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Little Kylie (private)

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"Cause you don't care and no i don't need to tell you everything about me cause its personal and i don't make promises to people i barely know and i just want my clothes back and to never wear this stupid childish stuff again and that includes diapers and anything baby related i never want to see it again and the soon i can get away from you the happier i would be." i still don't look at you as i say all of that.

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Jeff leaves and comes back with her bag. "I know you don't have to tell me everything...I just want to have an adult conversation with you...that's what you want right? To be an adult?" He lifts her out of the crib and stands her up. "Here...let me get this off you..." He unzipped her pajamas and took them down so she was in just the diaper.

"Alright I'll leave so you can get dressed. You promise you don't need a diaper? You won't have an accident?"

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"NO i don't need the stupid diaper" i roll my eyes as i waited for you to leave the room so i can get this off me and get in to my clothes as i knew i had to get out of here some how as there was no way you are  gonna keep me here with you.

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"You are pretty defense about it. What was that accident earlier all about...and that comment your mom made about the bed....No, I think I want that to stay on for now...but if you keep it dry and prove me wrong." Jeff crossed his arms. "I don't trust you to leave it on...go on and get dressed...Im just going to stay here..."

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"I am not gonna leave this thing on and there is no way i would get changed in front of you so get out of the room now" i was getting mad already as i wait for you to leave the room and when i see that you weren't i decided to go to the bathroom and lock myself in there to get changed.

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I looked in my bag and took out a set of clothes as rip the diaper off me as i toss it in the trash and i put on panties, my bra, red tshirt and black pants on as it felt really good to be in my clothes again as i evenually came out of the bathroom.

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I go sit on the opposite side of the room as i sit down trying to figure out what to do but didn't know how far i would get from here as i then wonder if the house had an alarms or anything that might go off but i figure i would probably turn it off before trying anything but also didn't know if your a light or heavy sleeper.

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Jeff sees her quietly come in and sit across the room in a chair. He just looks at her a moment as she appears in thought. "Well aren't you the little lady now? I suppose after everything I have done...you probably want to be as far from me as possible. And I'm sure you don't want my help to do it....how about we at least have an adult drink while you think...I mean if you are going to be an adult, you have to be able to throw one back." Jeff stood up. 

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"I can't even drink im not 21 yet and right now i have nothing to say to you about anything so just leave me alone" I rolled my eyes as i was still thinking about how to get out and where i could go as i didn't really know any hotels that are closer to the nearest airport.

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"21...that's only the legal age to buy... It's a right of passage into adulthood. You do want to be an adult right?" 

Jeff left and came back with a glass for him and her...they were the same pineapple juice with rum. "Here's your chance to prove you are an adult." Jeff thought the alcohol would loosen her up to chat, perhaps the only way hed get her talking. He held out the drink. 

He'd also added a few drops of this stuff he'd got awhile back for a gag he played on someone. It causes gas, and with the amount he put in it would probably last a little under an hour. He hoped to make her feel little for passing gas like a child...plus he suspected she'd be a little embarrassed. He was curious if it was still good though.

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"Well either way i don't want a drink anyway and even if i did i wouldn't trust you to make me a drink because you did something to it" i still stay away from you as i didn't get why you just wouldn't leave me alone and just give me some space.

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Jeff thought ahead and had actually given himself the drink the the drops in it. So he switched the glasses and set it down beside her. "There I switched them...if you don't drink it I'm going to totally know you are a baby..." Jeff thought if this didn't work he was pretty much out of ideas. He hoped that her desire to prove she was an adult would have her drink it.

He went back and sat down, checking his phone for emails. 

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"I told you i didn't really want and i can't have that anyway im allergic to pineapples" i still didn't look at you as i sat there curled up on the chair wondering if your thinking im telling the truth or not.

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Jeff looks up. He sees how she's curled up and finds the pineapple comment odd. Jeff was a pretty big fan of poker and it seemed to him like she had just laid down a big bluff. He pondered it a moment.

"Yah I don't think you are, but it's okay..." Jeff sipped his drink. "I made it taste good ...if you're worried about making silly faces cause it taste bad..." 

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"You really think i would lie about something like that when i am to allergic to pinapples and if you don't want to believe me fine by me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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I get mad as i say 'im not alittle girl and fine if you don't believe me i will prove it" i took the glass and took one sip from it and right away was having an allergic reaction as i let go of the glass and it hits the floor i start to panic as i barely could breathe as i try to say your name but it barely was heard as i start crying.

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Jeff thinks she's playing at first as he sort of dismisses it. But, when he hears her crying his heart races. She'd been through so much and had not cried in front of him yet, or until now at least.

Jeff got up and went to her, kneeling in front of her. "Kylie...are you nuts...why did you drink that?! Do you have an epipen? Can you swallow some liquid Benadryl?" He held both of her hands in his.

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I was scared as i shook my head no as i didn't have an epipen and couldn't remember if i ever had liquid benadryl as i struggle to breathe as i felt like i was going to pass out as i held on to your hands as you could see i didn't pull my hands away at all.

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"Just look at me... everything is going to be okay...I'm going to pick you up and take you to the medicine...okay? We'll get you something to help." Jeff scooped her up gently and held her across his body. He talked to her as he walked. "You are going to be just fine. Everything is fine...let's get the medicine here..." Jeff had her at the medicine cabinet as he held her and managed to pour a small cup of the Benadryl then bring it to her lips. "Just sip it slow...easy..."

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I try to sip it slowly as you could see i wasn't fighting it at all as i grip your shirt tight not letting go as this is the first time you have ever seen me get like this as it actually worried you on how i could just runaway from home but had no medicine at all for allergies.

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Seeing Kylie like this has just confirmed to Jeff how ill prepared she really was for all of this. He felt like in this moment he was finally seeing the real Kylie and he felt terrible that she was so scared. "It's okay I'm not going to let anything bad happen. You are doing great." Soon she'd sipped it all down and he just held her, like a small child. "Mhmm, just breathe now..."

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I could feel tears running down my cheeks as i try to calm my breathing down as i still held on to you as i did feel scared that you might get mad for me doing that in the first place even if i was trying to prove something as i was starting to just feel worn out as my breathing was slowly going back to normal you still wanted to keep an i out to make sure i would be fine or if you had to get me to the hospital.

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