously let out a little gas to try and relieve the pressure but based on the sound and feel, she wasn’t entirely optimistic that it had been just gas. Panic started to set in as wave after wave of cramps rolled through her abdomen, signalling that a bowel movement was more than imminent. Monica knew that the pet food alone was designed to facilitate pets having bowel movements with its bulky high fiber content, paralleled with dose of laxatives and muscle relaxants she started to realize that she stood a very good chance of imminently experiencing a very messy accident. As the panic coursed through her brain, she started to desperately seek a course of action that would save her from her predicament. It quickly became obvious that her paws were completely useless in any sort of attempt to open the kennel, although having purchased it herself she knew for a fact that nothing short of the electronic signal from the control device would release the strong latches holding the door shut. Her next instinct was to try and yell out for help from Samantha, unfortunately the pacifier gag did just that, keeping her well and completely gagged. The only sounds that came out of Monica were muted grunts, barely audible over the now rampant churning of her guts. Finally, she saw the blinking light of the pet monitor, knowing that she could not make enough noise on her own to rouse Samantha, Monica began throwing her body violently against the sides of the cage, hoping to make enough rattling and banging to wake her friend – keeper – but all the while stirring her guts into an even deeper frenzy. Somewhere in the back of her head she was also delusionally thinking that she might stan a chance of breaking through the walls, although a few seconds of rational thought would have reminded her that this model had been built to contain even the strongest of specimens and was very securely anchored to the floor of the room. Samantha, meanwhile, had been awake from the very instant she had heard the increased rustling of Monica’s diaper on the pet monitor. Her alarm had been set for a mere 15 minutes later in anticipation of the rush delivery of supplies. She took her time in getting up, listening to the increased activities in the pet room through the monitor. She prepared her morning coffee as she heard what could almost be compared to the muted whines of a puppy, clearly Monica’s attempts to yell from behind the pacifier gag. Samantha was very aware that the sounds coming through the monitor were the results of Monica’s attempts to avoid the impending and inevitable mess that was going to occur in her diaper, the squelch that had accompanied the first attempt at flatulence being a very clear harbinger of things o come. Although Samantha did not revel at the though of having to clean the forthcoming mess, she knew that this was a critical par of the experience that she was attempting to put Monica through. As the first sounds of thrashing began, she made her way to the front door to begin brining in supplies, alerted of their arrival by the doorbell camera. As she was bringing in the fourth case of diaper – 120 in all – she heard a sudden silence followed by wave after wave of flatulence and the unmistakable sounds of a wet mess being expelled with force into the seat of a diaper. She decided that this was as good of a time as any to pretend to check in on her charge and walked through the door of the pet room, case of diapers in hand, as Monica was still crouched on her hands and knees, pushing even more of the mess out of her body. Monica continued to thrash around in the cage, hoping to attract Samantha’s attention before the inevitable occurred, but after one too many bangs off of the sides she froze as a wave of renewed pain surged through her belly and her body took over. With barely even a push, she began expelling the contents of her intestines into her already swollen diaper. All she could do was hunch on her hands and knees as the waves of pain tore through her. She was making one last push as Samantha came through the door saying, “Good morning sunshine, I hope you had a wonderful sleep”. Monica was so startled by this sudden intrusion that she fell backwards onto her bottom, causing a sickening squelch as her mess spread everywhere within the confines of her diaper. The shock of the sudden impact had the added effect of sending a new torrent of warm urine gushing into the swamp that encompassed her nether regions. “I can see and smell that the medicine in your supper has done its job well. If we keep you on a regular dose, I would suspect that any repeat incidents this week will have a far less drastic effect. I will be back shortly to let you out and get you cleaned up for the workday. I just need to bring in the rest of your new diaper order”. Monica wanted to scream, she didn’t want to spend any more time sitting in her own filth, but of course the gag prevented her from making any effective sounds to that extent. She also began to mentally question Samantha’s use of the term diaper order. Just how many more had she ordered? The box sitting beside the kennel clearly indicated that it contained 2 packs of 15 diapers each. Would she even go through that many in a single week, much less however many more Samantha had ordered? Alas, all she could do was sit and commiserate, her nostrils twitching from the smell that not even the most high-end diaper could fully conceal. She watched