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Little Kylie (private)

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"You will not kick me little Kylie that is not allowed in this house." Jeff took the bag from her and put it on the floor then sat her up and started to pull her shirt off, tickling her more. "Why don't you like tickles? It doesn't make you tinkle does iiiit?" Jeff smiled a little as the shirt pulled over her head exposed her mid section for tickling. 

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"I hate being tickled and no it doesn't make me pee so stop it if i tell you again im really gonna get mad as your really bothering me i feel bad for your parents to have to deal with a person like you"

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Jeff pulled her shirt off, leaving her in a bra and diaper. "I don't believe you hate tickles!" He tickled under her arms again as he undid her bra. He could see she had a very small chest. "So you don't have a tickle spot anywhere??" Jeff asked as he went to remove her bra. 

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I start screaming not wanting you to touch or take my bra off me as i really wasn't having it as my panic attacks start to come back as i kick my legs so you would get away from.

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"Kylie! We don't scream in this house." Jeff had fully removed the bra and opened a drawer below Kylie and pulled out a pair of full body Minnie mouse PJs. They were for his neice that was 9, but he knew Kylie was only a tad taller. They zipped all the way up and had little covers for the hands that also zipped. This was because his neice had a sleepwalking problem and the hand covers prevented her from opening the door and walking all over. He knew they would be perfect for Kylie for the same reason.

Jeff laid her back down on the jammies. "You must have had to beg your parents to let you get that one bra cause you don't need one... I didn't see another in your bag, and I know you would have brought more if you had them. You know big girls have more than one bra, not one that their parents got for them that isn't even a real one." Jeff used his words to distract her as he put her legs into the jammies. He also wanted her to have doubts about anything that was remotely 'big girl' in her life.

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"I am not wearing those and its none of you business about what clothes i have or don't have" i wouldn't keep still as i kept trying to kick and push your hands away as there was no way i was gonna wear that as i wanted my clothes from my backpack as i try getting the diaper off me.

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"No no...you are keeping that on." Jeff grabs her wrists and pins her hands down over her head with one hand. He puts the other hand on her bladder and pushes down to keep her hips pinned. "You are going to wear these pajamas ... If you keep acting like this I'm going to put you in the baby crib to sleep tonight...you don't want that do you?"

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'Oww stop it your hurting me and i don't want to wear them cause i hate those types of pjs" i was getting upset that your not listening to me still with anything i say.

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"im not gonna cry i want to scream so you could learn to get it thru your head to leave me alone and stop treating me like this is that so hard for you to just listen to me or are you just gonna play stupid and ignore what i say"

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Jeff put her other arm in the jammies as she spoke. "Treating you like what? What am I treating you like? I thought you said this is how everyone treated you..." Jeff zipped the pajamas all the way up and zipped the hand covers closed. He then moved away from the table and grabbed her bag, he put those clothes he took off her in it and zipped it up then tossed it into the closet. 

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"Are you kidding me right now that your being so stupid and i told you that i hated people treating me like a child when im 18 years old this is exactly why i wish i was never existed cause this is not what i want" i was getting so angry as i try ripping the pjs off me from how mad i was.

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Jeff watched as she tried to take the pajamas off unsuccessfully. "I know Kylie...it's hard being little...no one listens to you do they...do you need help getting down from there?" Jeff paused a moment. "If I hear you talk bad again tonight you are going to get a pacifier... you've had an awfully bad mouth tonight."

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"First of all i didn't have a bad mouth and your still not listening to me im not little and don't you dare ever talk down to me sometimes i wonder why my parents even wanted me if they can't let me be myself and treat me like an adult why can't you just talk to me like the adults we are and im not gonna sit here and play games with you its not fair"

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Jeff walked up to where she was sitting on the changing table still. "I would love to talk with you Kylie...but every time I try you just fuss or pout or yell at me...that's not how adults talk. And saying 'dont you dare talk down to me' is a bad mouth...and very rude. I have not done anything of the sort." 

Jeff reached into the drawer and pulled out a pink pacifier with a butterfly on it, he brought it to her lips. "You are going to keep this in for 5 minutes and when you're done we can try to have a conversation."

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"See there you go again not listening to me your just like everyone else and i wouldn't get so mad or yell if you would just stop baby talking me when you clearly know nothing about me or what i had to deal with but no you just ignore everything i say and that bothers me cause how can we talk when you treat me like a helpless dumb child when i am an adult how many times do i have to tell you for you to listen to me."

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"Yes Kylie, five minutes... you're lucky it's not more." Jeff keeps it in as she moves her head a bit. After a minute he took his hand off and lifted her up off the changing pad, holding her. He thought she looked so cute in the pajamas with the paci. He took a few steps to a toy box that had stuffed animals and other toys and stood her up. He knelt down and opened it up. "Some really neat stuff in here..."

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I didn't want any of it as this was just madness that your still doing this to me as i hated how i was being treated right now as i try to get away from you as i didn't want you holding me at all i was not having it.

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Jeff digs through the toybox a bit looking over at Kylie. Each time she tried to step away he sort of gently put an arm around her. He noticed how she was occasionally sucking at the paci as she kept it in. "Okay...hmm which one do you think my oldest neice likes best?" Jeff held a plush bunny and plush bear up to Kylie.

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I pushed both toys away as i didn't care about them at all as i wanted to spit the pacifier out of my mouth as i didn't look at you at all i turn away from you.

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Jeff smiles and sits down, then gently pulls Kylie into his lap. "They are actually both her favorite...this is Hoppy and this is Benji." Jeff said as he put the bunny in her lap. 

"Hello..." Jeff moved the Bear onto her leg. "I'm Benji." Jeff voiced the bear as he made it look up at Kylie. 

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