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Ever been so drunk that your diaper is just dripping off the chair, and you either cant or don't care to do anything about it, even as you flood it yet again?

It's fun once in a while.

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We'll, one time I was with my friend, and as I drank yet another, my diaper leaked down my leg and left a big puddle on the floor.

My friend said "Um... do you want help changing your diaper?" and I answered back, "Why? Is there something wrong with the one I already have on?".

So I guess that qualifies as, Yes, I've been that drunk.

To finish the story... My friend is very atiment about helping me against my will. I finished the night in that diaper, passed out, and found myself in a huge puddle the next morning. I stood up, already dripping, and a torrent came out. That diaper did NOTHING to stop it.

She again offered to help, and I let her. We talked about it, and she now knows she can just assume "Yes, you can help".

I later helped her mop up. I was SO embarassed.

That was the morning I first told my friend that I love her and she's the best friend I've ever had.

Just to prove how awesome my friend is.... Before that night, she didn't know I wore diapers. The only reason she knew I wasn't just piss drunk was she kinda noticed it under my skirt when I stumbled to the floor.... and so did everyone there.

Tell your friends you love them. Love comes in many forms, not just romantic. ALL your loved ones should know how you feel.

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Wow Jenn, that was beautiful - really. Thanks for sharing.

And, yeah completey right about friends and sharing your feelings.

Her and I have become EXTREMELY close, and she's changed me quite a few times. She's even told me not to worry at her perties, she'll take care of it.

One time, we were out at the mall and she accidentally dumped my backpack out in front of everybody there, diapers and all.

She was in tears over it, and I had long since stopped carring who knew. She's only recently figured out that she can say something about my diapers even in public cause I just don't care. It's no different than "Need help with your wheelchair?" as far as I'm concerned.

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oh yea!

I went to bed drunk with an already soaked diaper and woke up next morning in a huge puddle on the bed :o ! :bash:

My wife wasn't very happy the next day. As I was cleaning up the sheets , she told me that would be the last time I ever go to bed drunk without wearing a fresh diaper.

From then on (about 10 yrs. ago) I have been wearing diapers to bed whenever I have been drinking. If I even so much as lay down on the couch without one she will either hand me one or take off my pants and diaper me :D .

Even if we go out and stay overnight at a friends or family, there is always a diaper on the bottom of my travel bag.

One night about a month ago I had to test out my abena xplus diapers with two diaper stuffers (one abri-let maxi pad and one abri-let normal pad) this is a great combination, as it felt really thick between my legs ! Over the diapers I also wore a pair of terry lined plastic pants for added protection against leaks.

Well the diapers held up for seven beer pee's before finally leaking when I sat down.

Hey! diaper testing party! How fun is that? :drinks_wine::band:

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