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There was that look again, the wide-eyed cross between fear and excitement. I pushed for an answer, “Well?”


Hannah chewed on her lower lip, considering my suggestion. I knew full well that she’d made up her mind, in fact knowing her it was something she was considering even before I mentioned it, but she liked to make me think I was in control.


She leaned in toward me, making sure no one in the carriage could overhear, “what happens if I need to...” she looked at her lap as she trailed off.


“Well that’s the point”


“Not so loud”, her cheeks flushed as she spoke.




I wasn’t sorry, which was clear from the grin plastered across my face.


“Bastard”. Her verbal dig came coupled with a sharp prod in my ribs.


That just made me smile more. I took her hands in mine, and gently spun her round so that I was hugging her from behind. She gave me a contented sigh as we cuddled together, for a moment, it was just me and her, the other passengers on the train fading away.


“I’ll get you back for that”, I whispered to her.


Hannah looked up at me, a spark in her eyes, “Of course you will”.


I began tickling her belly. She squirmed, and stifled a squeal. I kept going.


“Stop it”.


“I’m getting you back”.


“Not here”


“I love you”


“I know, but not here. I really need to pee”.


We both knew where this was going. This was a deliberate tease. We only had one more stop until we got off the train, then it was just a short walk to the hotel. I leaned in very close to Hannah’s ear, “Are you sure you want to do this?”


She nodded her head, and murmured, “uh huh”.


I tightened my arms around her, and began tickling harder. She shivered and shuddered, and bit her lip. Then she stopped, her breathing became heavy. I hugged her even tighter as the dark patch grew on her hot pants, and trickles of urine ran down her leg.


I leaned in close to her again, “Are you OK?”


Once more she gave a gentle nod of her head, “uh huh”, this time a lot less sure of herself.


I kept her held close, but gently turned her round again so I could see her face. We’d done stuff like this before, but with something so public, there was always a risk she’d be overwhelmed. I looked into her eyes as I stroked her hair. “It’s OK. We’ll be in the hotel in a minute”.


Hannah was still in a trance when the train pulled into the station. I grabbed our bags, took her by the hand, and led her onto the platform. As soon as she stepped into the cool outside air, Hannah snapped back to her normal self,


“Hot pants were a really stupid idea”






“Want my coat?”


She shook her head.


“Come on”, I led the way as she dripped along behind me.


Hannah stopped me just as we were about to walk into the hotel. I wondered why for a moment, but realised the issue when she pointed toward her piss-soaked shorts.


“Want me to grab you once I’ve checked in?”


She shook her head again, “give me your coat”


I did as she asked, and she wrapped it around her waist. It hid nothing. In fact, if anything the fact that she had a coat wrapped around her waist in the middle of October only drew attention to the wet patch in the crotch of her pants and the rivulets of urine running down her legs. For a moment I considered warning her of this, but decided against it. If it worked for her, who was I to argue?


We checked in, then headed to the room. The door hadn’t even closed before we fell on top of one another, stroking, nuzzling, kissing. I stripped off her top, then pulled off my own, and then I fell onto the bed, pulling her down on top of me.




“What?” Hannah asked.


“I forgot you were still wet, you’re getting my jeans damp.”


“Fucker”, she kissed me, “I’ll just have to take them off of you then.”


She climbed backward, and stripped my trousers off of me. She moved back up, nuzzling my crotch as she did. I stopped her when she got to my chest, sat up, and helped her out of her damp hot pants and panties. As I did, she gave me a confused look.


“I wouldn’t be very good at this if I let you get a rash, would I?”


I ran my fingers over her labia, and kissed her, gently rubbing her clitoris.


I nibbled on her ear, kissed her neck, her breasts, her mouth.


She cried out, arched her back, she was close to orgasm.


I stopped.  


“Not yet.”


That look of fear and excitement again, although this time I’m not sure whether she had any idea what I was thinking.


“Don’t move”


Hannah nodded.


I climbed off the bed, and walked toward my bag. When I came back, I was holding several bundles of rope.


Hannah noticed it, “You packed the rope?”


“I packed everything,” I said with a smile.


Hannah relaxed as I began to wrap the cord around her shoulders, locking her arms tight into her body. I tied it off onto itself then set to work on her hands, crossing them over her chest and wrapping another length of rope around them.


Now helpless  I eased her backwards so she was lying down, and turned my attention to her legs. I secured a length of rope to her right ankle and tied it off against the bed post, then did the same to the left, leaving her spread eagled, staring expectantly.


