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Police Officers

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I was contacted not to long ago by someone who works as a police officer.

It got me thinking... I have been worked in law enforcement now for about 20 years and was wondering how many other diapered cops there were out there. I know there has to be a few and it would be great if there was someone close to where I live. Would give us something other than just diapers in common.



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A couple of years ago there was a sherriff in a suburb of Asheville, North Carolina who was running for re-election. His opponent revealed to the local paper that he met a group of men in a local hotel each month, and they all spent a night wearing diapers together.

The sherriff replied, "what I do in my personal time is my business!"

Needless to say, he didn't win re-election... so I suppose he's not a cop anymore. But he was a diapered cop for a while, there.

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That is kind of close. My mother was a cop also. Hmmmm you know a cop who has a daughter that wears diapers and I had a mother who was a cop and I wear diapers. Seems to be a link there maybe???

I know a cop who's daughter is in diapers (not a baby), is that close enough?
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I was thinking of running for sheriff one day... maybe I will rethink doing that.

A couple of years ago there was a sherriff in a suburb of Asheville, North Carolina who was running for re-election. His opponent revealed to the local paper that he met a group of men in a local hotel each month, and they all spent a night wearing diapers together.

The sherriff replied, "what I do in my personal time is my business!"

Needless to say, he didn't win re-election... so I suppose he's not a cop anymore. But he was a diapered cop for a while, there.

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Thanks I was able to track some of this story down. The police chief acted like a man and stood up for his rights and came out all right n the end.


A couple of years ago there was a sherriff in a suburb of Asheville, North Carolina who was running for re-election. His opponent revealed to the local paper that he met a group of men in a local hotel each month, and they all spent a night wearing diapers together.

The sherriff replied, "what I do in my personal time is my business!"

Needless to say, he didn't win re-election... so I suppose he's not a cop anymore. But he was a diapered cop for a while, there.

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A couple of years ago there was a sherriff in a suburb of Asheville, North Carolina who was running for re-election. His opponent revealed to the local paper that he met a group of men in a local hotel each month, and they all spent a night wearing diapers together.

The sherriff replied, "what I do in my personal time is my business!"

Needless to say, he didn't win re-election... so I suppose he's not a cop anymore. But he was a diapered cop for a while, there.

Typical "Mud throwing" happens in every public election. But perhaps it would have help to come it with something more than that to say. After all that same argument could be used for almost anything, and it leaves people that don't know that much about it (the majority) to really run wild with there imagination as to what exactly is going on there. That statement makes it sound like there IS something to hide, and sure, it's not something you would want to intentionally make it a point to mention - but since your opponent already did, it's out anyway, so explain it more than that; to avoid the wrong impression.

On the other hand, I would hope there were other reasons than that for him not to get elected. But the basic thing is, just by nature humans are curious creatures, leave them with a question and it is not appreciated at all.

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Well, possible, but not likely. It's been my experience that those with any sort of authority tend to be a bit tougher on family members than anyone else. This way no one can accuse them of playing favorites.

But where's the fun in having power if you can't abuse it?

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Cool. I'd only heard it secondhand, it's nice to get all the details.

Still... I'd certainly rather not have that sort of thing made public. Yikes.

I know what you mean. I wouldn't like it coming out either to those I work with but,

I do a good job at what I do so I wouldn't worry about too much. In fact now that I think

about it... it kind of did happen to me one time when I was working in Texas.

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Yesterday I was standing in a line at the checkout in a convenience store. There was a female police officer ahead of me that was in her early twenties. She probably didn't weigh 110 pounds. The thing that caught my eye was her bum was not in proportion with the rest of her. Her pants were snug and her bum was abviously padded with something. Bullet proof underwear? I live in a small community so I hope I see her again so I can get another look.

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There goes my political career! I was thinking of running for town council. Then again we can always say that we are saving the taxpayer's expenses from cleaning urine stains from city carpets and office chairs.


I was thinking of running for sheriff one day... maybe I will rethink doing that.
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My wife and I witnessed some grafitti taggers and got the police to respond to the incident. They caught the varmits down the street and we were given a ride in the back of a squad car to help identify the taggers who had already confessed to the arresting officers. It had been a long time since I have ridden in the back of a squad car and I noticed that the seats are now of a hard plastic material and no longer cushioned. When I commeted on that to my wife the officer remarked that the LBPD had lost too many back seats to urination prisoners. I guess they should start diapering the bad guys when transporting them.


Stay Pampered



Yesterday I was standing in a line at the checkout in a convenience store. There was a female police officer ahead of me that was in her early twenties. She probably didn't weigh 110 pounds. The thing that caught my eye was her bum was not in proportion with the rest of her. Her pants were snug and her bum was abviously padded with something. Bullet proof underwear? I live in a small community so I hope I see her again so I can get another look.
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Somehow I figured it would be something like that.

I wouldn't know if they have done the same around here or not.. And don't intend to find out either, no offense intended toward anyone, but unless I am being arrested, or I know the cop personally, you are not getting me in there car.

I know the "Bad" cops are not many, but I've heard enough about that group to just not trust any of them without knowing ahead of time what that individual one is like.

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I am an ex-cop, a Deputy Sheriff, and an ex-firefighter, and I wear diapers and love it. I never knew of any other officers that did, I never discussed it with any of them. Iwould never wear on duty, but did on one particular of duty detail where I was alone in my car all night guarding a local sports stadium.

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