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The Jealous Son, His Friend, and His Mommy (with Danny)

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"i can smell pee and its coming from you" I say as I open Jeremy's diaper and hold my breath "jeepers boy that's nasty stuff!" Dan gags as he sets about cleaning this toddler up.

"Let Jason lay down and I will er" *gag* "change him" *gag* "in a minute" he cant stop gagging at the smell, which makes you laugh and the boys giggle.

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Monica puts a plate down in front of you and cuts your food into bite sized pieces before handing you the sippy cup

"There ya go sweetheart, all ready for you" she says smiling.

I snicker at this as it looks ridiculous for you to be sitting there with a sippy cup and have your food cut up, but I also secretly wish she would do that for me.

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Monica looks at you with a harsh look. "Young man, how dare you accuse my son of such a thing!"

She looks over at Paul "Is this true?" she asks

"No mom, of course not" I say shifting uneasily.

"If you don't have any proof I'll be forced to punish you for that outburst Dan" Mommy finished

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I sit there, not saying anything, hoping it will all go away.

Mommy comes over to me and pats my bum, feeling and hearing the plastic underneath.

"Paul, upstairs now! And not a word out of you either" she says firing Dan a look.

I get up and slowly make my way up to my room and wait for mommy.

"I have half a mind to call your mother about this Dan, trying to embarrass my son on purpose" she said, staring you down

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Looks at you "you was the one who wanted to give me a sippy cup and cut my food up! Jeremy and Jason are toddlers and I'm not! That's just pathetic you silly old gir-" realise I've gone too far

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Mommy had ignored your complaining on the way up the stairs and when she came back to the room she saw Dan standing there, holding a big white diaper in his hands.

"Young man, what on earth are you doing?" she said closing the door behind her with a smirk. She knew exactly what she would do now, having been given permission by your mom to do whatever she thought was best. She looked at you waiting for an explanation

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"I don't know ma'am. I didn't mean to tease Paul. He left me with Jason. He said he doesn't like the smell and made me change him. I've never changed a diaper in my life!"

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"Well good that you helped with the changing. As for the diaper, you're the one holding it" I said laughing as I came over to you

"So now you're going to wear it, right after your spanking. Over my knee." I say taking the diaper and setting it to the side before sitting on the bed next to you.

I pull your trousers and underwear off and help you over my knee, starting the swats with my hand. "You will behave while you are here unless you want more. Now let's get you in that diaper" I say laying you down on your red bum.

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"you don't need to worry about Paul so much and frankly I don't believe you." I say as I finish securing the diaper.

"You had better be good or things will get worse, but I know you can be a good boy." I say pinching your cheek.

I get up and go over to Paul's room and shut the door.

"Take your trousers off, I know it's there" mommy snaps at me. I rush to try and strip down and am quickly standing there in my soaked diaper.

Mommy gave me a look and then motioned for me to lay down as she went to my stash and grabbed a new diaper.

"Oh yes, I've known where you keep them honey. Now I'm going to make you wear them. Your punishment is that you are not allowed out of this one until I decide and if you act up further I will spank you in front of your friend." She says as she takes the old one off and cleans me up. She then put me in a thick, obvious diaper that could easily be identified through my trousers.

I loved every second and didn't give her any trouble, and blushed instead.

"Oh so you like this" she said with a smirk

"Yes mommy" I replied, crinkling loudly as I moved now back down the stairs

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