Then I got the magic wand out of the bag. I turned it on, then slowed my approach, letting it hang loosely in my hand. I could hear her whimpering as I got nearer, and felt her shudder as it made contact with her body just at the top of her thigh. There was no way I was going to let her orgasm, but it was fun to tease. I passed it back and forth over her vagina until she started making little yelps of pleasure. Satisfied I’d found the right spot, I held it there as the yelps became louder and more constant.


Then I took it away.


“Please…” Hannah begged, a forlorn tone to her voice.


“Later.” I replied, the smile that already plastered my lips becoming just a little more broad.


I turned the vibrator off and returned it to the bag.


“Are you going to untie me?” Hannah called out trying to raise herself up to find me.


“Not yet.”


“But what about grabbing some food?”


“We’ll go out in a minute. I want to run something by you first.”


“And I need to be tied up for it?”


“No, but I’m enjoying you being like this.”


Hannah scowled. At least, I assume she did. I was back at the bag, looking for the next item I needed for the night. As I was going through it, I glanced behind, and could see Hannah straining to see what I was getting.


I laid everything out on the bed next to her, then went through them, one by one.


“The wipes are non-negotiable. I want to make sure you’re clean, and we aren’t going to have time for a shower if we want to get food before everything shuts.”


Hannah nodded.


“Consider the diaper a dry run. If no one notices it tonight, they’re not going to see it under what you’re wearing tomorrow.”


I could tell from the look on her face that Hannah had hoped I’d suggest this. We both enjoyed diapers, but Hannah prefered to be ‘made’ to wear them. I reached into my pocket for the final part of the evening’s entertainment, a suppository. We’d used them before, but only at home. Hannah’s eyes went wide. She rocked her head slowly from side to side.


“Is that a no?”




“Just say the word.”


Hannah shook her head.


“OK. Are you sure?”


She nodded.


“We’ll be in and out at the restaurant. You won’t need to hold it long, and we’ll be back here long before it takes effect.”


“Thank you.”


I put everything on the bed, and walked toward her bag.


“What do you want to wear?”


“Something baggy. I don’t want people seeing the nappy.”


I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a long t-shirt from Hannah’s case, and held them up for her approval.


“Yeah, that’ll do. I think I need to pee again.”


Hearing that I grabbed a pair of plastic pants from her bag, “best you wear these too then”.


I brought the clothes over to the bed, and set to work. She whimpered a little as I wiped her clean, the close contact, and the restraints once again getting her horny. Unfortunately for Hannah, even if I’d been inclined to let her orgasm, we just didn’t have time.


Satisfied that she was clean, I laid out the diaper underneath her, and broke the suppository out of its packet..


“Last chance to back out”


She gave me a cheeky grin. I pushed it into her bottom, then leaned forward and kissed her again. I kept kissing her, moving down her neck, toward her breasts. Until she whispered to me,


“Don’t fuck around. Put the nappy on me, I can already feel it working..”


In spite of how hard I was laughing, I managed to get Hannah’s diaper on her and free her from the restraints. She pulled her clothes on, and we headed out the door. As we walked into the hallway, I asked her how she was feeling. “It’s cramping a little, but it’s not too bad”, she responded.


By the time we got to the nearest restaurant, Hannah was struggling to hold things together. I offered to go in and get the food alone, but Hannah refused. She was, apparently, “going to see this through”. I only discovered what she meant by this when the waiter asked whether we wanted to order take away, or to get a table. In spite of how much she seemed to be struggling outside, Hannah somehow managed to compose herself perfectly, then, while keeping her eyes locked on mine the whole time, asked for a table. This was going to get interesting.


We headed to a booth in an almost empty corner of the restaurant, well away from the handful of other customers in the place, and looked at the menu. While we waited for the waiter to come and take our order I asked Hannah why she wanted to eat in. “It’s almost empty in here,” she replied, “I wanted to see how far I could go.”


I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in just how much public humiliation Hannah could take, but I was also worried. The games we’d played had always been about fighting the sense of urgency, never about losing control in front of people. This was going to be an entirely new experience, and I was concerned it might be one she didn’t enjoy.


Once the waiter had finished taking our orders, I waited until he was a few feet away from the table, before asking Hannah, whether she needed a change. I don’t think he actually heard me, but it was fun to see the look on Hannah’s face. In spite of her struggle with her bowels, she managed to spit out the words “not yet” through gritted teeth, before following them with “but you’re not going to enjoy cleaning it up”.  

