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Daddy's baby boy *Private w Jmg1217*


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"Of course. Is there anything we should mention to the teacher besides the food allergy? Does he have temper tantrums, what calms him down, when does he usually get fussy? Those are questions we ask anyone who puts there child in the daycare." Meg says.

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(Sounds good)

Giving Daniel a tickle Jim said "someone is being a shy baby, come on baby boy say hi to Miss Lisa she wil be one of your new teachers"

Mrs. Kelly came walking in and walked up to Jim, Daniel and Kyle. She extended her hand and said "Hi there I'm miss Kelly, you must be mr Anderson and this must be little Danny I'm so happy to me you, I must say when meg brought this situation to my attention I was apprehensive but after seeing this little guy I'm fairly certain it will be

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"Well if we let him try to use the potty, he'll have to be supervised and tell us when he has to go. But most of the little ones in the cubs room are in diapers or pull ups. So whichever Daniel is most good and comfortable with we can do that." Miss. Lisa says.

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Giving Dannys back a little rub Jim said "Hear that baby you still get to use pull ups like a big boy for now at least, can you say hi baby to miss Lisa and Mrs. Kelly"

Mrs Kelky reached forward and tickled under Danny's chin saying "Hi there cutie, we are so excited to have you as our new little cub are you ready to meet your new friends"

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Daniel was very confused. He still had his morning classes and he was only supposed to be here for the afternoon. He wanted to go with his uncle Ky. He tried not to get upset but he did look very confused when both of them were saying goodbye to him.

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Stroking Danny's cheek Jim said "No baby, not today you are going to stay at daycare in the cubs class today so you can get to know everyone and get used to the routine here but uncle Kyle is still going to come get you at lunch so he can feed you and give you a baba. Now baby we have to go but I love you and have a great day Angel!"

Mrs Kelly took Danny's hand as Jim and Kyle went to walk away

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mrs. Kelly up to Danny and sat down next to him. she pulled him on to her lap and began to rock saying "I know it's scary cutie you will love it here, your new classroom is so much fun and won't it be great to meet all of the kids. I know that your sad but I also think

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Pulling Danny back in Mrs. Kelly said "no no baby we can't go out that door it's out of bounds you have to stay in the cubby room sweetheart. Now I need you to calm down, I know this is a lot, I bet a nice bottle would help"

standing up and bringing Danny with her Mrs Kelly found Danny's diaper bag with premade bottles

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Mrs. Kelly kept up a monologue of soft calm words to help calm the baby. she dried his eyes then said I want to introduce you to the other kids now sweetheart now some are like you, they are in diapers and everything so you will have lots of friend just like you. There are others kids who are a bit bigger but don't be worried, they are super nice to new baby's especially ones a cute as you. The kids from the lions and tigger are a lot bigger, almost kindergarten age they will help take care of you sometimes just little things they might help feed you or read you a story won't that be nice? Now it's circle time and I want you to do the first show and tell do you want to use you teddy or another toy from your bag, this will be a great way to introduce yourself"

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"Ok kiddo" Mrs Kelly said she lifted Danny up and placed him in one of the nap time cribs saying "maybe your just tired kiddo so if that's the case you can have an extra early nap she said placing his bottle in the crib now I want you to meet someone Jackson come here honey"

a boy a little taller than Danny came right up saying "Hi hi Mrs Kelly"

Mrs Kelly smiled and Said Hi Buddy, I want you to meet someone this is baby Danny I think he is your neighbor at home, His Daddy is Mr Jim

Jackson smiled and said "You're baby Danny, your Daddy told me all about you before you moved in, he watched me sometimes if my parents work"

mrs kelly looked at Danny and stayed " Jackson is one of our most responsible lions" Jackson beamed Mrs Kelly went on "Jackson will you sit with baby Danny and see if he needs to nap, If he wants to get up he can pick out a toy for show and tell and you can bring him over, just make sure you hold his hand and you remember how to lower the crib"

Jackson nodded and Mrs Kellyvwent to start circle time Jackson sat down next to the crib. he reached

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Daniel wanted to cry. He couldn't even get through to a five year. He was getting so frustrated, he just shook his head to disagree with Jackson. "I want out. I don't want my bottle or my teddy. And I don't wanna take a stupid nap!" He threw out his teddy and baba to the floor.

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Daniel didn't say anything. He found it funny that Jackson was trying to act older then him when he looked like he was cry at first. He didn't laugh or anything though. He took the paci and threw it on the floor.

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