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What a guy will do. pvt Hya123

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James kept drinking his bottle thinking Monday was coming up and he'd be at school and he had no classes with them so he could get away. He was worried about the pictures they had.

"Monday is school." he said setting his bottle down

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Chloe and Hailey changed James classes to fit their schedule. At first they were going to put him in a child care class but decided not to anymore.

" we put you in daycare " Chloe said. She wanted James to think that.

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"You did what!" he said thinking they may have actually done that after all they've turned him into a baby so anything was possible.

"You can't do that to me I still need to go to my classes!" he said starting to cry

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Hailey walked in when James started to cry. She went over and picked him up. " what's wrong " she asked then Chloe told her.

" oh it's okay day care is so much more fun than regular boring college classes " Hailey said as she rocked jame

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Hailey could tell he was getting really upset. " okay we're joking we changed you schedule to fit ours so we can watch you. We will drop you off at class and pick you up if one of us is not in your class " Hailey explained. She didn't tell him he had to stay diapered.

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James was relieved he wasn't going to daycare. He listened as they told him how things were going to be. People will just think they're my girlfriends an I'll be able to get rid of these stupid diapers. He thought to himself.

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Hailey rocked James for a couple more minutes. " okay since your going to school tomorrow you need to get ready for bed " Hailey instructed and brought James to his nursery. She took his dress off and put him in blue footie pajamas and a new diaper. Then brought him over to the rocking chair to cuddle more.

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James laid on the table as his new mommy got him ready for bed. He was happy once his dress was taken off, he hated to admit it but the powder smelt good as did the diaper and the nice fresh diaper felt good. So much so he even got hard, it was embarrassing he hoped Chloe didn't notice. As he sat in the rocking chair he just kept thinking at least tomorrow he won't be in diapers he can be a normal man again!

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Hailey noticed James was getting hard when she changed him. That was good he was getting use to his diaper now. " James honey do you want to make cummies for mommy tonight " she asked rubbing his diaper.

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"No I don't wanna try!" he was just glad she didn't try to tease him with her sexuality as she was dressed normal right now. He laid in his crib thinking about tomorrow. Soon I'll be a normal guy again, he thought s he fell asleep.

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Hailey smiled and left the room. Hailey and Chloe made she everything was ready for school in the morning.

Hailey woke early in the morning and got dressed and went to get James dressed and ready.

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Hailey smiled and walked over to him. She helped on the crib then laid him on the changing table. She put James in a new diaper and a pair of shorts that snapped at the crotch and a paw patrol t shirt.

" aww I could just eat you up."

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"Hey wh--what are you doing!" he cried as she took out another diaper and dressed him like a big toddler.

He tried to get up.

"I'm not wearing this shit everyone will laugh at me!" he cried

James hopes of being a normal guy again were dashed!

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Hailey stopped getting him dressed and pulled his shorts down again. " jame I told you over again not to swear before breakfast you can suck on soap" Hailey said. She spanked him then brought him back to the bathroom. She got some soap and stuck it in James mouth.

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"No please I'm sorry!" he cried as the thought of sucking soap really made him made and it sucked. She dragged him into the bathroom with no pants on just his diaper and a t shirt.

"Owe!" he cried as she spanked his diaper then his thighs.

As he was crying she stuck the soap in his mouth.

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James continued to suck the soap standing there watching as Chloe did her make up he was getting turned on as she messed with her bra right in front of him then she did her hair. He should hate her for what she's done to him but damn she was so hot.

"Mpphhh!" he said with the soap in his mouth.

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Hailey looked at James when she finished her make up. She took the soap out of his mouth. She walked him over to the sink to wash his mouth out.

" go find mommy Chloe so she can finish getting you dressed"

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