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After he hand her pants down, he turned her only to find that she was already turning to face her back to him, and he pulled down her panties which were a dingy white.

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Jess felt like a little kid as she was changed, she tried to pull on the skirt he had dressed her up in but it really was as short as she thought. "But everyone will be able to see my panties" she mumbled, wanting to be back in comfortable jeans again.

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Jess noticed Mike call her Alice, she wasn't sure whether that was deliberate or not so decided to say something. "My name is Jess, not Alice" She corrected him, momentarily forgetting her place as his nine year old and telling him off. As for the drink, Jess had no idea what he had or what she was allowed, she was thirsty though, "Can I have some juice?"

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He turned and gave her a stony stare as she corrected him.

"What did you say to me?" he asked ignoring the request for juice.

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"I - I -" She stuttered, "I didn't mean to be rude. You got my name wrong, that's all, it's Jess." She said, feeling like a little kid getting scolded for doing something wrong, "I don't want to go for a nap, please let me stay down here."

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"I'm waiting for a certain word that describes how you feel because you back talked your daddy!" he said staring at her not dropping it until he heard what he wanted from her.


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Jess looked down at the floor, it didn't seem fair that she should have to apologise to him when she hadn't done anything other than point out his mistake. She didn't see him apologising for turning her into a nine year old. She suddenly went very quiet, not wanting to apologise or start an argument.

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Jess made her body ridged before he picked her up so it'd be harder to simply pick her up and carry her upstairs, it was about all she could do given her position. She could feel her emotions build as the beginning of a tantrum took place. "I don't want to go to bed, it's too early," She wined, it must be about midday, she was wide awake and having a hard time accepting her new role. "I'll be good if I can stay down here?" She tried bargaining with him, anything to get her own way, whatever it was.

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Jess didn't want to apologise, but she didn't want to go to bed either. She looked him in the eye, partially covering her face with the end of her pig tail and paused, not saying a word for almost thirty seconds. Finally, she spoke,

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Apologising was easier than she thought it was going to be. Satisfied with the result of not having to go to bed and not having to be sincere either, she stood up. She felt the urge to use the bathroom build quite suddenly, she had been preoccupied moments earlier and not realised how urgent it was.

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Jess nodded when Mike told her where to go and darted for the stairs. Already on the first step she felt herself start to leak but she continued anyway, eager to get to the bathroom before anything more happened. She got to the top of the stairs and looked for the bathroom.

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At the top of the stairs, more pee started to steadily dribble into her panties so that by the time she saw the bathroom on the left just opposite of her bedroom, her pantis and butt of her jeans were getting wet.

Mike poured her some juice and brought it to the table then started for the bathroom to check on her.


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