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Trapped by the House of Tomorrow (Private RP with Danny)


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"Spell on da blocks, we can knock them over if we have to,"

The visitors pass close to the playpen so it would be easy to try and signal them.

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Looks at you

"We have to act now, I will distract the nanny and you make the blocks out for an SOS sign" I say as I drop my drink and it spills and I begin to "fake" whimper

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"Aw baby, whats the matter," coo's the Nanny, picking you up.

While she's distracted, I spell out HELP US, on the blocks facing the glass.

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"Of course you do baby, lets get you a nice baba," coos the Nanny. The House immediately provides her with a fresh milk bottle and she starts to feed you.

Meanwhile, one of the visitors notices my message, he has a clip board and is in a utility jumpsuit with the parks logo on it.

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I look at the nanny reassured that she will look after me and I snuggle into her and I give you a look and a small nod as I see the worker see the message

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The worker scribbles something onto his clip board and quickly shows it to me as he passes by;


He then pretends to go back to work as I knock down the blocks, destroying the message.

Meanwhile, the new bottle is empty, so the Nanny starts to burp you.

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The nanny pats your soggy bum.

"There, there baby, lets get you changed into a nice, fresh nappy."

She takes you over to the automatic changing station.

Meanwhile, I'm trying hard to hide from the rides customers, burying my blushing face under a blanket.

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I get embarrassed and continuously blush as the nanny changes me out in the open where everyone can see and it's clearly obvious I'm not a robot.

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However, the riders seem to ignore this as they continue onwards. The robots in this ride look so realistic they could pass for human, except for their size. With our new infantile haircuts and clothes, we look just like a pair of oversized babies. Although you attract a few looks, no one seems to think we are anything but a pair of baby robots!

I notice some of the visitors have a pamphlet in their hands, on the cover is a picture of us from the photoshoot. I manage to read the caption;


I groan in frustration and embarrassment, no only do we have to wait to get out, but the robots have managed to trick people into thinking we are their babies.

You are put back in the playpen with me.

"All nice and fresh, play nice now," says the nanny, going back to her book.

"Weast I got dat message out," I mutter.

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We try to play with some of the baby toys, spelling out some more messages with the blocks, but no one else seems to have taken the hint. I'm trying hard to control my grumbling tummy but it's fruitless as I fill my nappy, causing the Nanny to interrupt our 'playtime'.

"I think someone needs a change, then we can all go outside for some fun!"

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I sniff the air then look at you in a little bit of disgust, as the smell is pretty bad, the worst it has been. I hold my nose and giggle "finally using your nappy for its purpose eh Chris"

I sit and resume playing with the blocks

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I grumble as the nanny picks me up.

"Stupid ride, stupid food, stupid nappy."

I'm taken over to the changing station where the arms remove my messy diaper and wipe me down.

The nanny leans over to check your diaper.

"How is my little man doing?" she coos.

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Looks at you "Don't worry, I know I am going to be in that state as well very soon" I say this as the nanny takes you to the changing station

I see the nanny "Me still dry, miss nanny" I say in my cutest "fake" voice

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"Such a big boy," coo's the nanny as she gently pats your head. Lifting you into her arms she heads out of the nursery towards a door we hadn't noticed before.

"It's such a nice day outside, lets spend some time in the garden. You can play in the sand pit, won't that be fun!"

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With me now changed into a fresh nappy, the nanny picks us both up and heads through the house and out a back door in the kitchen.

The Garden is quite spacious, with a patio, sand pit and even a small pool. We both notice a tree growing against the fence, and its branches reach over it.

The conveyor belt of visitors winds its way alongside the outside of the fence, giving visitors the impression of looking into the garden.

The nanny drops us in the sand pit with some buckets and spade, while she sets up a chair on the patio.

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I put on a brave face whist trying to get the visitors attention and I try to write in the sandpit about what the robots are doing and I try to mouth that we are being kidnapped and that were actually 16

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A hand firmly grabs your wrist and the Nanny walks into view.

"Lets not disturb the visitors, baby."

She slips a pair of mittens on both of us before heading back to her chair.

"Play nice now!"

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I try to use the bucket and spade, but the mittens make them hard to grasp.

As we struggle in the sand pit, a new figure emerges from within the House. They are wearing a park uniform.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting a visitor," says the Nanny, getting up.

"Hello Nanny, I was wondering if I might see your babies for a moment?"

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The visitor is a middle aged man and his uniform suggests that he's a supervisor or manager of some kind. After a brief conversation with the Nanny he comes over to see us.

"So...you are the pair that started up this ride."

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