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Emma was heading over to her sister Julie's house for the summer. Julie had called up their mother who Emma still stays with to ask if Emma could come over and help with Samantha's potty training. Well at least that is what Emma what she asked.

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Julie had just put Samantha down for a nap in her crib when she heard the doorbell. She left the nursery and walked downstairs. Julie opened the door and smiled at Emma. She kissed Emma's cheek.

"Come on in, sister. I am so glad you came over to help me with Samantha. She has been a bit stubborn in using the potty and I have been having to wash wet panties almost every day. Samantha wears diapers to bed still, but she wears cloth training panties during the day.

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"Three years old is not to old for wetting herself at night and needing a diaper. Someone else I know was wet at night a lot longer than that, wasn't she?"

"Coffee is not an option. It's either milk or juice. I am the only one in this house who drinks coffee, and that is only in the morning to wake me up."

"It's at the end of the hall. It's the room with a crib and a big girl bed in it. Try not to wake Samantha up, please. I just got her down for her nap."

Julie started upstairs after Emma.

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Emma blushed bright red at her sister's comment " Julie mum said not to talk about that." She whined like she did as a little kid when her sister was playfully teasing her.

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Samantha woke up when she heard Emma's voice. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She looked at Emma and smiled.

"Emma!" Samantha squealed.

Julie rolled her eyes.

"Now look at what you've done. it takes me forever to get her to sleep. It doesn't matter to me if you sleep in the crib or the big girl bed. I am not changing the bedding for you. You'll have to sleep on it the way it is. now just calm down, or I will put you down for a nap as well. Let's go out to the kitchen and I'll get you and Samantha some juice."

Julie lifted Samantha from the crib and held her on her hip, waiting for Emma to get up and come with her.

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Julie caught up with Emma and gave her a swat on her bottom.

"Stop acting like Samantha's twin sister. this is my house, I make the rules. If I decide you take a nap, you will be taking a nap. Do you need to go potty before we get your juice?"

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Emma let out a yelp as she spanked here getting a fright. It shocked her so much she let out a little leak of pee leaving a small stain on her jeans.

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Julie shook her head.

"Look at your pants! You've wet them already! That doesn't look like someone who is almost all grown up, does it? Nevermind, let's get your juice."

Julie took Emma's hand and led her downstairs, still holding Samantha. when they got to the kitchen, she let go of Emma's hand and sat her in the booster seat at the table.

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"Sometimes big girls have accidents too. Don't worry we will get her sorted in a little bit."

"Like I said, my house, my rules. As long as you are here you will follow my rules, okay?"

Julie picked up a napkin and wiped Samantha's face after she finished her juice and cookies, then did the same for Emma.

"There we go! All better!" Julie cooed.

Julie got Samantha and Emma out of their booster seats and immediately took their hands.

"Let's go get little miss pee pants changed, shall we, Samantha? It's about time for you to use the potty anyway."

Julie led the girls back up to the nursery and closed the door. She pulled out Samantha's potty chair from under the crib and took off Samantha's diaper and sat her on the potty chair.

"Let's show aunt Emma where big girls put their pee and poop, okay?" Julie patted Samantha's head and then stood up to face Emma.

"Now, let's get you sorted." Julie cooed.

Julie started unfastening Emma's jeans and then stopped.

"I'm not going to find any surprises in here, am I? I mean you just went pee potty in your pants and you didn't poop them, did you?"

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Julie tugged Emma's jeans down and checked her panties. They were damp, and when she pulled them down as well, Julie saw the skid marks and shook her head.

"Honestly, Emma. You need to do a better job of wiping your bottom after you poop in the potty. I better get you cleaned up first before we get you in your training pants."

Julie got the baby wipes and cleaned Emma's bottom and her privates. She showed Emma the brown streaks on the wipes.

"Look at this Emma. Does this look like someone ready to be an adult soon? I don't think so. It looks like something that would come from a baby. And it looks like you have a bit of a rash. Wait here, I'll be right back." Julie instructed.

