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Hogwarts school of babies?


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"We saw Luna Lovegood, a friend of Ginny's and since there was an extra seat up here, Ginny invited them, but because of the fighting, Harry was afraid the younger girl might get hurt, so he took her to find her dad to ask about it."

Hermoine smiled.

"We would have went with him, but he said you were really worried about us, and I didn't want you to think I'd disobey you after you went through all that trouble to get us a really special treat like watching the world cup!"

She smiled up at him.


"You can do whatever you think is necessary," Luna said.  "If it feels like something a big brother does, then I trust you."

She leaned against him.

"Maybe you can get me out of here though.  It looks like the fighting is getting worse around here."

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“Good he did the right thing he was right I was about you girl there are dark wizards about also “ Mr. Weasley says whispering the last part not to scare Ginny 


ginny was talking to her brother near by 


“Okay then “ Harry agree patting her back a little before taking her hand and walking her back to where everyone was 

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Luna didn't see any hint of the dark wizards.

(would Arthur really tell Hemoine?  He told Harry only what he thought necessary to protect him because of Sirious Black.  He wouldn't have told him about Black if Black was not tied to him and he had not believed Harry to actually be the target... or at least I don't think he would have....)

Hermoine nodded at Mr. Weasley.

"I promise, if I see any sign of dark magic, I'll get Ginny out of there as soon as possible and find an adult we can trust.  You don't have to worry about me trying to prove something like boys sometimes are tempted to do.  There are challenges, and then there are dangerous risks that no one should take."

She smiled up at him.

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(Yes because it would warn hermoine to just be careful and keep a eye out as she, harry and Ron aren’t dumb and would be because they say Draco and his family earlier anyway in the book ) 


Arthur smiled seeing Luna with harry before turning back to hermoine “I know you would honey that why we trust you to look after Ginny you got a good head on your shoulders “ he said patting the young girl on the shoulder


Harry let go of Luna hand so she could go talk to Ginny or what ever 


“Hey you came where your dad ?” Ginny ask seeing Luna 

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Luna sat next to Ginny.

"Something came up, and he almost made me go home, but Harry promised to look after me."

She sighed.

"The Noosspots say that there is news that something big is going to happen, and dad had to go get the scoop before he was beaten to it."


Hermoine smiled at Mr. Weasley.

"I thank you for your trust, sir."

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“So Harry going to be like your big brother today ?” Ginny ask feeling bad that Luna always got stuck with bad peoples normal but harry was super nice and even tho she like like harry she wouldn’t of minded if he look after her 


“there no need for sir hermoine Arthur fine your part of the family” Arthur says with a smile 

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Hermoine smiled up at him and nodded.

"But just plain Arthur makes it sound... um... weird," she said thinking that she should show more respect to him than she would a brother or friend.  "What about... if I just said... um... Uncle Weasley?"


Luna nodded.

"Something like that, I guess.  He already promised to help me today and he made the promise to my dad, so I don't think he means to break his promise."

She looked far off though.  She didn't know his character that well except what Ginny might have mentioned, but she knew he was famous for stopping the Dark One who must not be Named.  She shuttered at the thought of that ghastly thing.  

"I didn't think he'd have time for someone like me, though, you know," she said.  "Surely, he has cooler friends than me!  Like maybe ...." but she trailed off.

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“Or uncle Arthur using our last name seem how did you put it weird “ Arthur tease hermoine little 


“Like who my brother !” Ginny said with a laugh at the end “Luna harry not like that he down to earth and nice and if he promised then he going to do his best to keep it.... get to know him just don’t get a crush on him please “ Ginny said saying the last part softly with worry 

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Luna nodded.

"I wouldn't do that.  I didn't ever ask you about it, but I heard it in your voice when you talked about him before.  I would never steal someone that you are interested in."

She smiled.

"So if he promised me to take care of me at school... he would really do it and not leave me... um... you know...."