as Samantha proceeded to bring in 3 more cases of diapers as well as wipes, lotions, powders and a couple of unmarked cardboard boxes. After what felt like an hour, but in reality, was likely 15 minutes, Samantha came into the room and released the locks on the kennel, opening the door and motioning for Monica to come forward. As soon as she reached the door of the kennel, Samantha reached in and clipped the tether to Monica’s collar. She was led without fanfare to the outdoor cleaning station which was rapidly becoming her least favorite location in the home. Another quick washdown in tepid water and a shivering Monica was led inside and up onto the changing platform. Her paws and feet were secured to the table while Samantha pulled out another thick diaper, taking care to shake it out fully and give it a nice crease down the center along with a couple of twists to help loosen up the padding. The new diaper was then slid underneath of Monica’s bottom for a total elapsed un-diapered time of 5 minutes at most. Samantha took extra care to slather rash cream all over Monica’s genitals and buttocks for dousing her in a cloud of baby powder. What followed next was Samantha reaching into one of the boxes and pulling out what appeared to be, and in fact was, a manner of a diaper cover. Seeing the confused look in Monica’s eyes, Samantha chose to enlighten her, “This is a diaper cover, it will serve 2 purposes. First it should help contain the mess and keep you from ruining any more clothes if you have another blowout like yesterday. Secondly, it has a special locking mechanism. It is controlled only by this key which I will be keeping on my person at all times. There is no electronic unlock for you to try and defeat, so even if we do have a repeat of yesterday’s incident where you were tampering with your pants, you will still be stuck in your diaper, and most likely pant less as well”. Samantha proceeded to apply the new diaper cover before setting out and outfit for the day for Monica and releasing her from the table. Still naked but for her diaper, Monica was led to the kitchen and tethered while her breakfast was prepared and once again set before her in bowls. Monica knew better than to test Samantha and began reluctantly eating and drinking as soon as her gag was removed. After once again making a mess of her face trying to consume the food, Monica found her face being wiped with a rag and the gag reinserted with relentless speed. Samantha then produced what looked like a watch, although closer examination would reveal no watch face or digital equivalent in its place, just a blank black glass screen. She quickly attached it to Monica’s wrist, the clasp seamlessly disappearing as soon as the 2 sides met. “This is the equivalent of your shock collar, except that it is smaller and looks more appropriate in a public setting. It should let you get through the day without revealing your status as a pet to the rest of the world but rest assured that it can emit a shock just as strong as the collar should you misbehave. It also acts as a tracker and provides me an interface on which I can communicate directly to you. I am going to remove the remainder of your gear now so I need you to promise that you will be on your best behaviour”. Monica nodded slowly and Samantha proceeded to release her from her bindings, syrting with the leg restrains, followed by the paws and collar and finally the gag. “Samantha, I just wanted to say how---“, the rest of the sentence died in Monica’s mouth as a wave of pain tore through her body, causing her muscles go slack and her to crumple to the ground in a whimpering heap as her bladder joined in on the activity, releasing a quick stream of hot fluid into the waiting diaper. “I am not ready for you to talk to me yet. After your tirade yesterday you will be thinking long and hard before you are allowed to speak to me. If I want an answer from you, I will ask you a direct question, and then and only then will you speak to me. Now gather yourself up and go put on the clothes that I laid out for you; you have ten minutes before I am ready to drive you to work”. All Monica could do was gather herself up and head to the pet room, barely even taking the time to glance at the outfit selected for her, just putting it on in mechanical, almost robotic fashion before trudging outside to meet Samantha at the car. Samantha was waiting for her and directed her to the rear passenger seat, “I don’t think crate travel is necessary unless you change my mind, but you will be sitting here in this specially designed harness”. Samantha proceeded to strap Monica into the seat in what outwardly appeared to be a five-point harness. A special cover was snapped over the release buckle, rendering it inaccessible to Monica. Next, Samantha strapped Monica’s wrists to her thighs using built in Velcro restraints before similarly attaching her ankles to the base of the seat. There was one final touch as Samantha produced a large pacifier, albeit without a strap to hold it in place, pushing it between Monica’s lips. “That should act as reminder to stay quiet while I am explaining some rules as we drive. I expect that you won’t have any issues keeping that in your mouth”. With that Samantha proceeded to close the door and climbed into the drivers seat to start the commute. 5
Diaperingdaddy Posted September 26, 2023 Posted September 26, 2023 A very good chapter. I love the keeperverse!
