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Molly put Sadie on the changing table after retrieving a diaper from her carry-on, and set Elise on the floor. "Go play with your blocks for a minute, okay? Mommy has to change Sadie."

"No! Up! Uuuuuup!" Elise demanded, slapping at Molly's legs and tugging on the hem of her shirt. "Uuuuuuuuup!"

"Elise, stop it. Go play or you can sit in your crib," Molly scolded firmly. This time the toddler followed her orders, but made sure to smack Molly to let her know she wasn't happy about it. Molly decided to let it go and turned her attention back to Sadie.

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Sadie was surprised by the way Elise acted. She didn't really know how old the girl was but didn't remember seeing anyone act like that who could walk and talk. Then again, most of the time Sadie spent her days in a crib without much activity.

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Sadie did not appreciate Ellie's antics, she was hungry! She scowled at her new sister and hoped this wouldn't continue for long, not wanting to constantly share her mother's attention, especially in her arms. She at least hoped there'd be something good to eat here. She wasn't particularly picky, but hadn't been exposed to much variety.

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Sadie scowled even more when Ellie wrapped herself around Molly. That was her position. When they got downstairs finally, she looked up at Molly expectantly, unsure what she was supposed to do or what they had to eat.

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Once in the kitchen Molly strapped Elise into her high chair, though Elise protested loudly. Then she put Sadie in a booster seat at the table. Not being entirely confident in Sadie's measurements given to them by the adoption agency they had held off on buying a second high chair, thinking a three-and-a-half-year-old wouldn't need one. It was plain to see that Sadie would indeed fit in one, probably for at least another year, but the booster seat would do for now.

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Sadie covered her ears and frowned, not liking Ellie's loud protests. She was not very happy with this girl. First she tried to take Molly's attention away and now she was yelling. She did try to wiggle out of the booster seat, not liking being buckled in.

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"Sadie, it's okay baby," Molly said calmly, hoping Elise would settle down if she ignored her. "Here, drink your milk." She handed Sadie a bottle of the formula the orphanage said she drank. They'd figured they would keep her on it for a bit, rather than risk upsetting her stomach, and would gradually replace it with milk later. Then she opened a small can of Mandarin oranges and split it between two bowls, giving one to each girl to eat while she tried to come up with something to feed them. She frowned as she surveyed the fridge. Knowing they'd be gone for three weeks they had used up anything that might spoil, leaving the fridge practically empty. There wasn't even any milk for Elise, so one of them would definitely be running out later on to pick up a few things. Luckily the freezer was full and the pantry well stocked with canned and dried goods so she finally decided to cook some noodles, then heated up some frozen peas and carrots and mixed them with the noodles.

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Sadie gladly took the bottle and started to drink it. That kept her occupied for a bit before she turned to the oranges. She was skeptical at first, wrinkling her nose at the texture but soon she had the bowl emptied.

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Elise took a few bites of the noodles before realizing she had nothing to drink. "Mama, wan' milk. Pease?" she asked, sounding more like her usual sweet self.

"Oh...honey, We're out of milk. How about some water, and we'll get some milk later, okay?" The only other thing they had was orange juice which, as they'd found out the hard way, tended to upset the baby's stomach. She filled a small cup - Elise had been exclusively breastfed, and they'd skipped the bottles and gone straight to cups when they started giving her juice -

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Sadie looked at Molly when she tied the bib around her neck. She wasn't very happy about it, but was too hungry to protest. She finished her soup and went back to her bottle. She quickly polished that off too, and was finally content.

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"Are you all done? Do you want to play?" Molly asked. She knew Sadie didn't understand, but figured the more they talked to her, the quicker she would pick up English. "Come on. Let's go play!" she said excitedly as she released Sadie from the booster seat and got Elise out of the high chair. Elise ran to the playroom and grabbed her favorite baby doll.

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Sadie looked around in amazement. She'd never seen so many toys before. She smiled and quickly dumped a thing of soft blocks onto the floor and started stacking them, though after a while she grew bored and eyed Ellie's doll. She reached for it and tried to take it from the girl's hands, not understanding the concept of sharing.

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"No! Dat mines!" Elise scolded, swatting at Sadie's hand as she clutched the doll to her chest. Molly, who had fully expected this sort of thing, sat by to see if they would work it out themselves, but stayed close enough to intervene quickly if need be.

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Elise tipped over, but quickly got to her feet and lunged at Sadie; Molly grabbed her just in the nick of time. "Elise, no! You need to share with Sadie," she scolded as she held back the fuming toddler. Obviously Sadie was in the wrong, but Molly and Brent had decided they needed to go easy on the discipline with her until she fully trusted them and could understand why she was being disciplined. They didn't want to risk negatively affecting her attachment with them.

"But dat mines! Dat Elise baby!" the toddler protested loudly, reaching again for the doll as Molly restrained her. Molly was starting to regret telling Brent to take a nap, because Elise was definitely getting on her last nerve.

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"She doesn't want to share her doll," Molly said as she practically threw Elise at Brent, leaving out the part where Sadie pushed Elise and took the doll. "You need to take her. She's fighting me on everything and I just can not deal with her right now. I can't."

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