It was only a few moments later when her control failed. She held her hands out across the table for me to hold, and raised herself slightly off her seat, before letting rip with a few muffled farts. At first she seemed OK with it, then the realisation of what was happening hit her. Her eyes went wide, and she had a look of terror on her face. It seemed I’d been right to be concerned.


“It’s OK. You’re doing well.”


I used my thumbs to stroke the backs of Hannah’s hands as they trembled in mine. She seemed so fragile. Then the smell hit me. Hannah saw my nose twitch a little, then stammered, “is it bad?”


I lied to her, reassuring her that no one would notice. I continued to stroke her hands, kept telling her it was all OK, then asked her if she wanted to go back to the hotel. She shook her head.


“Do you want me to come round to your side of the table and cuddle you?”


She nodded.


I moved round, and hugged her. She was shaking. I held her tight, and stroked her arms. Kept reassuring her that everything was OK. By the time our food arrived, she was much calmer, although very much still in a trance.


“Are you going to eat?”


She began picking at her nachos and took a few sips of beer. I kept my arm round her the whole time. And while this helped Hannah feel safe, it made eating my burger much harder than it otherwise should have been. Not that the smell helped much either.

We’d been picking at our food for about half an hour, when Hannah suddenly began to cry. It started with a few sniffles, but very quickly descended into quiet, uncontrollable sobbing. I decided we ought to leave.


I called over the waiter and asked him for the bill. Ideally, I would have prefered to have gone over to the counter to keep him away from Hannah - it wasn’t going to take a genius to work out what had happened from the smell, the half-eaten food, and the crying girl - but I didn’t want to leave her alone. When he returned, he told Hannah that he hoped she felt better, and she instantly began shaking again. I got her outside, then held her close, making sure she could see my face,


“It’s OK. You’re going to hold on tight to my hand, and we’re going to go back to the hotel.”


Hannah nodded.


We moved slowly, Hannah staggering along on, still very much weak at the knees . Fortunately, the streets were nearly deserted, and no one paid us any attention. At least, they didn’t until we got outside the hotel, when Hannah stopped dead in her tracks. I asked her if she was OK. She didn’t respond. It was then that I saw the tell tale sign of a leak, as for the second time in one day, her trousers began to darken.


I rubbed her back while she finished. By the time she began moving again she was crying pretty hard. Once again, I held her close, and as I did, she spluttered out, “I think I went too far”.


I couldn’t help but laugh at this, which completely distracted Hannah, and broke her out of her little trance. Almost immediately, she went from crying wreck to something resembling her usual self, as she cracked a slight smile, called me a “bastard”, and started jabbing me in the ribs. I tried to defend myself from her playful little pokes, but the situation was so ridiculous - as the red-faced, sniffling, stinking, love of my life proceeded to playfight with me in the street - that all I could do was laugh, and remind her of what happened when I tickled her on the train.


She responded by telling me that I could tickle her all I liked - at this point what else was there to lose?


We continued on into the hotel, and straight toward the lift. We were probably only waiting a minute at most for it to arrive, but it seemed like forever. It must have been even worse for Hannah. We’d been in the hotel for less than four hours, and already the receptionist had seen her with soaking wet hot pants, and got a full on view of her having an accident. Somehow Hannah not only managed to hold it together through the wait, but when the lift arrived, she was pretty upbeat.


Then things got complicated. As we waited for the doors to close, a woman called us to “hold it”, as she ran across the lobby. For a moment I considered pressing the ‘door close’ button, as much for her sake as for Hannah’s, but I didn’t react quickly enough, and when the doors shut, the woman was stuck in there with us. I worried how this would affect Hannah, but I needn’t have. When the woman made a comment about the smell, Hannah glanced up at her, and replied “sorry, I had a bit of an accident”, and that ended the conversation. Understandably, the woman got off at the next floor, while we continued up to our room on the 12th.


Buy the time we were at our door, Hannah was horny as all hell. This wasn’t uncommon for her. The problem was, I’d originally intended for us to only be out for a few minutes while we grabbed a take away. She’d fight the sense of urgency, feel humiliated, and be back home before the ‘fireworks’.


Our antics at the restaurant had put paid to that plan, and now I was faced with a girlfriend in a filthy diaper, who meant to have her way with me pretty much immediately. After what she’d subjected herself to for our amusement tonight, I wasn’t going to let her down.