Diaperingdaddy Posted January 6, 2024 Posted January 6, 2024 Still looking forward to her punishment!
thedman Posted January 18, 2024 Author Posted January 18, 2024 Chapter 7 – Under the Diaper Cover The drive to work seemed to take hours, although in reality it might have only been an additional 5 or 10 minutes added to the typical 15-minute commute. Monica could literally do nothing, strapped in as securely as she was, and she dared not remove the pacifier for fear of further repercussions. To make matters worse, it seemed as though every little bump or jostle was causing a small amount of urine to seep out into the ample and waiting padding of Monica’s diaper. The sense of the uncontrolled wetting was strange and unfamiliar to Monica, although she reassured herself that it was clearly an effect of the medications that Samantha had laced into her food. The one saving grace in the matter was that the high-end diapers that Samantha had selected from Monica’s stash were more than up to the task and that every drop of moisture seemed to be wicked away within mere instants. With a sudden jolt, the car pulled to a stop in front of Monica’s office in a spot clearly designated for pet owners. Seeing the quizzical look in Monica’s eyes, Samantha took a moment to explain. “Seeing as I will be needing to make repeated visits to care for you this week, I took the liberty of registering myself for a temporary pet parking pass. It should make my life a little bit easier as I go out of my way to help take care of you”. Samantha wasted little time in exiting the car and moving around to begin releasing Monica from the bonds of her seat. She was more than eager to be released and practically bounded out of the vehicle and onto the sidewalk only to be quickly halted by a very uncomfortable, although not truly painful shock. “Hold your horses, being on your best behaviour does not include running off the second you are released. I think that I should explain some basic rules about how today and the rest of this week will go, plus, you might be a bit embarrassed if any more people get a chance to see that adorable pacifier in your mouth”. Had Monica not already been coming to an abrupt halt from the sudden shock, the shock of the last five words from Samantha’s mouth certainly would have done the trick. Her hands shot up to cover her face in horror as she realized that potentially dozens of people on the busy sidewalk had seen her exit the vehicle with the pacifier still firmly lodged between her lips. “Don’t get all worried, I’m sure nobody saw your cute little paci, but I’m sure that even if they did, they didn’t have a long enough look for it to even register in their busy little brains. Now as far as the rules for today, for one, you are not to attempt to tamper with the locks holding your skirt or the leggings underneath in any way, if I get any alert to this extent I will disable said locks which will leave you with the option of either trying to walk around with one hand holding up your skirt and leggings, or walking around in just your diaper. Secondly, you will be expected to comply with any check ins that I initiate via your wrist device. You will have one minute to respond; these will be for the purposes of a diaper check, and I will be releasing the locks after the time is up which will again leave you with a choice of concealing your diapers or not. Finally, barring any evidence indicating a need for an emergency diaper change, primarily for the well being of those around you, I will only be returning during your lunch hour to provide a diaper change. I will message you when I arrive, and you will have five minutes to meet me in room 106b or I will leave, and you will be left to stew in whatever mess you have made for the rest of your day”. It was all that Monica could do to nod in acknowledgement, her face still mostly hidden by the shield of her pacifier. She was too afraid to remove the pacifier, much less dare to talk, knowing that even a slight transgression could leave her writhing from a shock initiated by her purported friend. Giving in to her somewhat inevitable fate, Monica simply lowered her head, facing Samantha and awaiting further instruction. Samantha then reached up and retrieved the pacifier from Monica’s lips with a firm reminder that speaking was not tolerated. She then proceeded to hand her a lunch bag adorned with paw prints all over the outside. “I figured this would be an appropriate and subtle reminder of your place this week. I have packed a couple of bowls of high nutrient food as well as some bottles of milk for you, I would suggest that you may want to try and find somewhere private for your meals this week. Also, you will be expected to eat like a pet, your tracking device will alert me if you are trying to use utensils to move food into your mouth and I can assure you that the consequences will be severe. Now hurry up and get in there before you are late for work”. With a resounding smack to the well-padded butt, Monica was sent rushing on her way into work. Upon entering the building, Monica’s first instinct was to head to the coffee shop in the lobby to add some normalcy to her day, despite the waddle and somewhat audible crinkle added to her every pace by the thickness of he diaper and accompanying cover. As she stood in line, she opened her purse to retrieve her wallet, only to be greeted by another monstrosity of a pink diaper practically bursting from the seams with a yellow sticky note attached to its exterior shell. Quickly so as not to draw attention, she removed the sticky note and haphazardly stuffed the diaper back into the confines of her purse before zipping it up. With much trepidation, she stepped out of the line to read the note. “Monica, if you are reading this, I would say that I am disappointed, but to be honest I was somewhat expecting this. I had a feeling that you would try and circumvent some of your punishment, so I took the liberty