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My Best Friend My Babysitter private with DangerNoodles


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Alex sat on his sofa watching his mom get ready to go out. He was 16 but you would never know it bu looking at him. He was small like really small in fact he wasn’t even 5 feet tall. This was a continual source of embarrassment since everyone seemed to treat him like a little kid because of it. At least recently his mom seemed to be seeing him as more grown up though she had started leaving him alone when he went out. It was kind of weird though whenever his mother left his best friend would just show up to hang out almost like it was planned. He wandered If that wold happen tonight as well. He also wasn’t sure what would happen as his parents were leaving for the whole summer to visit his grandparents he hoped they trusted him to stay alone.

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Dave was making his way to the front door of his bestfriends house, and he was really excited. For months now, Alex's parents had been paying him to babysit, and had kept this a secret from Alex. Of course, Dave would have done this for free, because he loved being around Alex... but Dave wasn't one to refuse money. Now, he'd been trusted to look after his friend for the entire summer! He'd be staying over every night, buying all the groceries and generally managing the house. He felt really responsible and grown-up. Dave was 16 too, but about 7 months younger than Alex. Despite this, he was much taller, standing at about 6"2. He loved this, because no one ever messed with him, and it allowed him to protect Alex from bigger kids (which was pretty much the entire school).

When Dave got to the front door, he just walked right in like he owned the place.

"Hey! Where's my best pal?" He called enthusiastically.

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Alex’s mom had just walked out when he heard the door. He shook his head it was amazing how this kept happening! He didn’t bother getting up he was comfortable and had just switched to an R rated movie his mother would never let him watch “Hi I’m in the living room mom just left we can watch whatever we want”

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Dave sighed, making his way to the living room. He looked at alex for a second, who was sunken into the couch, and then at the TV. It was a really violent film. He knew what would happen later, Alex would have a nightmare and he'd have to deal with it. This happened at many sleepovers before, clearly Alex was not big enough for grown-up filmss.

Dave marched right over and snatched the remote off Alex, switching it to something more family friendly.

"Oh no buddy, we're not watching that." He scoffed.

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Alex was surprised when the remote was taken “come on man Mama, I mean mom just left. She won’t know and  everyone at school says it’s a great movie I never get to watch anything good anyway it’s my house so I get to pick!

alex looked up challenging his best friend even with their size difference we wasn’t afraid, he knew he was safe with Dave.

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Alex propped himself up on his knees to try to minimize the height difference sadly it didn’t work “na uh it’s my house so I’m in charge and anyway what do you want to watch probably sone stupid cartoon, that’s all you ever want to watch” he didn’t fight too much that movie was already pretty scary

“Mom said she’s staying out do you want to sleep over, we can stay up late and do whatever we want”

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Dave figured he'd let Alex's cheekiness slide for now, it was pretty amusing.

"Great idea, Alex! Stupid cartoons are my favorite." Dave put on some Looney tunes,  then got back up to put the remote on a high bookshelf, out of Alex's reach.

He thought about breaking the news to Alex, but decided to leave it for now. He did not want to deal with any tantrums yet.

"I'll sleep over, but we're not staying up late, there's no need...and anyway, is your room even clean?"


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Alex gave a coy smile “no, my mom told me to clean it but she’ll never notice anyway she never does I mean it’s clean enough for us to sleep in there”

 he thought about his best friends words “but I want to stay up we can pull an all nighter and watch videos on utube or whatever and we can eat snacks all night too”

alex had never been alone without a sitter and he was saying everything he thought he should or had seen on tv

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"We'll just have to see about that." Dave said dismissively.

He thought Alex was acting very irresponsibly, but figured he was just excited. Dave decided to check out Alex's room for himself.

"I'm just going to the bathroom. You stay there, ok?" He called, heading up to Alex's room.

When he opened the door, his jaw dropped, and he shook his head in a mixture of disgust, horror, and amazement. It was like an alien landscape. Dave swore that this room should be quarantied and studied for scientific research, and this was just confirmed as he looked around. There was mouldy pizza under the bed, dirty clothes everywhere, miscellaneous crumbs, some ketchup on the wall. His bed covers were at the other side of his room. It was a disaster, and Dave knew he'd be the one having to clean most of it, even if he forced Alex to help.

"ALEX, QUICK! CHECK THIS OUT!" He yelled, pretending as if he'd found something cool, just to bait Alex toward the room.

