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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Hi I'm New Here


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OK, so here it is...

I have been a DL for most of my living life, i am 22 now and first started having a 'crush' on diapers when i was about 6-7. I loved the 'security' i felt when i wore them.

However the availability of diapers in my childhood home did not last long, and i stopped pinching them almost as soon as i started. When i hit puberty i realised diapers played a sexual role in my psyche and one day it clicked that i had a 'diaper fetish'.

So basically i have always thought about diapers, but never done anything about it for a MASSIVE fear of being found out. The effect of getting caught by anyone i know would mentally destroy me. It has always been locked up in my mind, lurking in the background.

Recently i found an article in 'Bizzare Magazine' that enlightened me to the DL online community. I checked it out, and was to be honist massively relieved that there are other people out there who had this trait.

So this is why i am here, rather than just letting this thing i have slosh around in my subconscious, i will explore it and make of it what i will. Idealy i would like to befrend some people here and have more indepth discussions about the whole DL thing, in order to work this whole thing out. In the end it could be a lot of fun, we shall see...

Other than that i am a very happy fellow. I live by a strong code of ethics, am a keen sportsman and enjoy traveling, and try to be an example to the great friends i am so fortunate to have.

Good to meet you all.


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Guest Diaper4Boys

Hi there Repressed. I too have recently joined the forums. And funny enough, I'm also 22.

I too wear diapers in secrecy. But after all these years, I seem to have gotten braver and have started to wear diapers to my classes. And since it is winter and we all wear alot of clothes, it's the perfect cover up. And I thought that even if people suspect me to be wearing diapers, they obviously can't prove it. I mean, I could be one of those peoples who have big butts, right? :P

Anyways, welcome to the forum.

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Hello Repressed and a very warm welcome from another Diaper/Nappy wearer who wears through need but originally wore because I loved them and like yourself found that they "lit my candle" and have been wearing on and off for about 45 years only to genuinly need them now due to an Over Active Bladder.

Hope you enjoy yourself here, and make plenty of new friends as there are plenty of people just like you within this forum. :thumbsup:

"BE HAPPY IN YOUR NAPPY" :groupwave:

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OK, so here it is...

I have been a DL for most of my living life, i am 22 now and first started having a 'crush' on diapers when i was about 6-7. I loved the 'security' i felt when i wore them.


Welcome Repressed!! I hope you find what you are looking for here. Lots of people from all over the world are here for the same reason, so you are not alone. I can't think of a better place for you to explore your DL side. I look forward to reading your posts in the near future!

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