I led Hannah into the room, then made sure the door was shut behind us.


“OK shit-pants, let’s see the damage.”


Hannah pouted at her new nickname, but dropped her sweatpants as instructed. It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but nowhere near as bad as I had feared. I pulled her into a hug, careful to keep soe distance between my jeans and her diaper, then gave her a long, deep kiss. As I pulled away, I instructed her not to move. I reached into my bag and pulled out several bed pads.


I put one on the floor beside the bed, and asked Hannah to stand on it, while I took the blankets off the bed, and spread the other pads out on the mattress.


“Right, we’re ready. Plastic pants off”.


Hannah complied. As she did, the smell became more apparent. Hannah saw me gag slightly.


“Sorry”, she mumbled.


“I’m not sure this is all your fault” I replied, trying to reassure her.


“I did warn you that you wouldn’t enjoy cleaning this up”.


“Yeah, I suppose you did”.


I pulled the waistband of her diaper back, the check much more about putting her in a certain headspace than anything else.


“How bad is it?”


“You definitely need a change”


“Ew. Does that mean I’m going to have to wait until after you’ve cleaned me up?”


“How the hell are you horny?”


“Someone teased me before we went out, remember?”


I grabbed some wipes and black sacks out of my bag, then instructed Hannah to lay down on the pads on the bed. As she did, she raised her legs in the air, ready to be changed. Which is probably why she seemed surprised when I stripped off, climbed on top of her, brandishing the magic wand.


“What’s this?” she asked.


“Thought you’d like it.”


I pushed the wand into the front of the diaper, turning it up to full power. After everything she’d been through, Hannah had earned herself this orgasm. It was a matter of moments before she began making the yelping noises, and pressing herself against the vibrator.


Normally Hannah has trouble orgasming without at least some penetration, but from the way her body was trembling, it was clear that this wasn’t going to be a problem tonight. I rubbed the backs of my nails against her skin, gave her a soft, llingering kiss, and she melted into a quivering wreck.


She fell back onto the bed, and I wrapped my arms around her.


“I love you”, I said, as I stroked her hair.


“I love you too”, she echoed, as we began to doze off.

  • Like 7

That was pretty good. :) the characters were believable, the writing was decent, and the humiliation was consensual which is a welcome change for this type of story.

One little qualm I have would be that I find it hard to believe that a diaper WITH plastic pants would leak after only an hour. Like, why did you even bother adding the Plastic Pants only to have them fail for no reason? But that's a small complaint and doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of the story.

I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you new to the forum or just new to posting stories?

3 hours ago, Wannatripbaby said:

I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you new to the forum or just new to posting stories?

Well he does have 114 posts and he joined 27th July 2015 but it is an easy mistakes as he has not posted in a while. :P


I particularly enjoyed the characters in this one, although I agree with Trip about the whole plastic pants thing.

7 hours ago, Wannatripbaby said:

That was pretty good. :) the characters were believable, the writing was decent, and the humiliation was consensual which is a welcome change for this type of story.

One little qualm I have would be that I find it hard to believe that a diaper WITH plastic pants would leak after only an hour. Like, why did you even bother adding the Plastic Pants only to have them fail for no reason? But that's a small complaint and doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of the story. 

I don't think I've seen you around here before. Are you new to the forum or just new to posting stories? 

Thank you, that's kind of you to say.

I tend to hang around in chat more than the forums, but I've posted a couple of stories here before.

As for the plastic pants thing, you've clearly had better experiences with them than I have.

15 minutes ago, B said:

As for the plastic pants thing, you've clearly had better experiences with them than I have.

Oh. :blink:

  • Like 1

Loved this story! You write so well. And yes plastic pants can only do so much :P

3 minutes ago, Vulpix77 said:

Loved this story! You write so well. And yes plastic pants can only do so much :P

Thank you


Well done!  Thank you for sharing your thoughts and time with everybody.  :-)


I totally enjoyed the story. And what the heck if the plastic pants leaked or not. It’s his story and if he wanted to add that additional bit I of humiliation than so be it. Personally I would have been disappointed with a diaper that leaked with only a mess. At the same time I am sure we all know that there are cheap diapers out there that would leak. Plastic pants alone will not contain a leak. If it gets past the diaper then it will eventually get past the elastic on the plastic pants. That’s why when I go to work I always wear underwear over the diaper to absorb any diaper leaks and then the plastic pants keep that from transferring to my pants. 

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