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( yeah that's fine)
" well it's more fun when you act up they but if you don't want I will. I don't know but I never wet my pants until I came here.Its just weird I hope I don't have to wear diapers. But just throw one tantrum your suppose to be younger so they won't even yell " Brittany said
She was hoping sumie would do it then maybe they wouldn't want them to be kids any more.

" she does I can't believe she wet the bed last night I didn't think she would but hopefully she keeps this up maybe she will be in diaper 24/7" Brooke said.
The food finally arrived. Brooke waved to the girls to come eat. She cut sumie food up for her.

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Brittany just smiled when she seen how sumie threw her tantrum. It was better than hers she though. Brittany sat down and ate her food watching sumie.

Brooke was mad when sumie started to throw a fit. " Now sumie you can stop this right now or you can go to bed as soon as get home do you understand " Brooke said sternly.
She knew wasn't going to stop it was the last straw when sumie hit Brooke hand and fell to the floor.
" now sumie I'm going to count to three is you don't get up then I will take you to the car and spank you " Brooke's said then started to " 1....2....3..." Brooke picked sumie and smacked her but two times then sat her in her chair. "Now sit in eat or you will get a bare bottom spanking in the car ". Brooke said

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" Jackie we need to go so I can deal with her at home " Brooke grabbed sumie and brought her to the car " now I want you stop throwing this tantrum you having. " Brooke took her to the car and pulled her pants down and spanked her 15 times " you are not to throw another tantrum like this ever again. If I cut up you food you eat if I give a sippy cup you drink out of it you don't throw food or throw a tantrum " brooke stopped spanking her." For today's you will be wearing a diaper and drinking out of a baby bottle since you want to act like a baby. " Brooke then buckled sumie in her seat." When we get home I'm putting you in a diaper thens straight to bed " Brooke said shutting the door.

Brooke was so mad at sumie it wasn't even funny she didn't know what to do anymore. Maybe I should just let her be a regular teenager Brooke thought to herself.

Brittany started to smile sumie was good. Brittany would have to tell her later

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Sumie sat there, her seat on fire, and she pursed her lips together though it was ruined by the constant hiccup of sobs that kept coming as she was still hurting from the spankng.

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Brooke didn't know what to do anymore it was all just a mess. She before sumie was a good little girl who only put up little fight here and there. But this was different. Brooke wanted a toddler and sumie was definitely giving her a Toddler.

" yeah well I don't think she would throw a huge tantrum but your right I can't let her win she needs to know that I'm the boss. What should do with her that tantrum was out of control. I never thought it would get that bad where she said she hated me or threw her food on the floor. " Brooke just looked at Jackie hoping she could give her advice.

Brittany finished eating her food. Jackie then brought her to the car. As soon as Brittany sat in car she smelled poop. No she didn't brittany thought to herself." Sumie good job " Brittany said Shen called for Jackie " mommy sumie pooped her panties"

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Jackie shrugged.

"If she was ten years old, I would have ideas, but since you want a toddler, I really don't know what to do either," she told Brooke.

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Jackie was right she couldn't punish her for throwing a tantrum or pooping herself. " you know what I think it's time for her to learn a lesson." Brooke said to Jackie.

" Brooke turned to the back seat sumie did you poop in your pants for mommy I think you did. Well that's no worries when we get home I will clean you all up. You can have a nice warm bath two with bubbles" Brooke cooed at her then turned around.

She then smiled at Jackie.
" I guess I'm just going to have to play her game how she acts is the way I'm going to treat her. Alittle reverse psychology" Brooke said to Jackie. " I can handle this " she said to herself.

" mommy I'm not can I have my candy now" Brittany said. She thought sumie took it way to far even for her. But if sumie kept acting like this then they would be their regular age agian.

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Sumie felt her face really get red and kept her eyes closed when Brooke talked to her like she was a baby.

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" actually Brittany little kids don't need that type of candy I have special candy for her." Brooke said. She pulled out a lollipop " here sweetie do want this since you have been a good girl for mommy" Brooke cooed
" Jackie can you drive please " Brooke asked.

" okay mommy " Brittany said taking a bite of the candy. She was about to brake a piece when Brooke told her not to." Mommy Brooke why aren't you mad at sumie for acting up today" Brittany asked

" well sweetie she just a baby sometimes baby act up but it's ok. She is to young for spanking so I try not to get mad " Brooke said.

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" and sumie you remember Brittany is in charge so you have to listen to her " Brooke said.

"Okay mommy " Brittany said
she looked over at sumie. She knew sumie needed some help. So she was going to help.
" hey sumie " she whispered " tonight when Brooke tells you need to go to bed just act you don't feel good. Keep her up all night. She will be super tired in the morning." Brittany whispered to sumie

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" yeah you would but it's not like we have class tomorrow there just showing us a round. Your young so they will let you take a nap during the day " Brittany said.
She then turned and looked out her window.
" I guess you want to stay a baby forever " Britt said.

Brooke wasn't paying attention to the girls in the back. She was just worried about sumie and how she acted.

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Sumie sighed upon hearing Brooke.

"I can clean myself up," she said through sniffling and looking back up at Brooke.

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"Sweetie you Should today that you are not eighteen but two. I know when I was eighteen I didn't throw tantrums or pee myself and poop yourself. You shon that you know older than two. I was going let you be a teenager till you pooped your pants. I will help you clean up because I'm your mommy no that's what they do for their kids." Brooke said
She then looked at Jackie o she could add something in.

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" ugh if I New this was going to be so much trouble I wouldn't have said yes but it's to late now. But I have an idea that might change her mind to show her age " Brooke said

She sighed. She took oh her phone and emailed the counselor Sumie parents names and where they lived in japan. If she got a letter from them saying that Brooke had the right to treat her like a child maybe sumie wouldn't put up such a fight.

" mommy are we almost home I'm thirsty?" Brittany asked getting bored sitting in the car.

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( okay that's fine I was just going to pretend to have a letter come from her parents saying it's okay)

" your right I will keep this between us I was going to get sumie parents name but I guess I won't" Brooke said.

She sighed this was a lot.

" I asked when are we going to be home because I'm thirsty" Brittany asked getting mad.

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" but-tt mommy I want a drink and how much longer " Brittany said whining more. She was trying to push Jackie buttons again or Brooke who cracked first.
" and I'm 18 not four or ten you are the baby " Brittany said sticking her tongue out.

Brooke looked to see if sumie was really sleeping she felt bad for her.
" Jackie do you think we can stop at the rest stop up their I really don't want my little girl sitting in the mess any longer. She might get a rash don't want that to happen. " Brooke said turning back around.

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