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The adoption.


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Carl and Nancy had been trying to have children for the last ten years, but they couldn't seem to get pregnant even though the doctors said that there was nothing physically wrong with either of them.

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Sayuri dreaded questions as she always seemed to shy up at them merely shrugging as she spoke "I was told a bird brings baby's to parents to take care of them. But I think the bird looses some and they end up here" she mumbled shuffling her foot as she looked to Nancy "I like your shirt" she giggled a bit. She was trying to be sweet but sayuri also had always acted younger then her age at times. Some of the girls called her immature.

she saw the nun walk back inside

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Sayuri sort of sulked at the answer but knew it probably wouldn't happen

she looked back to carl at his question "ooh... well umm I guess they watch over you and they make food like the nuns and take care of booboos" she sounded childish by the words as she was not to sure what parents did. Peaking back and forth at them trying to see if she answered it correctly.

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Carl smiled.

"Well, those are certainly some of the things parents do," he responded to try to reassure her.

Nancy noticed her fidgeting.

"Honey, would it be okay if I took you to the bathroom?" she asked her.

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Sayuri went a bit red at the woman's question as she nodded "I guess so..." she squirmed as she got out of her seat realizing she did have to go about. She bit her bottom lip shyly as she wasn't sure why the woman wanted to help her to the bathroom

she walks over to hold Nancys hand if she allows it and spoke "this way I know where it is!" She was excited to not have to sit around anymore at least for the moment

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Nancy smiled and held her hand.

"Let's go to the bathroom, sweetie."

She let her lead the way to the bathroom as if she was showing the new woman where it was rather than being taken there like a baby.

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Sayuri smiles as she led the woman to the bathroom in her mind as they got there she stood quietly watching everyone leave, blushing as she stood in the stall "umm okay..." she pulled her pants and panties down as she was helped onto the toilet suddenly going rather red

her panties had a small dampness nothing to noticeable, she sat there a moment before finally reliving her self "you guys seem nice I'm just shy" she mumbled as she started to grab a handful of toilet paper

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Sayuri giggled hearing Nancy speak to the other two girls. She smiled happily about being adopted as she saw carl working on the papers as she looked to the nun with a proud grin.

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Sayuri glanced back and forth at them going red as her new mother had mentioned her tiny accident.

she looked at her feet shyly before peeking up "yay burgers!" She got excited again forgetting the ordeal.

when they finally stopped st McDonalds she looked to Nancy "yes Mommy can I have a burger and a drink?" She asked as she looks over seeing the playground "ooh can I go play!?"

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"Yes, baby, you can go play after I get you in clean undies, honey."

She took her by the hand and to the bathroom while Carl went to go order for them.

Carl got her a happy meal because of her being so immature, but just to make sure she had enough to eat, he ordered her an extra cheeseburger as well.

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Sayuri followed her new mother to the bathroom as she stood quietly with a brief nod "okay mommy" she stepped out of her pants and panties shyly "I'll try to tell you mommy but sometimes I'm to shy" she mumbled

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Nancy smiled.

"Let's take you out to play for a bit and then you can have your lunch when you are ready."

She took her from the bathroom, finally, and led her out to the play area while Carl was still getting the food.

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Sayuri giggled excitedly as she followed her to the play area standing in amazement at the sight of it "oooh! A slid!" She hurried off into the playground as she crawled the tunnels and went down the slide a few times waiting until she was called to go eat.

returnjng to them rather tired out "that was fun and I'm hungry now" she grinned taking a seat as she saw the happy meal opening it to see what toy she got. Before finally working on her burger

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Once they had eaten and had her back in the car to take her home, Nancy patted his arm.

"Her room isn't exactly right at home.

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Sayuri was sitting comfortably in the backseat as she looked up hearing her mother "oh okay mommy I do like purple!" She smiled as she heard her mention toys "ooh okay I like toys I think " she giggled as it had been a whole sense she played with toys but who could argue with that idea

she waited until they stopped as she unbuckled her self and climbed out of the car "thank you mommy and daddy for adopting me today has been lots of fun"

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