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Before he was Daddy, he was Mr. Jim (with jmg1217)


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Set 9 months before Jim and Daniel's mom were married.  

January 2017

It was an early Friday evening in the Lewis house hold as both Mother  and Son got ready to go out to dinner with Jim, the mother's boyfriend.  However,  Daniel was being really stubborn about going.  He was trying to get out of going since he's went with her to Jim's the past few weekends. Besides, he was a teenager after all,  he wanted to go hang out with friends. 

Every time they went over there to stay for the weekend, Daniel had to follow specific rules. They were so embarrassing.   He didn't even sleep in a normal bed over at Mr. Jim's house, he slept in a toddler bed with railing on the sides.  He couldn't even call him Jim, but he had to call him Mr. Jim. Like a little boy. As Jim always referred him as such. 

He was  in the middle of complaining to his mother when she was helping him put his bow tie on. She liked it if they dressed up for Mr.  Jim since he puts a lot of work in making them dinner. 

"Mom,  he makes me wear those baby bibs at dinner and I don't even sleep in a regular bed. I sleep in a toddler bed with railings.  Railings! I'm not two!" Daniel whined.  

"You sure sound like you're two right now. " His mother teased putting his bow tie around his neck. Which earned a glare from Daniel.  

"Danny, do not give me that look. It's Jim's house, Jim's rules.  He wants you there cause he wants to spend time with you too. He really likes having you around, he has rules for you to keep you safe." She explained and sniffed a little.  

"Did you forget to put your baby powder on? I know you don't like it,  but you know I expect you to wear it when we go see Jim. He got it for you for Christmas to smell nice and he doesn't want you to get chaffed skin.  So go put some on real quick, mister. He's gonna be here very soon. " she scolded her boy and turned him around to get him to go.  

"You know,  most guys my age get cologne for Christmas,  not baby powder!" Daniel said with attitude. Which earned him a swat on his bottom.  They heard a knock from the front door. 

"Go now.  We will wait for you. " she ordered. 

As she went to go let him powder up.  Daniel went to his bathroom. He started to put baby powder on his neck,  stomach and back being very careful not to get any on his nice clothes.  

"I swear if he makes me play peek a boo  or patty cake one more time over there..." Daniel just shook his head as he put away his baby powder. He tried to get rid of it before after Christmas,  but his mother caught him and gave him a good ol fashion spanking for it.  She made him keep it, despite his protests against it.  Claiming he'd smell like a baby,  which he did.  

"Danny, sweetheart, time to go!" Daniel's mother called.  Daniel put a fake smile on his face and left the bathroom grabbing his bag of clothes,  so they can get going. 

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Looking at Rachel him said “you know what honey I’m just going to carry this little guy it’s dark and late and I don’t want to take any chances” he bent down and lifted Danny onto his hip “ready little man”
Rachel was surprised, Jim hadn't done this before to him but she let it go. She was sure Daniel was first thing he had close to a son. Plus danny did fall behind before and she's had to hold his hand. "That's okay. "

"Mom, I'm 17, I don't need to be carried..."
Daniel tried to argue. He felt like a small child.

"No backtalk, mister. Just let Mr. Jim carry you. It'll be quicker to do that." Rachel scolded Daniel.

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Jim walked out to the car depositing Danny in the back seat “see little guy not so bad “ he buckled him in”
Daniel frowned. "Fine. " he said when Jim said it wasn't so bad. He only hoped Jim wouldn't do that to him in front of his friends or in public in general. He didn't need to be held or carried like a 3 year old.

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Once they were on the road Jim gently squeezed Rachel’s hand “you know honey Dannyblooks adorable but it’s so Kate and close to bedtime that in the future we could just get him into Jammies right after school and bring him over that way we don’t have to worry about him falling asleep or anything”

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Once they were on the road Jim gently squeezed Rachel’s hand “you know honey Dannyblooks adorable but it’s so Kate and close to bedtime that in the future we could just get him into Jammies right after school and bring him over that way we don’t have to worry about him falling asleep or anything”
"Oh okay that sound like a sweet idea and I'll think he'll thinks it will be cool. I just wanted him to look nice since you always make us wonderful dinners." Rachel said. "However He likes to sleep in his boxers and a tank top to bed. Even though he knows I don't like that. "

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Jim wrinkled his nose “no no no that will never do I got him some cute Jammies just for my house so he can wear those from now on”
"Oh thank goodness. He can never agree with me on pjs. Maybe he'll agree for you. " Rachel said.

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Jim smiled thinking about how cute Danny would look in his little pjs they pulled into Jim’s drive way he opened Danny’s door “ready tiger”
Daniel nodded that he was ready. "So I have to get in pajamas when we're inside?" Daniel asked when they got to the house. He had over heard them in the car and didn't like the sound of the new rule.

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Without asking Jim lifted Danny into his arms “ya pal we’ll get you nice and comfy so you can just relax all night well until bedtime”
"Hey!" Daniel tried to protest as he was lifted kicking his legs down like a fussy child.

He looked at his mother. "Mom, you wanted me to look nice. "

"Well change of plans. You're wearing jammies. Mr. Jim's rules, not mine. Enough with the attitude mister. " Rachel warned her boy.

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Jim brought Danny right up to the room where he slept without letting him down Jim went to the closet and pulled out a two piece jammy set blue with little stars “ isn’t the s cute honey you’ll just look adorable now let’s get you out of those clothes”

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Jim brought Danny right up to the room where he slept without letting him down Jim went to the closet and pulled out a two piece jammy set blue with little stars “ isn’t the s cute honey you’ll just look adorable now let’s get you out of those clothes”
"Uh I can change myself. It's okay. " Daniel insisted reaching for the jammies.

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Jim sighed “I guess that’s ok little buddy bu I will be check when your done so hurry up kiddo I’ll check on dinner”
"Okay thanks. " Daniel said happy he could do it himself. When he left the room he changed so he wouldn't get in trouble.

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