Ginny had to have seen at least one time that Luna was told to wait for someone to take her, only to shame herself and pee her pants in front of a bunch of people at the library because someone thought it funny to do that to her....

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“Thanks Luna “ Ginny says and hugs her best friend before answering her “no he wouldn’t do that but he may set rule and stuff don’t forget if Harry doesn’t have any real family really so if he thinks your family he going to treat as such “ Ginny says 


harry been trying to stay away away waiting to see if Luna would need him as he watch the match a little 

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Hermoine saw Harry looking a little nervous as he watched Luna.

"What's going on?" she asked him.  "Did something happen with Luna or something?"


Luna smiled.

"Well, I told him to just act like he thinks a big brother would, and I promised my dad, though not really in words, that I would let Harry be like my big brother because my dad gets worried about me.  We are all each other has, you see...."

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“What?...no I promise her dad to look after her and she told me people have been mean to her in the pass so I want to give her space but I don’t want her thinking I’m like those other people who would just leave her “ harry explains 


“I know Luna but harry never really done this stuff he going to need help you know boys aren’t that bright when it comes to this stuff” Ginny says with a laugh at the end 

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"Don't worry, Harry.  She's fine.  She's with all of us now, so nothing will happen to her, and you'll know when she needs you, trust me.  I had a little difficulty getting used to Ginny, too, but Ginny assured me that what comes naturally is working."  

Hermoine blushed because she wasn't used to praising herself.  "She said I was a good big sister," she told him.


"I'm not worried," Luna said.  "You say Harry is nice about stuff, and whatever mistakes he might make, it's not going to be like what those others did to me, so I'll just follow whatever he thinks should happen.  I promised my papa to listen to him and let him keep me safe, so I'm going to do what I can to see that through."

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“I believe that since you and Ginny already get alone but i don’t know Luna that well and I know she safe with us but yeah after the go you gave me so I’m worried  “ harry says truthfully and goes to sit down and get something to else to eat 


“I know I’m just saying harry needs to know he doing a good job like hermoine needs it “ Ginny explains 

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Luna nodded.

"I'll be sure to tell him when the timing seems right.  Just saying it probably won't help matters any more than not saying it."

She smiled at Ginny.

"So, does he not know how to take care of a younger sister at all?  Or is it really that different in the muggle world?"


Hermoine nodded.

"It's okay, Harry.  Alright, how about I tell you some more.  I think you're going to need to know more because this is not muggle sister sitting 101... This is Wizarding Babying your youngest sibling 101, if you will...."

She sighed.

"First of all, don't be scared to get involved if she looks upset or having a hard time.  Just go right over to her, hug her, and tell her that everything is okay.  Let her know that you are there, no matter what.  If she pees, and judging from what I've seen...."  Hermoine blushed.  She had promised not to tell about Ginny, but she wasn't sure how she was going to get around it now.  "Um... she might pee her pants or she might have a diaper on, depending on the wizarding family.  Don't be scared to check her.  That's normal in the Wizarding world.  Just be as private as you can about it because it's really just something between families and their youngest, and very trusted close friends.  You promised her dad, so... I guess he's trusting you because of your being famous and he thinks you're a good person, and because Ginny knows Luna.  That means....  They most likely expect you to either check her or take her to the bathroom sometimes.  You need to make sure she eats her meals and that she has enough.  You know, you are basically being a big brother to an oversized toddler in some ways.  Does that make sense?"

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“No apparently the muggle world doesn’t do this hermoine made be feel bad yesterday about it she said she didn’t mean to but harry seem to be like okay with it just doesn’t know what he doing “ Ginny says 


harry nodded as he listen to hermoine explain to him felt better once she was done “Yeah I think I understand and speaking of I’m going to ask Luna if she eaten “ harry says and stands up and goes over to Luna and Ginny 

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Luna looked up at Harry and smiled.

