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Adopted boy more like adopted daddy pvt jmg1217


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James took his belt off and he was holding up his pants until his son grabbed him and bent him over.

"Hey no no you can't do this!" he cried

Whack whack whack!

The blows came quick and hard James was kicking his feet crying. After awhile the spanking came to an end James was sniffling and crying. The worst part is he wasn't allowed to get his pants and he stood there in his underwear and a t shirt then his son scolded him and marched him into the corner.

He blew his nose as he was told rubbing his sore bottom sniffling. He wondered what the hell he got himself into!

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James approached him cautiously. Once he got there he couldn't believe the kids strength as he easily pulled him on his lap.

"No I'm an adult I don't need a dad and I'm not a stupid kid!" he said angrily still not believing this is happening!

James was just shocked and stunned he didn't know what to say.

"Look I can give you money if you don't want to be my son, no way in hell am I being yours." he tried to get up but that wasn't happening unless the kid let him go.

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"Firstly I do not want you can't bribe me, I have no intention of leaving. You can say your an adult all you want but I think we both know it isn't true, you are a child and weather you like or not you will be treated like one. Now let's go over the new house rules first you may not have noticed but I have taken your keys and your wallet and it was great the you wrote all of your account info in your wallet because I have changed all of the account password so I now control all of our money and have your house and car keys.

now let's go over house rules.

First you will be respectful, no yelling or cursing.

second you will obey at all times

third I am in charge, you are not

fourth you never leave this house unsupervised

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James jaw dropped he was screwed and he knew the kid had his car his keys and his money!

"Fuck that I'm not a little boy and I'm not putting up with this bull shit a second longer!" he yelled.

He tugged and tugged trying to get away

"Let me go let me go!" he cried literally as tears began streaming down his checks.

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"Oh it's ok sweet boy" Michael said pulling James in for a cuddle "it's all going to be ok you'll see we we'll both adjust to the new rules and you will be so much happier now that you can stop pretending to be big, that must have been hard for a little boy like you but now you have me to care for you, I'm here little boy, Daddy's here"

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"Privileges what are you talking about!" he cried as the kid scolded him.

"OWE!" he yelled as he felt a few smacks on his boxers.

James watched in horror as the kid was going to wash his mouth out with soap!

"Owe!" he yelled as his son swatted him and as soon as he opened his mouth he got the soap.

"Mmmpphh!" he cried as the soap was in his mouth with the napking gagging him he tried to protest but he was too weak!

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Setting a timer Michael said "you can rinse in 3 minutes and yes little boy privileges, pretty much everything Is a privilege except for food and a place to stay so if you loss privileges you will loss tv time or a kit to leave the house or get an early bedtime. As I've said your treatment is based on your behavior and trust me daddy has no problem making his little boy behave, your my job now"

stroking James head Michael said "you can rinse now Jamie" Nichael handed the crying little boy a cup of water"

"now are you ready to be a good little boy"

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James was frustrated but the soap was disgusting he wasn't going to argue with anything he said. He just kept waiting for the timer to go off.

He was relieved when he herd it and was given a cup of water to rinse it out, it didn't matter how much he rinsed as that sour bitter taste had a after taste.

"No I'm not a little boy!"

"I'm a man!" he whined

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In a firm voice Michael said "I've had enough of this silliness you are a little boy if I've ever seen one and I've had enough of this attitude" getting a soft look in his eye Michael stroked James's face saying Jamie, trust daddy little one, I'll take care of you I promise we're family now, your my little boy wheather

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James did everything he could to get away but after realizing his efforts were futile, he wore himself out and had no choice but to stay in the kids arms crying himself to sleep as the kid rocked him like a baby!

He was so pissed off but what could he do.

That was the last thing that ran through his head as his eyes grew heavy and soon he was asleep.

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Once James was out Michael laid him on the sofa whispering sleep well Baby Jamie daddy has some thing to get. he covered the boy with a blanket and sat next to the sleeping child and started ordering anything he could think of that they might need. He speared no expense after all he justified I've messed a lot of Christmass with my baby so I have a lot to make up for. Micheal ordered everything on 24 hour shipping. Then sat and watched his little boy sleep

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James just continued to sleep he was wore out fighting his son now daddy.

He dreamed about his former life but it was mixed in with him getting a spanking and other childish things. Then he dreamed about his wife laughing at him and saying he wssn'tbman enough for her.

An hour later or so he woke up.

"What time is it?" he asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

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