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Full time Mommy.(private me and Danny)


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Danny was a 18yr old, just turned 18, but not very mature for his age, he still liked to play with cars and do all the things a boy would do.

He had a secret fetish for diapers, he loved the feel of them but he longed to wear them full time and not have to use the bathroom. He would only use his diapers for wetting because he didn't want to lose control of his bowels. Unbeknown to him, his nanny had a plan to get him into diapers full time.

Danny was asleep, slowly being put back a few more years that what he normally regresses to...... he woke up suddenly, he had a bad dream, and for worse he had completely filled his diaper.

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Alex ran upstairs and into the bedroom, she knew that Danny would have regressed to age 3 and that he wouldn't have much emotional control. She picked him up and cradled him in her arms, like a baby. "Shshsh, it's alright Nana's got you little one an after we get your diapee changed, we can go downstairs and cuddle on Nana's armchair, 'kay?", she said strapping him to the changing

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"Nanny's on it darling.", she says and expertly changes him into a new fluffy diaper. She then wraps him up in a blanket and brings him downstairs.

She sits down in her armchair and cuddles with Danny, allowing the full babyness of this moment to cement his regression.

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Smiling, Alex gets up and puts Danny in the sling she made out of the blanket. She then goes to the kitchen and gets one of the bottles marked with a black D out from the fridge, she puts it in the microwave and waits.

The only thing that Danny knows is that Nana is getting him a baba, what he doesn't know is that it's a very special type of formula, with laxatives and some other additives that will make him more susceptible to the subkiminal messaging.

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(can we talk on the chat bar please)

Danny stays warm by his nannys side and waits for the warm bottle to touch his lips. He feels like a toddler again and is enjoying it but doesn't want her to know

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Alex rubs his belly to help him digest and brings him back upstairs again, this time however she doesn't take him to the bedroom, but rather the nursery next to her room. She lays him down in the crib and tucks him in.

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Dan sleeps peacefully and as he does, his body slowly regresses itself to an 18 month old. He was still in adult form, but his bodily functions were now as an 18 month old babys would be. His diaper slowly starts to fill to capacity once again.

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Alex went back downstairs and started ordering some new clothes for her little baby as well as writing an email to the college dean and sorting right of guardianship out, once he woke up, he'd be lucid for long enough to talk to him about signing this form

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Danny woke up a few hours later feeling a little groggily and feels his diaper, he is about to say "where am I" where all he can say is "wee a I" he realises that his nanny has done something to his milk and there is no way he can speak like an adult anymore.

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Alex walks in and picks him up, "Hi there darling.", she says and goes and changes him. "We've got something very important to talk about.", she doesn't say anything more until she takes him downstairs and puts him in a highchair.

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Alex looks at him calmly. She's used to tantrums after looking after kids both big and small, "Yes honey, I did that's because your lunch was a little bit too big and I didn't want you to get co stipated.", she said matter-of-factly which rather deflated the tantrum Danny was about to throw.

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Alex remains calm, "Says the one who is having a tantrum right now.", Alex has never done this with Danny, but she goes strict and gives him a look which brooks no disagreement. "And who has tantrums, full grown men or ickle baby boys."

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