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Baby Hotel?

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i searched the internet awile a go for adult baby sites for clothes for my beautiful baby boy when i stumbeld over a site where two babies told about a hotel or something like that for adult babies and thouse in that groupe. The hotel had babysiters and a big playgound, and everything that you need.

but i was gonna tell my ab boyfriend about this, but now i cant find the page.

has anyone seen it, been there or knows what im talking about?

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Closest thing I can help you with is a bed and breakfast. Perhaps that is what you are refering too? As far as a hotel for AB's Doesn't make to much sense, I think you might have seen a scam site or a "wish there was kinda thing" . In the past there has been AB daycare centers but proved to be not profitable or worth the effort. There was a lady in Las Vegas that came to your hotel room, but she is no longer offing that service to new clients.. good luck on your search, and if you do run across it again, keep us informed.

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Guest diamondback688

yea...ive visited the websites of the bed and breakfasts before...there all in england...the links are in the links section...i forget under what heading thoguh...

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My first thought on reading the phrase Baby Hotel was that it would be like a Maid Café, but a hotel instead of a café and the hostesses would be dressed like babies instead of french maids. Then I realized that even if you switched the hotel back to a café, the fact that I (and probably a lot of people on this board) would love that place doesn't mean it would be financially viable, even in Japan. A man can dream, though.

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Last summer, I found the Nursery and Breakfast, like Bed and Breakfast, from a website. It is located in Shasta Lake, California, which is about 4 hours from San Francisco. If you want to spend a night there, you will pay 40 bucks for one night, including free 1 adult diaper, 1 baby bottle, and free digital pictures saved to a CD-R floppy disk. In addition, a mommy or a daddy can change your nappy during your stay and feed you breakfast or you can feed yourself if you wish. The Nursery and Breakfast is hell lot of cheaper than private babysitters and mistresses.

Here is the website of Nursery and Breakfast, http://www.nurseryandbreakfast.homestead.com/

I think it is very interesting and sweet.

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