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Julie let go of Samantha then took the training pants from Emma.

"You do not put these on by yourself. You will wait and let me change you. Is that understood?"

Julie pushed Emma back down on her bed and tugged off her wet training pants. She cleaned Emma with baby wipes and then put the dry training pants on her. She helped Emma to sit up. Julie dropped the wet training pants in a pink pail at the foot of Emma's bed.

"I'll make you a potty training chart like Samantha's and we can keep track of your wet or dry pants or diaper. Whenever I check your training pants and your dry, you'll be allowed to put a sticker on your chart, just like Samantha does. Now since Samantha was dry after her nap, she gets to put a sticker on her chart. You need to come too and give her praise for staying dry. Remember, you promised to help potty train Samantha. That is part of it. I want it to sound convincing too."

Julie helped Emma stand up and took her hand. She took Samantha's hand as well and walked her downstairs to the dining room. There was a pink poster board on the wall marked off in squares. There were several stickers already on it. Julie let go of Emma and Samantha's hand and got a box with stickers down from a shelf near the chart. She let Samantha pick out a sticker, then lifted her up so she could put the sticker on the chart.

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Julie smiles as Emma praised Samantha, then took their hands and led them up to the nursery again. She pulled Samantha's potty out from under the crib, along with a larger potty and set it next to Samantha's potty. the larger potty was pink and had teddy bears on it with the name EMMA printed in purple letters on it.

"Okay, let's get my little girls on their potty's. Maybe they can do something for me?"

Julie removed Samantha's diaper and sat her on her potty chair, then tugged down Emma's training pants and sat her on the other potty.

Samantha started concentrating, trying to make a pee for her mommy. She had one eye open and was looking over at Emma.

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Emma sat there looking shocked " Wh why do you have this for me why did you think I would need this?" She whimpered and tried to stand up. Little did she know girls that did this get strapped to their potties till they at least try and go.

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"Why did I already have a potty for you? Because I told you over the phone that I needed your help potty training Samantha. What did you think would happen? You are to set a good example for Samantha. That means I expect you to pee on the potty for me everytime I put you on it, and you are not getting up until you perform. Is that understood?"

Julie sat Emma up again and stood over her.

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" Wh what? I thought I would just pee in the toilet to show her how it's done I don't wanna use a potty." She whimpered and tried to stand again.

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Julie put her hand on Emma's shoulder, making her stay seated.

"Samantha learns best by example. You are going pee in the potty and then announce it so Samantha can hear you. That is unless you want a spanking first?" Julie lifted her eyebrow.

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Emma whimpered when she said spanking and sat down. However she was too shy to pee she sat there and tried but was too nervous " I can't." She groaned.

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Julie smiled.

"That's okay. You really peed your training pants while sleeping, didn't you? I'll let you up, but you won't get a sticker for your chart. If you want stickers for your potty chart, you have to be dry when I check you, or you have to use the potty chair. You did neither. We will try again later."

Samantha peed in her potty chair and clapped her hands.

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Julie sighed. Emma just wasn't getting it.

"Samantha has been dry all day, no potty accidents at all. She started out in big girl panties just like you did. However, since she didn't wet them, she didn't need to wear training pants like you did after you peed your pants."

Julie took both Samantha's and Emma's hands and led them downstairs. She let Samantha put another sticker on her chart for going potty, then put her in her booster seat.

"Can you show me your a big girl by getting in your booster seat without fussing, Emma?" Julie asked.

Julie got two bibs out of the drawer and started tying one around Samantha's neck.

"How does peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches sound, along with a glass of juice?" Julie asked.

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