of removing your wallet from your purse. Please keep in mind that for the duration of this punishment you belong to me, you are my pet. You will have no privileges beyond those that are afforded to a pet. You will not choose what you eat or drink, and you will not be making purchases of your own. As there is now spare room in your purse, I have included an emergency spare diaper. Should the need for it arise (as authorized by me), you will find a note folded inside the diaper which you may take down to the staff at the pet care facility. They have the necessary master pass codes programmed into their equipment that will allow them to unlock you and provide the necessary services. How you explain your need form these services will be up to you”. With an even greater sense of defeat, Monica begrudgingly made her way over to the elevator bank to take the ride up to her floor to begin her work day. Despite the overall din hum of the lobby, Monica was certain that she could hear ever crinkle from her diaper as she plodded her way across the lobby floor. The minutes seemed like hours as she lived the dreaded office worker’s lament of awaiting one of the elevator banks to make its way to take her on her journey to another day’s work. As the seconds passed, she was certain that she could feel even more trickles of urine ever steadily making their way into the padding of her still surprisingly comfortable diaper. With a startling ding, the elevator car made itself available to the mass of people waiting for their trip up to the doldrums of the working day. The elevator car already seemed cramped when it made a stop at the fourth floor. Despite the apparent lack of capacity, a young man in his mid twenties insisted on forcing his way in and wound up immediately beside Monica. “Hey, do I know you? I think we met at one of the office parties. It’s Monica, right? Wait, are you Monica Greene? The one in the all-company email? Man, did you make the big boss mad. Is she really sending you to be a pet for the day? Re you going to have to behave like one?” Within seconds the entire elevator car began to murmur. “Are they going to make her craw?l” “Will she have to eat pet food?” “Do you think they will put her in a diaper?” “Do you think she will have to use the diaper?” “Can they make her use the diapers? Like will they give her drugs?” “Monica! Have you ever tried pet food? How do you think it will taste?” “Monica! How do you feel about wearing diapers? Did they take your measurements to see what size you will need?” “Monica! Do you think you will need diapers after your day at the daycare? Will there be any side effects?” “Monica! Do you think you might bond with someone and become a pet after your day at the daycare?” The roar became louder and louder and it was all that Monica could do to stumble out the elevator doors and make a beeline to her desk, tear pouring openly down her face as the elevator reached her floor. 5 1
Diaperingdaddy Posted October 20, 2024 Posted October 20, 2024 Love this story would love to see another chapter!
thedman Posted October 21, 2024 Author Posted October 21, 2024 Apologies for the long delays, life has been busy and I find I really need time to sit and truly focus when I want to write. That being said, I have a mental map of where I would like the next several chapters to head and wouod like to wrap up what I would consider to be the first arc in this story before the new year. PS, I have 3 major arcs planned for this story, it is gonna be a wild ride with some twists that I hope will catch everyone by surprise. 2
Diaperingdaddy Posted October 22, 2024 Posted October 22, 2024 9 hours ago, thedman said: Apologies for the long delays, life has been busy and I find I really need time to sit and truly focus when I want to write. That being said, I have a mental map of where I would like the next several chapters to head and wouod like to wrap up what I would consider to be the first arc in this story before the new year. PS, I have 3 major arcs planned for this story, it is gonna be a wild ride with some twists that I hope will catch everyone by surprise. I look forward to it! There is something refreshing about this universe
thedman Posted November 8, 2024 Author Posted November 8, 2024 Chapter 8 – Padded Paperwork It took Monica nearly 15 minutes to sufficiently calm herself down in her office before she could consider herself composed enough to try and begin her workday. The verbal onslaught in the elevator had been brutal to say the least and only served to increase her anxiety of how her day at the office’s pet care facility would go tomorrow. Based on the relentless and unwavering teasing of her coworkers in the elevator, Monica had no doubt that countless droves would take advantage of their employers offer for them to come and watch as she served her punishment. With nothing left to do but begin her day, Monica started to grab her Yeti mug in anticipation of going to fill it with a fresh hot dose from the office machine before her brain kicked in, reminding her that this would be a forbidden activity today, and foreseeably until she had completed Samantha’s punishment. Relegating herself to her new diminished status she reluctantly removed one of the bottles of milk from her lunch bag, doing her best to place it in as inconspicuous of a spot as possible. In this moment, Monica found herself feeling fortunate that she actually had an office with a door that could still be closed. Many of the floors in the building had been converted into an “open office” concept with half height cubicles purportedly designed to help foster open interaction between coworkers, but in actuality only served to create an air of cacophony as countless coworkers engaged in their daily phone calls and meetings while doing their best to ignore the person sitting immediately beside them. There were of course multiple conference and break out rooms scattered on those floors, but they did