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Alex heard his name being called Dave sounded excited he wandered want he could have found. He followed Dave’s voice up the stairs he saw Dave at his doorway “what’s up” he asked  looking confused and slightly embarrassed at the state of his room

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As soon as Alex was  near enough, Dave picked him up under his arms, carrying him into his room and using his own foot to close the door behind him. Once it was shut, he put Alex down and gave him a very stern look.

"Clean it up. Right now."

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Alex was shocked when he was picked up he hated that because it reminded him how small he was “put me down!” 

When he was place in his room he looked around “what it’s fine! I like it this way and don’t tell me what to do I do t want to clean right now” he made to leave finding Dave in his way

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Dave towered above Alex, crossing his arms. He was getting quite fed up. Dave pointed, snapping his fingers. He knew Alex had no chance of getting away from him, he was outmatched.

"...What? This is a health hazard! We're going to sort this mess out right now! Your mom told me to keep you-  errr, Nevermind. Just get it done, I'm not letting you leave this room until it's safe to sleep in."

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Alex froze in his effort to get past his suddenly stern best friend “no my room is fine” he started to argue then stopped “wait what did you say, what did my mom tell you, why were you even talking to my mom anyway!”

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Dave sighed. He knew he'd have to tell Alex eventually. He crouched down to get to Alex's height, placing his hands on his shoulders. He looked Alex right in the eye.

"Listen buddy, your mom is visiting your grandparents this summer. She left me in charge, i'm, errr....I'm babysitting you."

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Alex stepped back trying to get out of Dave’s hold “what no!  I’m a a grown up I don’t need a babysitter that’s ridiculous! I’m a big boy and and you can’t tell me what do do! His eyes were brimming with tears “I’m I’m  big and responsible and IDONT NEED ABABYSITTER”

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Dave sensed a tantrum coming on, so he did the only thing he could think of. He pulled alex into a tight hug, not letting him squirm away.

"Shhhh. Woah there buddy, no need for tears. Your mama just doesn't think you're ready to look after yourself, but that's alright. I'm still your friend."

Dave could tell alex was really upset and angry, he felt bad, but this was necesscary, and his filfthy room and bad attitude  just assured Dave that alex was indeed too immature to take care of himself. Alex needed someone to be in charge.

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Withough thinking Alex relaxed into the hug it felt good to be hugged liked this almost like by a father then he came to his senses “stop I’m a big boy I don’t need you and I can take care of my own self”

his tears continued to fall as he struggled a bit “this isn’t fair how can you be my friend and my babysitter he was confused”

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Dave smiled in relief when Alex relaxed, but this was soon shattered when he started to struggle again. Dave groaned audibly in frustration. He guessed alex didn't expect this, because he felt him flinch. Dave might have been 16, but he had a deeper voice than Alex and a lot of people his age. He could be very loud and intimidating if he wasn't controling his voice.

He pulled off, holding alex's shoulders again. Alex was making a pouty face at him. Dave found it adorable and amusing, so he calmed down again. Dave smiled, laughing slightly

"Dude. I've been doing this for a while now... you must have noticed, right? Nothings changed."

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Dave smirked,

"Oh, is that so? I suppose that's why everytime your mama  leaves, I arrive. Then I make you dinner and make sure you're not trashing the house, huh? It's almost like I'm telepathic...or maybe your mom just calls me over to make sure you're safe. And maybe she pays me to do it, because you're tough work sometimes."

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Hearing alex cry like that really tugged at Dave's heartstrings. He felt bad for the poor boy. He kissed Alex's head.

"Awwwwhhh, sweetheart. I do love you! You're not just a job. I wouldn't do this for anyone else, only you. I offered to do this for free, but she insisted. I spend most of it on us. I love spending time with you, that'll never change. Now c'mon honey, once you calm down we can clean this mess up. If you do a good job, I'll let you stay up late with me and we can play video games and eat snacks...just this once...but only if you can show me what a big boy you are by helping me clean this, Ok? Does that sound good?"

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In spite of himself Dave’s words and the physical contact made Alex feel better “I love spending time with you too and I don’t want that to change”

returning the hug Alex said it’s going to be weird with you making the rules now are you going to put me to bed without suppor or something if I don’t listen” he half laughed half worried

sighing he finally said “we can clean now I guess even though it doesn’t really need to be cleaned”

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