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Her Uncle's Family


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Avishag looked up at the counselor. She thought she meant to wait to change her clothes until uncle Ralph came so she just stood still. She started to get itchy after a little while. What would once Ralph think when he came to the school? She hoped she didn't cause him too much trouble by having him called in.

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The nurse saw that she was not changing, and she came over and reached for her hand.

"Honey, will you please come with me?" the nurse asked.

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The nurse started to take off her wet things and when she was naked waist down, the nurse wiped her off with a wet wash rag because she started to redress her in the clean panties and the pink sweats.

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The nurse had gone to the cafeteria and bought a carton of milk for her.

While the girl drank the pint of milk, the nurse and counselor talked about her problems.

Finally, Ralph came in, before she could finish all of the milk.

"Is everything okay?" he asked worried.

"It's nothing like that," the counselor said.

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Avishag threw away the empty carton when they walked into the clinic and held her uncle's hand.

She followed him into the colorful room with various toys typically meant for younger siblings of patients or for sensory sensitive or autistic children or fidgety ones.

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Eventually, they started the tests.

Sometime into the tests, because it took a while, and she had drank the milk, her bladder would nag at her, but the nice man didn't seem to be taking a break.

Ralph just looked on in interested as he showed her different things and got a reaction from her.

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Avishag tried to hold it, but soon she had her hands between her legs and was squirming in the chair. She really had to go!

She looked over st her uncle and gave him a look that told him she needed to go potty right

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The doctor smiled at her and nodded for her to go to her uncle for help.

Ralph stood up and reached out for her hand.

"Where is the bathroom?" he asked.

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(I was just thinking ADD/HD and some dyscalculia (dyslexia but with numbers) dysgraphia (the same but with pictures so like writing) and maybe dyspraxia which is poor fine motor skills)

Avishag was happy that the tests were done. When the grown ups were talking, she got the nice man's attention and pointed to the area of toys like she did in the nice lady's office. She figured he'd say yes but still wanted to be a good girl and ask permission first. She gave him a small smile.

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The man smiled.

It would be best if she was distracted while he talked to the uncle about her problems.

Then the doctor started to talk about the girl's problems.

"You will want to get her to see a specialist for Dyspraxia because I can only assess so much and cannot be certain about what kind of Dyspraxia or worse she might have.

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(I think you got everything. The only additional thing would be that to her letters and numbers seem to jumble up and move.)

Avishag smiled and went over to the play area. She dug through the box and found something that looked like fun. She smiled and pulled out a container of something similar to silly putty. It was bright pink and got her attention

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