"Um...?  Am I in trouble, big brother?" she asked quietly.  Sometimes, the mean kids would sneak up on her and then yell at her for something.  Sometimes it was her fault, so she knew she wasn't perfect, but sometimes, it was just to watch her jump so they could have a laugh, especially if they surprised her badly enough to make her wet!


Hermoine smiled as Harry got up to ask Luna if she was hungry, and she bent down and found one of Ginny's favorite things.  She then went over to Ginny and handed her the snack.

"Just in case, Ginny.  If you're not hungry right now, keep it with you so your brothers don't find it and eat it before you get the chance."

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“No honey I just wanted to know if you eaten yet and if not do you want something?” Harry ask smiling at being called big brother by Luna 


Ginny took the snack with a smile  “thanks Hermoine “  ginny says and starts to eat it happily 

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"My dad gave me something earlier," she said but holding her stomach because it was a while ago.  "Anyway, I don't think he gave you any money to get me anything, so I'll be okay until he comes back...."


Hermoine smiled when she saw that Ginny gladly ate what she had given her.

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“No he didn’t but I have money and there is food here if the guys haven’t eaten it all and if they had I’ll buy something so do you want something to eat  “ harry says 


Ginny hide behind hermoine when she saw  Ron looking around as he like the same snack 

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Luna blushed when he offered to pay for her and told her that they had food anyway.  She wasn't sure if she should accept or not.  It didn't feel like good manners since there was no way the Weasleys or Harry could have guessed that she'd be a sudden guest.  She shook her head no, but her hand holding her stomach told a different story.


Hermoine looked at Ron and she started him down.

"How many of those .... did you have, anyway?  You know it's nice to share with your brothers and sister, don't you?"

She scolded him because he should know better than to try to take the last one from his baby sister.  "I mean, you're not like Crabbe and Goyle, are you?"

She was sure that would make him stop looking for what Ginny had in her hands.

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Harry frown as he watch Luna body language “okay body saying a different story so I’ll ask again do you want something to eat “ harry says making sure Luna looking away 


Ginny let out a giggle when Ron sulk away from getting told off by hermoine mumbling he was a growing guy and needed to eat 

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Luna frowned and held her tummy a little more, and finally she sighed.

"I am a little hungry, but you didn't expect a guest.  I just don't want to be rude, big brother?"

She started to feel tears in her eyes and turned her head away from everyone trying not to cry in front of everyone.  She was so used to people being mean, she couldn't stand how caring Harry was being for her, and she didn't think he should have to spend his money on her.


Hermoine smiled.

"Ronald!  You're a growing guy, so how about you eat this, then!" 

She passed him the worst vegetable in the basket that the Weasley kids didn't want to eat.  "So eat!"

She giggled.  Then she ate some of it herself so show him it wasn't so bad.  With her parents being dentists or of the sort, she had gotten used to foods like that as snacks rather than sweets.

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Harry pulled Luna into a hug and rub her back softly “now you are not being rude if your hungry I want you to tell me so I can get you something to eat “ harry said softly too her as he carried on rubbing rubbing her back 


Ron just walk off in a huff when hermoine did that 


“that was so funny moine did you see Ron face “ Ginny said giggling 

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Hermoine laughed.

"Well, serves him right trying to take more than his share.  Besides, he should be setting an example for his baby sister, and showing her that eating her vegetables is good for her."

Hermoine patted Ginny on the lap as she held her.

"Since you have me looking out for you, we're going to try to not let you wet yourself anymore even if you have a diaper on," she whispered to her.  "I know it's embarrassing for you to wet your pants, so make sure you tell me in plenty of time when to take you, okay?  I will never be mad, even if you accidentally waited too long and peed, but I you won't want to be peeing your pants in the fifth year....  Right now, you are going into the third year, so we have time.... to train you, okay?"

Hermoine hugged her.


Luna leaned into him letting him baby her.  He felt safe, like her papa.

"Thank you, Harry.  I am hungry, I guess.  Is it okay?"

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