nothing to offer privacy to individual employees. Monica began her normal routine, plodding through datasets in excel spreadsheets and manipulating the information in the multitude of programs and applications that were constantly spread across her 2 monitors and one laptop screen. Feeling unusually thirsty, she found herself routinely suckling at the bottle of milk, and before she even knew it, the entire 750ml of its contents were gone. A little shy of 2 hours into her day, Monica was forced to mute herself in a meeting as she felt a sneeze coming on. As one sneeze turned into 3, Monica suddenly became aware of another sensation as her crotch rapidly warmed, the sensation spreading ever outwards in an unstoppable wave. It was fortunate that she was not on video, as her face lost all colour as she looked to her crotch with the realization that she had completely and involuntarily wet herself. A quick check of her clothing and chair revealed that her diaper; she still struggled to think of it as hers; had done its job. She was quickly snapped out of her stupor by voices coming from the meeting. “Ms. Greene, Ms. Greene, are you still with us? We are trying to get answers from you” “Y-y-yes, I’m sorry, I was distracted for a moment, could you please repeat the question?” “We were merely asking about the values in the highlighted column on the spreadsheet, could you please run us through them? I am glad you are back with us, for a moment I was worried that your time in the pet care facility had perhaps come to an unannounced start, or that even worse, perhaps the bond had taken you and you were laying on your office floor in a puddle of your own making, waiting for your new keeper to strip you of your clothing and place you in a nice thick diaper from one of the emergency kits kept throughout the building.” These comments were succeeded by roaring laughter as the icons of multiple employees on the call lit up at the same time. “Let me assure you that nothing of the sort has happened, i am still here in the flesh, and i can promise you that neither my clothing, seat or floor have suffered from any sort of leak.” Once again, it seemed that weaving a slight element of truth into the lie would only help to prove its veracity. After all, nobody on the call would ever know that beneath those dry pants, was a suddenly somewhat soggy diaper. “Well, you can never be too sure, they say it can happen to anyone, maybe you should borrow a diaper like the one you left behind in the washroom just in case.” More laughter erupted, before the meeting host was able to bring things back under control. Monica endured the ensuing hour, which much to her chagrin was interspersed with the occasional quip about Monica and her present and or future state. As the meting progressed, Monica had found herself constantly drinking from her second bottle of the day, amazed at how much her thirst level seemed to have increased. In the back of her mind she was only able to attribute it to the effects of the medications that Samantha claimed to have placed in her meals yesterday. With the constant fluid intake, it was inevitable that it was not long before Monica felt a sudden and rapidly rising need to urinate once again. Knowing that she literally had no choice in the matter, she started to relax, only to be shocked by the absolute ease at which she was able to start the flow and her complete inability to stop it once it had begun. The morning continued as such, with no less than 3 other wettings, although Monica could have sworn to herself that she felt smaller trickles throughout, albeit the thickness, thirstiness, and already state of her padding had denied her any opportunity to actually ascertain said fact. With a little over a half hour left until lunch, Monica was beginning to look forward to being able to have Samantha change her diaper, insomuch as an adult being involuntarily forced to wear and use diapers could look forward to a diaper change, when she felt a sudden lurching deep inside of her guts. Within minutes, the activity deep in her bowels had become audible and sweat beads were starting to form on her head. “Please no! Let me hold it! Maybe if I can make it downstairs for my diaper change, Samantha will let me go in the toilet instead, to avoid cleaning up the mess.” Monica spent the next several seemingly interminate minutes constantly shifting positions in her seat, doing her best to alleviate the ever growing pressure in her abdomen. At 11:45, her watch emitted a small shock to her wrist as a notification appeared on the previously dark screen indicating “Diaper change in 15 minutes”. Not wanting to waste any time, Monica made her way out of her office, intentionally slowing her gait to try and mask what could now be described as an almost discernible waddle caused by the ever expanding bulkiness of her diaper, and headed to the elevator banks, all the while fighting to avoid grimacing as wave after wave of cramps rolled through her intestines. After hitting the down button, Monica tried to wait patiently, but found herself releasing an involuntary fart. Although the flatulence was not loud, the old saying of “silent but violent” proved itself true as an almost overwhelming stench infiltrated her nostrils, nearly causing Monica to gag. With impeccable timing, a downward bound elevator car arrived as Monica struggled to clear the water from her eyes. A quick glance revealed the car to be at nearly full capacity. Not wanting to be stuck in close proximity to so many people, Monica waved them on. “Go on, I will catch the next one.” The next 2 cars were no better than the first, Monica’s decision making again being influenced by the fact that the eruption in her intestines continued to relieve itself through what was now a very steady release of tiny bombs of biochemical warfare. Not willing to risk waiting any longer, Monica chose to make an attempt at using the stairs, hoping that perhaps she would