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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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"I'll be right back, I promise." Jack hurried out of the hotel and down to,the grocery store.

Harper fussed a bit when Anne set her on the bed, but soon settled down next to Ruby once she'd grabbed her doll and blanket. Within minutes she was snoring lightly, snuggled up to her sister.

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Ruby was so glad to have her sister cuddled up to her, that she soon was asleep, too.

Anne relaxed a bit and after using the bathroom, started to watch TV turned down as low as possible so as not to wake the children, but so she could hear it.

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Jack found the store and grabbed what he hoped were diapers a few sizes smaller than the last pack he'd bought, then picked up an assortment of microwavable ramen meals that only needed to have water added. He was sure they weren't all that great but they were cheap and easy to make. He looked around for some blocks but didn't see any, not did any other shops on the way back look like they would have such a thing. He didn't want to leave Anne too long so he gave up.

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Jack got the wipes and set them next to Anne. "I'm thinking she really isn't potty trained as well as they said she is..." he said with a chuckle as he took the wet clothes from Anne. Noticing that they were fairly damp he checked the bed, moving Ruby a bit when he didn't see any wet spots and discovering that she was on top of it. It left a small wet spot on her overalls, but nothing worth waking her up for so he carefully moved her to the other bed before calling housekeeping for a clean set of sheets.

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Anne shrugged and smiled up at him.

"Of course, they probably just don't want to get in trouble with the state for running a half assed organization for children, so they just left off that she's a late developer or maybe they didn't even do anything to make potty training viable for her.

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Anne nodded.

Of course, he did make sense, even though she was sure that a lot of people got their kids out of diapers much sooner, and even Ruby had not worn a diaper in the daytime since she was about two.

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"No, we fly to Guangzhou," Jack reminded Anne. It would have been around 8 hours by bus or car, but the flight was only an hour. "Even with the time spent at the airports, it'll only be a few hours. Ruby should be fine...I mean, she made it over 24 hours from the U.S. to Changsha with no accidents, this is nothing compared to that. But if you want to be in the safe side..."

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Anne nodded.

"Yeah, Harper is going to need a lot of love first, and I don't think trying to get her to use the toilet on her own at this point is worth trying to do like you said before.

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"So that's settled. Well, I think I better try to get some laundry done while they're both sleeping." Jack gathered up Harper's wet clothes, along with her and Ruby's things from the previous day, and went to the bathroom where he washed it in the tub, wrung it out the best he could, and hung it on the shower curtain rod to dry. He didn't want to pack anything smelling of pee.

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Anne nodded, and started to help her husband.

"Don't they have a washer at the motel?" she asked him when she saw him rinsing out the wet clothes.

Ruby fussed a little in her sleep and half an hour later, woke up.

Her hand went to the front of her overalls, and she blushed.

She walked into the bathroom, her legs as wide as she could, and she looked up at her daddy not knowing she rolled into Harper's pee.

"I wet the bed," she said nearly crying.

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Jack shook his head. "No, there's a laundromat down the street, but I don't want to leave you alone with the two of them that long. Besides, for the few little things we have, it's just easier this way." He was almost done when Ruby came in. "No, mei mei had an accident. You only got a little wet, so I didn't want to wake you up to change," he explained as he reached over to unhook the straps. "Take them off and I'll wash them."

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"Yes, go ahead and change," Jack said, waiting for the clothes. "Um, honey, I think she did wet the bed too," he informed Anne quietly after Ruby had left the room. "You better check and see if the sheets are wet too so we can get another clean set."

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Anne went and got Ruby from looking through her toys she had bought the day before.

"Honey, go to the bathroom."

She looked up at her mommy.

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