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Quick Diaper Rash

Red Barchetta

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I in real trouble now! :crybaby:

Anyway, mommy says this baby has been very bad AGAIN, and is tired of the same old punishments.

She wants to she if a good diaper rash might change this babies naughty ways.

I have had them before, but in the middle of summer, and it just happened...

Quick way to cause a good one? She want babies diaper area as sore as posible, well within "reason" definately a good rash that gona irritate babies skin till mommy treats it.

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No powder, no cream, double diaper, double plastic pants, lots of water, and if you have a snowsuit, or insulated coveralls. any thing to make you real warm, maybe a little bondage and wait, it won't be long...

SHe try some of that, it working slightly in front diaper area but nothing at all on babies bottom yet (she really want this babies bottom VERRY irritated and red)

But anyway - both mommy and me know we have heard of this being done before, but not sure how now dat it needed. How do you double diaper with disposibles?

BTW forcing lots of movement with soaking wet diaper helped in front. SHe did bicycle with babies legs for like an hour.

Now baby gota sleep in dirty diaper (she took wet one off 'cause not shure how to double diaper with disposible diapers, and she afraid it was going to start leaking, but she got baby to dirty the new one. SHe hoping baby will also wet before sleep. Lots of liquids...

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to double diaper with disposibles, you put slits on the along the middle of the inner diaper then put another one on top

I also use an insert, in the first diaper, you do the same thing to the insert before you take the tape off the insert, cut it with a single edge razor blade, so it flows through, to the diaper after its full.

If you have some light sand paper around, or a non metal scouring pad, the kind you use on pots(new), you can lightly pull that over your diaper area in spots, to lightly break the skin, that should speed things up, a little, just light scratches....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I in real trouble now! :crybaby:

Anyway, mommy says this baby has been very bad AGAIN, and is tired of the same old punishments.

She wants to she if a good diaper rash might change this babies naughty ways.

I have had them before, but in the middle of summer, and it just happened...

Quick way to cause a good one? She want babies diaper area as sore as posible, well within "reason" definately a good rash that gona irritate babies skin till mommy treats it.

Use a an onitment that contains Capsaicin -- used in treatments for arthritis. It will create a rash-like sensation. Be careful that you don't use too much.

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Mix equal parts of Raid, Chili pepper oil and draino... put enough so you have about 3 inches in a shallow pan. Sit in the pan for half hour then cover your diaper area with plasic wrap a leave it on for the night. If that don't give you a rash nothing will.

Just joking please don't try that.

I hope so (that you are not serious) those are very strong chemicals, and not intended the be used on the skin at all...

Geez, something intended to kill pests, plus something meant to clear a clogged pipe......

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I hope so (that you are not serious) those are very strong chemicals, and not intended the be used on the skin at all...

Geez, something intended to kill pests, plus something meant to clear a clogged pipe......

I said it was a joke, Dude. That stuff would really hurt you. I have had pepper oil applied to my rear end as punishment and OMG does that hurt like heck! Oh, by the way are you a Rush fan? 2112 is one of my favorite albums.

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Oh, by the way are you a Rush fan? 2112 is one of my favorite albums.

Yeah, I like that album too.

The name I actually never changed since like the late '70s, early '80s (Internet was availible, but most were still using private dial-up only BBSs), at the time I ran a Dial-Up only BBS called "Sub-Divisions" and had a Co-sysop that called himself "Lime-Lite".

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Iv`e given my hubby a few rshes in his time.

he is usually in his wet night-time terry

nappy in the morning, which he wears while

we eat breakfast, if he poops himself before

I have chance to change him, I tell him he

has been naughty and must do his exercise, I

then put him on my running machine on a walk-

ing pace with his hands tied to the rails so

he can`t ge off or adjust it for about half-

an hour or so. During this time the terry

nappy will rub his groin area with a mix of

wee and his poop. I know when he is getting

sore because of the way he walks. I then put

him in his playpen for about an hour or so to

really think about his actions. I then let him

go and sort out his messy butt before he comes

back to me to put a clean nappy on him.

Somthing else I have done is to get the

2 nappies he will wear to bed and soak them in

my pee and dry them, I do this twice. When I

put hi nappy on for bed I won`t use cream or

talc I do somtimes put some english mustard

around his anus and groin area but still use

a nappy liner as I never know when he will

mess himself. By the time he wets it the wee

is so strong it can get quite uncomfortable

and a very strong smell of amonia leaks from

his nappy.

I have more recently started to become more

of a baby so I will probably have similar done

to me.

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I am not punished fo pooping myself as such, She would just I hold on and do it

in a disposable or ask for the potty, anyway it`s all part of the act of being

a incontinent toddler. I must have had a couple of hundred messy nappies this

year Mummy does somtimes change messy ones too, but if it is too smelly I have

to get cleaned up myelf but mummy will always put me back into nappies after.

Mummy has herself been enjoying babied, She has often worn nappies for

wetting but a couple of months back we went to watch some fireworks from the

cliff top where we live, we both wore disposable nappies and plastic pants as

we sat in the car this cold night mummy anounced she needed the toilet, thinking

she wanted to pee I said go on do it I have. She explained her stomach was

cramping, it was not long before she filled her nappy with poop, as she walked

from the car to the front door with dainty little steps I had to laugh at my big

baby wife I cleaned her up eventualy and renappied her. But it was not untill

last weekend when she wanted to be totally nappy dependant for the weekend that

baby Elaine was properly born. Elaine spent all weekend as a baby, wetting and

soiling nappies ang going through the same routine as I normally do. I d let

her sit in her messy nappies for a couple of hours just so she had chance to

realise babies have to rely on Daddy to change dirty bottoms but I think she

enjoyed it as we did it all again this weekend.

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I in real trouble now! :crybaby:

Anyway, mommy says this baby has been very bad AGAIN, and is tired of the same old punishments.

She wants to she if a good diaper rash might change this babies naughty ways.

I have had them before, but in the middle of summer, and it just happened...

Quick way to cause a good one? She want babies diaper area as sore as posible, well within "reason" definately a good rash that gona irritate babies skin till mommy treats it.

Swapping toiletpaper and wipes with good old sandpaper would probably work, but it might take a good time for it to heal again :) - Usually most of us try to avoid it, so I guess the main bulge of the knowledgebase is about that.

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  • 17 years later...

Foods high in ácid like tomato sauce will cause a rash pretty quickly.  Eat spaghetti with a lot of sauce or pizza with extra sauce and then sit in the messy diaper the next day for several hours and you'll start to get a diaper rash. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

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