luck out and find an empty express elevator in the sky lobby a little more than 20 floors down. She begrudgingly began her journey downwards, telling herself that even if she had to go the whole way it would only be 48 floors, and all downhill at that. Step after step, she plodded her way down, paying no heed to her distinct waddling gait, slowly but surely, it seemed that she was winning the battle, and in short order she was passing the door marked 35. Unfortunately for Monica, the constant, repetitive exercise had done nothing but stir the war in her guts to an extreme level. With one jolting step she felt a new wave of flatulence release, only to realize that it carried a rather squelching sound and was accompanied by a rather warm and mushy feeling in the the seat of her pants, or as it were in this case, diaper. She panicked and began to hastily trot down the stairs, only to come to a lurching halt at the next mid-flight landing as a wave of extreme pain nearly doubled her over. With but barely the slightest of pushes, the impending wave of hell unleashed itself into the seat of her diaper. Wave after wave continued to come, Monica at this point no more able to stop the outflow than an animal could stop the oncoming rush of a semi truck on the highway. As she stood gasping, trying her best not to move and further agitate the muck that now encapsulated her entire diaper region, Monica was startled by yet another shock form her watch with a notice indicating “Diaper change in 5 minutes”. Knowing that there was no way that she would ever be able to enter even an empty elevator at this point, Monica began a very rushed and beleaguered descent down the never ending flights of stairs. Each step served to further smoosh the muck that had mere minutes before been inside of her into every possible nook and crevasse within the confines of her diaper. As she passed the door marked 3, Monica was hit with what could now almost be considered a genuine blast from the watch, the force of the shock causing her to unleash a torrent of warm urine into the far overtaxed diaper. Monica found herself unable to worry about the state of her diaper as her watch began to repeatedly flash the message of “Diaper Change! 106B!” Knowing she would only have mere minutes to be late before Samantha would leave her to wallow in her misery for the rest of the day, Monica began taking steps 2 at a time. She burst through the door and into the main concourse area of the lobby, realizing that she actually had no idea where room 106B was. A quick scan revealed a sign indicating pet care facilities and she proceeded to rush towards it, oblivious to the fact that any onlooker would be most visually notified by the sway of a very soggy and overwhelmed diaper slapping to and fro between her legs. A turn of the corner brought her to a sign indicating pet care rooms and she hastily made her way to 106B. A quick tug at the handle revealed the door to be locked, which was quickly confirmed by the red occupied label slightly above the door handle. Monica proceeded to pound on the door yelling “Samantha, let me in, I am here, I’m not that late!” However, instead of Samantha’s familiar voice, she was greeted by a much different voice. “I’m sorry, but this room is occupied, we are running a little late and will be out as soon as we can.” Monica’s mind began to race a million miles per minute. Where was Samantha? Had she already come and left? Why would she be gone already? The clock only said that Monica was 2 minutes late. How would Monica make it through the rest of the day? It did not take a diapering expert to know that her current diaper was in absolutely no state to make it through the rest of the day, even if it didn’t see another drop of action. Her mind drifted to the “emergency” diaper that was stashed in her purse, surely she couldn’t reach the point of having to avail herself of that note and the emergency reprieve that it offered, or could she? In that moment, she was struck by a new realization, in her rush to make it downstairs to get her diaper changed, she had left her purse, in her office, on the 48th floor. Even if she wanted to try and get help with the emergency diaper change, her purse, her spare diaper, and the note that would allow her the escape from her sodden and vile prison, were all 48 floors above her. Her only chance of escaping her imprisonment, even if only momentarily and to be subsequently entrapped in another padded and crinkly prison, lay a staggering 48 story climb above her, all the while sporting an absolutely ripe diaper that had gone far and beyond the call of duty. There was absolutely no way she would be able to use the elevator, at this hour of day every car was guaranteed to hold at least one other occupant of the building, from whom there would be no way of hiding her current situation. She would be forced to climb every single step, hoping that her diaper could hold out if she wished to retrieve her purse, her spare diaper, and her note. And then she would have to turn around and retrace every single step once more, making her way down 48 floors of stairs, just to get back to the pet services section and hope that the note and her begging would grant her the mercy of a diaper change. Monica’s inner turmoil was brought to an abrupt halt as the door to the room, which she was still standing in front of, abruptly opened. She was forced to step to the side as a handsome young man, or rather pet, roughly her age came romping out the door on all fours, sporting nothing put a pair of pet paws, leg bindings, a collar with attached leash, and a presumably fresh diaper. The true surprise however, was not the pet who was practically prancing on his paws and wagging his diapered butt through the air, but the person on the other end of the leash. 4
Diaperingdaddy Posted November 8, 2024 Posted November 8, 2024 Oh it's rich! What a cliff hanger! Look forward to who.would be holding the leash!
