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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Trapped by the House of Tomorrow (Private RP with Danny)


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"No," replied the nanny sternly. "Babies that don't behave don't get fresh nappies."

We are released from the changing table and the arms immediately cart us over to the cribs. As soon as we touch the mattress, our wrists and ankles are secured in place.

"You will be changed in the morning, hopefully you will have learned your lesson."

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(Robot hearing picks up everrrrything)

A pair of clear tubes descend from the ceiling, connected to what look like pacifiers. The nanny forces them into our mouths and ties them behind our heads so we can't spit them out.

"Some castor oil will help flush out any bad behaviour," she says, before turning to leave. "Night night babies, remember, behave."

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The oil slowly glops down the tube until it reaches our mouths, we gag as it hits our tongue. The pacifier/gags prevent us from spitting it out and we have no choice but to gulp down the foul tasting liquid, our tummies grumbling as we do.

The flow stops after a few minutes and some robotic hands unclip the gags, with the equipment withdrawing into the ceiling, leaving us along in a darkened nursery, strapped into cribs with churning tummies and full nappies.

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"Me?! I you hadn't gotten scared I wouldn't have gotten off that conveyor belt and we wouldn't be in this mess!"

I reply, just as my own bowels start to move.

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"I know but we're in a worse mess now than we were and now we'll never escape and this nappy is disgusting!" I say as I hear your nappy filling up with messy poop

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"Urgh, I know," I reply, shifting in the mush. "Look, we might be in trouble, but there could still be a way out. Lets just try and go to sleep, maybe the nanny will change us in the morning."

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"I really don't. Wait was that you or the robot who said that? This place is creepy. How would they know we're babies and not adults. It's pretty obvious"

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"That was me," I reply. "And you're right, this house is creepy, especially with all the crazy robots babying us both. Whoever built this place was either a genius, or crazy, or both."

As we talk, soft nursery music starts to play through some wall mounted speakers and we feel our eyelids begin to droop.

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We sleep soundly all night while the House charged the robots and finishes it's repairs. Unaware of all this, we snooze until the nanny wakes us.

"Wakey wakey babies," she says, entering the nursery. "We have a big day ahead, I hope you learned your lesson so we can get you both ready."

Waking up, I can feel the mess in my diaper has caked itself to my skin. Trying hard not to move in the disgusting mess, I just nod meekly.

"Please change us...we wont run off again, just get us out of these nappies."

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I begin to cry as the poo has given my bottom a nasty rash and it begins to irritate my skin.

My nappy is extremely dirty and I nod in unison with what Chris says.

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The nanny see's you crying and gently runs a hand down your cheek.

"Aww, poor baby. Don't worry, we'll have you both nice and fresh in no time."

We are unstrapped from the cribs and the House's robotic hands lift us up, the mess sinking to the bottom of our drooping diapers. They follow the nanny as she walks into another room, labelled 'BATH AND GROOMING."

The room is quite large and had been partitioned into different areas that house several different gadgets, these are linked by a long conveyor belt. We can see signs labelling each station clearly as 'CHECKUP', 'BATHING', 'DRYING', 'BARBER', 'DRESSING'.

The arms drop us onto the belt and the nanny watches as it takes us to the first station. 'CHECKUP'

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I continue crying as my diaper irritates my skin,

"My diapee is itchy, and stinky" I cry as I am laid on the conveyor belt and we are rolled along the four different areas.

looks at Chris "I wish we could do this when we have to change diapers, it would save us having to do it"

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(I don't quite understand what you just said.)

"At least we don't have to change ourselves out of this mess," I reply, as the belt stops and robotic hands remove our rubber pants and rip the tapes off the diapers. The smell is overwhelming as they peel the filthy garments from our butts, and the House starts liberally spraying air freshener to mask it.

Disposing of the diapers, our filthy behinds are gently sprayed down with water, removing the filth from every crack and crevice and revealing that we both have nappy rash.

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"I mean I wish this would happen in the real world, then when we have kids we won't have to change diapers, the machines would do it for us"

"our nappies are gross, I sure hope we don't have to do that again"

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