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Her Uncle's Family


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The doctor nodded and smiled. "That explains it. Private schools have different rules." He gave Ralph a paper that confirmed she had the previously mentioned conditions as well as the buisiness card for the referral. "I'll fax a copy to the school. Bye bye Avishag."

Avishag looked up at the grown ups and kept playing with the putty. She pointed to it, wanting to take it with her. She was trying to ask permission though.

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It wasn't long before they stopped at a nice family restaurant, and Ralph helped his little niece out of her car seat and then held her hand to walk her into the nice restaurant.

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He smiled.

"Is that what you want?" he asked her.

He wished she would say something, even if it was just a whisper, but maybe it was still too early.

He nodded.

"I'm also going to get a side dish of potatoes, okay?

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Avishag sighed and nodded. She couldn't eat the dessert though. All the desserts were cake or ice cream which all involved dairy. She stared down at her lap and made two fists with her thumbs inside. She started hitting the top and bottom together and changing which was on top. She wished she had the putty right now.

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Avishag shrugged. The deal seemed much less appealing now. She started to eat her chosen food. When encouraged she was about to start on the potatoes but she stopped. She shook her head and pushed the plate away. She used her fork to point to the big piece of butter. Butter had dairy. She was fine with just her chicken and broccoli.

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Avishag nodded. Tuna was one of the specific types of fish she could eat. Fish was considered the same as any other meat. She continued to eat her food, wishing her uncle would've just listened to her. She pushed the plate away when it was done, being full. She knew she wouldn't have been able to finish the potatoes and her meal.

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Avishag stared down at her lap and started doing her hand thing again when her uncle sighed. She felt terrible now. Clearly she was being more trouble than she should. Her parents wouldn't like her acting this way. Maybe she should just eat whatever her uncle wanted. Would her parents prefer that she be less troublesome than follow her cultural rules?

She stayed extremely still and quiet while they went to the car, making only extremely necessary movements. Clearly she was distressed.

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Avishag didn't respond. She was too deep into thought. She just blinked when she was hugged. She stared down at her lap. She felt bad for causing her uncle so much trouble. She should try and talk more. Maybe that would make him happy. She tried and tried to force her words out but

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Ralph readily picked her up, and this time, since he only planned on getting the one thing for her hands, he just carried her through the store.

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Avishag sighed. Play doh wasn't the same. It got stuck under your nails and was too soft. She'd played with play doh before and it was fun but it wasn't what she had at the nice man's office. She frowned and sighed again, feeling defeated. Plus if she tried to use play doh like she did the putty it would make a huge mess and get everywhere and do almost nothing for her.

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