Julie went to the bathroom and got the tube of diaper rash cream and brought it back to the nursery.

"Now hold still while I spread some of this medicine on it. It should help it feel better right away."

Julie squeezed some of the cream onto her fingers and rubbed it over Emma's privates, bottom and thighs. She put the top back on the tube and set it down.

"Now we need to get Emma in her big girl training pants."

Julie went to the dresser and got out a pair of plastic covered training pants. She shook them open and held them in front of Emma.

'Alright, show Julie and Samantha what a big girl you are and step into these for me."

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Julie saw the pee running down Emma's legs.

"You're right. You're obviously not ready for training pants yet. You've just wet yourself again, haven't you? Maybe you should start over in diapers and work your way back up to training pants. Is that what you want? It's your choice. Either I put these training pants on you, or I will get a diaper and put it on you. Which is it going to be?"

While she waited for an answer, Julie got a baby wipe and cleaned up Emma's legs and privates again.

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" What no no not diapers I will wear the training pants please not diapers. " she sobbed there she was 16 years old begging to be put into training panties as her big sister cleaned up her accident.

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Julie finished cleaning Emma and then slipped the training pants on her.

"Good girl! Julie is proud of you for choosing the training pants. Now I better go over the rules regarding training pants and accidents. They are rules I made up for Samantha, and I am sure they are good enough for you too."

"Every morning, you will be given big girl panties to wear. If you wet your big girl panties then you will training panties. Then if you have an accident in those, You will wear a diaper for the remainder of the day. I'm not doing this to be mean, but Samantha needs to see the rules are the same for everyone. Starting now, you and Samantha will be taken to the potty at the same time, unless you are in diapers or she is in diapers. Then you don't need the potty."

Julie gave Emma a hug.

"Also, when you are wearing training pants or diapers, then you don't get to wear anything over them, at home anyway. i need to be able to check them without needing to pull your pants down."

"Now it looks like Samantha is done going potty. I still want her to take a nap, so she is going back in her crib. I want you to take a nap as well. You look tired and you are upset."

Julie lifted Samantha off the potty and wiped her. She put her diaper back on her.

"Good girl, Samantha! You went pee in the potty like a big girl. Now it's time for your nap. Emma is going to take a nap with you so you don't have to worry about mommy not being here."

Julie put Samantha in the crib and looked at Emma. She pointed to the toddler bed.

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"I can treat you like this. It is my house. My rules. Now let's get you in bed."

Julie took Emma over to the toddler bed and made her lay down in it.

"You are not to get out of bed by yourself. You just stay here and sleep. If you can't sleep, you just be a good girl and lay there quietly, okay?"

Julie pulled the covers over Emma and kissed her cheek.

"I'll be back in about an hour, Emma. Sleep tight."

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Emma whimpered and wriggeled as she picked her up and tucked her in. Once she was gone she cried a bit and ended up crying herself to sleep. The stress of the day however took its tole and poor little Emma wet the bed.

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Julie was doing things around the house as Emma and Samantha napped. She would look in occasionally on them but let the sleep. Finally after about an hour and a half she came in to wake up Emma. Before waking her though, she slipped her finger inside her training pants.

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Emma groaned softly and looked up at her confused but then remembered the rules " Wait no please I was sleeping it doesn't count you can't diaper me Samantha isn't even diapered."

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Julie turned to the crib and lifted Samantha out. She held her around the waist and pointed to her diaper.

"Samantha wears diapers whenever she sleeps. I never know if she is going to be wet or dry when she wakes up. But you are right. Sleeping shouldn't count. However I am going to diaper you at bedtime tonight and you are going to be diapered for bed until you stay dry all night for two weeks. You can wear another pair of training pants."

Julie set Samantha down and checked her diaper.

"Good girl, Samantha! You're still dry. Mommy is so proud of you. So is aunt Emma. Right, Emma?"

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