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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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(okay, well, this complicates things because now Jack looks like a huge asshole for threatening her with diapers over one accident. Guess next time we start a RP we better make sure we're on the same page...)

"Yes, I know it's the first time," Jack said calmly. "I bet you were just too tired to wake up. It's okay."

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"It's okay. Just remember to tell us as soon as you have to go, especially since it might take a while to find a bathroom when we're out." Jack washed Ruby's hair, then her body starting from her shoulders and working his way down. "Okay, I hate to cut this short, but I need a shower, and I think mommy does too, and then we gotta get out of here." Jack lifted Ruby out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel. "Anne, do you need a shower now, or can I take mine?" he asked, opening the bathroom door. They had to be back at the Civil Affairs office in a little over an hour to sign some papers, then had plans to do some sightseeing and visit the markets with the rest of the families in their adoption group.

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Jack showered quickly, knowing they didn't have a whole lot of time, then started running the bath and threw on a pair of jeans. "Okay babe, all yours."

Harper sat in Anne's arms solemnly, not quite as stiff as the day before but not totally relaxed either.

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Anne stood up holding Harper and took her to the bathroom.

"Mommy needs to bath you since you wet all over the bed and your body, okay, honey?"

She got both of them undressed again, and then started to wash Harper first.

"It's okay, baby.

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"Somehow I don't think she'd put up much of a fight, but we'll see how it goes." Jack took Harper and sat with her on his lap once he'd finished making two bowls of oatmeal, one for Harper and one for Ruby. "Okay girls, eat up." He handed Harper a spoon just to see if she's feed herself but, as expected, she just sat staring at the table. After a couple minutes he took the spoon, loaded it up, and brought it to her lips. "Hey, babe, look at this," he called softly to Anne, not wanting to startle Harper, who had willingly taken the spoonful of oatmeal. After chewing and swallowing slowly - almost agonizingly so - she sat with her mouth open like a little bird waiting for more.

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After 5 or 6 bites Harper pushed the spoon away. Even though Jack had made hers with extra milk and cooked it longer to make it mushier than Ruby's, it was still hard work for her to get it down and she was rather out of breath. "Okay, that's enough. Good girl," Jack said with a smile as he set

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Ruby jumped.

"Sorry, daddy."

She started to eat her food now.

Anne smiled as she was now dressed, and she walked over and sat by Jack.

"You did a good job, Harper," she praised her.

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"Ruby, go potty and brush your teeth so we can hit the road," Jack ordered when he saw she was done, knowing the van would be leaving in about 10 minutes. He filled both bottles for Harper and gave her one then put the other in a bag with some snacks, toys, Harper's blanket, a few diapers and a change of clothes. "I think we're all set. You wanna see if she'll go potty? If she hasn't peed since she woke up I imagine she'll need to soon."

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Ruby nodded and ran into the bathroom to pull down her pants and use the bathroom.

(Did the parents set out clothes for Ruby?

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(I don't know. First I said Jack got some clothes out for Ruby before going in to do her bath, but then when she got out you said Anne pointed to the clothes she laid out for her. It's your call.)

"Okay, good job. Now, did you really go potty while you were in there?"

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(Sorry, I must have not paid as much attention to it as I should have, but then sometimes mommys do that when they are worried about too many things, so maybe Anne decided to have her wear something else.)

Ruby came out in a her pink overalls which were nearly brandnew.

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Jack saw Anne struggling and grabbed the diaper bag. When they got to the van he waited for Anne and the girls to get situated before getting in last. Soon they were back at the Civil Affairs office. "This shouldn't take too long. We just have to sign a few papers, and then Harper will officially be ours, forever and ever," he said with from as he helped Ruby out, then Anne. "After that we have to go to another office to get her passport photo taken, and then we have the rest of the day to do whatever."

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"Ruby, what is the matter?" Jack asked when he noticed the years.

Harper looked around nervously, one little hand clinging to Anne's shirt for dear life. She recognized this room and wondered if she was going to get passed of to someone else now, like she had been the day before.

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