thedman Posted December 4, 2024 Author Posted December 4, 2024 Sorry for the delay in getting this out, I had to rework a bit of overall plot to steer things where I want them, so I threw out part of the chapter and then hit a bit of a mental block. Chapter 9 – Awe and Shock Monica had to do a double take as she saw the man holding the other end of the leash, it was none other than Mr. Anderson, one of the company’s senior level executives. He was a young man as far as senior level staff went, perhaps 10 years Monica’s senior with a strong, chiseled jawline, lush head of blonde hair and a stout and powerful stature. He was known for being a force to be reckoned with in the boardroom, never afraid to voice his opinion, always ready with a well thought out argument to support his statements, and known to roll roughshod over those who opposed him. Which was perhaps why Monica was so startled to see him with a pet in tow. He just didn’t seem the type to be loving and nurturing or who would enjoy the companionship of a pet. Sure, the bond could happen to anyone, but somehow Monica had imagined it in her mind that the bond only happened to people who had a preexisting compassionate and caring nature about them, which was certainly not the vibe one would pick up off of Mr. Anderson. The truth be told, Monica had actually made attempts to get to know Mr. Anderson better at company events, but his personality even outside of work could be considered abrasive at the best of times. Even as Monica internally struggled with her cognitive dissonance regarding the nature of the man and the fact that he had actually bonded with a pet, she couldn’t help but find herself ensnared by the beauty of the creature. Were he still human – the debate between classification of human or creature still prevailing even amongst the highest levels of academia and the most revered doctors in the world – Monica would have considered him downright gorgeous and would have been making every move possible to get out on a date with him. Monica found herself practically mesmerized by his eyes as the somehow seemed to shift between a misty blue and an almost iridescent in the rays of sunlight beaming in through the windows. Despite the fact that Mr. Anderson was actively speaking to her, Monica had practically fuzzed as she knelt down and leaned in for an even closer look at the beautiful creature. What happened next was a flurry of activity, far to fast to register in enough time for Monica’s brain to accurately process as they occurred. With lightning like speed, the pet lunged towards Monica, it’s teeth seeming to be bared in an attempt to bite her, in the same instant it was being yanked back through the air by it’s collar and then dropping to the ground with multiple limbs twitching as a large yellow stain spread across the front of its previously pristine diaper, causing many of the paw print wetness indicators to quickly disappear. Of course Monica didn’t truly see much of this as the surprise of the sudden attack had sent her catapulting onto her well padded rear, causing the vile contents of her already befouled diaper to mash and mush into every available nook and cranny still left within the already overtaxed diaper. Before she could even begin to truly put together the full sequence of events that had occurred, she felt Mr. Anderson’s strong hands reaching under her armpits as he simultaneously chastised the creature, which was now back on all fours, but slightly cowering against the wall. “I am truly sorry for this Miss Greene, I was trying to warn you that Dusty here is still very young in his pet life and is very prone to impulsive behaviours. He wouldn’t actually try to harm anyone, his reactions are more like that of a young dog, or more perhaps a wolf puppy. In any case, that is precisely why I have had to take several stronger measures in ensuring my ability to control him when he does get too rambunctious. His collar and lead are made of some of the strongest synthetic materials available, although the collar does have a soft inner lining to prevent damaging his neck when he pulls too hard. In order to ensure effective shock delivery, we went with a model that requires the vet to surgically implant several remote probes at strategic points in his body, effectively allowing me to render his limbs all but useless in a mere instant when truly required for public safety. It goes without saying, that as required by law, he was neutered almost immediately upon bonding and adoption, and I do rely upon a routine dose of medications to help curb some of his hormonal tendencies. Of course his body does still encounter normal reactions such as blood flow to unwanted areas when excited, so he is on a progressive series of chastity devices which are designed to both restrict physical size and provide a negative pain stimulus, with an end goal of ultimately shrinking his remaining genitalia to a rather noticeable size and also to hopefully break what you might call the psychosomatic link between the brain and that part of his body so that any physical reaction does not trigger a mental one.” “We did have one unfortunate incident where he managed to slightly injure a human with his teeth, so we did have to take one further measure to protect against accidental bites.” He quickly commanded “Dusty! Sit!” as the creature quickly and obediently raised itself to sit back on its hind legs, with front legs and paws faithfully held in front of it’s chest. “Show teeth!” The creature opened its mouth wide, tongue hanging lazily to the side, revealing what appeared to be some form of upper and lower mouth guard completely ensconcing all of its teeth. “As you can see, I have had him fitted with the most state of the art bite guard technology. It was chemically bonded to his teeth in yet another procedure at the vet’s office. The material works twofold by physically dulling and softening the surface of his teeth to prevent cuts and crushing, but it also comes with an interchangeable bite limiter that fits at the jawline, the lowest level would likely allow him to macerate fresh or cooked meats with some additional effort, while the highest level would leave him on a pureed food diet, likely supplemented by liquid boosters. For now, he is on a roughly mid level device which still allows him the satisfaction of being able to crunch on his delicious dry kibble without being able to inflict any major harm.” “That being said we can have them changed in almost no time at all, isn’t that right my good boy?” The pet let out an excited yelp as its master lent over giving ear and chin scritches, and a shockingly caring and gentle peck on the bridge of the nose. Once again, Monica’s brain found itself absolutely screaming while trying to understand this man and his relationship with his pet. His immediate corrective actions seemed to scream complete and utter disdain for the creature. The choices made in pet gear and other associated measures for behavioural correction, were seemingly abhorrent, although actually quite legal, much to the chagrin of those it the pet rights movements. Fortunately for most pets, the measures described were extremely expensive, and any one in and of itself would require a veterinarian to fill out extensive legal paperwork justifying the need for its implementation, which made it even more dumbfounding that Mr. Anderson could arrange to have so much done. And yet, despite all of this, despite what made it seem as though the man actually despised the creature, he showed actions of true love and affection, the average stranger walking down the street would be completely oblivious to the control measures, and would only see a man who doted and cared for his pet, who went so far as to use humanizing pronouns lik him and good boy to describe the creature. “Now Miss Greene, forgive me for prying, but what brought you here to outside this door today? This area is strictly for pet care, given your recent, errmmm, indiscretions, I don’t expect that you would be trying to bring a pet back into our facility now would you?” Monica realized that she would need to think quickly, clearly she couldn’t let the man know the true reason behind her trip to this room. “I, umm, I’m sorry, I am meeting a friend and I was running behind, and didn’t want to wait for overcrowded elevators so I was using the stairs instead and must have mixed up my floors in my hurry.” “Yes indeed, you must have, all of our informal meeting rooms are on the second floor, although I do not recall ever seeing a room 206b.” “I will have to double check my booking, maybe I mixed it up in my head. In any case, I hope that she is there waiting for me, it would definitely clear up a lot of confusion.” “Well Miss Greene, I wish you all the luck in meeting with your friend, perhaps some advanced preparation and planning would serve you well in the future. In any case, I am afraid that judging by the smell, the shock from our little encounter here seems to have caused my sweet Dusty here to have not only moistened his diaper, but to have also muddied the waters which is a rather abnormal reaction for him, but I had best tend to him before I get back to work.” Monica could have sworn that she saw the creature shaking its head in response to the implication that it had befouled its diaper, and in fact it even appeared to make a sniffing motion in her direction. Fortunately Mr. Anderson’s gave was not directed at the creature so he did not pick up on these cues. Just as the man and pet were about to turn to re-enter the changing room, the trio were interrupted by the sound of Samantha’s voice as she practically bounded across the lobby, a rather large bag slung from her shoulder. “Monica, there you are, I’m so sorry, I was stuck in traffic and my phone was on low battery. You must have been so worried that I wouldn’t make our appointment on time.” “Miss Greene, am I to assume this is the friend who you were rushing to meet as our paths collided today.” “Yes Mr. Anderson, this is my friend Samantha, clearly we are both running a bit behind today, a rather fortunate coincidence if I do say so myself.” “Ah, indeed. Well, Samantha, as I was just explaining to Miss Greene here, it appears that there is some confusion as the public meeting rooms are on the second floor.” “I don’t think so sir, I even have a printed copy of the reservation slip for the room printed right here, pet care room 106b for 12 noon.” “Well I must say that I am clearly confused as to why you would have booked a pet care room as neither seem to fall into the category of pet or caretaker, there would be no reason for you to require its use.” It would be hard for someone to truly know how a muse felt as it was ensnared in the paws of a cat that held only malicious intents of toying with it rather than actually killing and eating it, but in that moment Monica was sure that she knew it as she watched her so called friend’s face. In the mere blink of an eye, Samantha’s grin grew to proportions that would put the Cheshire cat to shame. “Oh, I see my little Mo-Mo is practicing her fibbing today, this is most definitely the room that she needs today. You see her indiscretions of late have not just been in the workplace, and she is facing a punishment most befitting of the crime. Now judging by the smell of things, our appointment in this room is more than overdue, and if you and your cute little pet would be so kind as to excuse us, I would love to help her out now.” 3
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